Designing New Pets (Updated: 2/29/16)

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Designing New Pets (Updated: 2/29/16)

Post by Adumbledore » January 19th, 2014, 3:31 am

(Note: I'm breaking this post up into multiple posts, as I believe putting it all in 1 post would make it far too long. I also plan on going through and giving descriptions of each of the pets including information about who or what the pet actually is, what it may look like (for the ones that we have pictures of, I'll add links, for others such as the class ones, I'll describe what I'd like them to look like), and any interactivity the pet may have)

I created this list of pets so that I could flesh out some of the characters, possible pet abilities, and also some new pet abilities that haven't been seen in game. I will be posting new pets when/if I can think of new ones to create, so if you see new pets appear on the list from time to time, don't be surprised. :lol:

If you have any requests for pets, please post them here or message me. :)

This list was built upon the [url=]Wish List for Pets[/url] thread. :)

Note: (7/12/14) The list practically doubled since the last time I posted anything, which was some time ago. I figured I would post everything that I had written prior to my absence.

Anetheron/Sathrovarr - Undead

After the defeat of Tichondrius, Anetheron became the leader of the Nathrezim serving the Burning Legion./Sathrovarr was sent to Sunwell Plateau to possess Kalecgos, where he fought Kalec's spirit until Kalec was freed by adventurers.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Anetheron[/url], [url=]Sathrovarr[/url]

Interactivity: The dreadlords could use an animation where they slash at the air with their claws as they did in WC3 or The dreadlords could use the animation where they summon a rain of fire from the sky.

Level 1: Agony, 100% hit chance - Inflicts agony on the target, causing increasing Undead damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 2: Corrupting Strike, 90% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Slashes at the target with dark energy, dealing X undead damage with a 25% chance to stun the target for 1 round.
Level 4: Carrion Swarm, 100% hit chance - Deals X undead damage to the enemy's active pet and X undead damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 10: Wild Magic, 100% hit chance - Adds X damage to every attack against the target. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 15: Vampiric Aura, 100% hit chance - Deals X undead damage per round for 3 rounds and heals the user for X.
Level 20: Inferno, 100% hit chance - 8 round cooldown - Fade into the Twisting Nether, becoming unattackable. During this time, an infernal is summoned and attacks the opponent, dealing X damage each round.

Azgalor/Brutallus/Mannoroth - Humanoid

Azgalor was Mannoroth's second-in-command who took over his position as leader of the Pit Lords when Mannoroth was slain by Grom Hellscream in Demon Fall Canyon./Brutallus was sent to Sunwell Plateau where he killed the blue dragon, Madrigosa./Mannoroth was Archimonde's right-hand demon until he was slain by Grom Hellscream. His thirst for blood was considered legendary.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Azgalor[/url]

Interactivity: The deadly Pit Lords could swing their giant weapons and/or slam the ground with their massive hooves.

Level 1: Immolate, 100% hit chance - Deals X elemental damage instantly. The enemy burns for X elemental damage each round for 4 rounds.
Level 2: Rain of Fire, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - The enemy team burns for X elemental damage. The enemy team continues to burn for X elemental damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Earthquake, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - The earth quakes and trembles under the enemy team dealing X elemental damage and slowing targets by 50% for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Cleave, 80% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Deals X humanoid damage and has a 50% chance to deal X humanoid damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 15: Curse of Doom, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Deals X undead damage after 5 rounds.
Level 20: Fel Firestorm, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Summons a Fel Firestorm on the enemy team, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy team. Enemies hit by the Fel Firestorm take 25% increased damage for 2 rounds. Lasts 2 rounds.

Archimonde - Humanoid

Archimonde was the left hand of Sargeras and the field commander of all Burning Legion forces until his utter annihilation at the Battle of Mount Hyjal. He had an obsession with trees.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Archimonde[/url]

Interactivity: Archimonde could draw the sigil on the ground that he used to destroy Dalaran then crush the "sand city" that appears from the sigil.

Level 1: Agony, 100% hit chance - Inflicts agony on the target, causing increasing Undead damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 2: Death Coil, 95% hit chance - Deals X undead damage and heals the user for 50% of the damage dealt.
Level 4: Grip of the Legion, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X humanoid damage and forces the opponent's lowest health pet to swap into battle.
Level 10: Rain of Fire, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - The enemy team burns for X elemental damage. The enemy team continues to burn for X elemental damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Doomfire, 95% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X undead damage instantly. The enemy continues to take X undead damage each round for 2 rounds and heals the user for X.
Level 20: Finger of Death, 75% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Deals X undead damage. If the enemy has less than 20% health remaining, Finger of Death will instantly kill the enemy pet.

Felmyst - Dragonkin

Felmyst was once the noble blue dragon, Madrigosa. When the Pit Lord, Brutallus', blood seeped into the ground beneath Madrigosa's body, she was reborn as this fel dragon.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Felmyst[/url]

Interactivity: Felmyst could fly around breathing the Fog of Corruption on random critters, causing them to run around in confusion.

Level 1: Breath, 90% hit chance - Overwhelms the enemy with draconic breath, dealing X dragonkin damage.
Level 2: Corrosion, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Slowly corrodes the enemy, dealing X elemental damage and increasing the damage the target takes by 25% for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Lift-Off, 80% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Fly up high, becoming unattackable for one round. On the next round, you attack, dealing X flying damage.
Level 10: Flame Breath, 100% hit chance - Deals X dragonkin damage instantly. The enemy continues to burn for X dragonkin damage each round for 4 rounds.
Level 15: Encapsulate, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Encase the enemy in dragonfire, dealing X dragonkin damage and preventing the target from fleeing for 2 rounds.
Level 20: Fog of Corruption, 90% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Covers the enemy team in acidic fog, dealing X elemental damage and decreasing the enemy team's accuracy by 20% for 3 rounds.

Entropius - Magic

Entropius was once one of the most noble and good creatures in the universe - the Naaru M'uru. After Entropius' defeat, Prophet Velen recovered his "spark" and used it to reignite the Sunwell.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Entropius[/url]

Interactivity: The Naaru, M'uru could fall to the ground and disappear with Entropius rising from where the Naaru had fallen.

Level 1: Nether Blast, 100% hit chance - Blasts the enemy with a surge of arcane power, dealing X magic damage. Damage increases by X each time it hits. Max X magic damage.
Level 2: Call Darkness, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - A shadow falls across the battlefield, dealing X humanoid damage, and turning the weather to Darkness for 5 rounds. During Darkness, all pets are considered Blinded and all healing received is reduced by 50%.
Level 4: Negative Energy, 85% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Shoots a beam of negative energy at the target, dealing X undead damage to the target and X undead damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 10: Drain Power, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Deals X magic damage, reduces the target's damage by 25% for 2 rounds and increases the user's damage by 25% for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Prismatic Barrier, 5 round cooldown - Creates a crystal wall that blocks two attacks. Allied and enemy attacks both count.
Level 20: Void Zone, 90% hit chance, 6 round cooldown - Creates a void zone under the target, dealing increasing undead damage every round for 3 rounds. While in the void zone, the target is prevented from fleeing.

Kil'Jaeden - Humanoid

Kil'Jaeden was the right-hand and chief lieutenant of Sargeras. He was responsible for the creation of the Lich King and even after his defeat at the site of the Sunwell, he is the acting leader of the Burning Legion.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Kil'Jaeden[/url]

Interactivity: Kil'Jaeden could be shown appearing to a version of Illidan before disappearing or Kil'Jaeden could be shown in his transformation from his Draenei form into his current Eredar form.

Level 1: Shadow Spike, 85% hit chance - Spikes the enemy with dark energy, dealing X undead damage.
Level 2: Fire Bloom, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Sets the enemy team ablaze, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy team each round for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Soul Portal, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Deals X undead damage and forces one of the opponent's pets to swap into battle.
Level 10: Sinister Reflection, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Reflects 50% damage done back to the attacker on the next attack. User is healed for 200% of the damage.
Level 15: Legion Lightning, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Shoots fel lightning at the enemy team, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy and X elemental damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 20: Darkness of a Thousand Souls, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - First Use: Kil'Jaeden summons the souls of those vanquished in battle against the Legion, covering himself with wings. Second Use: Kil'Jaeden unleashes the souls, dealing X undead damage to the enemy team and increasing the damage they take by 50% for 2 rounds.

High Warlord Naj'entus - Aquatic

High Warlord Naj'entus was a naga anomaly - a Naga Warlord. His unusual appearance is attributed to the large shell he has fused to his body.

Description of Appearance: [url=]High Warlord Naj'entus[/url]

Interactivity: High Warlord Naj'entus could be shown encasing himself in his tidal shield before throwing random needle spines at random critters, killing them.

Level 1: Water Jet, 95% hit chance - Blasts the enemy with a jet of water, dealing X aquatic damage.
Level 2: Spiked Skin - Reduces up to X damage from each attack against you and deals X dragonkin damage each time you take damage. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 4: Impaling Spine, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Throws a spine at the target, dealing X dragonkin damage instantly and placing the "Growing Backbone" debuff on the target. After 2 rounds, the backbone is complete and the target is stunned for 1 round.
Level 10: Grasp, 100% hit chance - Grabs the target, dealing X aquatic damage. The target cannot swap for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Whirlpool, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Causes a whirlpool to form under the enemy pet. In 2 rounds, the opponent's pet will take X aquatic damage and be rooted for 2 rounds.
Level 20: Tidal Shield, 8 round cooldown - Deals X aquatic damage to the enemy pet when hit and an additional X aquatic damage each round for 2 rounds. The shield will expire if hit. If the shield is allowed to last more than 1 round, it will burst, healing Naj'entus for 50% of his total health.

Supremus - Magic

Supremus is Illidan's most powerful Abyssal servant. Its body burns with flames so hot they burn blue.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Supremus[/url]

Interactivity: I think it would be cool if Supremus was shown conjuring up the Volcanic Geysers all around it, so that they spew lava bolts everywhere.

Level 1: Molten Flame, 90% hit chance - Blasts the enemy with molten lava, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 2: Gaze, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - A sharp gaze fixes on the enemy pet, increasing damage taken by 100% for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Conflagrate, 95% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Deals X elemental damage. Deals an additional X elemental damage if the target is Burning.
Level 10: Molten Punch, 85% hit chance - Punches the enemy with fists ablaze with lava. Deals X elemental damage and an additional X elemental damage each round for 3 rounds.
Level 15: Scorched Earth, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Scorches the ground, dealing X dragonkin damage and dealing X dragonkin damage to all active pets each round for 9 rounds. During Scorched Earth, all pets counts as Burning.
Level 20: Volcano, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Causes the ground beneath the enemy team to tremble. After 2 rounds, the ground erupts for 2 rounds, causing the current enemy pet to take X elemental damage and have a 25% chance to be stunned for 1 round.

Reliquary of Souls/Devourer of Souls - Undead

The Reliquary of Souls is comprised of the essences of anger, suffering, and desire, respectively. While no one knows what exactly the Reliquary is, it's been speculated that it is a kind of soul vacuum./The Devourer of Souls was created by the Lich King to patrol the souls created by the Forge of Souls. If any try to escape, the Devourer of Souls hunts them down before devouring them.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Reliquary of Souls[/url]
[url=]Devourer of Souls[/url]

Interactivity: These two creatures could spin around, throwing souls in every direction.

Level 1: Spirit Shock, 90% hit chance - Shocks the spirit of the target, dealing X undead damage.
Level 2: Aura of Suffering, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X undead damage to the enemy team. Also reduces healing done to the enemy team by 50%. Lasts 2 rounds.
Level 4: Aura of Desire, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Deals X undead damage to the enemy team. 25% of damage taken by user is reflected back to the attacker. Lasts 2 rounds.
Level 10: Phantom Blast, 85% hit chance - Blasts the target with ghostly energy, dealing X undead damage.
Level 15: Aura of Anger, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Deals increasing undead damage to the enemy team each round for 2 rounds.
Level 20: Wailing Souls, 90% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Lets loose the tormented souls trapped in the Forge of Souls, dealing X undead damage. Also places a debuff on the target, dealing increasing undead damage each round for 2 rounds.

Mother Shahraz - Humanoid

The Shivarra leader of Illidan's concubines, Mother Shahraz is dangerous. With 6 arms armed with swords, she can easily defend her terrace from any intruders.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Mother Shahraz[/url]

Interactivity: If around 3 or more critters, she could pull 3 of them to her. They would surround her and be connected by the Fatal Attraction beams where they would continue to take damage until they died.

Level 1: Sinful Beam, 100% hit chance - Shoots a beam of unholy energy at the target, dealing X undead damage. Damage increases by X each time it hits. Max X damage.
Level 2: Soul Ward, 3 round cooldown - A ward of powerful magic surrounds you, blocking the next attack.
Level 4: Silencing Shriek, 100% hit chance, 10 round cooldown - Your opponent's next attack becomes unusable for 5 rounds.
Level 10: Cleave, 80% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Deals X humanoid damage and has a 50% chance to deal X humanoid damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 15: Prismatic Aura, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Reduces the caster's damage taken from a random ability type by 25% for 3 rounds. Increases the enemy's damage taken from a random ability type by 25% for 3 rounds.
Level 20: Fatal Attraction, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Forces one of the opponent's pets to swap into battle and deals X undead damage to the pet swapped in.

Illidan Stormrage - Humanoid

Illidan Stormrage is known as the Betrayer for his participation in the War of the Ancients. After being locked away for 10,000 years and his consuming of the Skull of Gul'dan, Illidan has become a powerful demon hunter.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Illidan (non-demon form)[/url]
[url=]Illidan (demon form)[/url]

Interactivity: Illidan could jump up into the air and transform into his demon form as he does in the BC cinematic. Then jump again to return to regular form.

Level 1: Draw Soul, 100% hit chance - Draws the soul out of the target, dealing X undead damage. The user is healed for 100% of the damage dealt.
Level 2: Dark Barrage, 100% hit chance - Hurls a barrage of dark energy at the enemy team, dealing X undead damage to the enemy's active pet and X undead damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 4: Shadow Demons, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Fade into the shadows, becoming unattackable for 2 rounds. During this time, shadow demons are summoned to attack the opponent, dealing X undead damage each round.
Level 10: Parasitic Shadowfiend, 100% hit chance - A parasitic shadowfiend attaches itself to the enemy's active pet, dealing X undead damage and healing the user for X every round for 3 rounds.
Level 15: Aura of Dread, 80% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - An aura of dread surrounds Illidan, dealing X undead damage each round for 3 rounds. Each time the enemy is hit by the aura, they take 25% increased damage for 1 round.
Level 20: The Demon Within, 8 round cooldown - First Use: Illidan surrenders to the demon inside, transforming into one of the Burning Legion. Doing so charges his warglaives with fel energy. Second Use: Illidan takes out his vengeance on the enemy, carving them up for X humanoid damage plus X elemental damage for each round between uses.

Anub'arak - Humanoid

Anub'arak was once the king of the subterranean kingdom of Azjol'Nerub. He was slaughtered in the War of the Spider and raised into undeath by the Lich King.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Anub'arak[/url]

Interactivity: Anub'arak could be seen conjuring a swarm of locusts around himself. If around critters, they could attack the critters.

Level 1: Locust Swarm, 100% hit chance - A swarm of locusts surrounds the target, dealing increasing undead damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 2: Carrion Beetles, 100% hit chance - Carrion Beetles attack the enemy pet, dealing X undead damage and healing the user for X every round for 3 rounds.
Level 4: Burrow, 80% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Burrow under the ground, becoming unattackable for one round. On the next round, you attack, dealing X beast damage.
Level 10: Acid Spit, 100% hit chance - Instantly deals X beast damage and Poisons the target for X additional elemental damage each round for 3 rounds.
Level 15: Leeching Swarm, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - A swarm of leeches covers the enemy's pet dealing increasing undead damage each round for 2 rounds. User is healed for 100% of the damage dealt.
Level 20: Impale, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - A spike of bone is launched at the target, dealing X humanoid damage with a 50% chance to stun the target for 1 round. Chance to stun is increased to 100% if the weather is Darkness.

Lord Marrowgar - Undead

Lord Marrowgar is a giant bone construct made of the bones of thousands of adventurers who tried to delve too deeply into Icecrown Citadel. Those who have been unfortunate enough to face him have met their untimely demise by way of his Bone Storm.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Lord Marrowgar[/url]

Interactivity: Lord Marrowgar could impale random critters on a spike then Bonestorm right through them.

Level 1: Absorb, 100% hit chance - Deals X undead damage. The user is healed for 100% of the damage dealt.
Level 2: Curse of Doom, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Deals X undead damage after 5 rounds.
Level 4: Bone Spike Graveyard, 80% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Hurls a massive bone spike at the enemy pet, dealing X undead damage and 10% of the pet's total health each round for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Coldflame, 90% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - A line of frost pummels the enemy pet, dealing X aquatic damage and X elemental damage to the enemy pet each round for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Bone Slice, 80% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X humanoid damage and have a 25% chance to deal X humanoid damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 20: Storm of Bones, 80% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Lord Marrowgar attacks the enemy team in a whirlwind of bone, dealing X undead damage to the enemy team each round for 2 rounds. Enemies hit by the storm take 50% increased damage for 2 rounds.

Blood-Queen Lana'thel - Humanoid

Lana'thel was once a blood elf who attempted to use Quel'Dalar against the Lich King. She ultimately failed, and was transformed into the leader of the San'layn by the power of Frostmourne. Now she guards that what she once hated most - Arthas.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Blood-Queen Lana'thel[/url]

Interactivity: Blood-Queen Lana'thel could fly up into the air and whirl around, throwing bloodbolts at all nearby critters.

Level 1: Twilight Bloodbolt, 90% hit chance - Shoots a bolt of corrupted blood at the target, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 2: Vampiric Bite, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Bites the enemy with the dark energy of the San'layn, dealing X humanoid damage, and turning the enemy into one of the San'layn for 3 rounds. While a San'layn, target's type becomes Undead.
Level 4: Bloodbolt Storm, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Blood-Queen Lana'thel flies into the air, becoming unattackable. On the next round, she spins around, throwing bloodbolts at the enemy team, dealing X undead damage and reducing the enemy team's speed by 25% for 4 rounds.
Level 10: Delirious Slash, 85% hit chance - Deals X undead damage instantly and X undead damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Blood Mirror, 75% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Injects the enemy's active pet with corrupted blood, causing the caster to reflect 25% of damage done to them back to the attacker. User is healed for 100% of the reflected damage. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 20: Pact of the Darkfallen, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - The Pact of the Darkfallen spells the enemy's doom, dealing X undead damage to the enemy team each round until either 3 rounds have passed or one of the enemy pets has expired.

The Lich King - Humanoid

The Lich King was once Ner'zhul - a powerful orc shaman who was responsible for ripping Draenor apart. After being destroyed and re-made by Kil'Jaeden, he became the creator and lord of the Scourge. Eventually after his merge with Arthas Menethil, the Lich King was defeated.

Description of Appearance: [url=]The Lich King[/url]

Interactivity: The Lich King would raise Frostmourne into the air, freezing random critters in place. He then conjures a defiled area of ground underneath the frozen critters which rapidly grows in area and kills any critters entering it.

Level 1: Harvest Souls, 100% hit chance - The Lich King lifts the enemy's team off the ground, draining the life out of them. Deals X undead damage to the enemy team. User is healed for 100% of damage dealt.
Level 2: Pain and Suffering, 90% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Pain and Suffering afflicts the enemy team, dealing X undead damage. The enemy's active pet also takes X undead damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Soul Reaper, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - The Lich King strikes the enemy with Frostmourne, dealing X humanoid damage and healing for 100% of damage dealt. If the target pet has less than 50% health remaining, Soul Reaper will deal an additional X undead damage and increase the user's damage dealt by 25% for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Infest, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - The Lich King infests the enemy team with dark energy, dealing increasing undead damage each round for 2 rounds. If the target is healed above 75%, Infest will expire.
Level 15: Necrotic Plague, 80% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - The Lich King inflicts the enemy's active pet with Necrotic Plague, dealing increasing undead damage each round for 3 rounds. If the target dies while under the effects of Necrotic Plague, it will jump to the next enemy pet swapped in.
Level 20: Frostmourne Hungers, 90% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - The Lich King lifts the enemy pet into the air before carving them up, dealing X humanoid damage and an additional X undead damage if faster than the enemy. Frostmourne also steals the soul of the enemy pet, bringing it into Frostmourne where it must fight the sword's guardians for 3 rounds before being released. While in Frostmourne, the pet is considered dead.

Flame Leviathan - Mechanical

Constructed by Mimiron to guard the gates of Ulduar, the Flame Leviathan will demolish and burn any who are foolish enough to attempt to pass it.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Flame Leviathan[/url]

Interactivity: Flame Leviathan could do 2 different interactions. The first is to simply ram random critters, knocking them back. The second is conjuring flame vents underneath the Leviathan, killing all critters who get too close.

Level 1: Flatten, 100% hit chance - Rushes to the enemy, dealing X mechanical damage. This move always goes first.
Level 2: Shock and Awe, 95% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Deals X mechanical damage and has a 25% chance to stun the target for one round.
Level 4: Battering Ram, 90% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Charges towards an enemy like a battering ram, dealing X mechanical damage and forces an opponent's pet to swap into battle.
Level 10: Gathering Speed, 100% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Make repairs to the Leviathan, dealing X mechanical damage to the enemy and increasing your speed by 20%. Your speed continues to increase each time you use Gathering Speed.
Level 15: Flame Vents, 100% hit chance - Ignites the flame vents in the Leviathan, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy's current pet each round. Lasts 9 rounds.
Level 20: Missile Barrage, 100% hit chance, 6 round cooldown - First Use: Fires a barrage of missiles into the air. Second Use: The missiles lock on their targets and attack the enemy team for X mechanical damage.

Mimiron - Mechanical

Mimiron is one of the titanic watchers assigned to watch over the Old God, Yogg-Saron. He was once called the "Grand Architect" and resided at the Temple of Invention, but left after his corruption. He was responsible for the creation of the Flame Leviathan.

Description of Appearance: [iurl=]Mimiron[/url]

Interactivity: Mimiron would enter his machine, the V-07-TR-0N, and shoot rockets and laser barrages at random critters.

Level 1: Laser, 200% hit chance - Blasts the enemy with a laser of arcane power, dealing X magic damage.
Level 2: Napalm Shell, 100% hit chance - Deals X elemental damage instantly. The enemy Burns for X additional elemental damage per round for 4 rounds.
Level 4: Rocket Strike, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Shoots a rocket at the enemy, dealing X mechanical damage. Also shoots a rocket into the air that will detonate after 1 round, dealing X mechanical damage to the enemy's team.
Level 10: Rapid Burst, 95% hit chance - Rapidly shoots the enemy with lasers 1-2 times, dealing X mechanical damage. Hits an additional time if the user is faster than the enemy.
Level 15: Magnetic Field, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - The magnetic field surrounding Mimiron becomes unstable, dealing X mechanical damage and causing a Lightning Storm. During a Lightning Storm, all pets deal X bonus mechanical damage on each attack and mechanical abilities deal 25% more damage. The Lightning Storm lasts 5 rounds.
Level 20: Explode, 100% hit chance - Instantly kills the caster, dealing damage equal to 40% of the user's total health to the enemy. Using Explode will prevent the caster from activating failsafe mechanisms.

Freya - Humanoid

One of Ulduar's titanic watchers, Freya once resided at the Temple of Life before her corruption. Caring greatly for the land and the creatures that live upon it, she implemented a safeguard, leaving her avatar in the Sholazar Basin in order to protect it from the Scourge.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Freya[/url]

Interactivity: Freya would summon an array of nature guardians (ancients, treants, snaplashers, etc.) that would attack random critters.

Level 1: Iron Roots, 100% hit chance - Iron Roots surround the target, dealing X elemental damage and preventing the target from fleeing for 2 rounds.
Level 2: Touch of Eonar - Restores X health each round for 5 rounds. Twice as effective in sunny weather.
Level 4: Solar Flare, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Freya calls upon the power of the sun to deal X elemental damage to the enemy team and changes the weather to Sunlight. During a sunny day, the maximum health of all pets is increased by 50%, and healing done is increased by 25%.
Level 10: Nature Bomb, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Nature Bombs fall on the enemy team, Poisoning them for X elemental damage each round for 3 rounds.
Level 15: Attuned to Nature, 90% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Freya becomes more Attuned to Nature, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy and increasing healing done to the caster by 25% for 2 rounds.
Level 20: Conservatrix of Life, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Freya channels the power of Eonar to balance life and death. Health is equalized between all living pets. Health gained cannot exceed the caster's maximum health.

Thorim - Humanoid

Thorim is the brother of Loken, who betrayed him by murdering his wife, Sif. As a titanic watcher, he once resided at the Temple of Storms before relocating to Ulduar following his corruption. According to legend, Thorim's power was invoked once and it turned a whole continent into dust.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Thorim[/url]

Interactivity: Thorim would throw his gigantic weapon at a critter, stunning it. Once stunned, he would throw chain lightning at the critter, killing it and any the lightning chains to.

Level 1: Orb of Lightning, 100% hit chance - Thorim throws an orb of lightning at the enemy, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 2: Chain Lightning, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Shoots a bolt of lightning at the enemy's team, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy's active pet and X elemental damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 4: Stormhammer, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Thorim charges his hammer with lightning before throwing it at the enemy, dealing X humanoid damage and X elemental damage each round for 2 rounds. Enemies hit by the stormhammer have their speed reduced by 50% for 1 round.
Level 10: Unbalancing Strike, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Thorim swings his mighty hammer at the enemy pet, dealing X humanoid damage. Enemies hit by the hammer take 25% increased damage for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Sheath of Lightning, 4 round cooldown - Deals X elemental damage each time you take direct damage. Lasts 2 rounds.
Level 20: Thunderstorm, 90% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Thorim summons a Thunderstorm, adding X elemental damage to each attack and also giving each attack a 25% chance to stun the target for 1 round. Lasts 3 rounds. Chance to stun is increased to 100% during a Lightning Storm.

Hodir - Humanoid

Considered the father of the frost giants, Hodir is one of the titanic watchers sent to guard Ulduar. He once resided at the Temple of Winter before his corruption. It is believed that Hodir is the original Greatfather Winter, who has become the major figure during the Winter Veil celebration.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Hodir[/url]

Interactivity: Hodir would flash freeze all critters around him in ice blocks before summoning a hail of icicles to kill the critters.

Level 1: Icicle, 100% hit chance - Hodir throws an Icicle at the target dealing X elemental damage.
Level 2: Biting Cold, 100% hit chance - The aura of cold emanating from Hodir is strong, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy pet each round. Lasts 9 rounds.
Level 4: Flash Freeze, 85% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Deals X elemental damage and has a 25% chance to stun the target for 1 round. Chance to stun is increased to 100% if the target is Chilled.
Level 10: Freeze, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals increasing elemental damage each round for 3 rounds. On the 3rd round, the pet is Frozen, preventing them from fleeing for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Frozen Blows, 4 round cooldown - Adds X elemental damage to each attack and gives each attack a 25% chance to reduce the speed of the target by 25% for 1 round.
Level 20: Frosty's Revenge, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Hodir summons Winter on the enemy team before disappearing into the snow, becoming unattackable for 2 rounds. During this time, snowmen are created and ravage the enemy team, dealing X elemental damage each round before melting.

Algalon the Observer - Magic

A titanic watcher resembling a constellation, Algalon was dispatched to Azeroth following Loken's death which activated a planetary fail-safe, indicating possible distress on Azeroth. He was to analyze Azeroth and upon finding corruption, to "re-originate" the planet, killing all living organisms in the process.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Algalon the Observer[/url]

Interactivity: Algalon would summon an image of Azeroth and attempt to analyze it for corruption. After this, one of two things could occur. He could summon a black hole to swallow Azeroth, or he could simply bow and leave Azeroth as it is.

Level 1: Quantum Strike, 100% hit chance - Algalon smashes the enemy pet, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 2: Cosmic Smash, 90% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Algalon summons a meteorite to fall on the enemy pet, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 4: The Big Bang, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Algalon summons The Big Bang, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy team and increasing their damage taken by 50% for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Black Hole Explosion, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Algalon summons a Black Hole underneath the enemy team, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy's active pet and X elemental damage to the enemy's backline pets. Pets hit by the Black Hole have their speed reduced by 25% for 1 round.
Level 15: Phase Punch, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Algalon punches the target with the power of the heavens, dealing X humanoid damage and causing the enemy to become Phased for 1 round. While Phased, the target takes 25% less damage, but also deals 25% less damage.
Level 20: Ascend to the Heavens, 50% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Algalon's analysis of the enemy team has not proved favorable, causing him to re-originate the enemy team. Deals X elemental damage to the enemy team instantly and increasing elemental damage each round for 2 rounds. Enemies not killed by Ascend to the Heavens have their accuracy and critical strike chance reduced by 25% for 2 rounds.

Twilight Dragon Whelpling - Dragonkin

Created by Sinestra, mate of Deathwing, the Twilight dragonflight poses an immediate threat to all. Twilight dragons possess the ability to phase shift and to drain magical energy from their targets. Thought to have been eliminated, Deathwing procured a clutch of them with the intention of releasing them on the world.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Twilight Dragon Whelpling*[/url]

*The picture shown is of a fully grown Twilight Dragon. The whelpling would obviously be much smaller than the picture shown

Interactivity: Since the other dragon whelplings have no interactivity, I believe that this one should follow suit and be inactive as well.

Level 1: Twilight Breath, 90% hit chance - Overwhelms the target with dark draconic breath, dealing X dragonkin damage.
Level 2: Devouring Flames, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Sets the target ablaze with shadowflame, dealing X dragonkin damage instantly and X dragonkin damage each round for 3 rounds.
Level 4: Blackout, 80% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Sends a bolt of pure twilight energy at the enemy pet, dealing X dragonkin damage and increasing dragonkin damage each round for 2 rounds. If no enemies are hit by Blackout, the caster's speed is increased by 50% for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Twilight Shift, 3 round cooldown - Shifts into the Realm of Twilight, reducing damage taken by 50% for 3 rounds.
Level 15: Call Darkness, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - A shadow falls across the battlefield, dealing 591 Humanoid damage and turning the weather to Darkness for 5 rounds. During Darkness, all pets are considered Blinded and all healing received is reduced by 50%.
Level 20: Hour of Twilight, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - The Hour of Twilight has fallen, causing the enemy team to take X dragonkin damage and sending them to the Twilight Realm. While in the Twilight Realm, they take increasing dragonkin damage each round for 3 rounds.

Al'Akir - Elemental

Al'Akir was the elemental lord of air, storms, and the skies. Although he was generally regarded as the weakest of the elemental lords, he was the foremost tactician among all of those in the Old Gods' armies. He had a son named Thunderaan, prince of air.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Al'Akir[/url]

Interactivity: Al'Akir could summon multiple tornadoes that would cause random critters to levitate. After which, the critters would be set back on the ground. I think it would be nice if not all interactions killed random critters.

Level 1: Electrocute, 100% hit chance - Electrocutes the enemy pet for X elemental damage.
Level 2: Acid Storm, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Summons a storm of acid rain, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy team instantly and an additional X elemental damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Wind Burst, 90% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - A burst of wind energy hits the enemy pet, dealing X flying damage and forces an opponent's pet to swap into battle.
Level 10: Squall Line, 100% hit chance - A line of tornadoes washes over the enemy team, dealing X flying damage. Destroys objects created by both teams.
Level 15: Lightning Strike, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Calls down a bolt of lightning that arcs, dealing X elemental damage to each of the enemy's pets.
Level 20: Hurricane, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Al'Akir summons a hurricane upon the enemy team, dealing X flying damage to the enemy team every round. Enemies hit by the Hurricane have their speed reduced by 25% for 1 round. Lasts 3 rounds.

Therazane - Elemental

Therazane is the elemental lord of earth. She, along with her children, rule the plane known as Deepholm. Although regarded as the most peaceful of the elemental lords, she has no love for mortals, especially after the death of her daughter, Theradras.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Therazane[/url]

Interactivity: I think it would be interesting to have her animation as her "weeping" over her daughter's lifeless body.

