CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Airetari » December 22nd, 2013, 9:43 pm

Pet: Winter Veil Gift
A festively wrapped present filled with holiday cheer.


Ribbon Whip: Smack the enemy pet for X damage. This ability hits an additional time if your pet goes first.
Holiday Carol: Sing a festive song, restoring X health to your team and increasing their speed by 25% for 5 rounds.
Wrapping Paper: Cover the enemy pet in gift wrap, stunning them for 1 round.

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Aelaf » December 22nd, 2013, 9:51 pm

Living Letter
"Great-father Winter, I would like a new envelope and deluxe stamp set... oh and roomier mailboxes in Dalaran..."

Appearance: It's a floating envelope with a faint blue glow to it. On attacks, a piece of paper with runes on it flies out of the envelope.


- Paper Cut : It flies at an enemy, causing a small amount of initial damage and causing a bleed dot that lasts 3 rounds.

- Ink Spill: Ink coats the enemy team, reducing accuracy and speed for 3 rounds.

- Winter Veil Wish: Resurrects a dead team member with 25% health. This ability has a 10 round cool down.

Edit: I thought of another ability last night that I have to add in...

- Going Postal: A direct damage attack that does a large amount of damage but has a high chance to miss.
Last edited by Aelaf on December 23rd, 2013, 8:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Rokkjaw » December 22nd, 2013, 9:53 pm

The Christmas Carol

A singing Gnome with an open book, a white scarf and a green /red xmas clothing.


Inspiring Song: Increases speed and health regeneration for three rounds.

Gifts ! : Showers the target with falling presents, dealing 150 damage for three rounds.

Wrapped Up : Wraps you up in xmas decorations, stun for two rounds.

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Shadowcatt » December 22nd, 2013, 10:07 pm

Greench's dog Max
Animated small brown dog with one reindeer antler tied to his head.

- Hyper Happy: runs around randomly while barking, stops and face licks opponent, light damage & opponent loses speed.
- Grinch Protector: bark calls the Abominable Greench who then does medium damage fist attack & stays to take attacks in place of Max for 3 rounds before shambling off with big red bag of stolen gifts.
- Uncontrolled Sleigh: large animated sleigh with huge gift filled bag runs over opponent, serious damage & one round stun.

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Quarkling » December 22nd, 2013, 11:03 pm

The Blizzette, an elemental ice crystal creature that has the general shape of a cumulonimbus cloud with crystals, randomly sparkling. There would also be random lightning strikes within the cloud and rain drops would fall from the bottom of the creature.


Razor Strike - A sharp bolt of electric energy is unleashed towards the opponent.

Gush - A torrential flood of water swirls towards the enemy, stunning with 'drown'.

Zardow Fist - A dark shadow form launches towards the enemy dealing shadow damage.

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Nara65 » December 22nd, 2013, 11:28 pm

Father Winter

A mini Father Winter! A dwarf for the alliance and an orc for the horde. It's three abilities are:

- Crashing Sleigh: It rams and crashes on the enemy doing X damage and has a 25% chance to stun the target.
- Christmas gift: father winter place a gift package under the tree that will explode the next turn for x damage
- Cookies and milk: It heals the user for x amount.

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Dráchir » December 22nd, 2013, 11:48 pm

Jack Frost

Humanoid - Sprite looking but taller crouched a little, Dark blue, blue and white clothing with black accents.
Animation - Ice Barrier and snow drifts moving around him on the ground and in the air

Slot 1 Abilites: Ice Lance or Frost Shock
Slot 2 Abilites: Frost Nova or Slippery Ice
Slot 3 Abilites: Deep Freeze or Ice Tomb

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Brohaul » December 23rd, 2013, 1:35 am

Gravy Lumps.

A manifestation spawned from a pot of gravy by Azeroths greatest Christmas cook now bringing various household
Skills and items to the battlefield to defeat any foe that which may stand in the way of Christmas.

Ability one - Spoon Strike: Using the full force of a wooden mixing spoon, you strike the enemy with physical damage.

Ability Two -
Bamboo gravy stir: Charge up ability on a three round cool-down, allowing to use gravy fling for the next two rounds.

Ability Three -
Gravy Fling: Fling the Gravy on the back of gravy lumps bamboo stick, causing elemental damage, also applying damage over time affect, reducing speed by 5%.

