WTT:Land Shark,Menagerie+More LF:Frosty/New store Pet
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Re: WTT Viscous Horror, Tuskarr Kite, Droplet, Kovok +More
Did a trade with Dasaq today and it went very smoothly, +1!
- Dasaq
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Re: WTT Viscous Horror, Tuskarr Kite, Droplet, Kovok +More
updated list! In need of Blizzard store pets and one mount
- Badpathing
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Re: WTT Viscous Horror, Tuskarr Kite, Droplet, Kovok +More
I need a Viscous Horror. If you want to work out a deal for game store content, game cards, etc, let me know.
- Dasaq
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Re: WTT Viscous Horror, Tuskarr Kite, Droplet, Kovok +More
unfortunately i don't need enough store items that would amount to a Viscous horror. If things change though i'll make sure to let you know!
- Dasaq
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Re: WTT Viscous Horror, Tuskarr Kite, Droplet, Kovok +More
WTT Bananas + Crawling Claw for a Baneling pet!
Re: WTT Viscous Horror, Tuskarr Kite, Droplet, Kovok +More
I have a Son of Animus for trade for a Vicious Horror. Are you still interested?
I have a Son of Animus for trade for a Vicious Horror. Are you still interested?
- Dasaq
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Re: WTT Viscous Horror, Tuskarr Kite, Droplet, Kovok +More
already have SoA so no thanks=(. Just looking to trade for the few pets i'm missing atm.
Re: WTT Viscous Horror, Tuskarr Kite, Droplet, Kovok +More
Would you take a store pet for your Droplet of Y? Also what breed is it?
- Dasaq
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Re: WTT Viscous Horror, Tuskarr Kite, Droplet, Kovok +More
It's a p/p breed but i'm trading it for the last two store pets i need shortly. If the deal falls through and you're interested i'll let you know.
Re: WTT Viscous Horror, Tuskarr Kite, Droplet, Kovok +More
If you can get 20 bucks for a 10k pet I don't blame you at all lol. Seriously though if it doesn't work out we can work something out im sure.
- Dasaq
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Re: WTT Viscous Horror, Tuskarr Kite, Droplet, Kovok +More
Ty for the trade Flock!
Still looking for a Baneling pet!
Kefka911: If i was on an extremelly high pop server lik Mal'ganis i would do that trade for you. Unfortunately the other 98% of the servers don't have pets for that low of a price, especially for a p/p breed.
Still looking for a Baneling pet!
Kefka911: If i was on an extremelly high pop server lik Mal'ganis i would do that trade for you. Unfortunately the other 98% of the servers don't have pets for that low of a price, especially for a p/p breed.
- Dasaq
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Re: WTT Viscous Horror, Tuskarr Kite, Droplet, Kovok +More
Still looking for a Baneling!