Level 1: Boulder Shot, 95% hit chance - Hurls a boulder at the target, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 2: Stoneskin - Reduces up to X damage from each attack against you. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 4: Earthquake, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - The earth quakes and trembles under the enemy team dealing X elemental damage and slowing targets by 50% for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Rupture, 95% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Stone spikes erupt from the ground, dealing X Elemental damage and has a 25% chance to stun the target.
Level 15: Sandstorm, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X Flying damage and turns the weather into a sandstorm for 9 rounds. During a sandstorm, all pets take X less damage and their accuracy is reduced by 10%.
Level 20: Earth's Vengeance, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Therazane conjures her hatred for all who have made her kind suffer. All enemies are hit for X elemental damage each round. Those hit take 50% increased damage for 3 rounds. Lasts 3 rounds.

Neptulon - Elemental

Neptulon is the elemental lord of water. He is said to be the strongest of the elemental lords, but that did not prevent him from being captured and taken by the great kraken, Ozumat. The Tidehunter's fate is currently unknown.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Neptulon[/url]

Interactivity: Neptulon could transform himself into a giant vortex, pulling random critters to its center before knocking them back.

Level 1: Ice Crystals, 100% hit chance - Neptulon throws icicles at the enemy, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 2: Drench, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Neptulon drenches the target with water from the deepest parts of the sea, dealing X aquatic damage and an additional X elemental damage each round for 1 round.
Level 4: Vortex, 80% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Neptulon attacks the enemy team in a whirlwind of freezing water, dealing X aquatic damage to the enemy team each round for 2 rounds. Enemies hit by the storm take 50% increased damage for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Chilling Touch, 100% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Neptulon slams the target with his fist, dealing X elemental damage and causing the target to be slowed by 25% for 1 round.
Level 15: Purified Waters, 3 round cooldown - Restores X health to your team and calls down a Cleansing Rain for 9 rounds. During a Cleansing Rain, the duration of hostile damage over time effects is reduced by 1 round and Aquatic abilities deal 25% more damage.
Level 20: Frost Storm, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Neptulon disperses into many water elementals, becoming unattackable for 2 rounds. While dispersed, the elementals attack the enemy for X elemental damage each round.

Naaru - Magic

The Naaru are beings of pure light that have blessed the Draenei with the power of the Holy Light. They are the main protagonists against the Burning Legion and are the proponents of the Army of the Light, which according to the Naaru, will be destined to counter the Legion.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Naaru*[/url]

*I think it would be cool if the Naaru's color changed each time you summoned it, as there are different colors of Naaru.

Interactivity: After being summoned, the Naaru would appear. Once present, ancestors from each race could appear in front of the Naaru and kneel before disappearing.

Level 1: Flash, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - A brilliant flash deals X magic damage and Blinds the target, reducing their hit chance by 50% for 2 rounds.
Level 2: Purity, 2 round cooldown - Removes all buffs and debuffs from the user.
Level 4: Light Cocoon, 5 round cooldown - Become wrapped in a cocoon of pure light energy, restoring X health on the first round, X health on the second, then X health on the third. While inside the cocoon you cannot swap pets.
Level 10: Light, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Covers the enemy in brilliant light, dealing X magic damage. Deals double damage if the target is Blinded.
Level 15: Prismatic Barrier, 5 round cooldown - Creates a crystal wall that blocks two attacks. Allied and enemy attacks both count.
Level 20: The Holy Light of Creation, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - The Holy Light of Creation flows from the Naaru into your pets. Your pets are healed for X and are cleared of all debuffs.

Chromatic Dragon Whelpling - Dragonkin

Nefarian created the chromatic dragons after many magical experiments. Fortunately, most chromatic dragons don't live to see adulthood, but some do - like Chromatus. The dragons that do live, are subject to Nefarian's twisted aging spells.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Chromatic Dragon Whelpling*[/url]

*As in the case of the Twilight Dragon Whelpling, the picture is of a full grown Chromatic Drake. The whelpling would obviously be a smaller version of that.

Interactivity: Since the other dragon whelplings have no interactivity, I believe that this one should follow suit and be inactive as well.

Level 1: Chromatic Breath, 90% hit chance - Overwhelms the enemy with chromatic breath, dealing X dragonkin damage.
Level 2: Brood Affliction: Green, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Shoots a bolt of nature energy at the target that Poisons the target for X elemental damage each round for 3 rounds and reduces healing done to the target by 50% for 3 rounds.
Level 4: Time Lapse, 75% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - The power of the Bronze Dragonflight hits the enemy for X dragonkin damage plus half of the last hit the target took. If Time Lapse misses, the target is stunned for 1 round.
Level 10: Incinerate, 100% hit chance - Deals X elemental damage instantly. The enemy Burns for X additional elemental damage per round for 4 rounds.
Level 15: Brood Affliction: Red, 85% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Burns the target for X dragonkin damage each round for 3 rounds. If the target is killed by Brood Affliction: Red, the user is healed for X.
Level 20: Triple Breath, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - The Chromatic Dragon Whelpling overwhelms the enemy with 3 dragon breath attacks, dealing X elemental damage, X dragonkin damage, and X aquatic damage.

Xavius - Humanoid

Xavius was the high counselor to Queen Azshara before being turned into a tree by Malfurion Stormrage. After many, many years, Xavius became the Nightmare Lord due to the power of N'Zoth. He is eventually killed by Azeroth's defenders while trying to kill Malfurion Stormrage.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Xavius[/url]
[url=]Nightmare Lord*[/url]

*Xavius' Nightmare Lord form would be one of those massive trees, shrouded in mist.

Interactivity: Xavius would turn from his Satyr form into his Nightmare Lord form. When in range of Xavius, random critters would run away in fear.

Level 1: Poisoned Branch, 100% hit chance - Instantly deals X Elemental damage and Poisons the target for X additional Elemental damage per round for 4 rounds.
Level 2: Barkskin, 4 round cooldown - Reduces X damage from each attack and heals for X each round for 3 rounds.
Level 4: Sleepwalkers, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Xavius summons Sleepwalkers from the Emerald Nightmare. During this time, he fades into the Emerald Nightmare, becoming unattackable for 2 rounds. During this time, the Sleepwalkers attack the opponent, dealing X humanoid damage each round.
Level 10: Satyr Strike, 90% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Strikes the enemy for X humanoid damage and reduces the enemy's accuracy by 20% for 1 round.
Level 15: Emerald Nightmare, 50% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Fall asleep, dealing X elemental damage on the first round, X damage on the second, then X damage on the third. While in the Emerald Nightmare, you cannot swap pets.
Level 20: The Nightmare Lord, 50% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Xavius turns into a tree, becoming the Nightmare Lord. He pulls the enemy into the Emerald Nightmare where the enemy has a 25% chance to do 50% of the damage they would do to themselves each round for 2 rounds. If the Nightmare Lord misses both rounds, the enemy is stunned in fear for 1 round.

Dryad - Humanoid

Dryads are the sisters of the Keepers of the Grove, and daughters of Cenarius. Resembling a mix between a night elf and a fawn, Dryads are fierce defenders of the woodlands and are immune to magic and its effects.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Dryad[/url]

Interactivity: I think the Dryad could appear and twirl her spear a bit. It would summon little critters to her side (squirrels, deer, etc.).

Level 1: Spear Strike, 90% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - The dryad strikes the enemy with her spear, dealing X humanoid damage and poisoning the enemy for X elemental damage for 1 round.
Level 2: Tranquility - Fills the area with peace, causing your active pet to restore X health every round. Lasts 2 rounds. Persists through pet swaps.
Level 4: Mark of the Wild, 5 round cooldown - Increases the caster's damage, speed, and critical strike chance by 25% for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Entangling Roots, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Causes a thick nest of vines to begin growing around the enemy team. Next round, the opponent's pet will take X Elemental damage and be rooted for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Elusiveness, 3 round cooldown - The dryad melds into the forest surrounding her, reducing damage taken by 50% for 3 rounds.
Level 20: Daughters of Cenarius, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - The dryad summons other Daughters of Cenarius. During this time, she fades into the forest, becoming unattackable for 2 rounds. During this time, the Daughters attack the opponent, dealing X humanoid damage each round.

Cho'Gall - Humanoid

Cho'Gall was the leader of the Twilight's Hammer cult, which sought the end of the world. An extremely powerful ogre mage, he was dangerously insane before his defeat at the hands of adventurers inside the Bastion of Twilight.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Cho'Gall[/url]

Interactivity: It would be funny if Cho'Gall's head started arguing with each other, with Cho'Gall walking funny, spinning around, and falling to the ground from his two heads trying to direct his body at the same time.

Level 1: Corrupted Blood, 90% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Cho'Gall shoots a ball of corrupted blood at the target, dealing X humanoid damage and increasing damage taken by 25% for 1 round.
Level 2: Order the Flame, 3 round cooldown - Cho'Gall sets his fists aflame, giving each attack the ability to deal an extra X elemental damage. Lasts 2 rounds.
Level 4: Debilitating Beam, 80% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Cho'Gall shoots a beam of debilitating energy at the enemy, dealing X humanoid damage and causing the enemy to deal 50% less damage and take 50% less healing for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Corrupting Crash, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Cho'Gall fires a shadow missile at the enemy team, dealing X undead damage to the enemy pet and X undead damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 15: Order the Shadow, 3 round cooldown - Cho'Gall surrounds his fists with shadow magic, giving each attack the ability to deal X undead damage to the enemy's backline pets. Lasts 2 rounds.
Level 20: Corruption of the Old God, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Cho'Gall becomes completely corrupted by the Old Gods, giving him a damaging aura. Each round, the enemy team will take X undead damage and have their speed slowed by 25%. Lasts 3 rounds.

Arakkoa - Flying

Arakkoa are bird-like humanoids that are native to Outland. Dangerous and powerful, the arakkoa venerate their raven god, Anzu.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Arakkoa[/url]

Interactivity: Some pets are going to have to sacrifice having interactivity and I think this should be one of them.

Level 1: Shadowbolt Volley, 100% hit chance - A volley of shadow bolts is shot at the enemy team dealing X undead damage to the enemy pet and X damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 2: Polymorph, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Polymorphs the enemy target into a sheep, rendering them docile. Lasts 2 rounds. For every round they stay a sheep, they gain X health. Polymorph is broken by any damage.
Level 4: Lift-Off, 80% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Fly up high, becoming unattackable for one round. On the next round, you attack, dealing X flying damage.
Level 10: Cyclone, 5 round cooldown - Creates a cyclone which has a 35% chance to deal X Flying damage to the enemy team each round. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 15: Frenzy, 4 round cooldown - Increases the caster's speed by 50% and damage by 25% for 3 rounds.
Level 20: Chosen One, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - The arakkoa selects a random member of the enemy team to become the Chosen One. That pet then swaps into battle, taking X flying damage and they have their accuracy and damage decreased by 25% for 3 rounds.

Naga - Humanoid (or Aquatic)

Naga are serpentine humanoids who dwell within Azeroth's oceans. When the Well of Eternity imploded, Queen Azshara and her most loyal servants were sucked into the sea where they were transformed into the monstrous Naga by the Old Gods.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Naga (male[/url]
[url=]Naga (female)[/url]

Interactivity: Some pets are going to have to sacrifice having interactivity and I think this should be one of them.

Level 1: Forked Lightning, 100% hit chance - The Naga shoots lightning from their fingertips, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy pet and X damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 2: Crushing Wave, 100% hit chance - A crushing wave deals X aquatic damage to the enemy team. Destroys objects created by both teams.
Level 4: Submerge, 80% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Submerge under the water, becoming unattackable for one round. On the next round, you attack, dealing X aquatic damage.
Level 10: Ensnare, 100% hit chance - The naga throw a net at the enemy pet, dealing X humanoid damage and preventing the target from fleeing for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Whirlpool, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Causes a whirlpool to form under the enemy pet. In two rounds, the opponent's pet will take X aquatic damage and be rooted for 2 rounds.
Level 20: Summon Sea Elemental, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - The Naga summons a Sea Elemental. During this time, the user goes underwater, becoming unattackable for 2 rounds. During this time, the Sea Elemental attacks the opponent, dealing X aquatic damage each round.

Chromatus - Dragonkin

Chromatus was the pinnacle of all Nefarian had learned on his experiments to create a chromatic dragon. A massive dragon with 5 heads, one for each dragonflight, he was defeated only through the union of all 5 Aspect spirits.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Chromatus[/url]

Interactivity: Chromatus could shoot things out of one of its heads at random (fire for red, frost for blue, poison for green, sand for bronze, and shadowflame for black).

Level 1: Ignite Flesh, 100% hit chance - Deals X elemental damage instantly. The enemy Burns for X additional elemental damage per round for 4 rounds.
Level 2: Chromatic Chaos, 80% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - A random head of Chromatus breathes on the target, dealing X dragonkin, elemental, undead, or aquatic damage.
Level 4: Aspect-Killer, 80% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Chromatus' heads converge on the enemy pet, dealing X dragonkin damage and producing one of the following effects for 2 rounds: reduce speed by 50%, reduce accuracy by 25%, reduce healing taken by 50%, Poisoning the target for X elemental damage, or inflict Agony on the target, causing increasing Undead damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Frost Burn, 90% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Chromatus' blue head breathes on the enemy pet, dealing X dragonkin damage and reducing the target's speed by 25% for 1 round.
Level 15: Sands of Time, 5 round cooldown - Reverses time to undo damage taken over the past 2 rounds. Using this ability drains the caster, reducing their speed and accuracy by 20% for 3 rounds.
Level 20: Deathwing's Darling, 8 round cooldown - Chromatus is blessed with the Destroyer's power, reducing damage taken by 50% for 3 rounds, and increasing damage done by 50% for 3 rounds. After expiring, the loss of such power drains Chromatus for 20% of his total health.
Last edited by Adumbledore on February 29th, 2016, 3:19 pm, edited 24 times in total.

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Re: Designing New Pets

Post by Adumbledore » January 19th, 2014, 3:32 am

Medivh - Humanoid

The final Guardian of Tirisfal, Medivh was an extremely powerful mage who brought the orcs to Azeroth. He was corrupted at birth by Sargeras, but was freed from his possession with his death. His mother, Aegwynn revived him, but he hasn't been seen in recent years.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Medivh[/url]

Interactivity: Medivh could be shown conjuring a tiny version of the Dark Portal, bringing the orcs into Azeroth.

Level 1: Arcane Blast, 100% hit chance - Blasts the enemy with a surge of arcane power, dealing X magic damage. Damage increases by X each time it hits. Max X magic damage.
Level 2: Evocation, 4 round cooldown - The caster restores 40% of their total health over 2 rounds.
Level 4: Dark Portal, 90% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Medivh conjures a replica of the Dark Portal and forces his opponent into it. This deals X magic damage and forces an opponent's pet to swap into battle.
Level 10: Blizzard, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X elemental damage and causes a Blizzard for 9 rounds. During a Blizzard, all pets are considered Chilled.
Level 15: Pyroblast, 85% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Hurls a fiery boulder at the target, causing X elemental damage. The target Burns for X additional elemental damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 20: Essence Weaving, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Medivh casts a spell of great power, weaving his own essence into the magic. He then hurls the magic at the target, dealing X magic damage and an additional X magic damage each round for 2 rounds. Casting this drains Medivh, causing him to take 25% increased damage for 2 rounds.

Death Knight - Humanoid

Death Knights were originally created by Gul'dan to serve the Horde in the Second War. The Death Knights as we know them now were created by the Lich King to serve him, but rebelled once his grip over them slipped.

Description of Appearance: For the class pets, I think it would be cool if they were wearing a tier outfit when summoned. The tier choice would be random when the pet is summoned. The race of the class pet would be random when summoned as well.

Interactivity: The death knight would Death Grip random critters to itself to kill.

Level 1: Death Coil, 95% hit chance - Deals X undead damage and heals the user for 50% of the damage dealt.
Level 2: Bone Shield, 4 round cooldown - Reduces all damage taken by 25% for the next 6 attacks made against you.
Level 4: Master of Diseases, 85% hit chance, 6 round cooldown - Inflicts the target with Frost Fever and Blood Plague, causing X undead damage and slowing speed by 50% for 2 rounds and increasing damage taken by 25% for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Howling Blast, 100% hit chance - A blast of bone-chilling wind hits the enemy team, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy pet and X elemental damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 15: Unholy Aura, 3 round cooldown - Increases your team's speed and accuracy by 25% for 4 rounds.
Level 20: Army of the Dead, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - The Death Knight summons a legion of ghouls in front of him, becoming unattackable for 2 rounds. During this time, the ghouls attack the opponent, dealing X undead damage each round.

Druid - Humanoid

Druids are masters of the wilds, able to shapeshift into different animal forms and being able to call upon nature magic to aid them in battle. The first of the druids, Malfurion Stormrage, was trained in the druidic arts by the demigod Cenarius.

Description of Appearance: For the class pets, I think it would be cool if they were wearing a tier outfit when summoned. The tier choice would be random when the pet is summoned. The race of the class pet would be random when summoned as well.

Interactivity: The druid could transform into random forms and dance using those forms.

Level 1: Moonfire, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X magic damage and turns the weather into Moonlight for 9 rounds. During Moonlight, all pets receive 25% additional healing and Magic abilities deal 10% additional damage.
Level 2: Rejuvenation - Rejuvenates the caster, replenishing X health each round for 5 rounds.
Level 4: Symbiosis, 4 round cooldown - Grants the caster the ability to use one of the enemy's abilities. The ability is chosen at random. Lasts 2 rounds.
Level 10: Rip, 100% hit chance - Deals X beast damage and causes the target to Bleed for X beast damage per round for 5 rounds.
Level 15: Starsurge, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - The druid shoots a devastating bolt of Spellstorm energy at the target, dealing X magic damage.
Level 20: Bear Form, 8 round cooldown - The druid transforms into a Bear Form, increasing damage dealt, health, and critical strike by 40% for 3 rounds. The caster's accuracy and speed are reduced by 25% for 3 rounds.

Hunter - Humanoid

With a powerful connection to the wilds, Hunters are able to take down their opponents at range. Calling upon their animal companions and their vast array of traps, they are easily able to track down their prey and destroy it.

Description of Appearance: Description of Appearance: For the class pets, I think it would be cool if they were wearing a tier outfit when summoned. The tier choice would be random when the pet is summoned. The race of the class pet would be random when summoned as well.

Interactivity: The hunter could summon a random companion (any of the pets that hunters can tame) and they'd go hunting together.

Level 1: Arcane Shot, 95% hit chance - The hunter shoots an arrow imbued with arcane power at the target dealing X magic damage.
Level 2: Explosive Trap, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - A highly flammable trap is placed under the enemy team where it explodes, doing X elemental damage to the enemy team each round for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Aspect of the Iron Hawk, 5 round cooldown - The hunter gains the Aspect of the Iron Hawk, increasing damage done by 25% and reducing damage taken by 25% for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Black Arrow, 100% hit chance - Shadow energy surrounds the arrow of the hunter, dealing X undead damage and X additional undead damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Kill Command, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - The hunter orders a Kill Command to their pet, causing it to deal X beast damage. If the enemy is not killed by Kill Command, they will take 25% additional damage for 1 round.
Level 20: Wild Stampede, 80% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - All of the hunter's pets come out and perform a stampede, hitting the enemy 4 times for X beast damage each. If the enemy is hit at least twice by the stampede, they will have their speed reduced by 25% for 2 rounds.

Mage - Humanoid

Mages are the masters of the arcane. Using their incredible abilities, they can turn beasts into harmless sheep and summon blizzards, flamestrikes, and food and drink at will. Their ability to teleport makes mages incredibly erratic and difficult to defeat.

Description of Appearance: For the class pets, I think it would be cool if they were wearing a tier outfit when summoned. The tier choice would be random when the pet is summoned. The race of the class pet would be random when summoned as well.

Interactivity: Mages could open a portal where other people show up and jump through before jumping through itself.

Level 1: Frostbolt, 90% hit chance - Sends a bolt of frozen water at the enemy dealing X elemental damage. Enemies hit by the frostbolt have their speed reduced by 25% for 1 round.
Level 2: Polymorph, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Polymorphs the enemy target into a sheep, rendering them docile. Lasts 2 rounds. For every round they stay a sheep, they gain X health. Polymorph is broken by any damage.
Level 4: Arcane Power, 5 round cooldown - When activated, the mage gains 30% increased damage and 30% increased critical strike chance. The caster's speed is reduced by 25%. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 10: Pyroblast, 85% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Hurls a fiery boulder at the target, causing X elemental damage. The target Burns for X additional elemental damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Evocation, 4 round cooldown - The caster restores 40% of their total health over 2 rounds.
Level 20: Dragon's Breath, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - The mage conjures up dragon's breath, dealing X elemental damage and disorienting the target, preventing them from taking action for 1 round. The disorientation also roots the target, causing it to be unable to swap for 2 rounds.

Monk - Humanoid

The Pandaren are masters at becoming monks. Monks have the unique ability to channel a type of energy called "chi", which they use to augment their attacks. Unlike most classes, the monk does not rely on a weapon for their attacks, as they are adept at bare-handed fighting.

Description of Appearance: For the class pets, I think it would be cool if they were wearing a tier outfit when summoned. The tier choice would be random when the pet is summoned. The race of the class pet would be random when summoned as well.

Interactivity: Monks would be cool if they used Storm, Earth, and Fire to split into the 3 different aspects then morph back into one being.

Level 1: Dizzying Haze, 90% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - The monk throws a keg of brew at the enemy's team, dealing X humanoid damage. Also gives the Dizzying Haze debuff, reducing accuracy by 10% for 2 rounds.
Level 2: Renewing Mists - Fills the area with a healing mist, causing your front pet to restore X health every round. Lasts 3 rounds. Persists through pet swaps..
Level 4: Revival, 5 round cooldown - Channeling chi energy, your team is healed for X health and is cleared of all buffs and debuffs.
Level 10: Fists of Fury, 85% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Fists are a monk's greatest weapons, as you demonstrate. Deals X humanoid damage to the enemy pet and has a 25% chance to stun for 1 round.
Level 15: Breath of Fire, 100% hit chance - Breathes a cone of fire at the enemy, dealing X elemental damage. If the enemy has the Dizzying Haze debuff on them, they are dealt an additional X elemental damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 20: Storm, Earth, and Fire, 8 round cooldown - Conjures up 3 monk spirits: Storm, Earth, and Fire to attack your enemies. Each round, a random spirit will perform the same attack you make, but for 25% of the damage you do. This damage is classified as elemental. It cannot crit and no added effects (stun, sleep, etc.) can be applied via this damage. Lasts 3 rounds.

Paladin - Humanoid

Paladins mix marital ability with powers of the light to protect and defend those in their charge. With a wave of their hand, they can heal grievous wounds or summon a blast of holy energy which they can use to destroy or heal and their ability to place a blessing on those around them make paladins invaluable.

Description of Appearance: For the class pets, I think it would be cool if they were wearing a tier outfit when summoned. The tier choice would be random when the pet is summoned. The race of the class pet would be random when summoned as well.

Interactivity: The paladin could be surrounded by multiple mobs where they use Divine Shield then strike all of the mobs down with holy light.

Level 1: Holy Wrath, 100% hit chance - Shoots out bolts of holy energy in all directions, dealing X humanoid damage to the enemy team.
Level 2: Divine Favor, 3 round cooldown - Increases the caster's speed and critical strike chance by 25% for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Holy Radiance, 5 round cooldown - The paladin glows with the Holy Light, healing your team for X and Blinding the enemy team for 3 rounds. Blinded victims have 50% reduced accuracy.
Level 10: Exorcism, 95% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Forcibly expels the evil in the enemy pet, dealing X humanoid damage and an additional X humanoid damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Shield of the Righteous, 90% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Throws a holy shield at the enemy, dealing X humanoid damage and reducing the damage you take by 25% for 1 round.
Level 20: Divine Shield, 8 round cooldown - Protects the Paladin from all attacks for the next 2 rounds, but reduces the damage you deal by 50% for the duration of the shield.

Priest - Humanoid

Priests are the masters at channeling the power of the holy light. With it, they can heal wounds, shield allies, restore the dead to life, or blast enemies with holy magic. Some priests channel shadow powers, which they can use to decimate their enemies.

Description of Appearance: For the class pets, I think it would be cool if they were wearing a tier outfit when summoned. The tier choice would be random when the pet is summoned. The race of the class pet would be random when summoned as well.

Interactivity: The priest could shield itself with Power Word: Shield, then finish off random critters with Smite.

Level 1: Holy Fire, 100% hit chance - Blasts the opponent with a pillar of holy light, dealing X humanoid damage and an additional X humanoid damage for 1 round.
Level 2: Penance, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Launches a volley of holy light at the target, hitting them 3 separate times. Each hit deals X humanoid damage. The caster is healed for 100% of total damage done.
Level 4: Devouring Plague, 90% hit chance, 6 round cooldown - The priest places a shadowy disease on the target, dealing X undead damage and an additional X undead damage each round for 3 rounds. The caster is healed for 50% of damage done.
Level 10: Mind Flay, 85% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Tendrils of shadow magic attack the enemy, dealing X undead damage and slowing their speed by 50% for 1 round.
Level 15: Power Word: Shield, 3 round cooldown - Protects the caster from the next attack made against them.
Level 20: Divine Hymn, 8 round cooldown, 3 round ability - The power of the Holy Light flows through the priest, healing their team for 20% of their total health each round for 3 rounds.

Rogue - Humanoid

Masters of stealth, rogues have the ability to strike from behind before vanishing back into the shadows from whence they came. Using poisons, they can easily assassinate any target without them even knowing that they were hit.

Description of Appearance: For the class pets, I think it would be cool if they were wearing a tier outfit when summoned. The tier choice would be random when the pet is summoned. The race of the class pet would be random when summoned as well.

Interactivity: Rogues could shadowstep behind random critters and assassinate them from behind.

Level 1: Revealing Strike, 90% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Strikes the enemy where it hurts most, dealing X humanoid damage and increasing their damage taken by 25% for 1 round.
Level 2: Blade Flurry, 100% hit chance - The rogue strikes the enemy team in a flurry of blades, dealing X humanoid damage to the enemy team.
Level 4: Dispatch, 90% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Attempts to dispatch of the enemy, dealing X humanoid damage. If the target is below 35% health, Dispatch does double damage.
Level 10: Find Weakness, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Mastery of combat allows the rogue to pinpoint where attacks will do the most damage, causing the enemy to take 100% increased damage for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Hemorrhage, 100% hit chance - A vicious attempt at bloodletting, dealing X humanoid damage and causing the target to bleed for X additional humanoid damage each round for 5 rounds.
Level 20: Cheat Death, 8 round cooldown - The rogue's mastery at escaping is such that they can even cheat death, reducing damage taken by 75% for 3 rounds. If the rogue is killed the next round, they are reborn with full health, but lose 20% health per round.

Shaman - Humanoid

Shaman are the mediators between the elemental forces. They can call upon molten lava, lightning bolts, and even thunderstorms to destroy their enemies. In addition to their destructive powers, they can use the power of water to heal allies' wounds and they can even recall a spirit back to their body.

Description of Appearance: For the class pets, I think it would be cool if they were wearing a tier outfit when summoned. The tier choice would be random when the pet is summoned. The race of the class pet would be random when summoned as well.

Interactivity: The shaman could summon spirit wolves to its side before setting them loose on a pack of mobs in front of the shaman.

Level 1: Lava Burst, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Hurls molten lava at the target, dealing X elemental damage. If the target is Burning, Lava Burst will critically strike.
Level 2: Riptide, 3 round cooldown - Instantly heals the target for X, and an additional X each round for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Thunderstorm, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Calls down a bolt of lightning on the target, dealing X elemental damage and causing an opponent's pet to swap in. The swapped in pet has their speed reduced by 20% for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Stormstrike, 80% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Instantly strikes the target for X humanoid damage, and increasing your critical strike chance by 25% for 1 round.
Level 15: Spirit Link Totem, 5 round cooldown - The shaman summons a spirit link totem which reduces damage taken by 10%. At the end of each round, the health of all of your pets is redistributed so each pet ends up with the same percentage of health. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 20: Feral Spirit, 100% hit chance, 6 round cooldown - 2 Feral Spirits appear to aid the shaman. Each spirit will attack with you, but for 10% of the damage you do. This damage is considered beast damage, it cannot crit, and no added effects (stun, sleep, etc.) can be applied via this damage. The essence of the spirit wolves are such that the shaman is healed for the total amount of damage done each round. Lasts 2 rounds.

Warlock - Humanoid

Practitioners of dark, forbidden magic, warlocks are powerful spellcasters who can use fire and curses to slowly destroy their enemies. Some warlocks can even use their gifts to transform into a demon, granting them incredible powers and minions who live to serve their masters.

Description of Appearance: For the class pets, I think it would be cool if they were wearing a tier outfit when summoned. The tier choice would be random when the pet is summoned. The race of the class pet would be random when summoned as well.

Interactivity: The warlock could summon an infernal before wading into a pack of murlocs. The warlock would win, of course.

Level 1: Agony, 100% hit chance - Inflicts agony on the target, causing increasing Undead damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 2: Drain Soul, 85% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Drains the soul out of the target, dealing X undead damage and increasing damage done by 25% for 1 round.
Level 4: Chaos Bolt, 90% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Unleashes a blast of chaos energy, dealing X undead damage. This damage has a 50% increased chance to critically strike.
Level 10: Soul Link, 4 round cooldown - Damage and healing taken by the Warlock is distributed evenly among his team's pets. Lasts 2 rounds.
Level 15: Curse of Doom, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Deals X undead damage after 5 rounds.
Level 20: Metamorphosis, 8 round cooldown - The warlock takes on the form of a demon, gaining 25% increased damage and speed. Attacks made by the warlock heal them for 50% of damage dealt. Lasts 3 rounds.

Warrior - Humanoid

Warriors are masters of battle. They have great knowledge of various types of weaponry which they can use to devastating effect. Using their signature shouts, they can inspire their allies to the heights of bravery or engender fear in their enemies.

Description of Appearance: For the class pets, I think it would be cool if they were wearing a tier outfit when summoned. The tier choice would be random when the pet is summoned. The race of the class pet would be random when summoned as well.

Interactivity: The warrior should bladestorm through a group of kobolds and then take their candles.

Level 1: Wild Strike, 100% hit chance - Deals X humanoid damage and causes the target to Bleed for X humanoid damage per round for 5 rounds.
Level 2: Whirlwind, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Whirls around wildly, dealing X humanoid damage to the enemy team.
Level 4: Bladestorm, 90% hit chance, 5 round cooldown, 3 round ability - The warrior spins around in a whirlwind of death, slicing up the enemy team for X humanoid damage each round for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Demoralizing Shout, 100% hit chance - Shouts at the enemy dealing X humanoid damage and reducing the damage the target deals by 25% for 3 rounds.
Level 15: Colossus Smash, 85% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Attacks the enemy with the power of a colossus, dealing X humanoid damage and causing the enemy to take 25% increased damage for 1 round.
Level 20: Avatar, 8 round cooldown - Transforms into a living juggernaut, increasing damage and health by 30% for 3 rounds. While in Avatar form, you are immune to stuns and roots.

Mini Alexstrasza - Dragonkin

Alexstrasza is the leader of the red dragonflight. The titan Eonar blessed her with a portion of her power so that she became the Life-Binder - the guardian of all life on Azeroth. As the Dragonqueen, Alexstrasza is one of the most powerful beings on Azeroth.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Alexstrasza[/url]

Interactivity: It would be cool if Alexstrasza battled Deathwing, like they do in the Twilight Highlands.

Level 1: Incinerate, 100% hit chance - Deals X elemental damage instantly. The enemy Burns for X additional elemental damage per round for 4 rounds.
Level 2: Cauterize, 3 round cooldown - Restores X health plus half of the last hit taken by the user.
Level 4: Queen of Life, 5 round cooldown - The Queen of Life blesses your team, restoring X health to each of your pets instantly and an additional X health every round for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Flame Breath, 95% hit chance - Breathes purifying fire upon the enemy, dealing X dragonkin damage.
Level 15: Lifegiving Breath, 100% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - The Dragonqueen breathes upon the enemy, dealing X dragonkin damage. You are healed for 50% of the damage done.
Level 20: The Lifebinder, 8 round cooldown - Alexstrasza gives her blessing to your team, restoring X health and preventing the health of any of your pets from being reduced below 1 for the next 2 rounds.