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Cåpnworgen » December 23rd, 2013, 3:18 am

Snow Miser

A slender humanoid like creature made of ice. it is blue in color and has hair made of icicles.

magic hat- spawns 2-3 snowmen that do x dmg each

Jack's frost-  hits target for x dmg and has a chance to freeze target solid, making them unable to make a move next round. also reduces accuracy by 10% on all pets for 8 rounds

black ice- ices the ground causing the opponent to slip and become dazed for one round, unable to attack

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Ruststorm » December 23rd, 2013, 3:29 am

Little Gingerbread Helper (H/P) Humanoid

Santa needs loads of Helpers to wrap up his presents and being able to deliver them all under the tree before Xmas! This Little Gingerbread Helper is a sweet flat cookie including a winter hat, but is multi functional and his appearance may elude you!


Main ability; Sugar Spray -- Takes out the candy sugar thrower! -- Deals 200 damage to all enemy pets, liquid sugar hurts!
Second ability; Let it Snow -- Makes the opponents floor tricky slippery! -- Opponents chance to hit reduced by 60% for 3 rounds
Third ability; Balls of Steel -- Put on a platina boxer short in order to keep them safe down there! -- Taking 40% less damage for 3 rounds

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Amber_missy » December 23rd, 2013, 3:50 am

Surprise Present
A wrapped present from under Father Winter's Tree - it could change the shape / wrapping / bow colour each time you summon it. It's three abilities are:

- All Shook Up: The present shakes at the opponent 1-2 times doing X damage - if the player goes first it shakes an extra time.
- All Wrapped Up: It wraps the opposing player in paper and ties a bow on top - as the bow ties, it does x damage with a 25% chance the opposing player misses a go.
- Surprise!: The present bursts open to reveal one of the below gifts which will join the fight for you for 3 rounds (5 round cooldown) then it re-wraps itself - which could be a different present shape/wrapping/bow colour:
~ Toy Gorilla: On it's first go (when the present is opened), he rains bananas (lasts 3 rounds) on his second and third go, he punches the opponent (like bonkers)
~ Copper Racer: On it's first go (when the present is opened), it builds turrets (lasts 3 rounds) on second and third go, he fires a missile (like a tonk)
~ Voodoo Ragdoll: On it's first go (when the present is opened), it rains pins on itself - but hurts opponent (lasts 3 rounds) on it's second and third go, it stabs itself with a pin - and hurts the opponent

PS. if I win, please could I give Murkablo to someone else as a gift...

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Bigtony » December 23rd, 2013, 5:48 am

Mechanical Mini Greench

Basically a festive version of the Tranquil Mechanical Yet but the fur would be green and he would be adorned with a festive Santa hat! ;)

1. Festive Punch - Punches the target dealing mechanical damage
2. Call Blitzen - Causes a Lightning Storm for 9 rounds
3. Santa-Charge - A festive supercharge :shock:

4. Office Party - Wildly flails at the enemy 1- 2 times causing beast damage
5. White Christmas - Deals elemental damage and causes a blizzard for 3 rounds
6. Jingled All Away - Ion Cannon :evil:

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Azur » December 23rd, 2013, 6:02 am

Name: Festive Ancient

This small ancient comes decorated with christmas ornaments, including a shining star on the top

Ability 1: Festive throw: Throws a random christmas ornament at your opponent for x dmg

Ability 2: Need water!: Since you most likely forgot the give your ancient water, he burrows his roots into the ground in search of water, healing the caster for x every turn (lasts 3 rounds)

Ability 3: Bursting star: (2 turn ability) The star on the top of the ancient starts to glow even brighter, after 1 turn the light is released dealing x dmg and blinds the opponent

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Mairwen » December 23rd, 2013, 6:05 am

Clarice the Angel(Clarence Odbody's student, Humanoid, H/S)

Appearance: Human female child with blonde braids and a white dress with a pink pinafore and wings (like Peddlefeet's).

Poor Clarice...she's having an even tougher time of it than her mentor, Clarence! She's been trying for her wings since 1802 but is always late for her assignments so they keep getting passed along to someone else! Clarence finally takes her under his, er, wings, and decides to help her along. The trouble is--he's running out of ideas for how to help her at all! As a last resort, he takes her to Azeroth and gives her a few special tools to help her with a very important task: bringing hope and joy to the heroes of Azeroth after their long and bloody war in Pandaria during the Feast of Winter Vale. When she finally earns her wings, she decides she loves Azeroth so much that she wants to stay and joins her favorite heroes when they call for her in battle.

Silver Bells: Every time a bell rings, an Angel gets her wings! Use this ability to inspire your active pet with hope when all seems lost by casting Refresh on it. (Refresh ticks for five rounds.)