Mini Ysera - Dragonkin

Ysera is the leader of the green dragonflight and the protector of the Emerald Dream. Druids pay Ysera homage and they share the Emerald Dream with her. In past times, Ysera was said to be constantly dreaming, but she has now awoken.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Ysera*[/url]

*The pet of Ysera would obviously be non-ethereal.

Interactivity: Although the Ysera pet is non-ethereal, she could sometimes plane-shift so that she becomes ethereal.

Level 1: Poisonous Breath, 95% hit chance - Breathes upon the enemy with poison breath, dealing X dragonkin damage.
Level 2: Rejuvenation - Rejuvenates the caster, replenishing X health each round for 5 rounds.
Level 4: Mistress of Dreams, 5 round cooldown - Ysera causes your team to enter the Emerald Dream, restoring X health the first round, X health the second round, and X health the third round. While in the Emerald Dream, you cannot swap pets.
Level 10: Entangling Roots, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Causes a thick nest of vines to begin growing around the enemy team. Next round, the opponent's pet will take X elemental damage and be rooted for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Nightmare, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Ysera sends a nightmare at the target, causing them to lose their turn.
Level 20: The Awakened, 8 round cooldown - The Green Aspect blesses your team, granting 25% increased damage, health, and accuracy for 4 rounds that persists through pet swaps. However, having recently awoken from her slumber in the Emerald Dream, Ysera's speed is reduced by 25% for 2 rounds.

Mini Nozdormu - Dragonkin

Nozdormu is known as the Lord of Time, having been granted powers over time by Aman'Thul the Highfather of the titan pantheon. Because of his ability to look into the corridors of time, he is extremely difficult to defeat as he can simply use his powers to change the outcome of the confrontation.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Nozdormu[/url]

Interactivity: Nozdormu could use his powers to reverse time, showing him getting younger and younger until he becomes an egg again.

Level 1: Sand Breath, 95% hit chance - Breathes scorching sand on the target, dealing X dragonkin damage.
Level 2: Temporal Blast, 100% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Blasts the enemy with time-based magic, dealing X dragonkin damage and reducing their speed by 25% for 1 round.
Level 4: Lord of Time, 6 round cooldown - Nozdormu's mastery over time is unparalleled. Casting this spell resets the cooldowns on all of Nozdormu's abilities. Lord of Time is unaffected.
Level 10: Sandstorm, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X flying damage and turns the weather into a sandstorm for 9 rounds. During a sandstorm, all pets take X less damage and their accuracy is reduced by 10%.
Level 15: Sands of Time, 5 round cooldown - Reverses time to undo damage taken over the past 2 rounds. Using this ability drains the caster, reducing their speed and accuracy by 20% for 3 rounds.
Level 20: Timeless One, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - The Timeless One blesses your team, granting 50% increased speed for 3 rounds while causing X dragonkin damage to the enemy team and reducing the enemy team's speed by 50% for 3 rounds.

Mini Kalecgos - Dragonkin

Kalecgos is the current Aspect of the blue dragonflight, having recently been elected to the position during the Embrace. Despite the loss of his powers while fighting Deathwing, Kalecgos continues to be a presence in the world and is currently in a relationship with the sorceress, Jaina Proudmoore.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Kalecgos[/url]

Interactivity: Kalecgos should show his becoming the new Aspect of Magic during the Embrace.

Level 1: Arcane Shock, 100% hit chance - Shocks the target with a blast of arcane energy, dealing X magic damage.
Level 2: Frost Breath, 95% hit chance - Freezes the target, dealing X dragonkin damage.
Level 4: The Lord of Magic, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - The Blue Aspect causes Moonfire to rain down during the Embrace, dealing X magic damage to each pet on the enemy's team and turning the weather into Moonlight for 9 rounds. During Moonlight, all pets receive 25% additional healing and Magic abilities deal 10% additional damage.
Level 10: Arcane Blast, 100% hit chance - Blasts the enemy with a surge of arcane power, dealing X magic damage. Damage increases by X each time it hits. Max X magic damage.
Level 15: Arcane Storm, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X magic damage to all enemies and warps the weather into Arcane Winds for 9 rounds. During Arcane Winds, pets cannot be stunned or rooted.
Level 20: Spellweaver, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - As the Spellweaver, Kalecgos channels his magic into your pets, stealing any buffs the enemy team may have and reversing any debuffs your team may have back to the caster(s) of those spells.

Vol'jin - Humanoid

Vol'jin is the current Warchief of the Horde and the leader of the Darkspear tribe. A powerful Shadow Hunter, Vol'jin has proven himself able to hold the Horde together in a time of internal conflict and strife. He is also proven that he is extremely difficult to kill.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Vol'jin[/url]

Interactivity: It should show Vol'jin becoming the new Warchief of the Horde as in the ceremony in the Siege of Orgrimmar.

Level 1: Serpent Ward, 90% hit chance - Vol'jin summons a Serpent Ward to attack his enemy. Deals X beast damage.
Level 2: Chain Heal, 4 round cooldown - Calls forth a wave of healing energy, healing for X and bouncing to nearby allies, healing them for X.
Level 4: Blessing of the Loa, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Vol'jin receives the blessing of the loa, granting him increased regeneration. He heals for X each round and 100% of that healing is dealt as damage to a random enemy. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 10: Hex, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Vol'jin hexes the target, turning them into a frog for 1 round. While a frog, enemies cannot attack or use abilities.
Level 15: Voodoo Doll, 100% hit chance, 3 round ability - Summons a voodoo doll of the enemy before poking it with sharp needles, dealing X humanoid damage to the enemy. Voodoo Doll continues for 3 rounds.
Level 20: Big Bad Voodoo, 8 round cooldown - Vol'jin summons the ultimate voodoo, granted by the loa. Big Bad Voodoo makes Vol'jin's teammates invulnerable for 3 rounds. Big Bad Voodoo does not affect Vol'jin and any pets swapped in before the end of the spell lose the invulnerability.

Baine Bloodhoof - Humanoid

Baine Bloodhoof is the leader of the Tauren and a supporter of Warchief Vol'jin. He is the son of the former Tauren leader, Cairne Bloodhoof, and is the perfect counter, personality-wise, to Garrosh Hellscream. His friendship with Anduin Wrynn echoes the relationship Jaina and Thrall had.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Baine Bloodhoof[/url]

Interactivity: It would be cool to see Anduin Wrynn handing over Fearbreaker to Baine.

Level 1: Throw Totem, 95% hit chance - Baine throws his totem at the enemy, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 2: Pulverize, 100% hit chance - Baine leaps at the enemy team, pulverizing the ground beneath their feet, dealing X humanoid damage to each pet.
Level 4: Endurance Aura, 5 round cooldown - Increases your speed by 20% for 4 rounds and reduces your spells' cooldowns by 1 round. Endurance Aura is not affected by the reduction to spell cooldowns.
Level 10: Mortal Strike, 90% hit chance - Attacks the enemy pet, dealing X humanoid damage to the enemy pet and reducing healing received by 25% for 1 round.
Level 15: Cleave, 80% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Deals X humanoid damage and has a 50% chance to deal X humanoid damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 20: Reincarnation, 15 round cooldown - If Baine's health is reduced below 1 in the next 2 rounds, he will reincarnate after 3 rounds, gaining 35% of his total health. If the enemy destroys all of your other pets before he can reincarnate (or if you have no other pets alive), the spell will fail.

Sylvanas Windrunner - Undead

Sylvanas is "The Dark Lady", the supreme ruler of the Forsaken. Once a stunningly beautiful high elf, she was once the Ranger-General of Silvermoon. She was killed by Arthas during his trek to the Sunwell and was subsequently raised into undeath by Arthas.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Sylvanas Windrunner[/url]

Interactivity: Sylvanas should summon Val'kyr who raise the dead near her.

Level 1: Black Arrow, 100% hit chance - Shadow energy surrounds Sylvanas' arrow, dealing X undead damage and X additional undead damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 2: Unholy Shot, 50% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Sylvanas shoots an unholy arrow at the target, dealing X undead damage and turning the enemy pet into the Undead type for 2 rounds. As an undead, they do NOT gain the undead racial, they simply take damage as if they were undead.
Level 4: Calling of the Highborne, 5 round cooldown - Sylvanas surrounds herself with a ring of undead elves, reducing damage taken by 20%. Each time she is hit, an elf will attack the enemy pet, dealing X undead damage. Lasts 4 rounds or until the elves have all been destroyed.
Level 10: Blighted Arrows, 100% hit chance - Sylvanas jumps into the sky and shoots Blighted Arrows at the ground beneath the enemy, corrupting them. Each round, the enemy will take X undead damage each round for 9 rounds. Persists through pet swaps.
Level 15: Life Drain, 85% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - A beam of unholy energy connects Sylvanas and the enemy, dealing X undead damage and healing Sylvanas for 100% of the damage.
Level 20: Vengeance of the Forsaken, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Sylvanas conjures up the hatred the Forsaken feel for the living, summoning a catapult. The catapult then fires several barrels full of Blight at the enemy team, dealing 15% of each pets' total health and changing the weather to Blight. During Blight, the maximum health of all pets is reduced by 10% and Undead abilities do 25% more damage.

Lor'themar Theron - Humanoid

Lor'themar Theron is the leader of the blood elves after Prince Kael'thas' defection to the Burning Legion. Despite having many difficult decisions come his way, he leads the blood elves with a certain tenacity, making sure that everyone knows that the Sin'dorei will always endure.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Lor'themar Theron[/url]

Interactivity: A miniature version of the Sunwell should appear behind Lor'themar.

Level 1: Arcane Shock, 100% hit chance - Shocks the target with a blast of arcane energy, dealing X magic damage.
Level 2: Multi-Shot, 100% hit chance - Shoots a volley of arrows at the enemy team, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 4: Charm, 90% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Charms the enemy pet, making them unable to attack Lor'themar. Deals X magic damage and causes an opponent's pet to swap into battle.
Level 10: Arcane Shot, 95% hit chance - Lor'themar shoots an arrow imbued with arcane power at the target dealing X magic damage.
Level 15: Trueshot Aura - Lor'themar summons a Trueshot Aura, increasing accuracy by 50% and critical strike chance by 25%. Lasts 4 rounds.
Level 20: Glory of the Sin'dorei, 4 round cooldown - The Sunwell empowers Lor'themar, granting him a shield which reduces damage taken by X, deals X magic damage each time Lor'themar is hit, and heals Lor'themar for 25% of all damage he deals. Lasts 3 rounds.

Trade Prince Gallywix - Humanoid

Not much is known about Trade Prince Gallywix, despite his position as leader of the Bilgewater Cartel, as he is usually too busy counting his fortune to care about much else. It it known, however, that he has pledged his loyalty to Warchief Vol'jin after Garrosh's defeat.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Trade Prince Gallywix[/url]

Interactivity: Gallywix should enter his robotic spider and walk around.

Level 1: Revenue Stream, 100% hit chance - A stream of money is thrown at the enemy pet, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 2: Downsizing, 90% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Downsizes the enemy, reducing their damage and health by 10% for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Unload Toxic Assets, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Throws toxic assets into the air at the enemy team, raining down upon them dealing X elemental damage instantly and an additional X elemental damage each round for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Make It Rain, 80% hit chance - Throws gold coins at the enemy, dealing X mechanical damage. Gold coins will continue to fall on the enemy, dealing X mechanical damage each round for 4 rounds.
Level 15: You're Fired, 90% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Gallywix no longer considers the enemy to be worth his time, dealing X humanoid damage and forcing one of the opponent's pets to swap in.
Level 20: The Bottom Line, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - The Bottom Line is that goblins love money and will do anything to obtain it. The Bottom Line kills an enemy pet instantly, transmuting them into gold. The Bottom Line can only be used if the enemy pet has less than 25% health remaining.

Ji Firepaw - Humanoid

Ji Firepaw leads the Pandaren that follow the path of Huojin (and thus, the Horde). He is known for being rather hot-headed and acting before thinking things through. He is attracted to Aysa Cloudsinger, who practices the art of Tushui, and is herself a member of the Alliance.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Ji Firepaw[/url]

Interactivity: Ji could split into the Storm, Earth, and Fire spirits then meld back into Ji.

Level 1: Crackling Jade Lightning, 100% hit chance - Summons crackling jade lightning on the enemy, dealing X elemental damage and an additional X elemental damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 2: Spinning Crane Kick, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown, 2 round ability - Ji rushes to the enemy team then performs a spinning crane kick, attacking all enemies for X humanoid damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Touch of Karma, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Redirects all damage done to you this round, back to the enemy pet, dealing 50% of damage done each round for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Fists of Fury, 85% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Fists are a monk's greatest weapons, as you demonstrate. Deals X humanoid damage to the enemy pet and has a 25% chance to stun for 1 round.
Level 15: Rising Sun Kick, 90% hit chance - You kick upwards, dealing X humanoid damage to the enemy pet and reducing healing received by 25% for 1 round.
Level 20: Storm, Earth, and Fire, 8 round cooldown - Conjures up 3 monk spirits: Storm, Earth, and Fire to attack your enemies. Each round, a random spirit will perform the same attack you make, but for 25% of the damage you do. This damage is classified as elemental. It cannot crit and no added effects (stun, sleep, etc.) can be applied via this damage. Lasts 3 rounds.

Varian Wrynn - Humanoid

Varian Wrynn is the current king of Stormwind and the military leader of the Alliance. Known as Lo'Gosh for his tenacity and ferocity in battle, he has been said to be "favored" by the Ancient, Goldrinn. Despite past catastrophes, he seems willing to work with the Horde under Vol'jin's leadership.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Varian Wrynn[/url]

Interactivity: Varian could lead the army of dreamforms into battle. Lo'Gosh's countenance could appear on his face as he does it.

Level 1: Mortal Strike, 90% hit chance - Attacks the enemy pet, dealing X humanoid damage to the enemy pet and reducing healing received by 25% for 1 round.
Level 2: Heroic Leap, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Varian leaps at the enemy team before slamming down with tremendous force, dealing X humanoid damage to the enemy team, and stunning the enemy's active pet for 1 round.
Level 4: Bladestorm, 90% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - The warrior spins around in a whirlwind of death, slicing up the enemy team for X humanoid damage each round for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Single-Minded Fury, 5 round cooldown - While active, increases damage done by 35%. Lasts 2 rounds.
Level 15: Cleave, 80% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Deals X humanoid damage and has a 50% chance to deal X humanoid damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 20: Spirit of Lo'Gosh, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Varian transforms into a spectral version of Lo'Gosh, the ghost wolf. While active, damage and critical strike chance is increased by 25%. In addition, all abilities will deal beast damage instead of their regular damage type. Lasts 3 rounds.

Tyrande Whisperwind - Humanoid

Tyrande Whisperwind is the High Priestess of Elune and ruler of the Night Elves. She participated in the War of the Ancients and somehow survived the implosion of the Well of Eternity. A fear of hers is becoming a new Queen Azshara. She recently married the Night Elf, Malfurion Stormrage.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Tyrande Whisperwind[/url]

Interactivity: Tyrande should be riding Ash'alah while summoning a Starfall on random critters.

Level 1: Searing Arrow, 100% hit chance - Tyrande shoots a flaming arrow at the target, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 2: Starfall, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Deals X dragonkin damage to all enemy pets, restores X health to all allies and turns the weather into Moonlight for 9 rounds. During Moonlight, all pets receive 25% additional healing and Magic abilities deal 10% additional damage.
Level 4: Tears of Elune, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Tyrande summons the Tears of Elune, healing each pet on your team for X each round for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Lunar Bolt, 100% hit chance - Tyrande shoots a bolt of pure moon energy at the target, dealing X magic damage.
Level 15: Moonfire, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X magic damage and turns the weather into Moonlight for 9 rounds. During Moonlight, all pets receive 25% additional healing and Magic abilities deal 10% additional damage.
Level 20: Eyes of the Goddess, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Tyrande prays to Elune for aid, and Elune responds by summoning a line of priestesses in battle garb made of moonlight in front of her, allowing Tyrande to escape, becoming unattackable for 2 rounds. During this time, the Battle Priestesses attack the opponent, dealing X magic damage each round.

Prophet Velen - Humanoid

Prophet Velen has been the leader of the Draenei for over 25,000 years. He was said to be closer than a brother to Kil'Jaeden, who betrayed Velen when he became a member of the Burning Legion. Having the gift of Sight, he has been involved in many of the most noteworthy events in recent years.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Prophet Velen[/url]

Interactivity: Prophet Velen should be shown with multiple Naaru (preferably in different colors) appearing behind him then disappearing.

Level 1: Holy Bolt, 100% hit chance - Shoots a bolt of holy magic at the enemy, dealing X magic damage.
Level 2: Prayer of Healing, 3 round cooldown - Velen prays for healing, restoring X health to each of your pets.
Level 4: Power of the Naaru, 5 round cooldown - Velen channels the power of the benevolent Naaru, dispelling all debuffs from your team and all buffs from the enemy team.
Level 10: Holy Nova, 100% hit chance - Causes an explosion of holy light, dealing X magic damage to the enemy's pets.
Level 15: Divine Intervention, 3 round cooldown - Velen is the recipient of Divine Intervention, protecting him from all attacks for 1 round.
Level 20: Guardian Spirit, 8 round cooldown - Velen summons a Guardian Spirit for 3 rounds. If you take lethal damage while the guardian is active, the guardian will sacrifice itself, healing you for 50% of your total health.

Council of Three Hammers - Humanoid

The Council of Three Hammers was created after a brief civil war among the Dwarven people, following the petrification of King Magni Bronzebeard. Instead of a single ruler, Ironforge would be ruled by a representative from each clan. The current council consists of Muradin Bronzebeard, Moira Thaurissan, and Falstad Wildhammer.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Muradin Bronzebeard[/url]
[url=]Moira Thaurissan[/url]
[url=]Falstad Wildhammer[/url]

Interactivity: Muradin should be seen throwing his hammer, Falstad should ride a gryphon, and Moira could be seen healing the other two.

Level 1: Mind Blast, 100% hit chance - Moira blasts the enemy's mind with shadow magic, dealing X undead damage.
Level 2: Storm Bolt, 85% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Muradin throws his mighty hammer with extraordinary strength, dealing X humanoid damage and has a 25% chance to stun the target for 1 round.
Level 4: Avatar, 8 round cooldown - The Council transforms into living juggernauts, increasing damage and health by 30% for 3 rounds. While in Avatar form, you are immune to stuns and roots.
Level 10: Thunder Clap, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Slams the ground under the enemy team, dealing X humanoid damage and slowing the enemy's active pet by 25% for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Renew - Renews the Council, healing for X each round for 4 rounds.
Level 20: Storm Hammer, 100% hit chance, 6 round cooldown - Falstad charges his hammer with the power of the storm before throwing it at the enemy, dealing X humanoid damage. A thunderbolt then strikes, dealing X elemental damage to each of the enemy's pets.

Genn Greymane - Humanoid

Genn Greymane is the ruler of the kingdom of Gilneas as well as the Worgen people. Having initiated the construction of the Greymane Wall, he effectively sealed his people's fates when the Worgen curse began to spread. He is one of only a handful of rulers from the Second War still living and ruling the same kingdom.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Genn Greymane[/url] (human form)
[url=]Genn Greymane[/url] (worgen form)

Interactivity: Genn Greymane would transform into his worgen form, swiping at the air, before reverting to his human form.

Level 1: Bloodthirsty, 85% hit chance - Attacks the opponent with the intent to kill, dealing X humanoid damage. Hit chance increased to 100% if the target is Bleeding.
Level 2: Shattering Throw, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Greymane throws his weapon with tremendous force, shattering the enemy's defenses causing them to take 100% increased damage for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Bloodbath, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Carves up the enemy team with unmatched fury, dealing X humanoid damage to each enemy pet and causing them to Bleed for X additional humanoid damage each round for 5 rounds.
Level 10: Charge, 100% hit chance - Rushes to the enemy, dealing X humanoid damage. This move always goes first.
Level 15: Horrifying Howl, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Greymane howls at the enemy, dealing X beast damage and reducing the speed of the enemy pet by 25% for 2 rounds.
Level 20: Curse of the Worgen, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Greymane gives in to his curse, transforming into a Worgen. He then slashes at the enemy 4 times with razor-sharp claws, dealing X beast damage per hit and increasing the enemy's damage taken by 50% for 3 rounds.

Gelbin Mekkatorque - Humanoid

High Tinker Gelbin Mekkatorque is the ingenious and steadfast ruler of the Gnomes. His brilliance is echoed in his inventions: the first functioning mechanostrider, assistance in developing the dwarven siege engine, and the schematics for the Deeprun Tram.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Gelbin Mekkatorque[/url]

Interactivity: Gelbin could run around on his mechanostrider, killing random critters with his mace, Wrenchcalibur.

Level 1: Electric Shock, 100% hit chance - Shocks the target with a jolt of electricity, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 2: Toxic Bomb, 90% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Throws a bomb of toxic gas at the enemy team, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 4: Robo-Gnome, 5 round cooldown - Gelbin activates his portable robot suit, granting him 30% increased damage and critical strike chance for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Tinker, 100% hit chance - Gelbin's curiosity causes him to tinker with the enemy, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 15: Healing Spray, 4 round cooldown - Gelbin sprays your team with a restorative mist, restoring X health to each pet every round for 3 rounds.
Level 20: Invasion of Troggs, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Gelbin retreats to Ironforge, becoming unattackable for 2 rounds. During this time, the trogg invaders of Gnomeregan attack the opponent, dealing X humanoid damage each round.

Aysa Cloudsinger - Humanoid

Aysa Cloudsinger is a Pandaren and follower of the way of Tushui. She believes that life should be lived through meditation and contemplation, rather than impulse. She seems to be on the receiving end of Ji Firepaw's affections, which she may mirror.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Aysa Cloudsinger[/url]

Interactivity: Aysa could be shown using the Zen Meditation animation.

Level 1: Blackout Kick, 100% hit chance - Kick with a blast of chi energy, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 2: Expel Harm, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Instantly heals yourself for X. 100% of the amount healed is dealt to the enemy pet.
Level 4: Chi Wave, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - A wave of chi energy flows through friends and foes, dealing X damage to each of the enemy's pets and healing all of your pets for X.
Level 10: Detox, 2 round cooldown - Removes all buffs and debuffs from the user.
Level 15: Life Cocoon, 4 round cooldown - Encases the caster in life energy, reducing damage from each attack by X. Periodic healing effects also heal the caster for 50% more while Life Cocoon is active. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 20: Rushing Jade Wind, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - A jade tornado is summoned that hits the enemy team for X humanoid damage. Any pet hit by the tornado takes 25% increased damage for 3 rounds.
Last edited by Adumbledore on February 29th, 2016, 9:45 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Designing New Pets

Post by Ziboo » January 21st, 2014, 2:03 am

How cool is that! I'd be hard pressed to narrow that down to just the top 5 I'd want to have. Although Illidan or Sylvanas would likely be there for sure.

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Re: Designing New Pets

Post by Adumbledore » February 8th, 2014, 6:36 pm

Cenarius - Humanoid

Cenarius is the demigod and leader of all druids on Azeroth. Having gained his powers from his mother, Elune and his father, Malorne, he taught Malfurion Stormrage the druidic arts. Having fought and died in the War of the Ancients, Cenarius has recently returned to Azeroth to defend Mount Hyjal from Ragnaros.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Cenarius[/url]

Interactivity: Cenarius could be shown creating treants out of trees, then regrowing the trees with his power.

Level 1: Wrath, 100% hit chance - Shoots a bolt of nature magic at the enemy, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 2: Entangling Roots, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Causes a thick nest of vines to begin growing around the enemy team. Next round, the opponent's pet will take X elemental damage and be rooted for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Dream of Cenarius, 5 round cooldown - For the next 3 rounds, the caster will deal 30% increased damage and receive 30% increased healing.
Level 10: Tranquility - Fills the area with peace, causing your active pet to restore X health every round. Lasts 2 rounds and persists through pet swaps.
Level 15: Thorns Aura - Deals X elemental damage each time you take direct damage. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 20: Force of Nature, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Cenarius summons treants before retreating into the forest, becoming unattackable for 2 rounds. During this time, the treants attack the opponent, dealing X elemental damage each round.

Aviana - Flying

Aviana is the demigoddess of the sky and all creatures that fly. She is also the mistress of the Mother Tree, G'Hanir, which died when Aviana was killed during the War of the Ancients. She has recently returned to Azeroth along with the other Ancients.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Aviana[/url]

Interactivity: Aviana could be shown flying around the world tree, Nordrassil.

Level 1: Squawk, 100% hit chance - Lets out a loud squawk, dealing X flying damage and reducing the damage the target deals by 25% for 3 rounds.
Level 2: Hawk Eye - Increases your critical strike chance by 25% for 4 rounds.
Level 4: Faerie Swarm, 5 round cooldown - A swarm of faeries surround the target, reducing the target's speed by 50% and increasing damage they take by 50% for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Wild Winds, 100% hit chance - A sharp wind gust deals X flying damage instantly and X flying damage every round for 2 rounds. Persists through pet swaps.
Level 15: Cyclone, 5 round cooldown - Creates a cyclone which has a 35% chance to deal X flying damage to the enemy team each round. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 20: Hurricane, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Aviana summons a hurricane upon the enemy team, dealing X flying damage to the enemy team every round. Enemies hit by the Hurricane have their speed reduced by 25% for 1 round. Lasts 3 rounds.

Malorne - Beast

Father of Cenarius and lover of Elune, Malorne is a demigod whose power lay within nature itself. Being one of nature's greatest and most powerful champions, he fought fiercely in the War of the Ancients before being killed by Archimonde. Thanks to Malfurion Stormrage, Malorne has recently returned to Azeroth.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Malorne[/url]

Interactivity: Malorne could be shown using his powers to defeat Lord Rhyolith, as he does in Mount Hyjal.

Level 1: Rip, 100% hit chance - Deals X beast damage and causes the target to Bleed for 98 Beast damage per round for 5 rounds.
Level 2: Thick Hide, 3 round cooldown - Reduces damage taken by 25% and reduces the enemy's critical strike chance by 25% for 3 rounds.
Level 4: Mass Entanglement, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Entangles the enemy team in vines, dealing X elemental damage to each enemy pet after 2 rounds. The enemy's active pet is also rooted for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Skull Bash, 95% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X beast damage and has a 25% chance to stun the target for 1 round.
Level 15: Regrowth, 3 round cooldown - Instantly heals the caster for X and an additional X each round for 2 rounds.
Level 20: Nature's Vigil, 8 round cooldown - Increases damage and healing done by 20%. Anytime you deal damage, you heal for 25% of the damage done. Anytime you heal, you do 25% of the heal as damage to a random enemy pet. Lasts 4 rounds.

Agamaggan - Beast

Agamaggan, the Boar god, was one of the Ancients who fought during the War of the Ancients. He was the Ancient who stormed Queen Azshara's stronghold, the Eternal Palace, where he sacrificed himself to allow Malfurion's group to reach the Well of Eternity. He has not been seen since.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Agamaggan*[/url]

*The actual Agamaggan pet wouldn't be a spirit, obviously.

Interactivity: Agamaggan should be shown shooting the spines from his back, pinning critters to the ground, before breathing his corrosive breath on them, killing them.

Level 1: Infected Wounds, 100% hit chance - Swipes at the target with razor-sharp claws, dealing X beast damage and an additional X elemental damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 2: Survival Instincts, 3 round cooldown - Agamaggan covers himself in thorns, reducing damage taken by 50% for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Rain of Thorns, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Agamaggan shoots thorns from his back, causing them to rain down on the enemy team. Deals X beast damage and an additional X beast damage every round for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Hoof Stomp, 95% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X beast damage and has a 25% chance to stun the target for 1 round.
Level 15: Killer Instinct, 3 round cooldown - Agamaggan has the instincts of a killer, increasing damage and critical strike chance by 20% for 2 rounds.
Level 20: Corrosive Breath, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Agamaggan breathes corrosive acid on the enemy team, dealing X elemental damage, poisoning them for X elemental damage each round for 3 rounds, and increasing the enemy team's damage taken by 25% for 3 rounds.

Aessina - Magic

Aessina is one of the more powerful demigods who reside on Azeroth. It is said that she is the center of the web of life. Her dearest old friend was an Ancient of Lore, Nordu, who was burned to death by Ragnaros' fire elementals. In response, she uses her powers to extinguish the fires of the Inferno and Flamewake.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Aessina*[/url]

*Aessina would probably take the form of a large wisp. Her color may also be a bit different from a normal wisp.

Interactivity: Aessina could be shown floating around the branches of her friend, Nordu, as they have a conversation.

Level 1: Nature's Focus, 100% hit chance - Aessina focuses the power of nature to deal X elemental damage and increase the caster's accuracy by 20% for 1 round.
Level 2: Wild Mushroom, 85% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Grows a wild mushroom under the enemy pet. After 3 rounds, the mushroom will explode, dealing X elemental damage and rooting the target for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Soul of the Forest, 5 round cooldown - Aessina blesses her team with the power of the soul of the forest, healing each pet for X instantly, and an additional X each round for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Flash, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - A brilliant flash deals X magic damage and Blinds the target, reducing their hit chance by 50% for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Moonfire, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X magic damage and turns the weather into Moonlight for 9 rounds. During Moonlight, all pets receive 25% additional healing and Magic abilities deal 10% additional damage.
Level 20: Heart of the Wild, 8 round cooldown - Increases the caster's damage, speed, and critical strike chance by 10% for 8 rounds.

Goldrinn - Beast

Goldrinn, also called Lo'Gosh by the orcs, is a powerful wolf Ancient. He was known for his ferocity in battle and helped Cenarius in the War of the Ancients. Goldrinn is also the source of the worgen curse and thus is the patron of worgen. He recently returned to Azeroth to help defend Mount Hyjal.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Goldrinn[/url]

Interactivity: Goldrinn could be shown rushing from demon to demon, destroying them with his claws and teeth.

Level 1: Ferocious Bite, 90% hit chance - Bites the target with unmatched ferocity, dealing X beast damage. Critical strike chance increased by 25% if the target is bleeding.
Level 2: Mangle, 100% hit chance - Mangles the target pet, dealing X beast damage.
Level 4: Primal Fury, 5 round cooldown - Goldrinn gives in to the fury within, going berserk. Increases his damage dealt by 30% and critical strike chance by 25%, but increases his damage taken by 10%. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 10: Shred, 85% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Shreds the target enemy pet, dealing X beast damage. Deals an additional X beast damage if the target is bleeding.
Level 15: Lacerate, 90% hit chance - Claws swipe the target pet, leaving many lacerations dealing X beast damage. The target Bleeds for an additional X beast damage every round for 5 rounds.
Level 20: Leader of the Pack, 6 round cooldown - Goldrinn howls, signifying his position as Leader of the Pack. Increases the caster's critical strike chance by 25% and attacks cause Goldrinn to heal for 50% of damage done. Lasts 4 rounds.

Tortolla - Aquatic

Tortolla is the turtle demigod, patron of those who move effortlessly between land and sea. He is one of the oldest of the Ancients, and is one of the only ones (if not the only one) to not fall during the War of the Ancients. His shell is said to be impossible for even the most powerful of the Burning Legion to pierce.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Tortolla[/url]

Interactivity: Tortolla should spin around (like the whirl turtles in the Tortos fight) and shoot off at random critters.

Level 1: Water Jet, 95% hit chance - Blasts the enemy with a jet of water dealing X aquatic damage.
Level 2: Swallow You Whole, 95% hit chance - Attempts to swallow the enemy whole, dealing X aquatic damage. Deals double damage if the target is below 25% health.
Level 4: Typhoon, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Tortolla summons a typhoon at the enemy team, dealing X aquatic damage and X aquatic damage to the enemy's backline pets. Also causes an opponent's pet to swap into battle.
Level 10: Cleansing Rain, 3 round cooldown - Restores X health to your team and calls down a cleansing rain for 9 rounds. During a cleansing rain, the duration of hostile damage over time effects is reduced by 1 round and Aquatic abilities deal 25% more damage.
Level 15: Whirlpool, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Causes a whirlpool to form under the enemy pet. In two rounds, the opponent's pet will take X aquatic damage and be rooted for 2 rounds.
Level 20: Shell of the Ancients, 8 round cooldown - Tortolla's shell is said to be impenetrable by even the most powerful demons of the Burning Legion. Reduces damage taken by 50% and heals for X each round. Lasts 4 rounds.

Ursol - Beast

Ursol and his twin brother, Ursoc, were powerful bear Ancients who were the first to answer Cenarius' call during the War of the Ancients. Ursol was a fighter, warrior, healer, and shaman who used his shamanistic spells while Ursoc entered melee combat.

Description of Appearance: There really aren't any decent pictures of Ursol and Ursoc, so I imagine them to look like gigantic bears, covered in armor.

Interactivity: Ursol could be seen using shaman spells while his brother, Ursoc, went into a crowd of demons to attack.

Level 1: Bite, 100% hit chance - Bites at the enemy, dealing X beast damage.
Level 2: Earth Shield, 5 round cooldown - Protects the caster with an Earth Shield, reducing damage from each attack by 20% and giving each attack made against the caster a chance to restore X health. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 4: Spiritual Insight, 5 round cooldown - Reduces the cooldown of Earth spells by 1 round and increases the caster's accuracy by 20%. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 10: Earth Shock, 90% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Shocks the enemy with concussive force, dealing X elemental damage and reducing the damage they deal by 25% for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Hibernate, 5 round cooldown - Fall asleep, restoring X health on the first round, X health on the second, then X health on the third. While Hibernating you cannot swap pets.
Level 20: Ursol's Vortex, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Ursol sends a tornado at the enemy, dealing X flying damage each round and reducing the target's speed by 50% for 4 rounds. If the target is swapped out before 4 rounds have expired, Ursol's Vortex will pull the pet back into battle.

Ursoc - Beast

Ursoc and his twin brother, Ursol, were powerful bear Ancients who were the first to answer Cenarius' call during the War of the Ancients. Ursoc was a fighter, warrior, and healer who entered melee combat as his brother used magic to attack. He has 2 children, Orsonn and Kodian who reside in the Grizzly Hills.

Description of Appearance: There really aren't any decent pictures of Ursol and Ursoc, so I imagine them to look like gigantic bears, covered in armor.

Interactivity: Ursol could be seen using shaman spells while his brother, Ursoc, went into a crowd of demons to attack.

Level 1: Roar, 100% hit chance - A fierce roar deals X beast damage and enrages the user, increasing the damage they deal by 25% for 3 rounds.
Level 2: Maul, 95% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Savagely mauls the enemy, dealing X beast damage. Deals X additional damage if the target is Bleeding.
Level 4: Might of Ursoc, 5 round cooldown - Increases the caster's maximum health by 30% and increases your health to 30% if below that amount. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 10: Ravage, 100% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Deals X beast damage. If the user kills an enemy with Ravage, they restore X health. Ravage continues for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Hibernate, 5 round cooldown - Fall asleep, restoring X health on the first round, X health on the second, then X health on the third. While Hibernating you cannot swap pets.
Level 20: Unleashed Fury, 80% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Ursoc unleashes his full fury on the enemy, hitting them 4 times for X beast damage per hit. Each successful hit increases his speed by 10% for the remainder of the battle.

Omen - Beast

Omen was a demigod of great strength and knowledge who was put into a deep sleep by demons during the War of the Ancients. During his slumber, he succumbed to nightmares and when he awoke, he had fallen to madness. Every year during the Lunar Festival, he stirs and has to be defeated again.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Omen[/url]

Interactivity: Omen could be seen rising from Lake Elune'ara before being attacked by various creatures. After being "defeated", he would retreating to the waters of the lake.

Level 1: Tooth and Claw, 95% hit chance - Omen attacks with tooth and claw, dealing X beast damage and an additional X damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 2: Cleave, 80% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Deals X humanoid damage and has a 50% chance to deal X humanoid damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 4: Astral Communion, 5 round cooldown - Omen's communion with Elune grants him the ability to deal an additional X magic damage to each of his attacks. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 10: Bloodthirsty, 85% hit chance - Attacks the opponent with the intent to kill, dealing X humanoid damage. Hit chance increased to 100% if the target is Bleeding.
Level 15: Starfall, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Deals X dragonkin damage to all enemy pets, restores X health to all allies and turns the weather into Moonlight for 9 rounds. During Moonlight, all pets receive 25% additional healing and Magic abilities deal 10% additional damage.
Level 20: Balance of Power, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Omen attempts to balance the power between the two teams, granting his team 25% increased damage, speed, and accuracy. They are also cursed with 10% reduced critical strike chance and 10% increased damage taken. The enemy team has 25% reduced damage, speed, and accuracy, but 10% increased critical strike chance and 10% reduced damage taken. Lasts 4 rounds.

Mogu - Humanoid

Mogu are a powerfully magical race who serve as the foremost enemies of the Pandaren. They were created by the titans, but succumbed to the Curse of Flesh. Following the reign of Lei Shen, the Thunder King, they began to practice flesh-shaping magic, thus creating the Saurok race.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Mogu[/url]

Interactivity: The Mogu could be shown holding someone or something in the air, prisoner, like the mogu Spiritbinders do.

Level 1: Crazy Thought, 90% hit chance - Blasts the enemy's mind with shadow magic, dealing X undead damage.
Level 2: Shield of Darkness, 4 round cooldown - Surrounds the mogu in a shield of darkness, preventing X damage from each attack and dealing X undead damage for each hit received. Lasts 4 rounds.
Level 4: Flesh-Shaper, 100% hit chance, 6 round cooldown - The mogu are masters of flesh-shaping magic. When hit by this ability, the flesh of the target is stretched and contorted until they become a critter. As a critter, the enemy cannot attack. Any damage taken will break this spell. Lasts 2 rounds.
Level 10: Pillage, 85% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - The mogu pillages the enemy pet, dealing X humanoid damage and increasing their damage taken by 25% for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Cowardice, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - The mere sight of a mogu is said to be able to inspire cowardice. Reduces the enemy's pet's speed and accuracy by 25% for 2 rounds.
Level 20: Flanking Orders, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Summons a line of mogu warriors before retreating into the background, becoming unattackable for 2 rounds. During this time, the warriors attack the opponent, dealing X humanoid damage each round.

C'thun - Magic

C'thun is one of the Old Gods, malevolent beings who ruled Azeroth in its infancy. C'thun resides within the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj in Silithus and is responsible for the creation of the Qiraji. Having been recently defeated by adventurers, Cho'Gall attempted to resurrect him before being killed himself.

Description of Appearance: [url=]C'thun[/url]

Interactivity: C'thun could be shown grabbing people with its tentacles, then eating them. After a while, C'thun would then regurgitate them and the people would disappear.

Level 1: Eye Beam, 100% hit chance - Shoots a beam of green energy at the target, dealing X magic damage.
Level 2: Claw Tentacles, 85% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - The claw tentacle grabs the enemy pet and squeezes, doing X beast damage and reducing the target's critical strike chance by 25% for 1 round.
Level 4: Dark Glare, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - C'thun glares heavily at the enemy team, dealing X magic damage and an additional X magic damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Eye Tentacle, 85% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Tendrils attack the enemy with shadow magic, dealing X undead damage and slowing their speed by 50% for 1 round.
Level 15: Ground Rupture, 100% hit chance - The tentacles of C'thun rupture the ground beneath the enemy team, dealing X beast damage.
Level 20: Devoured, 90% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - C'thun bombards the target with attacks from its tentacles, dealing X magic damage. C'thun then devours the target pet for 3 rounds, where it takes X elemental damage each round for 3 rounds from the stomach acid. After 3 rounds, the target is released. While in C'thun's stomach, the pet is considered dead.

Yogg-Saron - Magic

Yogg-Saron is one of the Old Gods, and is better known as the Beast With A Thousand Maws or the Death God. Before his imprisonment beneath Ulduar, Yogg-Saron became the Old God responsible for the "Curse of Flesh", which turned Azeroth's protectors from stone into soft flesh.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Yogg-Saron[/url]

Interactivity: Yogg-Saron could be shown being bound once again by the titanic watchers that serve as its jailors.

Level 1: Psychosis, 100% hit chance - Yogg-Saron places psychosis on the target, dealing X undead damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 2: Death Ray, 90% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Shoots a green death beam at the target, dealing X elemental damage. Decreases the enemy pet's speed by 25% for 1 round.
Level 4: Brain Link, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Links the minds of the active pets, granting each one an ability from the other pet. Lasts 3 rounds or until one of the pets is killed.
Level 10: Shadowy Barrier, 3 round cooldown - A barrier made of pure shadow magic surrounds Yogg-Saron making him completely invulnerable for 1 round.
Level 15: Malady of the Mind, 100% hit chance - Attacks the mind of the target, attempting to corrupt it. Deals X undead damage each round for 4 rounds.
Level 20: Extinguish All Life, 100% hit chance, 15 round cooldown - Yogg-Saron channels the power of death into every pet, which will kill all living pets in 15 rounds. Yogg-Saron always survives this attack.

N'Zoth - Magic

N'Zoth is one of the Old Gods, and a particularly troublesome one at that. It was responsible for Neltharion's descent into madness and subsequent transformation into Deathwing as well as the Emerald Nightmare. N'Zoth is said to reside beneath the ocean in a city named Ny'alotha.

Description of Appearance: We have never been given a picture of what N'Zoth looks like, and we don't even have a description of what it looks like, so it would be up to Blizzard to think of something there as they have more information available to make a decision.

Interactivity: N'Zoth could be seen watching as Neltharion turns into Deathwing and then as Xavius begins the transformation of the Emerald Dream into the Emerald Nightmare.

Level 1: Tentacle Smack, 100% hit chance - Smacks the enemy pet with a tentacle, dealing X beast damage.
Level 2: Focused Anger, 1 round cooldown - Increases damage done by 10%. This effect stacks and lasts until the end of battle.
Level 4: Corruptor of Aspects, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - N'Zoth's malevolent influence is so strong it can even affect Aspects. Deals X magic damage and corrupts the target, dealing increasing undead damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Always Watching You, 85% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - N'Zoth is always watching you whether you know it or not. His stare inflicts X undead damage and reduces accuracy by 20% for 1 round.
Level 15: Emerald Nightmare, 50% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Fall asleep, dealing X elemental damage on the first round, X damage on the second, then X damage on the third. While in the Emerald Nightmare, you cannot swap pets.
Level 20: A Stay in Ny'alotha, 90% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Most who travel to Ny'alotha never return and N'Zoth is determined to make sure the enemy stays forever. The enemy falls asleep before the inhabitants of Ny'alotha assault the target, dealing X humanoid damage and increasing damage taken by 25% for 3 rounds. If the attack misses, the target is stunned for 1 round.

Y'Shaarj - Magic

Y'Shaarj was an Old God who resided in the current continent of Pandaria. Worshipped by the Mantid as a god, Y'Shaarj was said to consume hope and begat despair as well as inhale courage and breathe fear. Y'Shaarj was the only Old God who was actually killed by the titans, and with its death came the Sha.

Description of Appearance: We have never been given a picture of what Y'Shaarj looks like, and we don't even have a description of what it looks like (other than its 7 heads), so it would be up to Blizzard to think of something there as they have more information available to make a decision.

Interactivity: Y'Shaarj could split into the 7 sha. The Heart of Y'Shaarj would come and appear before them and glow before melding them all back into Y'Shaarj.

Level 1: Breath of Anger, 90% hit chance - Y'Shaarj breathes raw anger onto the enemy team, dealing X magic damage.
Level 2: Aura of Despair and Doubt, 4 round cooldown - An aura of despair and doubt infects the enemy's active pet, reducing accuracy and damage by 15%. Y'Shaarj feeds on the negative emotions, healing for 25% of all damage the enemy pet deals.
Level 4: Festering Hatred, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Y'Shaarj engenders hatred in the enemy team, causing 50% of the damage done by the enemy to be reflected back at one of the pets on the enemy's team. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 10: Claws of Violence, 85% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Y'Shaarj swipes at the enemy with claws of violence, dealing X beast damage. Enemies hit by the claws are enraged, dealing 10% more damage, but also taking 10% more damage for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Overwhelming Fear, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - An overwhelming feeling of fear is set upon the enemy, causing them to be unable to attack for 1 round.
Level 20: The Destruction of Pride, 80% hit chance, 6 round cooldown - Pride is the most dangerous emotion, being able to strike down those who believe them above others. This insidious emotion lowers all attributes of the enemy by 15% for 3 rounds. If the ability misses, Y'Shaarj instead has its attributes reduced by 15% for 3 rounds.

Gul'dan - Humanoid

Gul'dan was an orc warlock who was originally a shaman under the tutelage of Ner'zhul. He was said to have been the most powerful mortal warlock to have ever existed. He often referred to himself as "Darkness Incarnate" and the "Destroyer of Dreams". After his death, his skull became a powerful warlock artifact.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Gul'dan[/url]

Interactivity: Gul'dan could be shown leading his people through the recently constructed Dark Portal. or Gul'dan could be seen in the center of the Shadow Council as they channel their power into him.

Level 1: Shadow Bolt, 95% hit chance - Shoots a bolt of shadow magic at the enemy, dealing X undead damage.
Level 2: Harvest Life, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Gul'dan drains the life out of the enemy team, dealing X undead damage to each enemy pet. Gul'dan heals for 100% of the damage dealt.
Level 4: The Shadow Council, 5 round cooldown - The Shadow Council channels its power into Gul'dan. Increases one of the following at random: damage by 25%, speed by 30%, or critical strike chance by 30% for 3 rounds. Also increases accuracy by 20% for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Agony, 100% hit chance - Inflicts agony on the target, causing increasing undead damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Fel Armor, 5 round cooldown - Reduces damage taken by 10%, increases max health by 10%, and increases amount healed by 10%. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 20: Darkness Incarnate, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Using his powers of darkness, Gul'dan attacks the enemy dealing X undead damage to the enemy pet, an additional X undead damage to the enemy team after 1 round, and changing the weather to Darkness. During Darkness, all pets are considered Blinded and all healing received is reduced by 50%.

Dreamform - Humanoid

Dreamforms are manifested when one enters the Emerald Dream. A dreamform will usually look and behave much like their physical body does, but not always. Powerful druids, for example, can move extremely fast, walk through solid objects, or even fly while in their dreamforms.

Description of Appearance: Dreamforms could simply be generic races in spectral form.

Interactivity: Some pets are going to have to sacrifice having interactivity and I think this should be one of them.

Level 1: Spectral Hand, 90% hit chance - Hits the enemy with a spectral hand, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 2: Dream, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Pulls the target closer to the Dream, causing them to become drowsy. Drowsy targets will fall asleep at the end of next round unless hit.
Level 4: Dreamsight, 5 round cooldown - Being a part of the Emerald Dream grants the caster Dreamsight, increasing their damage, accuracy, and speed by 25% for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Fear, 80% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - The dreamform manifests as the enemy's worst nightmare, inflicting fear on the enemy. The enemy has a 25% chance to deal damage they would have dealt that turn to themselves instead of the enemy.
Level 15: Ghostly Visage, 3 round cooldown - The ghostly visage of the dreamform grants them protection. Reduces damage taken by 25% and causes each hit made against the caster to deal X humanoid damage.
Level 20: Wanderer of the Emerald Dream, 6 round coodlwon - Walking the paths of the Emerald Dream restores vitality to the caster. Restores X health each round and increases accuracy and speed by 50% for 3 rounds.

Mantid - Humanoid

The Mantid are a race of insect-like humanoids who once worshipped the Old Gods. They are extremely dangerous, so much so, that a gigantic wall, the Serpent's Spine, was erected to protect the rest of Pandaria from them. They are ruled by an Empress and their elders are grouped together as the Klaxxi.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Mantid[/url]

Interactivity: Some pets are going to have to sacrifice having interactivity and I think this should be one of them.

Level 1: Injection, 100% hit chance - Injects the target with a random poison, dealing X beast damage and an additional X elemental damage every round for 5 rounds.
Level 2: Aim - Increases your team's hit chance by 25% for 4 rounds.
Level 4: Blood Thirst, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Brutally attacks the target dealing X humanoid damage and placing the corrupted blood debuff on the target. Each round the debuff deals 10% of the target's maximum health and heals the caster for 10% of their maximum health. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 10: Gouge, 100% hit chance - Deals X beast damage and causes the target to bleed for X beast damage per round for 5 rounds.
Level 15: Multi-Shot, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - The mantid shoots a volley of arrows at the enemy team dealing X humanoid damage to each of the enemy's pets.
Level 20: Diminish, 90% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - The mantid throws a catalyst at the target, dealing X elemental damage and causing them to shrink in size. This reduction causes the target to deal 25% less damage and have 25% reduced speed, but they also take 25% reduced damage.

Mantid Paragon - Humanoid

Mantid Paragons are champions among the Mantid who are chosen based on their strength or skill to be preserved in amber for a time when the race will need to call upon them. The first paragon, Korven the Prime, is also the one who invented the amber encasing process.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Mantid Paragon*[/url]

*If Blizzard wanted more options, they could have the different paragons with each one changing when you summon the pet.

Interactivity: If Blizzard went with different paragons, they could each perform one of their signature abilities when summoned. If not, perhaps it could show the paragon being freed from their amber prison.

Level 1: Hurl Amber, 90% hit chance - Throws an orb of amber at the target, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 2: Encase In Amber, 5 round cooldown - Encases the caster in amber, causing them to regenerate 20% health each round for 3 rounds. While encased, the caster takes 50% less damage, but they cannot act and cannot swap out.
Level 4: Death From Above, 80% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - The caster leaps into the air for one round, becoming unattackable. On the next round, you viciously attack the enemy team dealing X humanoid damage and an additional X humanoid damage to the enemy's team each round for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Mesmerize, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Mesmerizes the enemy target, dealing X magic damage and interrupting the opponent's round.
Level 15: Calculate, 90% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Calculates the enemy pet's weakness, dealing X magic damage and reducing one of the opponent's attributes by 20% for 1 round.
Level 20: Master of Puppets, 8 round cooldown - Due to great sonic manipulation, the caster and the enemy target switch teams for 3 rounds.

Banshee - Undead

Banshees are the spirits of former elven women who were raised into undeath by the Lich King. Known for casting curses and for their chilling screams, many banshees broke away from the Lich King's grasp following Ner'zhul's banishing of Frostmourne and his subsequent loss of power.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Banshee[/url]

Interactivity: A couple of banshees could appear and start to sing the Lament of the Highborne with the main banshee pet.

Level 1: Spirit Shock, 85% hit chance - Shocks the spirit of the target, dealing X undead damage.
Level 2: Ethereal, 3 round cooldown - Enter an ethereal state, avoiding all attacks the round it is used. This ability always goes first.
Level 4: Lament of the Highborne, 6 round cooldown - The user summons Sylvanas' banshees to sing the Lament of the Highborne, granting your team 25% increased speed and accuracy for 4 rounds. The enemy team's speed and accuracy are reduced by 25% for 4 rounds.
Level 10: Curse, 90% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Deals X magic damage, reduces the target's damage by 25% for 2 rounds and increases the user's damage by 25% for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Anti-Magic Shell, 8 round cooldown - A shell of powerful magic surrounds you, blocking the next 2 attacks.
Level 20: Possession, 100% hit chance - The user possesses the target, dealing X undead damage every round. While possessing a target, the user is considered dead.

Spellbreaker - Humanoid

Spellbreakers are specially trained Blood Elves who are used to fight enemy casters. Immune to even the most powerful of magics, Spellbreakers have the unusual ability to steal enemy enchantments and place them on their allies. Recently, Lor'themar ordered the Spellbreakers to train new members.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Spellbreaker[/url]

Interactivity: Spellbreakers could be seen stealing their opponent's pets (mage/shaman elementals, warlock minions, death knight ghouls, etc.).

Level 1: Slash, 95% hit chance - Slashes the enemy with the Spellbreaker's double-edged sword, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 2: Feedback - Reduces up to X damage from each attack against you and deals X humanoid damage each time you take direct damage. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 4: Devour Magic, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Devours the enemy team's positive buffs, dealing X magic damage and healing the caster for X for each buff devoured.
Level 10: Cleave, 80% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Deals X humanoid damage and has a 50% chance to deal X humanoid damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 15: Dispel Magic, 2 round cooldown - Removes all buffs and debuffs from the user.
Level 20: Control Magic, 5 round cooldown - Spellbreakers are capable of the most astonishing feats of magic imaginable. Control Magic steals any objects on the field, bringing them down on their previous owners.

Bronze Whelpling - Dragonkin

The Bronze Dragonflight are the keepers of time, led by Nozdormu the Timeless. They were given the task of policing the timeways by the Highfather of the Pantheon, Aman'Thul. Recently, however, the timeways have been under attack by a mysterious group called the Infinite Dragonflight.

Description of Appearance: The Bronze Whelpling would be a reskin of the current whelplings, only in bronze rather than the colors that already exist.

Interactivity: Since the other dragon whelplings have no interactivity, I believe that this one should follow suit and be inactive as well.

Level 1: Sand Breath, 95% hit chance - Breathes scorching sand on the target, dealing X dragonkin damage.
Level 2: Sandstorm, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X flying damage and turns the weather into a sandstorm for 9 rounds. During a sandstorm, all pets take X less damage and their accuracy is reduced by 10%.
Level 4: Aman'Thul's Gift, 6 round cooldown, 100% hit chance - The power of Aman'Thul himself flows through both active pets, essentially resetting the battle between the 2 active pets. Both pets are healed to full and clears your pet of any debuffs.
Level 10: Hasten, 100% hit chance - Blast the enemy with time-based magic, dealing X dragonkin damage and increasing your speed by 20%. Your speed continues to increase each time you use Hasten.
Level 15: Time Stop, 5 round cooldown, 100% hit chance - Stops time around the target, stunning them for 1 round.
Level 20: Blessing of the Bronze, 5 round cooldown - Your team is blessed with the power of the Bronze Dragonflight. Your speed and critical strike chance are increased by 50%. Lasts 3 rounds.

Lil' Oondasta - Beast

Oondasta is the greatest of the Zandalari beasts, and an engine of war. Raised far from sight on the Isle of Giants, Oondasta was fused with the power of a Loa to destroy any who would oppose the Zandalari and their plans of conquest.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Lil' Oondasta[/url]

Interactivity: Oondasta could use its Piercing Roar ability to destroy nearby critters.

Level 1: Crush, 80% hit chance - Crush the enemy, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 2: Piercing Roar, 100% hit chance - Deals X beast damage and increases the target's damage taken by 25% for 3 rounds.
Level 4: Spiritfire Beam, 4 round cooldown, 100% hit chance - Deals X magic damage to the enemy's active pet and X magic damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 10: Primal Cry, 3 round cooldown, 100% hit chance - Frightens the enemy team, dealing X beast damage to all enemy pets and reducing their speed by 25% for 4 rounds.
Level 15: Growing Fury - Increases the damage Oondasta deals by 10%. Your damage increases each time you use Growing Fury.
Level 20: Frill Blast, 5 round cooldown, 100% hit chance - Deals X magic damage and forces the opponent's highest health pet to swap into battle.

Trogg - Beast

The troggs are a race of earthen that were affected by the Curse of Flesh. They are related to dwarves and retain a dwarven-like strength with reduced mental ability. Troggs live in the bowels of Azeroth and recently rose up to attack the wondrous techno-city of Gnomeregan.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Trogg[/url]

Interactivity: Some pets are going to have to sacrifice having interactivity and I think this should be one of them.

Level 1: Strike, 95% hit chance - Strikes at the enemy, dealing X beast damage.
Level 2: Lightning Bolt, 95% hit chance - Hurls a bolt of lightning at the enemy, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 4: Bloodlust, 5 round cooldown - Enrages the caster, increasing speed by 50%. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 10: Club, 100% hit chance - Crushes the enemy with a club, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 15: Shrink, 75% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Curses the enemy with a shrinking curse, reducing their accuracy and critical strike chance by 25% for 2 rounds.
Level 20: Summon Basilisk, 8 round cooldown - The trogg summons its favorite pet basilisk before disappearing back into the bowels of Azeroth, becoming unattackable for 2 rounds. During this time, the basilisk attacks the enemy, dealing X beast damage each round.

Tol'vir - Beast

The Tol'vir were the original guardians who guarded the secrets of Uldum. Possessing the bodies and heads of felines and the torsos of humans, the Tol'vir were afflicted with the Curse of Flesh. Recently, however, some Tol'vir have regained their stone forms by allying with Deathwing and Al'Akir.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Tol'vir[/url]

Interactivity: The Tol'vir could be seen gaining their stone forms back from Siamat.

Level 1: Fifty Lashings, 90% hit chance - Lashes the enemy multiple times with a whip, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 2: Shield of Light, 3 round cooldown - A powerful ward of light surrounds the Tol'vir, blocking the next attack.
Level 4: Bad Intentions, 90% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - The Tol'vir charges the enemy, knocking them back, dealing X humanoid damage and causing an opponent's pet to swap into battle.
Level 10: Divine Reckoning, 100% hit chance - Places a Divine Reckoning on the target. After 3 rounds, the reckoning occurs, dealing X magic damage. This damage cannot be dodged, blocked, or avoided. An enemy pet can only be affected by one divine reckoning at a time.
Level 15: Mystic Trap, 100% hit chance - Places a mystic trap onto the ground. Opponents have a chance to trigger the trap each time they attack. When the opponent triggers the trap, they will take X magic damage and be unable to attack for 1 round.
Level 20: Plague of Ages, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - The Tol'vir places a powerful plague on the enemy, dealing X elemental damage and an additional X elemental damage each round for 3 rounds. If the target dies while under the plague, it will jump to the next pet to swap in and last for another 3 rounds.

Satyr - Beast

The Satyr were originally night elves who were transformed into this demonic form by way of a curse. Satyrs use warlock magic, have great physical strength, and are skilled at manipulation. The first and most powerful of the satyrs was Xavius, the councillor to Queen Azshara, who was transformed into a satyr by Sargeras himself.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Satyr[/url]

Interactivity: It could show a night elf being transformed into a satyr.

Level 1: Shadow Bolt, 95% hit chance - Shoots a bolt of shadow magic at the enemy, dealing X undead damage.
Level 2: Wither, 90% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - The enemy target begins to wither away, dealing X elemental damage and increasing damage taken by 25% for 1 round.
Level 4: Smoke Bomb, 8 round cooldown - The Satyr throws a smoke bomb, disappearing into the smoke and avoiding the enemy's attack. The user then swaps automatically with your highest health pet.
Level 10: Multi-Shot, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - The satyr shoots a volley of arrows at the enemy team dealing X humanoid damage to each of the enemy's pets.
Level 15: Corrupting Touch, 100% hit chance - Slowly corrupts the enemy target into becoming a satyr, increasing damage taken by 10%. This effect stacks and lasts until the end of battle.
Level 20: Medallion of Immunity, 5 round cooldown - Removes all speed-reduction effects and prevents all stun, sleep, or root effects from affecting the satyr for 3 rounds.

Quilboar - Beast

The Quilboar are boar-like humanoids who are considered to be the offspring of the Ancient, Agamaggan. Ruthless and ferocious, the Quilboar attack any who dare to stand in their way. It is said that the Quilboar all revere Agamaggan and they pray for his return.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Quilboar[/url]

Interactivity: Some pets are going to have to sacrifice having interactivity and I think this should be one of them.

Level 1: Strike, 95% hit chance - Strikes at the enemy, dealing X beast damage.
Level 2: Thunder Clap, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Slams the ground under the enemy team, dealing X humanoid damage and slowing the enemy's active pet by 25% for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Battle Shout, 5 round cooldown - The Quilboar shouts a battle chant, increasing all damage done by its team by 30% for 3 rounds. The shout engenders fear in the quilboar's enemies, reducing damage they would deal by 30% for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Lightning Bolt, 95% hit chance - Hurls a bolt of lightning at the enemy, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 15: Renew - Renews the quilboar, healing for X each round for 4 rounds.
Level 20: Agamaggan's Aegis, 5 round cooldown - Agamaggan blesses his children from beyond the grave, protecting them from all damage and attacks for 1 round.

Crypt Fiend - Undead

Crypt Fiends were once part of the great kingdom of Azjol-Nerub. Falling to the Scourge, they were resurrected into undeath where they serve as warriors for the Lich King's army. They have the ability to summon swarms of insects and can project webs to capture their enemies.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Crypt Fiend[/url]

Interactivity: Crypt Fiends could be seen webbing random critters and killing them with their insect swarms.

Level 1: Poison Spit, 100% hit chance - Instantly deals X beast damage and poisons the target for X additional elemental damage per round for 3 rounds.
Level 2: Curse of Weakness, 100% hit chance - Curses the target with weakness, dealing X undead damage and reducing the damage the target deals by 25% for 3 rounds.
Level 4: Insect Swarm, 85% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Summons a large swarm of insects on the target, dealing X beast damage each round for 3 rounds. After 3 rounds, the insects return and the user is healed for 100% of the damage done by Insect Swarm.
Level 10: Sticky Web, 100% hit chance - Flings a sticky web at the target, dealing X beast damage and making it impossible to flee for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Swarm of Flies, 100% hit chance - A swarm of flies attacks the enemy's active pet, dealing X critter damage every round for 5 rounds. Persists through pet swaps.
Level 20: Enveloping Web, 90% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Envelops the target in webs, dealing X beast damage each round for 2 rounds. While webbed, the target's speed is reduced by 25% and they are unable to flee for 2 rounds.

Frenzy - Aquatic

Frenzies are crazed fish with very large teeth who easily resemble piranhas. They can find any creatures that are underwater with incredible accuracy. Being piranha-like fish, they attack their prey in a frenzy of which most creatures cannot imagine.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Frenzy[/url]

Interactivity: Some pets are going to have to sacrifice having interactivity and I think this should be one of them.

Level 1: Water Jet, 95% hit chance - Blasts the enemy with a spray of water, dealing X aquatic damage.
Level 2: Rip, 100% hit chance - Deals X beast damage and causes the target to bleed for X beast damage per round for 5 rounds.
Level 4: Blood In the Water, 50% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X aquatic damage. Always hits if the target is bleeding.
Level 10: Swarm, 100% hit chance - Starts a swarm, causing X critter damage. Opponents struck by the swarm take double damage for 2 rounds. Swarm continues for 3 rounds.
Level 15: Devour, 100% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Deals X beast damage. If the user kills an enemy with Devour, they restore X health. Devour continues for 2 rounds.
Level 20: Frenzy, 4 round cooldown - The user enters a frenzy, increasing damage dealt by 50% and critical strike chance by 50% for 3 rounds. Due to the nature of Frenzy, the user's accuracy is reduced by 25% for 3 rounds.

Obsidian Destroyer - Magic

Obsidian Destroyers are believed to be Tol'vir who were enslaved by the Qiraji. Obsidian destroyers are drawn to mana and spellcasters, where they draw out magic. They can then store that magic and release it in an explosive force. Obsidian Destroyers are also thought to be immune to magic.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Obsidian Destroyer[/url]

Interactivity: The Obsidian Destroyer could morph from Destroyer form to Statue form and then back.

Level 1: Claw, 90% hit chance - Claws at the enemy, dealing X beast damage.
Level 2: Essence of Blight - The Obsidian Destroyer can call upon the blight in the world, which it uses to restore its health. Restores X health each round for 3 rounds and an additional X each round if the weather is Blight.
Level 4: Devour Magic, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Devours the enemy team's positive buffs, dealing X magic damage and healing the caster for X for each buff devoured.
Level 10: Arcane Explosion, 100% hit chance - Deals X magic damage to the enemy's active pet and X magic damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 15: Obsidian Statue, 4 round cooldown - Turns the Obsidian Destroyer into an Obsidian Statue. While a statue, all damage taken is reduced by 25% and all damage caused is reduced by 25%. In addition, the Destroyer is healed for 50% of the damage it causes while a statue. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 20: Orb of Annihilation, 90% hit chance, 6 round cooldown - The Destroyer is capable of absorbing magic to enhance its attacks. Deals X magic damage divided evenly among the enemy team and causes one of the following random effects on the team: increases damage taken by 25% for 3 rounds, reduces speed by 25% for 3 rounds, or reduces accuracy by 25% for 3 rounds.