The Bells of St. Mary's: The Bells of St. Mary's ring out, inspiring the entire team, adding to their maximum HP and causing damage to the other team. (Sunlight effect; 5 round CD)


Zuzu's Petals: Toss a handful of brightly colored flower petals towards the enemy's active pet, causing it to stop what it's doing and marvel at the beauty of life for one full turn. (3 round CD)


Clarence's Clock: Clarence was a clockmaker in life, so he gifts Clarice with a very special timepiece he once made. It doesn't work anymore, but it does reflect light, and when she flashes it at her opponent, it strikes them with heavenly light, causing damage. It also has a small chance to blind them. (1 round CD)

Buffalo Gals: Clarice summons a flock of giggling teen girls (miniature models from all races) on their way to a Tauren Chieftans concert, trampling the opponent. (1 round only, always goes first, like a surge ability) (Buffalo, Tauren, close enough, right?)


Librarian's Trick: Clarence gave Clarice a copy of his favorite novel, Tom Sawyer. Too bad she can't read yet. It does, however, make a nifty weapon. She flies forward, beating her opponent about the head with the book. (No CD)

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Mordekai83 » December 23rd, 2013, 7:21 am

A pet based on Krampus would be fantastic! The Satyr model would be perfect for him, perhaps with a bundle of switches to wear on his back.

Lil' Krampy (Humanoid)

Lil' Krampy comes out just before Winter to punish naughty children with lumps of coal and bundles of switches. He was the original greench, before being a greench was cool.

Ability 1: Switch Swat (Humanoid)- the pet rushes forward, swatting the front pet with his switch.
Ability 2: Coal-fall (Elemental)- an avalanche of coal falls on the lead enemy pet, persisting for 3 rounds.
Ability 3: KRAMPAGE (Humanoid)- a swarm of Lil' Krampies attack the lead pet! If two or more Krampies hit then the enemy pet takes double damage for 2 rounds.

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Orindal » December 23rd, 2013, 7:29 am

Egg Noggin

Description: Elemental type pet, takes the form of a large smiling levitating cup of egg nog that every so often giggles merrily causing egg nog to splash on near by players.

Ability 1: Tipsy: You cause the opponent to become tipsy from your noggy fumes reducing their accuracy by 25% for 4 rounds

Ability 2: Hangover: The noggy fumes cause a rager of a headache dealing moderate elemental damage to your opponent.

Ability 3: The Morning After: Your opponent is affected by an alcohol induced haze where they have sudden flashbacks of all the drunken mayhem they caused the night before. You opponent is stunned for 1 round and after 3 rounds takes high elemental damage as they yak up all the boozy goodness they drank the night before.

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Naanbread » December 23rd, 2013, 8:22 am

Azeroth Angel

Appearance: A sister to the Unborn Val'kyr the Azeroth Angel presents a similar look with large white wings, but exhibits a light snow fall from within. The brightest point is the halo of gold, and source for this pet's formidable defensive powers.

1) Circle of healing - heal your 25% of your teams battle pets total health. Prioritizes healing by giving 50% of total healing to the most injured pet
2) Levitate - rises above the battle field avoiding the next attack
3) Peace on Azeroth - declares the match a tie and heals all pets to full in the process

Merry Christmas all ... thanks for your dedication and here's to an adventurous 2014!!


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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Petzy » December 23rd, 2013, 8:37 am

I have wanted a little greench for years.

name: Greenchling

He should look like a small version or the Greench. Curly horns with small packages hanging from them are a must, green fur, eyes might be blue since he's young.

Tinsel Toss-he's too little to throw whole trees but this snags opponents feet & slows them down

Snowballs-again too young to throw whole snowmen but this chills opponents causing them to lose a turn

Peppermint Punch-he has a sugar rush from snacking on holiday sweets so this should hit pretty hard

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Re: CONTEST: Doobjanka's Murkablo Holiday Giveaway!

Post by Psycho3 » December 23rd, 2013, 9:04 am

Robo Winter - any Futurama fans?
A fat robot in a Santa Outfit, totin' a big ol' gun. "He's going to stuff coal so far up your stocking, you'll be coughing diamonds" - Breanni.

1. NAUGHTY or nice: He decides your target has been VERY naughty!328 Elemental damage to target pet. 1% chance he'll decide your target has been good, will heal it for 328 instead. (No cooldown)

2. T.O.W. Missile: 20% chance to hit, instant K.O; ignores damage mitigating effects. (5 Round cooldown)

3. Surprise!: Random de-buff on target pet. 1% chance to buff your entire team instead. (2 round cooldown)
Last edited by Psycho3 on December 24th, 2013, 1:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