Molten Giant - Elemental

Molten giants are servants of the Firelord, Ragnaros. Unpredictable and dangerous, molten giants generate an incredible amount of heat and fire to decimate their enemies. Because of their nature, the Earthen Ring forbids its members from summoning these elementals. Garrosh Hellscream used his dark shaman to summon these beings in order to destroy Northwatch Hold.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Molten Giant[/url]

Interactivity: It would be cool to see the molten giant rise from the earth and causing a rain of lava.

Level 1: Molten Fist, 95% hit chance - Punches the enemy with molten fists, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 2: Cauterize, 3 round cooldown - Restores X health plus half of the last hit taken by the user.
Level 4: Volcano, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Causes the ground beneath the enemy team to tremble. After 2 rounds, the ground erupts for 2 rounds, causing the current enemy pet to take X elemental damage and have a 25% chance to be stunned for 1 round.
Level 10: Scorched Earth, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Scorches the ground, dealing X dragonkin damage and dealing X dragonkin damage to all active pets each round for 9 rounds. During Scorched Earth, all pets count as Burning.
Level 15: Fiery Fists, 3 round cooldown - Adds X elemental damage to each attack. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 20: Rain of Lava, 100% hit chance, 6 round cooldown - The Molten Giant's affinity for heat and flame is so great that it can cause molten lava to rain from the sky. Deals X elemental damage to the enemy team and sets them on fire, causing X elemental damage each round for 3 rounds.

Gargoyle - Undead

Gargoyles are dangerous creatures who use their hardened skin to protect them from attacks. When they become injured, they can turn their skin into a stone-like material which protects them as they regenerate. While in this state, they have a very high degree of protection.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Gargoyle[/url]

Interactivity: Some pets are going to have to sacrifice having interactivity and I think this should be one of them.

Level 1: Wing Clip, 100% hit chance - Attacks the enemy with 1-3 blades of wind, dealing X flying damage per attack.
Level 2: Infected Claw, 85% hit chance - Tears at the enemy with plagued claws, dealing X undead damage.
Level 4: Volley of Death, 95% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Deals X undead damage to the enemy team and heals the user for 100% of the damage dealt.
Level 10: Wing Buffet, 100% hit chance - Attacks the enemy team with an enormous gust of wind, dealing X flying damage to each enemy pet.
Level 15: Wild Winds, 100% hit chance - A sharp wind gust deals X flying damage instantly and X flying damage every round for 2 rounds. Persists through pet swaps.
Level 20: Stone Shape, 6 round cooldown - The gargoyle lands on the ground where its skin turns to stone, granting it a high degree of invulnerability. While in stone shape, all damage taken is reduced by 75% and 20% of the gargoyle's health is restored each round for 2 rounds. While in stoneform, the gargoyle cannot attack and cannot swap out. Lasts 2 rounds.

Frost Wyrm - Undead

Frost Wyrms are the reanimated remains of deceased dragons. They radiate the cold and use blasts of frozen air to destroy their enemies. The breath attack is so strong and so cold that it can freeze buildings solid. Sindragosa, Malygos' former consort, is the Frost Queen and was raised into undeath by the Lich King.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Frost Wyrm[/url]

Interactivity: It would be cool to see a dragon die then get raised into undeath as a frost wyrm.

Level 1: Frost Breath, 95% hit chance - Freezes the target, dealing X dragonkin damage.
Level 2: Icy Grip, 100% hit chance - Grips the target with ice, dealing X elemental damage and preventing them from fleeing for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Frost Bomb, 90% hit chance - 5 round cooldown - Summons a deadly frost bomb on the enemy pet. After 2 rounds the bomb detonates, dealing X elemental damage to the target and half damage to the enemy's backline pets and reducing their speed by 25% for 2 rounds. If the bomb detonates while the afflicted pet is in the back row, all pets will take full damage from the bomb.
Level 10: Tail Sweep, 95% hit chance - Deals X dragonkin damage. Deals X additional damage if the user is slower than the enemy.
Level 15: Frost Aura - The frost wyrm's simple presence brings with it a devastating cold. Deals X elemental damage each round to the current enemy pet. Lasts 9 rounds.
Level 20: Blistering Cold, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Chills the air around the enemy, causing them to be afflicted with Frostbite each round for 3 rounds. Frostbite's damage grows until the pet is swapped. Blistering Cold lasts for 4 rounds. Persists through pet swaps.

Forgotten One - Undead

Forgotten Ones seem to be servants of the Old Gods. They are massive aberrations which wield tentacles and they live in the deepest parts of Azjol-Nerub. They are usually surrounded by an army of Faceless Ones, of which it can spawn to protect itself. Apparently, they are extremely dangerous.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Forgotten One[/url]

Interactivity: The forgotten one could summon tentacles that attack anything that comes near it.

Level 1: Smack, 90% hit chance - Smacks the enemy with a tentacle, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 2: Eyeblast, 100% hit chance - Deals X magic damage and reduces the target's speed by 25% for 4 rounds.
Level 4: Baleful Gaze, 90% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - The forgotten one gazes at the enemy with all of its eyes, dealing X magic damage and increasing the damage the target takes by 25% for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Absorb, 100% hit chance - Deals X undead damage. The user is healed for 100% of the damage dealt.
Level 15: Flash, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - A brilliant flash deals X magic damage and Blinds the target, reducing their hit chance by 50% for 2 rounds.
Level 20: Spawn Tentacles, 8 round cooldown - Submerge, becoming unattackable for 2 rounds. During this time, the forgotten one's tentacles attack the opponent, dealing X humanoid damage each round.

Revenant - Undead (or Elemental)

Revenants are powerful, undead elementals who are soldiers for the Old Gods. Despite being undead, they are not under the Lich King's control. Revenants can cast elemental magic relating to the type of elemental they are. The most famous Revenant was The Guardian, who guarded the runeblade, Frostmourne.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Revenant[/url]

Interactivity: Some pets are going to have to sacrifice having interactivity and I think this should be one of them.

Level 1: Shadow Shock, 85% hit chance - Shocks the target with dark energy, dealing X undead damage.
Level 2: Rejuvenation - Rejuvenates the caster, replenishing X health each round for 5 rounds.
Level 4: Call Blizzard, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X elemental damage and causes a Blizzard for 9 rounds. During a Blizzard, all pets are considered Chilled.
Level 10: Death and Decay, 100% hit chance - Deals X undead damage to the enemy's active pet every round for 9 rounds. Persists through pet swaps.
Level 15: Chain Lightning, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Shoots a bolt of lightning at the enemy's team, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy's active pet and X elemental damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 20: Evasion, 5 round cooldown - Evades all attacks made against you for 1 round. Also increases your chance to dodge an attack by 25% each round for 3 rounds.
Last edited by Adumbledore on July 9th, 2014, 11:17 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Designing New Pets (Updated: 2/28/14)

Post by Adumbledore » February 28th, 2014, 11:37 am

Faceless One - Undead

Faceless Ones are servants of the Forgotten Ones, who in turn serve the Old Gods. In ages past, the Faceless Ones were part of the Old Gods' armies, where they would wage endless war on each other. Commander Ulthok, Erudax, General Vezax, Yor'sahj the Unsleeping, and Warlord Zon'ozz are all leaders of the Faceless Ones.

Description of Appearance: Faceless One

Interactivity: Some pets are going to have to sacrifice having interactivity and I think this should be one of them.

Level 1: Mind Flay, 85% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Tendrils of shadow magic attack the enemy, dealing X undead damage and slowing their speed by 50% for 1 round.
Level 2: Surge of Darkness - Conjures darkness to boost physical attributes, increasing damage and critical strike chance by 5%. Your damage and critical strike chance will continue to increase each time you use Surge of Darkness.
Level 4: Binding Shadows, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Binds the enemy pet in shadow energy, dealing 10% of its maximum health in damage each round for 3 rounds. The user is healed for 100% of the damage done.
Level 10: Void Bolt, 90% hit chance - Shoots a bolt of pure dark energy at the target, dealing X undead damage.
Level 15: Mark of the Faceless, 100% hit chance - Deals X undead damage per round for 3 rounds and heals the user for X.
Level 20: Insanity, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Conjures up 3 twisted visages of the opponent's team for all active pets, which must be defeated. Each attack kills one of the visages instead of hitting the enemy pet, and at the end of each round, if a pet did not kill a visage, it deals X magic damage to them. Lasts until all of the pet's visages have been killed. Pets cannot swap out while insane.

Stormwind Steed - Beast

Stormwind steeds are the pride of the stormwind mounted patrols. They can carry their riders across Elwynn Forest at incredible speeds and are unafraid of the dangers lurking throughout the forest. It is said that they are more of a companion to the rider than a mount.

Description of Appearance: Stormwind Steed

Interactivity: The steed could be shown galloping off into the distance before returning.

Level 1: Hoof, 90% hit chance - Stomps the enemy, dealing X critter damage.
Level 2: Rallying Charge, 100% hit chance - Charges at the enemy with unmatched courage, dealing X beast damage.
Level 4: Headbutt, 95% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Deals X beast damage and has a 25% chance to stun the target.
Level 10: Deep Wound - Wound the target with a vicious bite, adding X beast damage to each attack. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 15: Trample, 100% hit chance - Tramples the target, dealing X beast damage plus an additional 10% of the target's health.
Level 20: For The King, 5 round cooldown - Riders are taught to inspire the troops around them with a rallying cry, to boost morale. Increases your damage and accuracy by 25% for 3 rounds. The enemy's active pet has their speed and critical strike chance reduced by 25% for 3 rounds.

Hogger - Humanoid

Bane of Elwynn Forest, the King of Gnolls known as Hogger, has caused quite a few problems for the people of Stormwind. Recently however, he has been taken prisoner and thrown in the Stormwind Stockades. Due to his aggressive nature, a bounty has been placed on his head by Warden Thelwater.

Description of Appearance: Hogger

Interactivity: Hogger should be seen enraging before slaughtering a bunch of class characters.

Level 1: Vicious Slice - Hogger viciously slices at the enemy, dealing X humanoid damage in addition to Bleeding the target for 5% of their maximum health each round for 2 rounds.
Level 2: Pierce Armor, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - A powerful blow pierces the enemy's armor, increasing the damage they take by 100% for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Headbutt, 95% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Deals X beast damage and has a 25% chance to stun the target.
Level 10: Maddening Call, 100% hit chance - Hogger shouts a maddening call, dealing X beast damage and reducing their speed by 25% for 4 rounds.
Level 15: Rushing Charge, 100% hit chance - Rushes at the enemy, dealing X humanoid damage and increasing your speed by 20%. Your speed continues to increase each time you use Rushing Charge.
Level 20: Enrage, 5 round cooldown - Enrages the caster, increasing their damage and critical strike chance by 50%, but reducing accuracy by 25% for 3 rounds.

Gamon - Humanoid

Poor Gamon is a tauren warrior who has the unfortunate reputation for being attacked by everyone, including members of his own faction. After Garrosh took absolute control over Orgrimmar, Gamon was taken prisoner. He was later released by adventurers and even participated in the battle with General Nazgrim.

Description of Appearance: Gamon

Interactivity: Gamon could be shown getting attacked by a bunch of class characters before dying to their attacks.

Level 1: Crush, 80% hit chance - Crush the enemy, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 2: Shout, 100% hit chance - A fierce shout deals X humanoid damage and increases the damage the user deals by 25% for 3 rounds.
Level 4: Pride Breaker, 90% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Gamon's anger causes him to punt the enemy pet, dealing X humanoid damage and forcing an opponent's pet to swap into battle.
Level 10: Whirlwind, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Whirls around wildly, dealing X humanoid damage to the enemy team.
Level 15: Clobber, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Stun the target for 1 round.
Level 20: Gamon Will Save Us, 5 round cooldown - Gamon wants to protect as many people from Garrosh as possible. Once activated, the next pet to swap in will get the Gamon's Guard buff which will redirect to him all damage done to the active pet each round. Lasts 2 rounds or until Gamon is killed.

Saurok - Beast

The saurok are beasts created by the Mogu from the fauna of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. Created to serve the Mogu as troops, the saurok rebelled, and so they were to be wiped off of Azeroth. The saurok were not so easily defeated, and they survive and thrive to this day, especially in the Krasarang Wilds.

Description of Appearance: Saurok

Interactivity: Some pets are going to have to sacrifice having interactivity and I think this should be one of them.

Level 1: Shank, 100% hit chance - Shanks the target, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 2: Hex of Lethargy, 100% hit chance - Binds the enemy pet in a hex of lethargy, dealing X undead damage and reduces the target's speed by 25% for 4 rounds.
Level 4: Reckless Inspiration, 5 round cooldown - Inspires the caster's team, granting them 25% increased speed and immunity to stun, sleep, and polymorph effects, but increasing damage taken by 25%. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 10: Vicious Rend, 90% hit chance - Rends the target's flesh, dealing 5% of their maximum health each round for 3 rounds.
Level 15: Cleansing Flame, 4 round cooldown - Heals all allies for X plus half of the last hit they took.
Level 20: Iron Protector, 5 round cooldown - Reduces the damage taken by all allies by 50%. Lasts 3 rounds or until the Saurok is stunned. Persists through pet swaps.

Zhevra - Beast

Native to the Barrens, Zhevras are fast, unicorn-like zebras who generally keep to themselves. Beware, though, because if you are unfortunate enough to be on the receiving end of a kick from a Zhevra, you are in for some real pain. They have been known to even knock Taurens off their feet.

Description of Appearance: Zhevra

Interactivity: Zhevras could be seen running in a race with regular horses with the Zhevra winning each time.

Level 1: Horn Gore, 90% hit chance - Gores the enemy, dealing X beast damage.
Level 2: Puncture, 100% hit chance - Punctures the enemy's defenses, adding X damage to each attack. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 4: Prairie Crossing, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Zhevras can cross the open prairies with lightning speed. Increases the user's speed by 20% and damage by 10%. Your speed and damage will continue to increase each time you use Prairie Crossing.
Level 10: Kick, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X humanoid damage. Interrupts the opponent's round if the user goes first.
Level 15: Pierce Armor, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - A powerful blow pierces the enemy's armor, increasing the damage they take by 100% for 2 rounds.
Level 20: Horned Impale, 90% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Impales the enemy pet on the Zhevra's horn, dealing X beast damage and causing them to Bleed for X beast damage each round for 3 rounds.

Jormungar - Beast

Jormungar are creatures who resemble giant worms with spines along the sides of its body and head. Being able to dive deep within the ground, they were used by the nerubians to carve out their kingdoms beneath the snows of Northrend. Now, Jormungar serve no one and attack anyone in sight.

Description of Appearance: Jormungar

Interactivity: Jormungar could burrow into the ground and cause earthquakes.

Level 1: Poison Spit, 100% hit chance - Instantly deals X beast damage and Poisons the target for X additional elemental damage per round for 3 rounds.
Level 2: Burning Bite, 90% hit chance - Bites down on the enemy with fiery fangs, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 4: Burrow, 80% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Burrow under the ground, becoming unattackable for one round. On the next round, you attack, dealing X beast damage.
Level 10: Paralytic Bite, 90% hit chance - Bites down on the enemy, injecting a paralyzing toxin into the pet, dealing X beast damage and preventing the target from fleeing for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Earth Shake, 100% hit chance - Causes a minor earthquake underneath the enemy pet, dealing X elemental damage and slowing their speed by 25% for 3 rounds.
Level 20: Sweep, 90% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Deals X magic damage and forces the opponent's highest health pet to swap into battle.

Stone Lord - Elemental

Stone Lords are the children of Therazane the Stonemother and protectors of the elemental plane of Deepholm. It would seem that each of the stone lords each represents a certain aspect of the earth element, such as: physical strength, immobility, patience, and resistance to change.

Description of Appearance: Stone Lord*

*It would be cool if a different stone lord was summoned each time you brought the pet out.

Interactivity: The stone lord could be seen throwing gigantic boulders at its enemies.

Level 1: Boulder Toss, 95% hit chance - Hurls a boulder at the enemy pet, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 2: Stoneskin - Reduces up to X damage from each attack against you. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 4: Elementium Bulwark, 5 round cooldown - Protects the caster with a shield that has a 30% chance of reflecting all damage dealt to it back to the enemy pet. If hit by a DoT, it has a 100% chance to reflect back at the enemy pet. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 10: Rock Barrage, 50% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Hurls rocks at the enemy, dealing up to X elemental damage. Rocks continue to fall on the enemy's current pet dealing X elemental damage each round for 3 rounds.
Level 15: Ground Slam, 100% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Slams the ground with tremendous force, dealing X elemental damage to each enemy pet.
Level 20: Paralyze, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Stuns the enemy for 1 round. If the stunned pet retreats to the back row before the end of the stun, they will deal X elemental damage to each enemy pet.

Centaur - Humanoid

Centaurs are the barbaric sons of the Keeper of the Grove, Zaetar, and the earth elemental princess, Theradras. After the centaurs creation, they turned upon their father and slew him. Centaur are half-horse and half-humanoid and are the hated enemy of the tauren.

Description of Appearance: Centaur

Interactivity: A herd of centaur could be seen performing a stampede, chasing away some tauren.

Level 1: Heroic Strike, 90% hit chance - Attacks the enemy pet, dealing X humanoid damage to the enemy pet and reducing healing received by 25% for 1 round.
Level 2: Multi-Shot, 100% hit chance - Shoots a volley of arrows at the enemy team, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 4: Elusive, 5 round cooldown - Evades all attacks for 1 round.
Level 10: Defensive Stance - Assumes a defensive stance, reducing damage taken by 25%, but also reducing damage dealt by 25%. Lasts until cancelled.
Level 15: Stomp, 100% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Stomps the ground around the enemy pet, dealing X humanoid damage with a 25% chance to stun for 1 round.
Level 20: Khan's Aura, 5 round cooldown - Creates an aura around your team, increasing damage and speed by 25% for 4 rounds. Persists through pet swaps.

Magnataur - Humanoid

Magnataur are creatures with the torsos of giants and the bodies of mammoths. Although no one knows for sure where magnataur came from, it is believed that they are related to centaurs and Cenarius.

Description of Appearance: Magnataur

Interactivity: Magnataur could be seen to have kobold slaves who dance for them and bring them food.

Level 1: Fire Bomb, 100% hit chance - Throws a flaming bomb at the enemy, dealing X elemental damage. Has a 50% chance to ignite the ground underneath the enemy pet, dealing X elemental damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 2: Thunder Clap, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Slams the ground under the enemy team, dealing X humanoid damage and slowing the enemy's active pet by 25% for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Knock Away, 90% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Knocks the enemy back with tremendous force, dealing X humanoid damage and forcing an opponent's pet to swap into battle.
Level 10: Rising Anger - Increases the damage you deal by 10%. Your damage increases each time you use Rising Anger.
Level 15: Spear Impale, 95% hit chance - Impales the enemy pet on the end of your spear, dealing X humanoid damage and an additional X humanoid damage each round for 3 rounds.
Level 20: Withering Roar, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Unleashes a devastating roar, dealing X humanoid damage and reducing the enemy pet's maximum health by 10% for 3 rounds.

Vrykul - Humanoid

Vrykul are the ancestors of today's humans. They are giant-like humanoids who are very formidable warriors. They practice a type of runic magic that even the most learned wizards find unfamiliar. It is said that they worshipped the titans.

Description of Appearance: Vrykul

Interactivity: It could show a vrykul shrinking into a human then growing back into a vrykul.

Level 1: Dark Slash, 95% hit chance - Slashes at the target with dark energy, dealing X undead damage.
Level 2: Enveloping Mist - Envelops the caster in mist, increasing your chance to dodge an attack by 25%. Lasts 4 rounds.
Level 4: Cast the Runes, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Casting the runes does not prove favorable for the enemy team. The active enemy pet takes X magic damage and one of the following random effects occurs: increases damage taken by 25%, reduces speed by 25%, or reduces hit chance by 25%. The debuffs last 3 rounds.
Level 10: Whirlwind, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Whirls around wildly, dealing X humanoid damage to the enemy team.
Level 15: Healing Rune - Casts a healing rune into battle, healing the caster for X.
Level 20: Lightning Ring, 90% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Summons a ring of lightning around the caster, dealing X elemental damage to each enemy pet and increases their damage taken by 25% for 3 rounds.

Tuskarr - Humanoid

The Tuskarr are a race of walrus-like humanoids who live a nomadic lifestyle throughout Northrend. They fight to survive against their mortal enemies, the Kvaldir and the murloc-like creatures called the Gorloc.

Description of Appearance: Tuskarr

Interactivity: The tuskarr could be seen fishing in a large pond.

Level 1: Spear Throw, 100% hit chance - Throws a spear at the target, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 2: Whale Fat, 3 round cooldown - Feeds on whale fat, restoring X health.
Level 4: Harpoon, 90% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Throws a harpoon at the enemy pet, dealing increasing humanoid damage over 3 rounds. If the target has less than 25% health remaining, Harpoon will deal double damage.
Level 10: Gore, 100% hit chance - Gores the enemy with large tusks, dealing X beast damage. Causes the target to Bleed for X additional beast damage each round for 5 rounds.
Level 15: Swarm of Seals, 100% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Summons a swarm of seals to attack the enemy team, dealing X aquatic damage to each enemy pet.
Level 20: Karkut's Embrace, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - The Tuskarr's death god takes vengeance on the Tuskarr's enemies, dealing X undead damage to each enemy pet and increasing the active enemy pet's damage taken by 25% for 3 rounds.

Furbolg - Humanoid

Furbolgs are a race of bear humanoids who live throughout northern Kalimdor and in Northrend. Once close allies of the Night Elves, many furbolg tribes have become distant and aggressive due to corruption from the Burning Legion and the Old Gods.

Description of Appearance: Furbolg

Interactivity: Some pets are going to have to sacrifice interactivity and I think this should be one of them.

Level 1: Frost Shock, 100% hit chance - Chills the target, dealing X elemental damage and reducing their speed by 25% for 2 rounds.
Level 2: Coat of Thistlefur - Deals X elemental damage each time you take direct damage. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 4: Maul, 95% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Savagely mauls the enemy, dealing X beast damage. Deals X additional damage if the target is Bleeding.
Level 10: Bloody Strike, 100% hit chance - Strikes the target with massive force, dealing X humanoid damage and causes the target to Bleed for X additional beast damage each round for 5 rounds.
Level 15: Healing Wave, 3 round cooldown - Restores X health to the user.
Level 20: Totemic Inspiration, 5 round cooldown - Casts a powerful totem into battle, increasing your damage dealt by 25%, maximum health by 25%, and speed by 25% for 3 rounds.

Jinyu - Humanoid

Jinyu are a race of fish-like humanoids who evolved from murlocs who lived close to the enchanted pools in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. They are masters of water and can hear what the land is saying by placing their staves in water. Some have recently decided to enter into the Alliance.

Description of Appearance: Jinyu

Interactivity: A jinyu could place a staff in a pool of water to hear what the land is saying.

Level 1: Hydrolance, 100% hit chance - Hurls a lance of water at the enemy, dealing X aquatic damage.
Level 2: Riptide, 3 round cooldown - Heals the caster for X and an additional X every round for 3 rounds.
Level 4: Wash Away, 90% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Washes the active enemy pet away, dealing X aquatic damage and forcing an opponent's pet to swap in.
Level 10: Tidal Wave, 100% hit chance - Deals X aquatic damage to the enemy's pets. Destroys objects created by both teams.
Level 15: Bubble, 8 round cooldown - A bubble surrounds you, blocking the next two attacks.
Level 20: Waterspeaker, 100% hit chance, 6 round cooldown - Places a staff in a pool, manipulating the water within. Drowns the enemy for X aquatic damage while healing the caster for X. If the enemy has less than 25% health remaining, Waterspeaker will deal double damage.

Hozen - Humanoid

Hozen are a race of monkey-like humanoids who very rarely live past their twenties. Because of this, they are an immature race, but still wild and dangerous. While they are mostly independent, some have recently decided to enter into the Horde.

Description of Appearance: Hozen

Interactivity: Hozen should pick up a pile of "stuff" on the ground and throw it at random critters.

Level 1: Club, 100% hit chance - Bashes the enemy, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 2: Ground Pound, 100% hit chance - Pounds the ground around the enemy pet, dealing X humanoid damage and reducing their speed by 25% for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Going Bananas, 90% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Jumps from enemy to enemy, dealing X humanoid damage. Also enrages the caster, granting 25% increased damage done and 25% increased speed. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 10: Bananarang, 95% hit chance - Throws a banana, dealing X humanoid damage to the enemy team.
Level 15: Banana Barrage, 50% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Hurls bananas at the enemy, dealing X beast damage. Bananas continue to fall on the enemy's current pet dealing X beast damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 20: Ooked In Your Dooker, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Hozen are known for their rather...colorful...language. When activated, the caster will launch a barrage of "stuff" at the enemy team, dealing X humanoid damage to each pet and Blinding them for 3 rounds.

Felhound - Magic

Felhounds are the favored pets of Pit Lords who use them to sniff out magic wherever they can be found. Felhounds feast on magic and are known for targeting spellcasters and ripping them to shreds. Some felhounds can be called upon by an experienced and powerful warlock.

Description of Appearance: Felhound

Interactivity: Some pets are going to have to sacrifice interactivity and I think this should be one of them.

Level 1: Shadow Bite, 95% hit chance - Bites down on the enemy pet with shadow magic, dealing X undead damage.
Level 2: Dispel Magic, 2 round cooldown - Removes all buffs and debuffs from the user.
Level 4: Spell Lock, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X magic damage. Interrupts the opponent's round the user goes first.
Level 10: Mana Burn, 100% hit chance - Burns off the enemy's magic, dealing X magic damage per debuff the enemy pet has active.
Level 15: Absorb, 100% hit chance - Deals X undead damage. The user is healed for 100% of the damage dealt.
Level 20: Devour Magic, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Devours the enemy team's positive buffs, dealing X magic damage and healing the caster for X for each buff devoured.

Talbuk - Beast

Talbuks are antelope-like creatures that are native to Outland, where they mostly reside in Nagrand. Talbuks come in different colors and have allowed themselves to be ridden as mounts by those they deem trustworthy.

Description of Appearance: Talbuk

Interactivity: Some pets are going to have to sacrifice interactivity and I think this should be one of them.

Level 1: Horn Gore, 90% hit chance - Gores the enemy, dealing X beast damage.
Level 2: Chew, 1 round cooldown - Patiently chew some grass. On the next round, you will deal X critter damage in addition to your next attack. Chew can deal damage from the back row.
Level 4: Headbutt, 95% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Deals X beast damage and has a 25% chance to stun the target.
Level 10: Hoof, 90% hit chance - Stomps the enemy, dealing X critter damage.
Level 15: Horn Attack, 95% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Deals X beast damage. If the user is faster than the target, they have a 50% chance to be trampled and lose their turn.
Level 20: Stampede, 100% hit chance - Starts a stampede, causing X critter damage. Opponents struck by the stampede take double damage for 2 rounds. Stampede continues for 3 rounds.

Camel - Beast

Camels are beasts native to the hidden land of Uldum. Used as mounts and as pack leaders, they can cross the scorching sands with relative ease. Those who befriend the Ramkahen can purchase one of these beasts as a mount.

Description of Appearance: Camel

Interactivity: Some pets are going to have to sacrifice interactivity and I think this should be one of them.

Level 1: Hoof, 90% hit chance - Stomps the enemy, dealing X critter damage.
Level 2: Survival, 3 round cooldown - You endure, preventing your health from being reduced below 1 health until the end of the next round. Pets affected by Survival will survive an Apocalypse.
Level 4: Sandstorm, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Deals X flying damage and turns the weather into a sandstorm for 5 rounds. During a sandstorm, all pets take X less damage and their accuracy is reduced by 10%.
Level 10: Spit, 95% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Spit into the enemy's face, dealing X beast damage & has a 25% chance to Blind the enemy for 1 round.
Level 15: Mirage, 4 round cooldown - The heat of Uldum convinces the enemy pet that the camel is a mirage, reducing damage taken by 50% for 3 rounds.
Level 20: Oasis, 6 round cooldown - An oasis in the desert is a miracle. Casting this spell restores X health to each of your pets and increases their damage and accuracy by 25% for 4 rounds.

Mammoth - Beast

Mammoths are massive beasts that greatly resemble elephants who reside in the frozen wastes of Northrend. Recently, their numbers have dwindled as hunters have gone after them, but if you manage to befriend them, you can get one as a mount.

Description of Appearance: Mammoth

Interactivity: The mammoth could charge random critters, stunning them.

Level 1: Trample, 100% hit chance - Tramples the target, dealing X beast damage plus an additional 10% of the target's health.
Level 2: Trumpet Strike, 100% hit chance - Enrages the user, causing them to attack, dealing X beast damage and increasing the damage they deal by 25% for 3 rounds.
Level 4: Mammoth Charge, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Charges the enemy, dealing X beast damage and has a 50% chance to stun the target for 1 round.
Level 10: Smash, 85% hit chance - Smash the enemy, dealing X beast damage.
Level 15: Stampede, 100% hit chance - Starts a stampede, causing X critter damage. Opponents struck by the stampede take double damage for 2 rounds. Stampede continues for 3 rounds.
Level 20: Mam'toth's Blessing, 5 round cooldown - Mam'toth blesses the mammoth from beyond the grave, granting 25% increased critical strike chance and 25% damage reduction for 4 rounds.

Kraken - Aquatic

The Kraken are enormous, dangerous minions of Neptulon the Tidehunter. Kraken are unusual in that they come in different forms. Some are more fish-like and others take on a more giant squid-like form. In either case, they are extremely dangerous and will not hesitate to attack.

Description of Appearance: Kraken*

*These are the two types of Kraken in WoW. The one that I'm going to use for this is the more fish-like Kraken (the one on the right). I plan on doing another entry for the giant squid-like Kraken that will be labeled Leviathan.

Interactivity: The Kraken could be seen shooting jets of water at critters or swallowing ships whole.

Level 1: Water Jet, 95% hit chance - Blasts the enemy with a spray of water, dealing X aquatic damage.
Level 2: Swallow You Whole, 95% hit chance - Deals X aquatic damage. Deals double damage if the target is below 25% health.
Level 4: Geyser, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Causes a water geyser to form under the enemy team. After 3 rounds, the geyser erupts, causing the current enemy pet to take X elemental damage and be stunned for 1 round.
Level 10: Tidal Wave, 100% hit chance - Deals X aquatic damage to the enemy's pets. Destroys objects created by both teams.
Level 15: Bubble, 8 round cooldown - A bubble surrounds you, blocking the next two attacks.
Level 20: Spout, 100% hit chance, 6 round cooldown - Shoots a powerful jet of water at the enemy team, dealing X aquatic damage to each enemy pet and forcing an opponent's pet to swap into battle.

Thunder Lizard - Beast

Thunder Lizards are distant relatives of kodo who live out in the open plains and canyons. Large creatures, thunder lizards are dangerous especially considering their ability to shoot bolts of lightning out of their mouths.

Description of Appearance: Thunder Lizard

Interactivity: Thunder lizards could be seen in a stampede or shooting bolts of lightning from their mouths.

Level 1: Lightning Bolt, 95% hit chance - Hurls a bolt of lightning at the enemy, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 2: Tough Hide - Reduces up to X damage from each attack against you. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 4: Stampede, 100% hit chance - Starts a stampede, causing X critter damage. Opponents struck by the stampede take double damage for 2 rounds. Stampede continues for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Forked Lightning, 100% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Shoots a cone of lightning at the enemy team, dealing X elemental damage to each enemy pet.
Level 15: Healing Herbs, 3 round cooldown - Chew on some healing herbs, restoring X health.
Level 20: Lightning Storm, 100% hit chance, 6 round cooldown - Deals X elemental damage to the enemy's active pet and X elemental damage to the enemy's backline pets and changes the weather to Lightning Storm. During a Lightning Storm, all pets deal X bonus Mechanical damage on each attack and Mechanical abilities deal 25% additional damage.

Yeti - Beast

Yetis are gigantic, furry humanoid-like beasts that usually reside in or around caves. Yetis can be found in many parts of the world, and in the colder climates of Northrend, some yetis can breathe ice.

Description of Appearance: Yeti

Interactivity: Yetis could be seen throwing trees at critters or picking them up and eating them.

Level 1: Whirl, 100% hit chance - Whirls fists around, hitting each enemy pet for X humanoid damage.
Level 2: Headbutt, 95% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Deals X beast damage and has a 25% chance to stun the target.
Level 4: Massive Crash, 90% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Crashes into the enemy pet with the power of a juggernaut, dealing X beast damage and forcing an opponent's pet to swap in.
Level 10: Arctic Breath, 100% hit chance - Breathes extremely cold breath on the enemy team, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy team.
Level 15: Deafening Roar, 100% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Roars at the enemy team, dealing X beast damage and reducing the enemy pet's speed by 25% for 3 rounds.
Level 20: Uncontrollable Rage, 2 round cooldown - Increases the caster's damage and speed by 20%. Your damage and speed will increase each time you use Uncontrollable Rage.

Threshadon - Aquatic

Threshadons are long-necked aquatic beasts, resembling plesiosaurs. They can be found throughout the world in watery environments, as they can only exist in them. When riding the Deeprun Tram, you might see Nessy, a famous Threshadon.

Description of Appearance: Threshadon

Interactivity: Threshadons could be seen swimming gracefully through the air.

Level 1: Water Jet, 95% hit chance - Blasts the enemy with a spray of water, dealing X aquatic damage.
Level 2: Tendon Rip, 100% hit chance - Rips the tendon of the target, causing them to Bleed for X beast damage each round for 5 rounds and slowing their speed by 25% for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Whirlpool, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Causes a whirlpool to form under the enemy pet. In two rounds, the opponent's pet will take X aquatic damage and be rooted for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Surge, 100% hit chance - Rushes to the enemy on a stream of water, dealing X aquatic damage. This move always goes first.
Level 15: Healing Stream, 3 round cooldown - Calls upon the healing streams, restoring X health to the user, and half that to other aquatic allies.
Level 20: Leech Pulse, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Leeches life from the enemy team, dealing X undead damage to each enemy pet and healing the Threshadon for 100% of the damage done.

Kobold - Humanoid

Kobolds are small rat-like humanoids who most consider to be nothing more than a nuisance. However, in large numbers they can prove to be a threat as they do not back down from a fight and will die to protect their candles.

Description of Appearance: Kobold

Interactivity: Kobolds should be seen dancing around a bunch of candles.

Level 1: Strike, 95% hit chance - Strikes at the enemy, dealing X beast damage.
Level 2: Candle Wax, 3 round cooldown - Pours hot wax onto the caster, dealing X elemental damage then healing for X health each round for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Light of 1000 Candles, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - The light provided by a thousand candles invigorates the kobold, yet harms the enemy. Deals X elemental damage to the enemy pet and Blinds it for 2 rounds. The kobold is granted 25% increased accuracy for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Candle Flame, 90% hit chance - Attempts to burn the enemy with the flame of a candle, dealing X elemental damage. Also has a 25% chance to burn the enemy pet for X elemental damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Thrash, 100% hit chance - Wildly flails at the enemy 1-2 times, dealing X beast damage per hit. Hits an additional time if the user is faster than the enemy.
Level 20: You No Take Candle!, 5 round cooldown - The kobold gets extremely angry at the enemy pet for attempting to take it's candle. Enraged, the kobold grows to gigantic proportions, granting 25% increased damage, speed, and health for 3 rounds. If the kobold swaps out before the end of the effect, the kobold shrinks back to normal size and loses the benefit of the spell.

Chimaera - Beast

Chimaera are deadly, 2-headed flying beasts that resemble part-dragons and part-wyverns. Deadly and incredibly territorial, the Chimaera will attack any who enter into its domain with both heads simultaneously, making quick work of the poor souls.

Description of Appearance: Chimaera

Interactivity: Chimaera could be seen spewing poison and frost at critters.

Level 1: Poison Spit, 100% hit chance - Instantly deals X beast damage and Poisons the target for X additional elemental damage per round for 3 rounds.
Level 2: Forked Lightning, 100% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Shoots a cone of lightning at the enemy team, dealing X elemental damage to each enemy pet.
Level 4: Corrosive Breath, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Breathes a cone of acid at the enemy team, dealing X elemental damage and increasing the damage the enemy team takes by 100% for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Frost Breath, 95% hit chance - Freezes the target, dealing X dragonkin damage.
Level 15: Lightning Shield, 4 round cooldown - Deals X elemental damage each time you take direct damage. Lasts 2 rounds.
Level 20: Froststorm Breath, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown, 3 round ability - Channels a powerful frost breath at the enemy team, dealing X elemental damage to each enemy pet and reducing their speed by 25% for 1 round. Your pet continues performing this attack for 3 rounds.

Air Ascendant - Elemental

Ascendants are former Twilight's Hammer cultists who have been twisted into elemental beings via a process known as Ascension. The Ascendants are ruled by an Ascendant Council, who oversees the selection and creation of new ascendants.

Description of Appearance: Air Ascendant

Interactivity: Air ascendants could be shown using air spells to levitate critters and to fly.

Level 1: Wild Winds, 100% hit chance - A sharp wind gust deals X flying damage instantly and X flying damage every round for 2 rounds. Persists through pet swaps.
Level 2: Cyclone, 5 round cooldown - Creates a cyclone which has a 35% chance to deal X flying damage to the enemy team each round. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 4: Thundershock, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Unleashes a massive electrical storm on the enemy team dealing X elemental damage and an additional X elemental damage to the enemy's active pet each round for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Lightning Bolt, 95% hit chance - Hurls a bolt of lightning at the enemy, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 15: Lightning Rod, 90% hit chance - Makes the enemy a lightning rod, dealing X elemental damage each round and increasing damage taken by 25%. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 20: Disperse, 8 round cooldown - Disperse into multiple air elementals, becoming unattackable for 2 rounds. During this time, the air elementals attack the opponent, dealing X elemental damage each round.

Earth Ascendant - Elemental

Ascendants are former Twilight's Hammer cultists who have been twisted into elemental beings via a process known as Ascension. The Ascendants are ruled by an Ascendant Council, who oversees the selection and creation of new ascendants.

Description of Appearance: Earth Ascendant

Interactivity: Earth ascendants could be shown causing localized earthquakes underneath critters.

Level 1: Stone Shot, 95% hit chance - Hurls a stone, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 2: Rupture, 95% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Stone spikes erupt from the ground, dealing X elemental damage and has a 25% chance to stun the target.
Level 4: Harden Skin, 5 round cooldown - The caster's skin hardens, granting them 25% increased damage and 50% reduced damage taken. Lasts 4 rounds. If the caster swaps out before the end of the spell, they will deal X elemental damage to each of their pets.
Level 10: Rock Barrage, 50% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Hurls rocks at the enemy, dealing up to X elemental damage. Rocks continue to fall on the enemy's current pet dealing X elemental damage each round for 3 rounds.
Level 15: Quake, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Pounds the ground, dealing X mechanical damage to the enemy and half that damage to their backline pets. Quake continues and increases in damage for 3 rounds and can affect enemies underground.
Level 20: Gravity Well, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - The caster creates a pocket of extreme gravity under the enemy pet, dealing X elemental damage. If the enemy pet attempts to swap out, Gravity Well will force them to swap back in. Lasts 2 rounds.

Fire Ascendant - Elemental

Ascendants are former Twilight's Hammer cultists who have been twisted into elemental beings via a process known as Ascension. The Ascendants are ruled by an Ascendant Council, who oversees the selection and creation of new ascendants.

Description of Appearance: Fire Ascendant

Interactivity: Fire ascendants could be shown turning into a humanoid form of pure flame before a water ascendant comes and puts them out.

Level 1: Immolate, 100% hit chance - Deals X elemental damage instantly. The enemy Burns for X additional elemental damage per round for 4 rounds.
Level 2: Burning Blood, 100% hit chance - Inflicts a burning curse on the enemy, causing increasing elemental damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Flame On!, 5 round cooldown - Turns into a form of pure flame, granting immunity to all loss of control effects and all movement speed debuffs. While in flame form, all aquatic attacks deal 25% more damage to the caster. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 10: Inferno Rush, 100% hit chance - Surges at the enemy, leaving a trail of fire, burning them for X elemental damage. This move always goes first.
Level 15: Flame Torrent, 90% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Unleashes a cone of superheated flame at the enemy team dealing X elemental damage to each enemy pet.
Level 20: Rising Flames, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - The caster surrounds the enemy pet in a column of flame, dealing X elemental damage and causing increasing elemental damage each round for 2 rounds.

Water Ascendant - Elemental

Ascendants are former Twilight's Hammer cultists who have been twisted into elemental beings via a process known as Ascension. The Ascendants are ruled by an Ascendant Council, who oversees the selection and creation of new ascendants.

Description of Appearance: Water Ascendant

Interactivity: Water ascendants could be shown causing rainstorms above itself.

Level 1: Hydrolance, 100% hit chance - Hurls a lance of water at the enemy, dealing X aquatic damage.
Level 2: Glaciate, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Unleashes a burst of frost on the enemy team, dealing X aquatic damage to the enemy pet and half that damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 4: Water Bomb, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Hurls a water bomb at the enemy team, dealing X aquatic damage to the enemy's pets and reducing the active pet's speed by 25% for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Cleansing Rain, 3 round cooldown - Restores X health to your team and calls down a cleansing rain for 9 rounds. During a cleansing rain, the duration of hostile damage over time effects is reduced by 1 round and Aquatic abilities deal 25% more damage.
Level 15: Heart of Ice - Reduces up to X damage from each attack against you. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 20: Frozen Orb, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Unleashes a frozen orb which explodes into tiny shards, carving up the enemy team. Each shard does X elemental damage and each pet can be hit by multiple shards.

Quicksilver Ascendant - Elemental

Ascendants are former Twilight's Hammer cultists who have been twisted into elemental beings via a process known as Ascension. The Ascendants are ruled by an Ascendant Council, who oversees the selection and creation of new ascendants.

Description of Appearance: Quicksilver Ascendant

Interactivity: The quicksilver ascendant could melt into a pile of liquid then reform.

Level 1: Quicksilver Bolt, 90% hit chance - Shoots a bolt of quicksilver at the target, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 2: Drown, 85% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Drowns the enemy's lungs with quicksilver, dealing X elemental damage. Deals 50% additional damage to targets with less than 25% health remaining.
Level 4: Mercurial Absorption, 6 round cooldown - The caster absorbs the damage of the next attack made against it. On the next round, you will deal 50% of the damage of the absorbed attack in addition to their next attack. Mercurial Absorption can deal damage from the back row.
Level 10: Absorb, 100% hit chance - Deals X undead damage. The user is healed for 100% of the damage dealt.
Level 15: Reform, 5 round cooldown - If killed on the next round, you will reform with full health, but lose 20% health per round.
Level 20: Consume Corpse, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Consumes an allied corpse to restore 50% of total health. Corpses can only be used once.
Last edited by Adumbledore on July 9th, 2014, 11:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Designing New Pets (Updated: 4/7/14)

Post by Adumbledore » April 9th, 2014, 9:27 pm

Spectral Bear - Magic

Spirit beasts exist throughout the world of Azeroth where experienced hunters can tame them to become their trusted animal companions. One of these, Arcturis, is a giant spectral bear who resides in the woods of the Grizzly Hills waiting for a hunter to come and tame him.

Description of Appearance: Spectral Bear

Interactivity: The spectral bear could fade in and out of existence.

Level 1: Jade Claw, 90% hit chance - Rakes the enemy with jade claws, dealing X magic damage.
Level 2: Spirit Blessing - Reduces up to X damage from each attack against you. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 4: Spectral Strike, 50% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Strikes at the enemy with the power of a spirit beast, causing X magic damage. Always hits if the target is Blinded.
Level 10: Onyx Bite, 85% hit chance - Bites the enemy with onyx teeth, dealing X magic damage.
Level 15: Spirit Walk, 1 round cooldown - Increases the damage done by the next attack made within 1 round by 50%, but the caster receives 25% reduced speed for 1 round.
Level 20: Spirit Mend, 5 round cooldown - Mends the caster with the power of a spirit beast, healing for X and giving the caster a 50% chance to dodge all attacks made within 1 round. Chance to dodge is increased to 100% if the caster is at full health when cast.

Plague Eruptor - Undead

The plague eruptors are monstrous creations of the Lich King. Despite their large size, they move swiftly and are extremely violent and ridiculously strong. With their bodies covered in boils and sores, the plague eruptors live up to their name by spreading the plague wherever they go.

Description of Appearance: Plague Eruptor

Interactivity: The plague eruptor could be shown running up to a critter then unleashing the plague on it.

Level 1: Shadow Bolt, 95% hit chance - Shoots a bolt of shadow magic at the enemy, dealing X undead damage.
Level 2: Fool's Bane, 2 round cooldown - Increases damage dealt by 25% and increases damage taken by 25%. Lasts 2 rounds.
Level 4: Pursuit, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Fixates on the enemy pet, dealing X undead damage to the enemy pet and increasing all damage Plague Eruptors deal to the enemy pet by 50%. Lasts until the enemy pet is killed.
Level 10: Toxic Waste, 100% hit chance - Spews toxic waste at the enemy pet, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 15: Knockdown, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Knocks the enemy pet down, stunning it for 1 round.
Level 20: Plague Nova, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - A nova of plague explodes out from the caster, dealing X undead damage to each enemy pet and infecting them with the plague, which deals increasing undead damage each round for 2 rounds.

Flesh Giant - Undead

Flesh Giants are giants that are made out of flesh. Animated by the Lich King's powerful necromantic magic, these savage giants make the scourge abominations look tame by comparison. With their immense strength, some can also call upon elemental magics to rid them of their enemies.

Description of Appearance: Flesh Giant

Interactivity: A necromancer could be seen placing a flesh giant together then animating the body with magic.

Level 1: Chained Grip, 100% hit chance - Grabs the target with an iron grip, dealing X humanoid damage. The target cannot swap out for 2 rounds.
Level 2: Poison Cloud, 100% hit chance - Deals X elemental damage to the enemy's active pet every round for 9 rounds. Persists through pet swaps.
Level 4: Chilling Wave, 90% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - A wave of extreme cold washes over the enemy team, dealing X elemental damage to each enemy pet and slowing their speed by 25% for 4 rounds.
Level 10: Crush, 80% hit chance - Crush the enemy, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 15: Permafrost - A layer of permafrost infuses the caster, reducing up to X damage from each attack and adding X damage to each of your attacks.
Level 20: Thundering Stomp, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Stomps the ground with thunderous force, dealing X humanoid damage to each enemy pet and stunning the enemy's active pet for 1 round.

Leviathan - Aquatic

Leviathans are giant squid-like entities that are monstrous in size. Older than mortal races and so huge that jungles of kelp sway through their limbs, Leviathans are extremely dangerous. The patriarch of all kraken, Ozumat, is also a Leviathan.

Description of Appearance: Leviathan

Interactivity: The leviathan could be seen abducting Neptulon the Tidehunter.

Level 1: Sea Splash, 95% hit chance - Splashes the enemy pet with water, dealing X aquatic damage.
Level 2: Tentacle Wrap, 100% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Wraps the caster's tentacles around the enemy pet, dealing X aquatic damage and preventing the target from fleeing for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Blight of Ozumat, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Spits blight out at the enemy pet, creating a pool of blight that continuously damages it. Deals increasing undead damage each round. Lasts 3 rounds or until the enemy pet is killed. Persists through pet swaps.
Level 10: Tentacle Smack, 90% hit chance - Smacks the enemy pet with powerful, hooked tentacles, dealing X beast damage.
Level 15: Aura of Dread, 100% hit chance - An aura of dread falls on the enemy team, reducing their accuracy by 10% and damage by 10% for 4 rounds.
Level 20: Abduction, 80% hit chance, 6 round cooldown - Attempts to abduct the enemy pet, removing the enemy pet from battle until all of the other enemy pets have been killed. Only one pet can be Abducted at a time.

Unicorn - Beast

Unicorns are a rare, mythical creature who resembles a horse, but has a magical horn growing out of its head. The high elves of Quel'thalas used a unicorn as a symbol and the archmagi of Dalaran were known to ride unicorns into battle.

Description of Appearance: Unicorn

Interactivity: The unicorn could be seen chewing on grass before disappearing when someone approaches.

Level 1: Horn Gore, 90% hit chance - Gores the enemy, dealing X beast damage.
Level 2: Danger Sense - Senses danger before it occurs, reducing up to X damage from each attack. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 4: Invisibility, 4 round cooldown - After two rounds, you will become invisible for one round, becoming unable to be attacked.
Level 10: Horn Stab, 95% hit chance - Stabs the enemy pet with a horn, dealing X beast damage and causing the target to Bleed for an additional X beast damage each round for 5 rounds.
Level 15: Wish, 5 round cooldown - Next round, your active pet will be healed for 50% of its maximum health.
Level 20: Unicorn Horn, 5 round cooldown - The unicorn's horn is full of powerful magic that it can use to heal its friends. When cast, heals all of your pets for X and clears them of any buffs and debuffs.

Arcane Serpent - Magic

Arcane serpents are snake-like creatures that are suffused with pure arcane energy. Related to mana wyrms, arcane serpents are much larger and more sinuous than their smaller counterparts. Arcane serpents are also generally found only in Northrend, although there are a few exceptions.

Description of Appearance: Arcane Serpent

Interactivity: Some pets have to sacrifice interactivity and I think this should be one of them.

Level 1: Arcane Blast, 100% hit chance - Blasts the enemy with a surge of arcane power, dealing X magic damage. Damage increases by X each time it is used. Max X magic damage.
Level 2: Amplify Magic, 3 round cooldown - Increases the damage done by your active pet by 50% for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Shed, 5 round cooldown - The caster sheds their skin, restoring X health and reducing damage taken by 50% for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Feedback, 95% hit chance - Launches a surge of mana at the enemy, dealing X magic damage.
Level 15: Drain Power, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Deals X magic damage, reduces the target's damage by 25% for 2 rounds and increases the user's damage by 25% for 2 rounds.
Level 20: Arcane Venom, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Injects the target pet with arcane venom dealing X magic and an additional X magic damage each round for 3 rounds.

Djinn - Elemental

The Djinn are powerful air elementals who reside within Skywall. They are generally viewed as servants of Al'Akir the Windlord, and by extension Deathwing, and were the creatures responsible for giving the Neferset tol'vir back their stone forms.

Description of Appearance: Djinn

Interactivity: The Djinn could be seen restoring flesh to stone on tol'vir.

Level 1: Wind Blast, 95% hit chance - Blasts the target with a burst of wind, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 2: Static Cling, 100% hit chance - Charges the target with static electricity, dealing X elemental damage and making it impossible to flee for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Sleet Storm, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown, 2 round ability - Channels a sleet storm on the enemy team, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy team, split evenly amongst them. This attack continues for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Chain Lightning, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Shoots a bolt of lightning at the enemy's team, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy's active pet and X elemental damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 15: Soothing Winds - Fills the area with healing winds, restoring X health to your active pet each round. Lasts 3 rounds. Persists through pet swaps.
Level 20: Supremacy of the Storm, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Summons the raw power of a thunderstorm on the enemy team, dealing X elemental damage to each enemy pet. Deals 100% additional damage to pets with less than 25% health remaining.

Gyreworm - Elemental

Gyreworms are earth elementals that have taken on the form of gigantic worms. Native to Deepholm, these destructive beings live to eat away rocks and minerals. Earth elementals consider these worms to be dangerous and the more powerful consider them nothing more than vermin.

Description of Appearance: Gyreworm*

*There are more than 1 color of Gyreworm, so Blizzard could implement many of these.

Interactivity: Gyreworms could be shown bursting out of the ground to eat a pile of rocks.

Level 1: Stone Shot, 95% hit chance - Hurls a stone, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 2: Dampening Wave, 95% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Unleashes a wave of negative energy, dealing X elemental damage and causing the target to receive 50% less healing for 1 round.
Level 4: Burrow, 80% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Burrow under the ground, becoming unattackable for one round. On the next round, you attack, dealing X beast damage.
Level 10: Stoneskin - Reduces up to X damage from each attack against you. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 15: Rupture, 95% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Stone spikes erupt from the ground, dealing X elemental damage and has a 25% chance to stun the target.
Level 20: Crystal Barrage, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Summons a barrage of razor-sharp crystals on the enemy team, dealing X elemental damage to each pet and increasing their damage taken by 25% for 2 rounds.

Catapult - Mechanical

Catapults are extremely dangerous instruments of war, capable of launching deadly projectiles through the air at enemies. Used by both sides as siege weapons, catapults have seen decline in use recently due to new improvements made in the field of siege weapons.

Description of Appearance: Catapult

Interactivity: Catapults can launch rocks, bombs, and even goblins through the air at targets.

Level 1: Stone Launch, 95% hit chance - Launches a large stone at the enemy, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 2: Rocket Launcher, 95% hit chance - Launches a rocket at the enemy team, dealing X mechanical damage to the enemy pet and half that damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 4: Burning Oil, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Launches orbs of volatile, burning oil at the enemy pet, dealing X mechanical damage and causing the enemy pet to Burn for X elemental damage each round for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Launch Goblin, 100% hit chance - Launches an angry goblin at the enemy pet, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 15: Repair, 5 round cooldown - Enters repair mode, performing no actions for two rounds, then repairs X health.
Level 20: Explode, 100% hit chance - Instantly kills the caster, dealing damage equal to 40% of the user's total health to the current enemy. Using explode will prevent the caster from activating Failsafe mechanisms.

Mechano-Tank - Mechanical

Mechano-tanks are mechanical tanks that are often called spider tanks because they look like giant mechanical spiders. Originally invented by the gnomes to help defeat the troggs during the invasion of Gnomeregan, these tanks can be found within Ulduar as well.

Description of Appearance: Mechano-Tank

Interactivity: The mechano-tank could be seen walking along killing troggs with its lasers.

Level 1: Flame Spray, 95% hit chance - Sprays the enemy target with flame, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 2: Shock, 100% hit chance - Shocks the target with electricity, dealing X mechanical damage.
Level 4: Laser Light Show, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Blasts the target with brilliant lasers, dealing X mechanical damage and Blinding the target for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Ice Blast, 95% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Blasts the target with ice, dealing X elemental damage and reducing their speed by 25% for 3 rounds.
Level 15: Machine Gun, 100% hit chance - Shoots at the enemy 1-2 times, dealing X mechanical damage per hit. Hits an additional time if the user is faster than the enemy.
Level 20: Megavolt, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Shoots an extremely powerful jolt of electricity at the enemy target, dealing X elemental damage and changing the weather to Lightning Storm for 5 rounds. During a Lightning Storm, all pets deal X bonus mechanical damage on each attack and mechanical abilities deal 25% additional damage.

Goblin Shredder - Mechanical

Shredders are mechanical creatures invented by the goblins to harvest lumber at astonishing rates. They can also be used for war, however, as they are equipped with great saws and are made of solid metal to withstand attacks. It is said that it would take 10 peasants to harvest as much wood as one of these.

Description of Appearance: Goblin Shredder

Interactivity: The shredder should be seen toppling trees to collect lumber.

Level 1: Twisting Blade, 100% hit chance - Cuts the enemy with a sawblade, dealing X mechanical damage.
Level 2: Hustle - Do the hustle, increasing speed by 20%. Speed continues to increase the more you use Hustle.
Level 4: Repair, 5 round cooldown - Enters repair mode, performing no actions for two rounds, then repairs X health.
Level 10: Launch Saw Blades, 100% hit chance - Launches saw blades at the enemy team, dealing X mechanical damage to the enemy team.
Level 15: Extra Plating, 4 round cooldown - The user equips additional plating, reducing all damage taken by 50% for 3 rounds.
Level 20: Slice 'N Dice, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Slices and dices the enemy with razor-sharp saws, dealing X mechanical damage and causing the target to Bleed for an additional X beast damage each round for 5 rounds.

Merciless One - Aquatic

Merciless Ones are parasitic, aquatic creatures that resemble leviathans although they only have 1 eye. They have the unusual ability to attach themselves to the heads of their prey, taking control of their bodies. They can even affect their host after they have died.

Description of Appearance: Merciless One

Interactivity: The merciless one could be seen fighting a creature, then taking control of it.

Level 1: Tentacle Smack, 90% hit chance - Smacks the enemy pet with powerful, hooked tentacles, dealing X beast damage.
Level 2: Black Breath, 100% hit chance - Breathes corrupting breath on the enemy, dealing X undead damage.
Level 4: Parasitic Clutch, 100% hit chance - The user leaps at the target and attaches itself to its host, dealing X undead damage every round. While attached, the user is considered dead.
Level 10: Mind Fog, 100% hit chance - Creates an area of fog under the enemy pet, dealing X undead damage to the enemy's active pet each round and slows the active pet by 25%. Lasts 4 rounds.
Level 15: Dark Whispers, 100% hit chance - Dark whispers invade the target's mind, dealing X undead damage to the target each round for 4 rounds. Deals additional damage during Darkness.
Level 20: Absorb Magic, 6 round cooldown - Absorbs all incoming damage for 1 round. On the next round, the caster will heal itself for 100% of the damage absorbed by this spell.

Draenei - Humanoid

The Draenei are a portion of eredar who were uncorrupted by the influence of the Burning Legion. Having escaped Argus with their leader, Velen, they have lived on many worlds, including Azeroth and Outland. Draenei are the oldest playable race for the Alliance, having existed for at least 25,000 years before the First War.

Description of Appearance: Draenei*

*To prevent favoritism amongst classes, the race pets could change gender/class/clothing each time they are summoned. I would imagine the classes to simply wear the clothing they receive when a Draenei character is first made.

Interactivity: To prevent favoritism again, the race pets should be without interaction.

Level 1: Holy Bolt, 100% hit chance - Shoots a bolt of holy magic at the enemy, dealing X magic damage.
Level 2: Shadow Resistance - Decreases the amount of damage taken by undead abilities by 50%. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 4: Gift of the Naaru, 5 round cooldown - Restores 15% of each of your pets' health each round. Lasts 2 rounds.
Level 10: Holy Wrath, 100% hit chance - Shoots out bolts of holy energy in all directions, dealing X humanoid damage to the enemy team.
Level 15: Sunder Armor, 90% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Attacks the enemy with an overwhelming blow, dealing X humanoid damage and increasing the enemy pet's damage taken by 25% for 1 round.
Level 20: Heroic Presence, 5 round cooldown - The Draenei inspire others with their mere presence, increasing your team's accuracy, damage, and health by 10%. Lasts 4 rounds and persists through pet swaps.

Dwarf - Humanoid

Dwarves are stout little humanoids who inhabit the areas of Khaz Modan in the Eastern Kingdoms. Dwarves are descended from the Earthen, stone-like dwarves that were created by the titans to help shape Azeroth. Dwarves are said to still have some powers over stone, like their ancestors.

Description of Appearance: Dwarf*

*To prevent favoritism amongst classes, the race pets could change gender/class/clothing each time they are summoned. I would imagine the classes to simply wear the clothing they receive when a Dwarf character is first made.

Interactivity: To prevent favoritism again, the race pets should be without interaction.

Level 1: Steady Shot, 150% hit chance - Shoots an arrow at the target with unerring aim, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 2: Might of the Mountain - Increases your health and critical strike chance by 20% for 4 rounds.
Level 4: Stoneform, 5 round cooldown - Removes all debuffs from the caster and reduces damage taken by 50% for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Whirlwind, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Whirls around wildly, dealing X humanoid damage to the enemy team.
Level 15: Frost Resistance - Decreases the amount of damage taken by aquatic abilities by 50%. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 20: Execute, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Attempts to finish off a wounded foe, dealing X humanoid damage. Deals 100% additional damage when used on a target with less than 25% health remaining.

Gnome - Humanoid

Gnomes are diminutive humanoids who are of great intelligence. Having had their home destroyed by the trogg invasion and a bathing of radiation, the gnomes lived with the dwarves in Ironforge for years. Recently, however, gnomes have begun to retake their homeland using all of their spectacular gadgets and gizmos.

Description of Appearance: Gnome*

*To prevent favoritism amongst classes, the race pets could change gender/class/clothing each time they are summoned. I would imagine the classes to simply wear the clothing they receive when a Gnome character is first made.

Interactivity: To prevent favoritism again, the race pets should be without interaction.

Level 1: Frostbolt, 90% hit chance - Sends a bolt of frozen water at the enemy dealing X elemental damage. Enemies hit by the frostbolt have their speed reduced by 25% for 1 round.
Level 2: Arcane Resistance - Decreases the amount of damage taken by magic abilities by 50%. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 4: Escape Artist, 5 round cooldown - Increases the caster's speed by 25% and makes them immune to root and sleep effects. Lasts 4 rounds.
Level 10: Arcane Blast, 100% hit chance - Blasts the enemy with a surge of arcane power, dealing X magic damage. Damage increases by X each time it is used. Max X magic damage.
Level 15: Expansive Mind, 1 round cooldown - Increases damage by 100% for 1 round.
Level 20: Nimble Fingers, 100% hit chance, 6 round cooldown, 3 round ability - Attacks the enemy with fast fingers, dealing X humanoid damage and increasing your speed by 10%. Each time Nimble Fingers deals damage, your speed will increase by 10%. This speed increase continues until the end of battle.

Human - Humanoid

Humans are descendants of the much larger, more barbaric, Vrykul - a race of half-giant humanoids who reside in Northrend. Originally scattered, they joined together to combat the trolls during the Troll Wars. Today, the humans serve as the backbone of the Grand Alliance.

Description of Appearance: Human*

*To prevent favoritism amongst classes, the race pets could change gender/class/clothing each time they are summoned. I would imagine the classes to simply wear the clothing they receive when a Human character is first made.

Interactivity: To prevent favoritism again, the race pets should be without interaction.

Level 1: Blitz, 100% hit chance - Pummels the enemy 1-2 times, dealing X humanoid damage per hit. Hits an additional time if the user attacks first.
Level 2: Diplomacy - Your diplomatic ability between races increases your team's accuracy by 25%. Lasts 4 rounds. Persists through pet swaps.
Level 4: The Human Spirit, 5 round cooldown - Your prove that the human spirit is a tough thing to overcome, increasing the caster's speed by 50% and critical strike chance by 25% and reducing the amount of damage they take by 25%. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 10: Punch, 100% hit chance - Bashes the enemy, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 15: Counterstrike, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Deals X humanoid damage. Deals X additional humanoid damage if you were struck this round.
Level 20: Every Man For Himself, 5 round cooldown - Removes all debuffs from the caster and avoids enemy attacks during the round it is used. This ability always goes first.

Night Elf - Humanoid

Night Elves are an ancient and powerful people, descended from a tribe of dark trolls who resided near the Well of Eternity. After the coming of the Burning Legion and the subsequent Sundering, the Night Elves decided to forsake arcane magic and took up druidism and the worship of the Moon Goddess, Elune.

Description of Appearance: Night Elf*

*To prevent favoritism amongst classes, the race pets could change gender/class/clothing each time they are summoned. I would imagine the classes to simply wear the clothing they receive when a Night Elf character is first made.

Interactivity: To prevent favoritism again, the race pets should be without interaction.

Level 1: Bow Shot, 95% hit chance - Takes a shot, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 2: Nature Resistance - Decreases the amount of damage taken by elemental abilities by 50%. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 4: Wisp Spirit, 100% hit chance - Turns into a wisp, which then explodes, dealing 40% of your maximum health to the enemy pet and destroying any objects on the battlefield.
Level 10: Touch of Elune, 100% hit chance - Touch the enemy with the power of Elune, dealing X magic damage and increasing your speed by 25% for 1 round if used during a weather effect or increasing your critical strike chance by 25% for 1 round if used without a weather effect occuring.
Level 15: Quickness - Increases your chance to dodge an attack by 25%. Lasts 4 rounds.
Level 20: Shadowmeld, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Meld into the shadows, becoming unattackable for 2 rounds. During this time, wisp spirits appear and attack your opponent, dealing X magic damage each round.

Worgen - Humanoid

Worgen are large lupine humanoids who act as if they are wolves. Hailing from the secluded kingdom of Gilneas, the Worgen curse spread throughout the kingdom as if it were a plague, eventually even affecting King Genn Greymane. Only recently have the Worgen been accepted into the Alliance.

Description of Appearance: Worgen*

*To prevent favoritism amongst classes, the race pets could change gender/class/clothing each time they are summoned. I would imagine the classes to simply wear the clothing they receive when a Worgen character is first made.

Interactivity: To prevent favoritism again, the race pets should be without interaction.

Level 1: Flay, 100% hit chance - Flay open the target, dealing X humanoid damage and causing the target to Bleed for X beast damage per round for 5 rounds.
Level 2: Viciousness - Increases your critical strike chance by 25%. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 4: Darkflight, 4 round cooldown - Increases the caster's speed by 50% for 4 rounds and your team's speed by 25% for 4 rounds.
Level 10: Claw, 90% hit chance - Claws at the enemy, dealing X beast damage.
Level 15: Aberration - Decreases the amount of damage taken by undead and elemental abilities by 50%. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 20: Thirst For Blood, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Viciously ravage the enemy, dealing X beast damage. Also adds X damage to every attack against the target. Lasts 3 rounds.

Pandaren - Humanoid

Pandaren are a race of humanoid pandas who live on the continent of Pandaria and the Wandering Isle. Until recently, not much was known about the Pandaren, as the continent of Pandaria was shrouded in impenetrable mists. With the mists now gone, the Horde and Alliance have raced to Pandaria to meet this elusive race.

Description of Appearance: Pandaren*

*To prevent favoritism amongst classes, the race pets could change gender/class/clothing each time they are summoned. I would imagine the classes to simply wear the clothing they receive when a Pandaren character is first made.

Interactivity: To prevent favoritism again, the race pets should be without interaction.

Level 1: Tiger Palm, 95% hit chance - Attacks the target with the power of a tiger, dealing X humanoid damage and increasing their damage taken by 25% for 2 rounds.
Level 2: Epicurean, 3 round cooldown - Eats a tasty bounty, healing X health and increasing all healing received by 50% for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Inner Peace, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Creates a sense of inner peace, reducing all damage taken by 50% for 2 rounds and summoning a Chi Wave on the battlefield. The Chi Wave will cause a wave of energy to pass through all pets on the battlefield, healing your pets for X and damaging the enemy pets for X.
Level 10: Rising Sun Kick, 95% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Kicks upwards, dealing X humanoid damage and reducing the healing the target receives by 50% for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Bouncy, 4 round cooldown - Removes any root effects and movement speed debuffs and makes you immune to them for 2 rounds.
Level 20: Quaking Palm, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Strikes the target with lightning speed, dealing X humanoid damage and has a 25% chance to stun the target. Deals an additional X humanoid damage to targets immune to stun effects.

Blood Elf - Humanoid

The Blood Elves of Quel'thalas are the descendants of the Highborne who were cast out of Night Elven society at the end of the War of the Ancients. Having been decimated by the Scourge and betrayed by their prince, the Blood Elves finally found at least some semblance of peace with the restoration of the glorious Sunwell.

Description of Appearance: Blood Elf*

*To prevent favoritism amongst classes, the race pets could change gender/class/clothing each time they are summoned. I would imagine the classes to simply wear the clothing they receive when a Blood Elf character is first made.

Interactivity: To prevent favoritism again, the race pets should be without interaction.

Level 1: Arcane Blast, 100% hit chance - Blasts the enemy with a surge of arcane power, dealing X magic damage. Damage increases by X each time it is used. Max X magic damage.
Level 2: Arcane Acuity - Increases your critical strike chance by 50% for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Arcane Torrent, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Absorbs the energy of the enemy team, dealing X magic damage and increasing their spells' cooldowns by 1 round.
Level 10: Arcane Storm, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X magic damage to all enemies and warps the weather into Arcane Winds for 9 rounds. During Arcane Winds, pets cannot be stunned or rooted.
Level 15: Arcane Resistance - Decreases the amount of damage taken by magic abilities by 50%. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 20: Arcane Empowerment, 5 round cooldown - Imbues the caster with the power of the Sunwell, increasing damage and health by 25% and blocking the next attack made against them. Lasts 3 rounds.

Forsaken - Humanoid

The Forsaken are a race of undead beings, usually humans, who were once under the control of the Lich King. When the Lich King began to lose his mental domination powers, some undead broke free of his control and under the guidance of Lady Sylvanas Windrunner, came together to become the Forsaken.

Description of Appearance: Forsaken*

*To prevent favoritism amongst classes, the race pets could change gender/class/clothing each time they are summoned. I would imagine the classes to simply wear the clothing they receive when a Forsaken character is first made.

Interactivity: To prevent favoritism again, the race pets should be without interaction.
Level 1: Shadow Slash, 90% hit chance - Slashes at the target with dark energy, dealing X undead damage.
Level 2: Shadow Resistance - Decreases the amount of damage taken by undead abilities by 50%. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 4: Will of the Forsaken, 4 round cooldown - The caster becomes immune to sleep, root, and forced swap effects. Lasts 4 rounds.
Level 10: Touch of the Grave, 100% hit chance - Deals X undead damage and plagues the target for 5 rounds. While plagued, enemies who strike the target are healed.
Level 15: Cannibalize, 5 round cooldown, 3 round ability - Consumes a friendly corpse, healing the caster for 20% of their health each round. Cannibalize continues for 3 rounds and corpses can only be used once.
Level 20: Shadow Explosion, 100% hit chance - A ring of shadow energy explodes from the caster, dealing X undead damage to the enemy team and changing the weather to Darkness for 5 rounds. During Darkness, all pets are considered Blinded and all healing received is reduced by 50%.

Goblin - Humanoid

Goblins are green, diminutive humanoids whose love of money and explosives sometimes get them into trouble, even with their own allies. Hailing from the isle of Kezan, goblins are the masters of commerce and trade and anyone who walks away thinking they got the upper hand in a deal is almost always sorely mistaken.

Description of Appearance: Goblin*

*To prevent favoritism amongst classes, the race pets could change gender/class/clothing each time they are summoned. I would imagine the classes to simply wear the clothing they receive when a Goblin character is first made.

Interactivity: To prevent favoritism again, the race pets should be without interaction.

Level 1: Rocket Jump, 95% hit chance - Activate your rocket boots, jumping at the enemy pet. Deals X humanoid damage.
Level 2: Time Is Money - Increases your speed by 50% for 3 rounds.
Level 4: Rocket Barrage, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Launches a barrage of rockets at the enemy team, dealing X mechanical damage to each enemy pet and increasing their damage taken by 25% for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Make It Rain, 80% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Casually tosses gold coins at the enemy, dealing X mechanical damage. Gold continues to fall on the enemy's current pet, dealing X mechanical damage each round for 4 rounds.
Level 15: Best Deals Anywhere, 100% hit chance - Deals with the enemy pet, unfavorably for them, dealing X humanoid damage and increasing your critical strike chance by 25% for 1 round.
Level 20: Better Living Through Chemistry, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Throws an unstable alchemical creation at the enemy pet, dealing increasing humanoid damage each round for 3 rounds. If after the 3rd round the pet has less than 10% health remaining, they explode, killing them and Poisoning their other pets for X elemental damage each round for 3 rounds.

Orc - Humanoid

Orcs are a race of green-skinned humanoids who are native to Draenor. Having been betrayed by their most revered leaders and having drunk the blood of a powerful demon, the Orcs have had quite a tumultuous history. Only in recent times have the Orcs been able to overcome their bloodlust and develop a nation for themselves.

Description of Appearance: Orc*

*To prevent favoritism amongst classes, the race pets could change gender/class/clothing each time they are summoned. I would imagine the classes to simply wear the clothing they receive when a Orc character is first made.

Interactivity: To prevent favoritism again, the race pets should be without interaction.

Level 1: Lightning Bolt, 95% hit chance - Hurls a bolt of lightning at the enemy, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 2: Hardiness - Reduces up to X damage from each attack against you. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 4: Command, 5 round cooldown - Your ability to command warriors under you is inspiring. Increases the damage of the next pet to swap in by 50% for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Punch, 100% hit chance - Bashes the enemy, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 15: Lightning Shield, 4 round cooldown - Deals X elemental damage each time you take direct damage. Lasts 2 rounds.
Level 20: Blood Fury, 5 round cooldown - Increases your damage and critical strike chance by 50% for 3 rounds. Decreases your accuracy by 25% for 3 rounds.

Tauren - Humanoid

Tauren are huge, bovine-like humanoids who were nomadic in nature until the coming of the orcs. Establishing a home in the verdant lands of Mulgore, the tauren have a place to call their own, free from the threat of their mortal enemies, the centaur. Deeply spiritual, the tauren have close allies in the orcs and even in the night elves.

Description of Appearance: Tauren*

*To prevent favoritism amongst classes, the race pets could change gender/class/clothing each time they are summoned. I would imagine the classes to simply wear the clothing they receive when a Tauren character is first made.

Interactivity: To prevent favoritism again, the race pets should be without interaction.

Level 1: Blitz, 100% hit chance - Pummels the enemy 1-2 times, dealing X humanoid damage per hit. Hits an additional time if the user attacks first.
Level 2: Nature Resistance - Decreases the amount of damage taken by elemental abilities by 50%. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 4: War Stomp, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Stomps the ground under the enemy pet, dealing X humanoid damage and stunning them for 1 round.
Level 10: Takedown, 100% hit chance - Takes down an enemy, dealing X humanoid damage. Deals double damage if the target is Stunned.
Level 15: Endurance, 3 round cooldown - Heals the user for X health and increases the maximum health of your active pet by 5 per level for 9 rounds.
Level 20: Brawn, 3 round cooldown - Increases the caster's critical strike chance and damage by 10%. These bonuses continue to increase as you use Brawn.

Troll - Humanoid

Trolls are large humanoids who are the oldest playable race native to Azeroth. According to legend, trolls are one of the extremely few races that predate the titans coming to Azeroth. As such, in past times, Trolls lorded over much of the ancient continent of Kalimdor. They are known for their brutality and questionable practices.

Description of Appearance: Troll*

*To prevent favoritism amongst classes, the race pets could change gender/class/clothing each time they are summoned. I would imagine the classes to simply wear the clothing they receive when a Troll character is first made.

Interactivity: To prevent favoritism again, the race pets should be without interaction.

Level 1: Bow Shot, 95% hit chance - Takes a shot, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 2: Beast Slaying - Increases your damage dealt by 25%. Lasts 4 rounds.
Level 4: Da Voodoo Shuffle, 4 round cooldown - Removes all movement speed debuffs and root effects and makes you immune to them while the spell lasts. Lasts 4 rounds.
Level 10: Voodoo Curse, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Deals X magic damage, reduces the target's damage by 25% for 2 rounds and increases the user's damage by 25% for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Regeneration, 3 round cooldown - Restores X health to the caster and increases their healing received by 10%. This bonus continues to increase as you use Regeneration.
Level 20: Berserking, 5 round cooldown - Trolls can enter a state of berserk, where they lose control over their senses. Increases the caster's speed by 50% and critical strike chance by 25%, but increases their damage taken by 25%. Lasts 4 rounds.

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Re: Designing New Pets (Updated: 4/9/14)

Post by Adumbledore » July 9th, 2014, 11:20 pm

Malfurion Stormrage - Humanoid

Malfurion Stormrage is the first of the world's mortal druids. Having been instructed in the druidic arts by the demigod Cenarius, Malfurion has shared the secrets of nature with many night elves, and even tauren. Having participated in some of history's most dangerous wars, and slumbering at other times, he has awoken and wed his lifelong mate, Tyrande Whisperwind.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Malfurion Stormrage[/url]

Interactivity: Malfurion could be shown blowing the Horn of Cenarius to summon wisps to destroy Archimonde.

Level 1: Wrath, 100% hit chance - Shoots a bolt of nature magic at the enemy, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 2: Rejuvenation - Rejuvenates the caster, replenishing X health each round for 5 rounds.
Level 4: Verdigris, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Summons a tsunami of greenery on the enemy team, dealing X elemental damage split evenly between all enemies and changes the weather to Wild Growth for 5 rounds. During Wild Growth, each attack heals the pet for X and all elemental damage is increased by 25%.
Level 10: Swarm of Flies, 100% hit chance - A swarm of flies attacks the enemy's active pet, dealing X critter damage every round for 5 rounds. Persists through pet swaps.
Level 15: Starsurge, 100% hit chance - Shoots a bolt of spellstorm energy at the target, dealing X magic damage.
Level 20: Cat Form, 5 round cooldown - Transforms into cat form, increasing damage dealt by 25% and critical strike chance by 25%. Lasts 3 rounds. While in cat form, the caster is immune to polymorph effects.

Jaina Proudmoore - Humanoid

Once the most promising student of Archmage Antonidas and the love of former king of Lordaeron, Arthas, Jaina Proudmoore has led a harsh life for a sorceress. Besides having had to deal with the loss of her precious Theramore Isle, she decided to help the Horde kill her own father and had to deal with treachery within the Kirin Tor.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Jaina Proudmoore[/url]

Interactivity: Jaina could be seen mass teleporting a large group of people.

Level 1: Frostbolt, 90% hit chance - Sends a bolt of frozen water at the enemy dealing X elemental damage. Enemies hit by the frostbolt have their speed reduced by 25% for 1 round.
Level 2: Frost Armor - Reduces up to X damage from each attack made against you and reduces the target's speed by 25% for 1 round. Enemies who attack you are considered Chilled. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 4: Ice Block, 8 round cooldown - Encases the caster in a block of pure ice, protecting them from all attacks and all damage for 1 round and removing all debuffs and DoTs from the caster.
Level 10: Ice Lance, 100% hit chance - Splashes the enemy with freezing damage, dealing X elemental damage. Deals X additional damage if the target is Chilled.
Level 15: Cone of Cold, 100% hit chance - Shoots the enemy team with a blast of cold, dealing X elemental damage to each enemy pet.
Level 20: Mass Teleport, 8 round cooldown - Teleport your pets around the battlefield, swapping in one of your pets at random.

Thrall - Humanoid

Thrall is renowned throughout the Horde as the savior of the orcs. Despite having his parents murdered and growing up a harsh life under Aedalas Blackmoore, Thrall led the orcs from their internment camps and brought the trolls and tauren together to create a new Horde. With the Shattering, Thrall stepped down from his position as Warchief to help heal the world.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Thrall[/url]

Interactivity: Thrall could be seen destroying Durnholde Keep with his shamanistic powers.

Level 1: Flame Shock, 100% hit chance - Sears the target with flames, dealing X elemental damage instantly. The enemy Burns for X additional elemental damage per round for 4 rounds.
Level 2: Doomhammer Strike, 90% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Strikes the target with the legendary Doomhammer, dealing X humanoid damage and increasing their damage taken by 25% for 1 round.
Level 4: Elemental Blast, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Shoots a bolt of pure elemental energy at the target, dealing X elemental damage and increasing one of the following stats by 25% for 4 rounds: damage, critical strike, or speed.
Level 10: Earth Shock, 95% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Shocks the target with concussive force, dealing X elemental damage and reducing the target's damage by 25% for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Lava Burst, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Hurls molten lava at the target, dealing X elemental damage. If the target is Burning, Lava Burst will critically strike.
Level 20: World Shaman, 5 round cooldown - Reduces damage taken by 50% and causes your next spell with a cooldown to not incur it's cooldown. Lasts 3 rounds.

Galakrond - Dragonkin

Galakrond was a massive proto-dragon, known to the dragonflights and mortal creatures as the "Father of Dragons". Unbeknownst to them, Galakrond was actually a cannibalistic monster who would feed on other proto-dragons. He was eventually defeated by the five proto-dragons that would become the Dragon Aspects.

Description of Appearance: Galakrond would look like a gigantic proto-dragon with eyes and limbs protruding from his skin.

Interactivity: Galakrond could be seen devouring proto-dragons and growing in size with each one he eats.

Level 1: Tail Sweep, 95% hit chance - Deals X dragonkin damage. Deals X additional damage if the user is slower than the enemy.
Level 2: Eyes See You, 1 round cooldown - The eyes covering Galakrond's body alert him to enemies around him no matter where they are. Increases accuracy and critical strike chance by 10%. Accuracy and critical strike chance will increase each time you use Eyes See You.
Level 4: Wing Flap, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Assaults the enemy pet with wind from flapping wings, dealing X flying damage and forcing an opponent's pet to swap into battle.
Level 10: Putrefying Breath, 90% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Overwhelms the enemy with debilitating breath, dealing X dragonkin damage and increasing damage taken by 25% for 1 round.
Level 15: Grow, 1 round cooldown - Grow in size, increasing maximum health and damage by 10%. Health and damage will continue to increase each time you use Grow.
Level 20: Swallow, 100% hit chance, 6 round cooldown - Swallows the enemy pet, dealing X dragonkin damage to the enemy pet each round for 2 rounds after which Galakrond spits the pet out. While swallowed, the enemy pet is considered dead.

Brown Proto-Dragon - Dragonkin

During the time of Galakrond, Father of Dragons, there lived many different kinds of proto-dragons, including the brown proto-dragons. Nozdormu, the future Aspect of Time was once a brown proto-dragon in his youth, before the titans blessed him.

Description of Appearance: I imagine it to be a reskin of the emerald proto-whelp only in brown.

Interactivity: As the emerald proto-whelp has no interactivity, this shouldn't either.

Level 1: Sand Breath, 90% hit chance - Breathes scorching sand on the target, dealing X dragonkin damage.
Level 2: Ancient Blessing, 3 round cooldown - Heals the user for X health and increases the maximum health of your active pet by 5 per level for 9 rounds.
Level 4: Proto-Strike, 80% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Fly up high, becoming unattackable for one round. On the next round, you attack, dealing X dragonkin damage.
Level 10: Tail Sweep, 95% hit chance - Deals X dragonkin damage. Deals X additional damage if the user is slower than the enemy.
Level 15: Sandstorm, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Deals X flying damage and turns the weather into a sandstorm for 5 rounds. During a sandstorm, all pets take X less damage and their accuracy is reduced by 10%.
Level 20: Columns of Sand, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Assaults the enemy pet with columns of sand, dealing X dragonkin damage and reducing their accuracy by 25% for 3 rounds.

Icy-Blue Proto-Dragon - Dragonkin

During the time of Galakrond, Father of Dragons, there lived many different kinds of proto-dragons, including the icy-blue proto-dragons. Malygos, the future Aspect of Magic was once a icy-blue proto-dragon in his youth, before the titans blessed him.

Description of Appearance: I imagine it to be a reskin of the emerald proto-whelp only in icy-blue.

Interactivity: As the emerald proto-whelp has no interactivity, this shouldn't either.

Level 1: Frost Breath, 95% hit chance - Freezes the target, dealing X dragonkin damage.
Level 2: Slippery Ice, 100% hit chance - Shoots a jet of rapidly chilling ice, dealing X Elemental damage and coats the ground near the enemy with ice. Frozen ground causes enemies to be Chilled and reduces hit chance by 20%. Lasts 4 rounds. Persists through pet swaps.
Level 4: Ice Shower, 90% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - A rain of icy spikes falls upon the enemy pet, dealing X elemental damage and granting a 50% chance for the target to become impaled by a spike, dealing an additional X elemental damage each round for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Ice Lance, 100% hit chance - Splashes the enemy with freezing damage, dealing X elemental damage. Deals X additional damage if the target is Chilled.
Level 15: Call Blizzard, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X elemental damage and causes a Blizzard for 9 rounds. During a Blizzard, all pets are considered Chilled.
Level 20: Ice Clone, 8 round cooldown - Creates a clone out of ice, protecting the caster from all attacks made by the enemy over the next 2 rounds. If an enemy hits the clone, it shatters, dealing X elemental damage and reducing their speed by 25% for 3 rounds.

Gray Proto-Dragon - Dragonkin

During the time of Galakrond, Father of Dragons, there lived many different kinds of proto-dragons, including the charcoal-gray proto-dragons. Neltharion, the future Earth-Warder and eventually Deathwing, was once a charcoal-gray proto-dragon in his youth, before the titans blessed him.

Description of Appearance: I imagine it to be a reskin of the emerald proto-whelp only in charcoal-gray.

Interactivity: As the emerald proto-whelp has no interactivity, this shouldn't either.

Level 1: Shock Wave, 95% hit chance - Assaults the enemy with shock waves, dealing X dragonkin damage.
Level 2: Spiked Skin - Reduces up to X damage from each attack against you and deals X dragonkin damage each time you take direct damage. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 4: Earthquake, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - The earth quakes and trembles under the enemy team dealing X elemental damage and slowing targets by 50% for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Vertigo, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Uses shockwaves to induce Vertigo in the enemy pet, reducing their accuracy and speed by 25%. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 15: Mudslide, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Calls down a mudslide, dealing X critter damage and causing muddy weather for 9 rounds. Muddy weather prevents any pet that enters the battlefield from swapping out for 3 rounds.
Level 20: Shocking!, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Overwhelms the enemy pet with shockwaves, dealing X dragonkin damage and giving them the Dizzy debuff. While dizzy, the enemy pet has a 25% chance to harm themselves when attacking.

Orange Proto-Dragon - Dragonkin

During the time of Galakrond, Father of Dragons, there lived many different kinds of proto-dragons, including the fire-orange proto-dragons. Alexstrasza, the future Aspect of Life and Dragonqueen, was once a fire-orange proto-dragon in her youth, before the titans blessed her.

Description of Appearance: I imagine it to be a reskin of the emerald proto-whelp only in a light orange.

Interactivity: As the emerald proto-whelp has no interactivity, this shouldn't either.

Level 1: Breath, 90% hit chance - Overwhelms the enemy with draconic breath, dealing X dragonkin damage.
Level 2: Healing Flame, 3 round cooldown - Restores X health plus half of the last hit taken by the user.
Level 4: Flamestrike, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Summons a pillar of flame on the enemy team, dealing X dragonkin damage and Burning the enemy team for an additional X dragonkin damage each round for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Flame Breath, 100% hit chance - Deals X dragonkin damage instantly. The enemy continues to Burn for X additional dragonkin damage per round for 4 rounds.
Level 15: Scorched Earth, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Scorches the ground, dealing X dragonkin damage and dealing X dragonkin damage to all active pets each round for 9 rounds. During Scorched Earth, all pets count as Burning.
Level 20: Inferno, 95% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Wreathes the enemy in agonizing flames, dealing X elemental damage. Deals an additional X elemental damage to each enemy pet if the enemy's active pet is Burning.

Yellow Proto-Dragon - Dragonkin

During the time of Galakrond, Father of Dragons, there lived many different kinds of proto-dragons, including the yellowish proto-dragons. Ysera, the future Aspect of Nature and Mistress of Dreams, was once a yellowish proto-dragon in her youth, before the titans blessed her.

Description of Appearance: I imagine it to be a reskin of the emerald proto-whelp only in a light yellow.

Interactivity: As the emerald proto-whelp has no interactivity, this shouldn't either.

Level 1: Noxious Breath, 90% hit chance - Breathes noxious breath on the enemy, dealing X dragonkin damage.
Level 2: Emerald Presence - Reduces up to X damage from each attack against you. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 4: Sickening Cloud, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Breathes a cloud of noxious fumes on the enemy team, dealing X dragonkin damage and reducing their accuracy by 25% for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Corrosion, 100% hit chance - Splashes the target with corrosive acid, causing X magic damage instantly and X magic damage each round and increases damage taken by up to X for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Sunlight, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - A Solar Beam strikes all enemies, dealing X elemental damage and transforms the weather into a sunny day for 9 rounds. During a sunny day, the maximum health of all pets is increased by 50% and healing done is increased by 25%.
Level 20: Choke!, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Breathes into the enemy's nostrils, dealing X dragonkin damage and an additional X dragonkin damage each round for 3 rounds. Deals 50% additional damage if the target has less than 25% health remaining.

Coros - Dragonkin

During the time of Galakrond, Father of Dragons, there lived many different kinds of proto-dragons, including the blue-green proto-dragons. One such dragon was named Coros, and he was Malygos' mortal enemy. Wanting to become like Galakrond, he was intending to eat the other proto-dragons, but was instead eaten himself by Galakrond.

Description of Appearance: I imagine it to be a reskin of the emerald proto-whelp only in a blue-green color.

Interactivity: As the emerald proto-whelp has no interactivity, this shouldn't either.

Level 1: Breath of Smoke, 90% hit chance - Breathes smoke upon the enemy, dealing X dragonkin damage.
Level 2: Smoke Screen - Reduces up to X damage from each attack against you and any enemy that attacks you has 10% reduced accuracy for 1 round. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 4: Resurrection, 5 round cooldown - Galakrond may still have use for you. If killed on the next round, you are reborn with full health, but lose 20% health per round.
Level 10: Shriek, 100% hit chance - Lets out a loud shriek, dealing X dragonkin damage and reducing the damage the target deals by 25% for 3 rounds.
Level 15: Cloud of Smoke, 4 round cooldown - After two rounds, you will become lost in a cloud of smoke for one round, becoming unable to be attacked.
Level 20: Deadly Smoke, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Breathes a cloud of deadly smoke on the enemy team, dealing X dragonkin damage and an additional X dragonkin damage to the enemy's active pet each round for 2 rounds. Persists through pet swaps.

Talonixa - Dragonkin

During the time of Galakrond, Father of Dragons, there lived many different kinds of proto-dragons, including the golden proto-dragons. One such dragon was named Talonixa and she could almost be considered something of a "leader" among the early proto-dragons. She decided to lead a host of proto-dragons to attack Galakrond, but perished in her effort.

Description of Appearance: I imagine it to be a reskin of the emerald proto-whelp only in a golden color.

Interactivity: As the emerald proto-whelp has no interactivity, this shouldn't either.

Level 1: Lightning Breath, 90% hit chance - Breathes lightning on the enemy pet, dealing X dragonkin damage.
Level 2: Lightning Shield, 4 round cooldown - Deals X elemental damage each time you take direct damage. Lasts 2 rounds.
Level 4: Inspiration, 4 round cooldown - Inspires your team to victory, increasing their damage and speed by 25% for 3 rounds. The enemy team becomes frightened by this sudden display of morale, reducing their critical strike chance by 25% for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Lightning Bolt, 95% hit chance - Hurls a bolt of lightning at the enemy, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 15: Call Lightning, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Deals X mechanical damage and causes a Lightning Storm for 5 rounds. During a Lightning Storm, all pets deal X bonus mechanical damage on each attack and mechanical abilities deal 25% additional damage.
Level 20: Thunderstorm, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Calls down a bolt of lightning on the target, dealing X elemental damage and causing an opponent's pet to swap in. The swapped in pet has their speed reduced by 20% for 2 rounds.

Purple Proto-Dragon - Dragonkin

During the time of Galakrond, Father of Dragons, there lived many different kinds of proto-dragons, including the purple proto-dragons. One such dragon was found by Alexstrasza and Ysera and told them that they knew that Galakrond was responsible for devouring proto-dragons.

Description of Appearance: I imagine it to be a smaller version of the Reins of the Violet Proto-Drake.

Interactivity: As the emerald proto-whelp has no interactivity, this shouldn't either.

Level 1: Shadowflame, 85% hit chance - Overwhelms the enemy with draconic breath, dealing X dragonkin damage.
Level 2: Darkflame, 95% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Engulfs the enemy in dark flame, dealing X elemental damage and causing the target to receive 50% less healing for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Amethyst Aura, 5 round cooldown - An amethyst aura surrounds the caster, granting 25% reduced damage taken and healing for 50% of all damage done. Lasts 4 rounds.
Level 10: Sleeping Gas, 100% hit chance - Deals X dragonkin damage and has a 25% chance to put the target to sleep for 1 round. Damage increases by X each time it is used. Max X dragonkin damage.
Level 15: Starfall, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Deals dragonkin damage to all enemy pets, restores X health to all allies and turns the weather into Moonlight for 9 rounds. During Moonlight, all pets receive 25% additional healing and Magic abilities deal 10% additional damage.
Level 20: Violet Termination, 100% hit chance, 6 round cooldown - Attempts to use the last of the caster's power to destroy the enemy pet, dealing X dragonkin damage and an additional X dragonkin damage after 1 round. The user must recharge for two rounds afterwards. While recharging, you cannot perform any other actions.

Silver Proto-Dragon - Dragonkin

During the time of Galakrond, Father of Dragons, there lived many different kinds of proto-dragons, including the silver proto-dragons. One such dragon was in the host that attempted to kill Galakrond, only to be defeated. That dragon was devoured by Galakrond.

Description of Appearance: I imagine it to be a reskin of the emerald proto-whelp only in a silver color.

Interactivity: As the emerald proto-whelp has no interactivity, this shouldn't either.

Level 1: Quicksilver Breath, 90% hit chance - Breathes liquid metal on the enemy, dealing X dragonkin damage.
Level 2: Quick Sealant, 3 round cooldown - Restores X health plus half of the last hit taken by the user.
Level 4: Elementium Bolt, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Launches an elementium bolt at the enemy team. After 3 rounds, the bolt strikes, causing the current enemy pet to take X dragonkin damage and become stunned for 1 round.
Level 10: Liquify, 100% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Attempt to liquify the target, dealing X dragonkin damage and increasing their damage taken by 25% for 3 rounds.
Level 15: Iron Skin - Reduces up to X damage from each attack against you. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 20: Liquidity, 5 round cooldown - The caster becomes like liquid metal, reducing damage taken by 50% and increasing speed by 50%. Lasts 3 rounds.

Queen Azshara - Aquatic

Queen Azshara was once the entrancingly beautiful ruler of the Night Elves 10,000 years ago. After the coming of the Burning Legion and subsequent Sundering of the world, Azshara was transformed into a Naga, a race she now rules from the depths of the ocean.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Queen Azshara[/url] (Night Elf Form)/[url=]Queen Azshara[/url] (Naga form)

Interactivity: It could show Azshara transforming from a Night Elf into the monstrous Naga form she now wears.

Level 1: Shock Blast, 90% hit chance - Shocks the target with a tremendous blast of electrical energy, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 2: Water Vortex, 100% hit chance - A vortex of water deals X aquatic damage instantly and an additional X aquatic damage each round for 2 rounds. Persists through pet swaps.
Level 4: Bewitch, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Bewitches one of the enemy's backline pets, dealing X magic damage to the enemy's active pet and forcing the backline pet to swap in.
Level 10: Static Charge, 100% hit chance - Places a field of static electricity around the target, dealing increasing elemental damage each round. Lasts 2 rounds.
Level 15: Shroud of Luminosity, 4 round cooldown - Azshara becomes immune to all attacks and damage for 1 round.
Level 20: Hands of the Queen, 8 round cooldown - Azshara's servants are like puppets on strings. When cast, it summons some of Azshara's magi to defend her, making her unattackable for 2 rounds. During this time, the magi attack the enemy pet, dealing X magic damage each round.

Lady Vashj - Aquatic

Lady Vashj was once Queen Azshara's foremost handmaiden. After the Sundering, Vashj was sent to the bottom of the ocean along with the other inhabitants of Zin-Azshari, where she was transformed into a naga. Not long ago, she responded to Illidan Stormrage's call for allies, and she has served him ever since.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Lady Vashj[/url]

Interactivity: Lady Vashj could be seen defending Illidan while he closes a dimensional gateway.

Level 1: Frost Arrow, 90% hit chance - Shoots an arrow imbued with frost magic, dealing X humanoid damage and reducing the target's speed by 25% for 1 round.
Level 2: Forked Lightning, 100% hit chance - The Naga shoots lightning from their fingertips, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy pet and X damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 4: Tornado, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - A tornado appears to ravage the enemy team, dealing X elemental damage to each enemy pet and throwing the enemy's active pet into the air, stunning and rooting them for 1 round.
Level 10: Tail Slap, 80% hit chance - Slaps the enemy with its tail, dealing X aquatic damage.
Level 15: Mana Shield - Reduces up to X damage from each attack against you. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 20: Call of the Ocean, 8 round cooldown - Calls creatures of the deep before disappearing under the water, becoming unattackable for 2 rounds. During this time, naga and coilfang striders appear and attack the target, dealing X aquatic damage each round.

Lupintarius* - Beast

*As far as I am aware, this ancient has no actual name that has been given, so I put that in as a placeholder.

This ancient fought during the War of the Ancients, over 10,000 years ago. It used its massive claws to create massive grooves in the ground and its breath came in hungry pants. From what we know, this ancient was the first of the ancients to fall during the war.

Description of Appearance: According to what we know, this creature is slightly smaller than Ursol and Ursoc, a being resembling a wolverine with a serpent tail.

Interactivity: The creature could be seen destroying Fel Guards with its teeth and claws.

Level 1: Bite, 100% hit chance - Bites at the enemy, dealing X beast damage.
Level 2: Sting, 100% hit chance - Poisons the target for X beast damage each round for 6 rounds.
Level 4: Massive Claw, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Savagely attacks the enemy, dealing X beast damage and causing the target to take 100% additional damage for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Vicious Fang, 100% hit chance - Deals X beast damage. Damage increases by X each time it hits. Max X beast damage.
Level 15: Thick Hide, 3 round cooldown - Reduces damage taken by 25% and reduces the enemy's critical strike chance by 25% for 3 rounds.
Level 20: Serpent's Venom, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - The tail of Lupintarius injects venom into the enemy pet, dealing X elemental damage and places the "Deadly Venom" debuff on the target. If the target is still alive after 5 rounds, they will die instantly due to the poison.

Gruul the Dragonkiller - Humanoid

Gruul is the father of the gronn lords and is the most powerful of them all. He rules over the ogres of Outland with an iron fist and he earned his nickname by impaling black dragons on the spines of the Blade's Edge Mountains. To this day, you can see black dragon corpses and bones throughout the mountains.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Gruul the Dragonkiller[/url]

Interactivity: Gruul could be seen impaling black dragons on the spires of Blade's Edge Mountains.

Level 1: Hurtful Strike, 90% hit chance - Hit the target with a powerful strike, dealing X humanoid damage and reducing all healing the target receives by 50% for 1 round.
Level 2: Impale, 95% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Deals X beast damage. Deals double damage if the target is below 25% health.
Level 4: Gronn Lord's Grasp, 100% hit chance, 6 round cooldown - Grasp the target in the hands of a powerful gronn, dealing X humanoid damage and reducing their speed by 20%. Each round for 4 rounds, their speed will reduce by a further 20%.
Level 10: Body Slam, 100% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Slams into the enemy, dealing X humanoid damage and dealing X humanoid damage to themselves.
Level 15: Growth - Increases size, damage, and critical strike chance by 10%. Your size, damage, and critical strike chance continues to increase every time you use Growth. If you have not used Growth within the past 3 rounds, the caster will lose all size, damage, and critical strike buffs.
Level 20: Cave In, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Slams the ground, causing stalactites to fall on the enemy team, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy team. Cave In continues and increases in damage for 3 rounds and can affect enemies in the air.

Spirit Healer - Magic

Spirit Healers are angelic beings who wait in the spirit realm for those who are soon to join them. They have the ability to resurrect people whose spirits are standing near them, usually in graveyards. The great blue dragon, Azuregos, was in a "relationship" with a spirit healer - Anara.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Spirit Healer[/url]

Interactivity: The spirit healer could be seen standing in a graveyard, resurrecting spirits that come nearby.

Level 1: Harm Spirit, 100% hit chance - Harm the spirit of the enemy pet, dealing X magic damage.
Level 2: Echo of Life, 3 round cooldown - Restores X health to the user and an additional X health after 1 round.
Level 4: Life Exchange, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Equalizes the health between the user and his enemy. Health gained cannot exceed the caster's maximum health.
Level 10: Spirit Heal, 100% hit chance - Harms the enemy's spirit for X magic damage and heals you for 100% of the damage caused.
Level 15: Ethereal, 3 round cooldown - Enter an ethereal state, avoiding all attacks the round it is used. This ability always goes first.
Level 20: Spirit Destruction, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Completely destroy the spirit of the enemy pet, dealing X magic damage and additional, increasing magic damage each round. This increasing magic damage continues for 4 rounds. The user must recharge for two rounds after using this ability.

Arcane Titan - Mechanical

Arcane Titans are somewhat of a mystery. No one knows for sure exactly what they are, except that they resemble gnomish battle suits. We do know that they are infused with arcane magic and are more than likely the result of gnomish engineering.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Arcane Titan[/url]

Interactivity: Some pets are going to have to sacrifice having interactivity and I think this should be one of them.

Level 1: Arcane Blast, 100% hit chance - Blasts the enemy with a surge of arcane power, dealing X magic damage. Damage increases by X each time it hits. Max X magic damage.
Level 2: Missile, 90% hit chance - Launches a rocket at the target, dealing X mechanical damage.
Level 4: Reflective Magic Shield, 5 round cooldown - Reflects 50% of the damage dealt by Aquatic, Dragonkin, Elemental, Magic, or Undead abilities back to the enemy pet. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 10: Head Crack, 90% hit chance - Cracks the head of the enemy pet, dealing X mechanical damage and reducing their maximum health by 10% for 1 round.
Level 15: Nether Charges, 100% hit chance - Throws a Nether Charge at the enemy pet. After 3 rounds, the charge detonates, dealing X magic damage to each enemy pet. This damage cannot be dodged, blocked, or avoided. An enemy pet can only be affected by one nether charge at a time.
Level 20: Reflective Melee Shield, 5 round cooldown - Reflects 50% of the damage dealt by Beast, Critter, Flying, Humanoid, and Mechanical abilities back to the enemy pet. Lasts 3 rounds.
Last edited by Adumbledore on January 10th, 2015, 2:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Designing New Pets (Updated: 4/9/14)

Post by Adumbledore » July 9th, 2014, 11:21 pm

Mummy - Undead

Mummies are the preserved remains of the dead. They can be found throughout Azeroth, but are most prominent in the Uldum region where the Tol'vir reside. Trolls and the Nerubians are also known for mummifying their dead.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Mummy[/url]*

*I think it would be interesting to have the mummy missing one hand, since we have the Crawling Claw pet, it could be the long lost hand.

Interactivity: Maybe the mummy could be seen rising from the dead.

Level 1: Embalming Liquid, 100% hit chance - Throw a vial of embalming liquid at the enemy pet, dealing X undead damage and Rotting the target for an additional X undead damage each round for 3 rounds.
Level 2: Bandage, 3 round cooldown - Restores X health plus half of the last hit taken by the user.
Level 4: Mummy Wrap, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Shoots bandages at the enemy pet, wrapping them up. Deals X undead damage and Blinds them, reducing their hit chance by 50% for 2 rounds. While wrapped, the target cannot swap out.
Level 10: Bandage Whip, 100% hit chance - Whips the target 1-2 times with hanging bandages, dealing X undead damage pet hit. Hits an additional time if the user is faster than the enemy.
Level 15: Sarcophagus, 4 round cooldown - Hide within your golden sarcophagus, reducing damage taken by 50% for 3 rounds. (I imagine the sarcophagus to look like King Tut's.)
Level 20: Mummification, 100% hit chance, 6 round cooldown - Perform the mummification ritual on one of your pets, preventing their health from being reduced below 1 for 1 round when swapped in. Whenever their health is brought below 1, they will resurrect with 20% health.

Ammunae - Magic

Ammunae is one of the titanic constructs which guards the Halls of Origination in Uldum. Like the other constructs within the Halls, Ammunae guards the device capable of resetting all life on Azeroth. Ammunae's sphere of influence is Life and it will ensure that life will exist on a reforged Azeroth.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Ammunae[/url]

Interactivity: Ammunae could be seen summoning lashers from the ground.

Level 1: Thorn Slash, 100% hit chance - Slashes the target with thorns, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 2: Energize - Increases the caster's speed and damage by 10%. Your speed and damage continue to increase each time you use Energize.
Level 4: Amun's Blessing, 5 round cooldown - The blessing of Amun flows through you, increasing maximum health by 25% and healing you for 50% of all damage you deal. Lasts 4 rounds.
Level 10: Consume Life Energy, 100% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Consumes the life energy of the enemy pet, dealing X undead damage and healing for 100% of the damage dealt.
Level 15: Wither, 100% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - The enemy pet withers away, reducing speed and critical strike chance by 10%. The enemy pet's speed and critical strike chance will continue to decrease each time you use Wither.
Level 20: Rampant Growth, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Releases all of Ammunae's stored life energy in an outward explosion, dealing X elemental damage to each enemy pet and healing each of your pets for X.

Isiset - Magic

Isiset is one of the titanic constructs which guards the Halls of Origination in Uldum. Like the other constructs within the Halls, Isiset guards the device capable of resetting all life on Azeroth. Isiset's sphere of influence is Magic and she has become enraptured with it.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Isiset[/url]

Interactivity: Isiset could be seen summoning a Celestial Familiar.

Level 1: Arcane Blast, 100% hit chance - Blasts the enemy with a surge of arcane power, dealing X magic damage. Damage increases by X each time it hits. Max X magic damage.
Level 2: Mirror Image*, 3 round cooldown - Summons a mirror image to absorb the next attack made against the caster.
Level 4: Isis' Revenge, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Unleashes a barrage of arcane energy at the enemy, dealing X magic damage and granting Isiset a shield absorbing damage equal to 50% of the damage dealt by the ability.
Level 10: Supernova, 100% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Unleashes a supernova on the enemy team, dealing X magic damage to each enemy pet.
Level 15: Astral Rain, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Deals X magic damage to all enemy pets, restores X health to all allies and turns the weather into Moonlight for 9 rounds. During Moonlight, all pets receive 25% additional healing and Magic abilities deal 10% additional damage.
Level 20: Celestial Call, 8 round cooldown - Summons celestial familiars before becoming invisible, becoming unattackable for 2 rounds. During this time, celestial familiars come out and attack the enemy, dealing X magic damage each round.

*I imagine her Mirror Images to take the form of either the Astral Rain image, Celestial Call image, or Veil of Sky image.

Setesh - Magic

Setesh is one of the titanic constructs which guards the Halls of Origination in Uldum. Like the other constructs within the Halls, Setesh guards the device capable of resetting all life on Azeroth. Setesh is the construct of Chaos and Destruction and if it should ever become corrupted, the results could be disastrous.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Setesh[/url]*

*Although Setesh visually resembles Anubis, Setesh's portfolio is actually Set's.

Interactivity: Setesh could be seen summoning a chaos portal where void wraiths come through.

Level 1: Chaos Strike, 90% hit chance - Strikes the target with chaos energy, dealing X magic damage.
Level 2: Reign of Chaos, 100% hit chance - Summons a magic bubble that deals X magic damage to the enemy's active pet every round for 9 rounds. If the pet swaps out before the end of the ability, it will explode, dealing X magic damage to the enemy pet. If the pet dies, the Reign of Chaos will disappear.
Level 4: Chaos Blast, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Summons a chaos blast on the enemy team. After 3 rounds the blast will explode, dealing X magic damage and an additional X magic damage each round for 2 rounds, to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 10: Drain Power, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Deals X magic damage, reduces the target's damage by 25% for 2 rounds and increases the user's damage by 25% for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Seed of Chaos, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Places a seed of chaos on each enemy pet. Whenever those pets make their next attacks, their seed with explode, dealing X magic damage to them.
Level 20: Set's Betrayal, 8 round cooldown - Set's betrayal runs deep. Kills one of your pets to fully restore Setesh's health. Cannot be used if you have no other pets living. Cannot be used on a pet with less than 35% health remaining.

Rajh - Magic

Rajh is one of the titanic constructs which guards the Halls of Origination in Uldum. Like the other constructs within the Halls, Rajh guards the device capable of resetting all life on Azeroth. Rajh's sphere of influence is the Sun and it has the ability the power of a thousand suns upon Azeroth. Rajh is considered to be the most powerful construct in the Halls of Origination.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Rajh[/url]

Interactivity: Rajh could be seen absorbing the power of a sun then unleashing it on random critters.

Level 1: Sun Strike, 95% hit chance - Strike the target with the power of the sun, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 2: Solar Fire - Deals X elemental damage to the enemy's active pet every round for 9 rounds. Persists through pet swaps.
Level 4: Blessing of the Sun, 5 round cooldown, 3 round ability - Restores X health each round and deals increasing elemental damage to the enemy team each round. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 10: Solar Winds, 100% hit chance - A fiery tornado sears the enemy pet for X elemental damage instantly and X elemental damage every round for 2 rounds. Persists through pet swaps.
Level 15: Summon Sun Orb, 5 round cooldown - Summons a sun over the enemy team which has a 35% chance to deal X elemental damage to the enemy team each round. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 20: Ra's Judgment, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Ra is a harsh judge and his judgment of the enemy is not favorable. Shifts all of the damage taken by the enemy pet to one of the other enemy pets, healing the enemy's active pet to full. The choice made is random. This ability cannot be used on any pet that has less than 50% health remaining.

Aggramar - Humanoid

Aggramar the Avenger is a titan and is the former lieutenant of Sargeras. After Sargeras' defection, Aggramar became the titan in charge of combating the Burning Legion and eliminating all traces of it. Aggramar carries Taeshalach (Flame Rend) in battle and is eager to reunite it with Sargeras' weapon, Gorribal (Dark Seether).

Description of Appearance: We are given this description of Aggramar: "The bronze giant stares down impassively, his body wrapped in a gold toga. A huge, oddly-shaped sword is sheathed across his back; the blade almost looks like the broken shard of some larger construction."

Interactivity: Aggramar could be seen cutting down demons with Taeshalach.

Level 1: Rend Flesh, 100% hit chance - Rends the flesh of the target, dealing X humanoid damage and causing them to Bleed for X beast damage each round for 5 rounds.
Level 2: Whirlwind, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Whirls around wildly, dealing X humanoid damage to the enemy team.
Level 4: The Avenger, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Avenges your comrade pets by slicing up the enemy team. Deals X humanoid damage to the enemy pet and half of that damage to the enemy's backline pets. Total damage is increased by 50% for each of your pets that are dead.
Level 10: Charge, 100% hit chance - Rushes to the enemy, dealing X humanoid damage. This move always goes first.
Level 15: Combat Experience - Increases your accuracy and critical strike chance by 10%. Your accuracy and critical strike chance will continue to increase each time you use Combat Experience.
Level 20: The Ultimate Warrior, 5 round cooldown - Transforms into the ultimate warrior, increasing speed and maximum health by 25% for 3 rounds. Also, your attacks are infused with divine energy, adding X damage to each of your attacks.

Khaz'Goroth - Humanoid

Khaz'Goroth the Shaper is a titan and is also known as the Forger of Worlds. He is the one who bestowed some of his great power on Neltharion so that he could become the Earth-Warder. Khaz'Goroth carries a hammer named Vulraiis which is capable of causing great seismic eruptions and earthquakes.

Description of Appearance: We are given this description of Khaz'Goroth: "Small flames flicker across this stocky, bronze-skinned giant's body. He frowns in obvious disapproval, and clenches a massive smith's hammer."

Interactivity: Khaz'Goroth could be seen causing small earthquakes with his mighty hammer.

Level 1: Club, 100% hit chance - Bashes the enemy, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 2: Quake, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Pounds the ground, dealing X mechanical damage to the enemy and half that damage to their backline pets. Quake continues and increases in damage for 3 rounds and can affect enemies underground.
Level 4: The Shaper, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Exposes the weakness in the shape of the enemy pet, dealing X humanoid damage and reducing their speed and accuracy by 25% for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Hammer Time, 100% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Slams a massive hammer on the enemy, dealing X humanoid damage and increasing their damage taken by 25% for 1 round.
Level 15: Stoneskin - Reduces up to X damage from each attack against you. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 20: Forger of Worlds, 6 round cooldown - Khaz'Goroth knows Azeroth better than anyone, having forged it himself. Deals X damage of a random type to the enemy team and changes the weather to a random weather effect.

Golganneth - Humanoid

Golganneth the Thunderer is a titan that is also the mighty son of Aman'Thul, the Highfather of the Pantheon. Golganneth is said to have created Azeroth's skies and seas and is known for his great sense of humor. Golganneth carries a horn called Shargahn which can shatter mountains, create incredible storms, and summon creatures from the deep.

Description of Appearance: We are given this description of Golganneth: "The platinum-skinned giant holds a scintillating horn in one hand; the other rests easily on his hip. A hint of a smile plays across his face, while lightning flashes constantly from his eyes."

Interactivity: Golganneth could be seen flying through the air in the middle of a tornado.

Level 1: Wild Winds, 100% hit chance - A sharp wind gust deals X flying damage instantly and X flying damage every round for 2 rounds. Persists through pet swaps.
Level 2: Call Lightning, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Deals X mechanical damage and causes a Lightning Storm for 5 rounds. During a Lightning Storm, all pets deal X bonus mechanical damage on each attack and mechanical abilities deal 25% additional damage.
Level 4: The Thunderer, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Golganneth blows his mighty horn, Shargahn, dealing X humanoid damage to each enemy pet and shattering their defenses, causing them to take 100% additional damage for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Sea Spray, 95% hit chance - Sprays the enemy with a blast of sea water, dealing X aquatic damage.
Level 15: Tornado Punch, 95% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Deals X humanoid damage and has a 25% chance to stun the target.
Level 20: Lord of the Seas, 8 round cooldown - Disappears into the ocean, becoming unattackable for 2 rounds. During this time, a menagerie of sea creatures appears and attacks the opponent for X aquatic damage each round.

Eonar - Humanoid

Eonar the Lifebinder is a titan that is also known as the Gentle Caretaker of All Living Things. Eonar is the titan who blessed Alexstrasza into becoming the Lifebinder and crowned her the Dragonqueen. She also blessed Ysera into becoming the Dreamer. Eonar carries a staff named Seschenal which restores hope, energy, and even life.

Description of Appearance: We are given this description of Eonar: "This enormous, bronze-skinned woman has a gentle expression at odds with her obvious physical and magical strength. She carries a crooked, alabaster staff, and flowers blossom at her feet."

Interactivity: Eonar could be seen using Seschenal to restore life to critters.

Level 1: Staff Slam, 100% hit chance - Whacks the target with a staff, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 2: Touch of Eonar - Restores X health each round for 5 rounds. Twice as effective in sunny weather.
Level 4: Seschenal's Touch, 5 round cooldown - Increases your team's speed by 25% for 5 rounds, restores X health to each of your pets, and prevents your active pet's health from falling below 1 for 1 round.
Level 10: Flower Power, 100% hit chance - The enemy pet is buried under an avalanche of flowers from Seschenal, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 15: Sunlight, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - A Solar Beam strikes all enemies, dealing X elemental damage and transforms the weather into a sunny day for 9 rounds. During a sunny day, the maximum health of all pets is increased by 50% and healing done is increased by 25%.
Level 20: Gentle Caretaker of All Living Things, 5 round cooldown - Restores X health to each of your pets each round for 3 rounds and reduces all damage your team takes by 50% for 3 rounds.

Norgannon - Humanoid

Norgannon the Dreamweaver is a titan that is also known as the Keeper of Celestial Magics and Lore. Norgannon is the titan who blessed Malygos into becoming the Spellweaver and he is the one who gave Malygos the Arcanomicon. Norgannon is the only titan known to not carry a weapon, as he is the master of magic.

Description of Appearance: We are given this description of Norgannon: "The blank expression on this platinum-skinned titan's face is unreadable. Arcane power emanates from him like a tangible force, making skin prickle and hair stand on end."

Interactivity: Norgannon could be seen tracing magical runes in the air which then are inscribed in a giant spellbook.

Level 1: Arcane Blast, 100% hit chance - Blasts the enemy with a surge of arcane power, dealing X magic damage. Damage increases by X each time it hits. Max X magic damage.
Level 2: Premonition, 4 round cooldown - Reduces all damage taken by 50% for 3 rounds.
Level 4: Keeper of Celestial Magic, 5 round cooldown - Increases all damage done by 50% for 2 rounds and prevents all damage done to your backline pets for 4 rounds.
Level 10: Arcane Storm, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X magic damage to all enemies and warps the weather into Arcane Winds for 9 rounds. During Arcane Winds, pets cannot be stunned or rooted.
Level 15: Mana Surge, 80% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X magic damage. Deals X additional damage when the weather is Arcane Winds. Mana Surge continues for 3 rounds.
Level 20: The Dreamweaver, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Dreams can be dangerous things. Deals X magic damage to each enemy pet and puts the entire enemy team to sleep for 2 rounds.

Aman'Thul - Humanoid

Aman'Thul the Highfather is a titan that rules over the titan Pantheon. He is the oldest and wisest of the titans and although rarely seen, every world feels his presence. Aman'Thul is also the titan who blessed Nozdormu into becoming the Timeless One. He carries a staff named Orodur which crackles with electricity.

Description of Appearance: We are given this description of Aman'Thul: The massive humanoid creature has platinum skin that gleams and shimmers, throwing dancing lights through the air as he moves. His eyes glow yellow, and he holds a great, metallic staff bearing a lightning motif. Violet-yellow electricity plays across the staff."

Interactivity: Aman'Thul could be seen creating lightning storms with Orodur.

Level 1: Lightning Bolt, 95% hit chance - Hurls a bolt of lightning at the enemy, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 2: Ancient Blessing, 3 round cooldown - Heals the user for X health and increases the maximum health of your active pet by 5 per level for 9 rounds.
Level 4: Orodur's Onslaught, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Deals X magic damage and an additional 50% of the killing blow made to Aman'Thul if he is killed in the next 3 rounds.
Level 10: Time In a Bottle, 100% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Your time is precious while the enemy's is not. Deals X magic damage and reduces the enemy's speed by 10%. The enemy's speed will continue to decrease each time you use Time In a Bottle.
Level 15: Lightning Shield, 4 round cooldown - Deals X elemental damage each time you take direct damage. Lasts 2 rounds.
Level 20: The Highfather, 5 round cooldown - Every world feels the Highfather's presence, and so too do all pets. Adds an additional X elemental damage to each of your pets' attacks and each attack that lands on the enemy seals them in a time pocket, reducing their speed by 50% for 1 round. Lasts 3 rounds.

Sargeras - Humanoid

Sargeras was once the Champion of the Pantheon, but fell to darkness after confronting the dreaded Nathrezim, Mo'arg, and Infernals. Since then, he has become the Lord of the Burning Legion and he seeks to undo all of the titans' work throughout the universe. He carries a sword called Gorribal (Dark Seether) that is twin to Aggramar's weapon - Taeshalach (Flame Rend).

Description of Appearance: We are told that Sargeras is a "giant clad in molten armor and his skin is cracked with veins of magma. Wildly dancing flames surround his head and form a thick mass of hair and a sweeping beard. A pair of horns extends from his forehead and a pair of demonic wings lie on his back."

Interactivity: It could show Sargeras falling to darkness thanks to a Nathrezim, Mo'arg, and Infernal.

Level 1: Dark Seethe, 90% hit chance - Slash at the target with Gorribal, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 2: Molten Armor - It is said that Sargeras' armor can nearly burn your eyes out. Deals X elemental damage to the current enemy pet every round. Lasts 9 rounds.
Level 4: The Enemy of All Life, 100% hit chance, 6 round cooldown - Carves up the enemy team with Gorribal, dealing X humanoid damage to each pet and reducing their healing received by 100% for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Counterstrike, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Deals X humanoid damage. Deals X additional humanoid damage if you were struck this round.
Level 15: Elemental Immunity, 4 round cooldown - Reduces the damage of incoming elemental abilities by 100%. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 20: Lord of the Burning Legion, 8 round cooldown - Sargeras summons the might of the Burning Legion before disappearing, making him unattackable for 2 rounds. While gone, a menagerie of demons and demonic creatures appear to attack the target, dealing X undead damage each round.

Storm Dragon - Dragonkin

Storm Dragons are dragons from Skywall - the elemental plane of Air. They serve Al'Akir and are tightly connected to the element of Air. It is believed that the proto-dragons and thus true dragons are actually descendants of these (and other) elemental dragons.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Storm Dragon[/url]

Interactivity: As most of the other dragons have no interactivity, this one shouldn't either.

Level 1: Lightning Blast, 95% hit chance - Blasts the enemy with lightning, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 2: Healing Well - Restores X health to your active pet each round. Lasts 5 rounds and persists through pet swaps.
Level 4: Twisting Winds, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Sharp winds deal X flying damage instantly to each enemy pet and an additional X flying damage to the enemy's active pet each round for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Chilling Breath, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Breathes a cone of cold breath on the enemy team, dealing X elemental damage to each enemy pet.
Level 15: Spiked Skin - Reduces up to X damage from each attack against you and deals X dragonkin damage each time you take direct damage. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 20: Call the Wind, 100% hit chance, 6 round cooldown - Creates a constant wind where you and your pets are upwind and the enemy team is downwind. Being upwind increases your speed and damage by 25% and being downwind decreases the enemy team's speed and damage by 25%. Lasts 3 rounds.

Stone Dragon - Dragonkin

Stone Dragons are from Deepholm - the elemental plane of Earth. They serve Therazane, but were once twisted to serve Deathwing. They are tightly connected to the element of Earth. Like the Storm Dragons, it is believed that the proto-dragons and thus true dragons are actually descendants of these (and other) elemental dragons.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Stone Dragon[/url]

Interactivity: As most of the other dragons have no interactivity, this one shouldn't either.

Level 1: Stone Breath, 90% hit chance - Breathes sharp stones upon the enemy, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 2: Stoneskin - Reduces up to X damage from each attack against you. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 4: Crystal Storm, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown, 3 round ability - Channels a crystal storm on the enemy team, dealing X dragonkin damage each round to the enemy's active pet and half that damage to their backline pets. This attack increases in damage and continues for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Stone Spike, 100% hit chance - Impales the target on a stone spike, dealing X elemental damage and causing the target to Bleed for X beast damage each round for 5 rounds.
Level 15: Stone Grip, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Places the "Creeping Paralysis" debuff on the target, granting a 25% chance to stun the enemy pet each round. Lasts 2 rounds.
Level 20: Dragon Golem, 8 round cooldown - Summons a dragon golem before flying high into the air, becoming unattackable for 2 rounds. While in the air, the dragon golem will fight the enemy pet for you. After 2 rounds, the golem crumbles to dust.

Primal Elemental - Elemental

Primal elementals are elementals that are comprised of all four classical elements: air, earth, fire, and water. As such, they can speak all of the elemental dialects and are capable of using spells and abilities from each of the elements that they are composed of.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Primal Elemental[/url]

Interactivity: The Primal Elemental could be seen using spells of different elements to kill critters.

Level 1: Magma Blast, 95% hit chance - Blasts the target with a ball of magma, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 2: Slippery Ice, 100% hit chance - Shoots a jet of rapidly chilling ice, dealing X elemental damage and coats the ground near the enemy with ice. Frozen ground causes enemies to be Chilled and reduces hit chance by 20%. Lasts 4 rounds. Persists through pet swaps.
Level 4: Tornado, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - A tornado appears to ravage the enemy team, dealing X elemental damage to each enemy pet and throwing the enemy's active pet into the air, stunning and rooting them for 1 round.
Level 10: Tidal Wave, 100% hit chance - Deals X aquatic damage to the enemy's pets. Destroys objects created by both teams.
Level 15: Gravity Crush, 100% hit chance - Summons a crushing field of gravity under the enemy pet, dealing 8% of their maximum health each round for 3 rounds. While the field exists, the pet cannot swap out.
Level 20: Lava Fissure, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - A fissure of lava bursts up through the ground, dealing X elemental damage to each enemy pet. The enemy's current pet also takes X elemental damage each round for 4 rounds. Persists through pet swaps.

Fire Hawk - Elemental

Fire Hawks are large fiery bird-like creatures that are native to the elemental plane of Firelands. Their leader is a former green dragon named Alysra (now Alysrazor) who was an agent of Ragnaros, and was transformed into a fire hawk as reward. The Druids of the Flame use the Fire Hawk form as their flight form.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Fire Hawk[/url]

Interactivity: The Fire Hawk could probably do without having interactivity.

Level 1: Blazing Claw, 100% hit chance - Attacks the target with blazing claws, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 2: Molten Feather - Picks up a molten feather to increase speed by 25%. Your speed will continue to increase each time you use Molten Feather.
Level 4: Flame Burst, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Launches a massive concentration of flame at a group of enemies, dealing X elemental damage and knocking the enemy's active pet back, forcing a new pet to swap in.
Level 10: Flame Seed, 100% hit chance - Throws a flame seed at the target. After 3 rounds, the seed explodes, dealing X elemental damage. This damage cannot be dodge, blocked, or avoided. An enemy pet can only be affected by one flame seed at a time.
Level 15: Firestorm, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Summons a firestorm, dealing X elemental damage and changing the weather to Scorched Earth. During Scorched Earth, all active pets are dealt X dragonkin damage each round for 9 rounds and all pets count as Burning.
Level 20: Gout of Flame, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Causes a gout of flame to appear underneath the enemy pet. After 3 rounds, the gout erupts, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy pet and stunning it for 1 round.

Corrupted Fire Hawk - Elemental

The Corrupted Fire Hawk is the exact same as a regular fire hawk except that it has been corrupted by dark energy. They are large fiery bird-like creatures that are native to Firelands, but instead of looking like ordinary flame, they burn purple due to the corruption.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Corrupted Fire Hawk[/url]

Interactivity: The Corrupted Fire Hawk could probably do without having interactivity.

Level 1: Gushing Wound, 100% hit chance - Savagely rip the flesh of the target, dealing X flying damage and causing the target to Bleed for an additional X beast damage each round for 5 rounds.
Level 2: Blazing Shield - Reduces up to X damage from each attack against you and each attack made against you deals X elemental damage. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 4: Shower of Corrupted Flame, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown, 3 round ability - Summons a shower of corrupted fireballs on the enemy team, dealing X elemental damage to each enemy pet. This attack continues and increases in damage for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Corrupted Fireball, 100% hit chance - Spits a corrupted fireball at the enemy, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 15: Blazing Power - Increases your speed by 10% and damage by 5%. Your speed and damage will continue to increase each time you use Blazing Power. After 3 uses, you will also gain 50% increased critical strike chance for 2 rounds.
Level 20: Incendiary Cloud, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Creates a cloud of corrupted flame on the enemy team, dealing X elemental damage. Deals an additional X elemental damage to each enemy pet that is Burning.

Fel Flame Hawk - Elemental

The Fel Flame Hawk is the exact same as a regular fire hawk except that it has been corrupted by fel energy. They are large fiery bird-like creatures that are native to Firelands, but instead of looking like ordinary flame, they burn green due to the corruption from fel energy.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Fel Flame Hawk[/url]

Interactivity: The Fel Flame Hawk could probably do without having interactivity.

Level 1: Blazing Claw, 100% hit chance - Attacks the target with blazing claws, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 2: Brushfire, 100% hit chance - Summons a wall of fel flame, dealing X elemental damage to each enemy pet. Destroys objects created by both teams.
Level 4: Molten Meteor, 100% hit chance, 6 round cooldown - Calls down a molten meteor, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy pet and creates a patch of fire underneath the enemy, dealing X elemental damage each round for 4 rounds. Persists through pet swaps.
Level 10: Gushing Wound, 100% hit chance - Savagely rip the flesh of the target, dealing X flying damage and causing the target to Bleed for an additional X beast damage each round for 5 rounds.
Level 15: Scalding Winds, 100% hit chance - A scalding wind gust deals X elemental damage instantly and X elemental damage every round for 2 rounds. Persists through pet swaps.
Level 20: Fiery Vortex, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Envelops the enemy pet in a vortex of fel flame, dealing X elemental damage each round. Deals an additional X damage if the enemy pet is Burning. Lasts 3 rounds.

Mistlurker - Elemental

The Mistlurkers are primitive, peaceful creatures who live in the Lower and Upper Sumprushes of the Townlong Steppes. Recently, they have come under attack by Yaungol shaman who control or kill them, depending on if they follow orders or not. They have also been discovered to exist on the Timeless Isle.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Mistlurker[/url]

Interactivity: The Mistlurker could walk around then disappear into the mists.

Level 1: Lash, 100% hit chance - Lashes the enemy 1-2 times, dealing X elemental damage per lash. Attacks an additional time if the user is faster than the enemy.
Level 2: Renewing Mists - Fills the area with a healing mist, causing your front pet to restore X health every round. Lasts 3 rounds. Persists through pet swaps.
Level 4: Murky Cloud, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Breathes a murky cloud over the enemy team, dealing X elemental damage to each enemy pet every round and reducing their accuracy by 25%. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 10: Entangling Roots, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Causes a thick nest of vines to begin growing around the enemy team. Next round, the opponent's pet will take X elemental damage and be rooted for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Plant - Activate: Plant your roots into the ground, absorbing nutrients. While planted your pet cannot swap. Deactivate: For every round spent planted, you gain X health.
Level 20: Cyclops, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Searches for the enemy pet with a search light, before assaulting them with eye beams, dealing X elemental damage. The light provided increases the enemy's damage taken by 25% for 3 rounds.

Terracotta Warrior - Humanoid

The terracotta warriors are artifically created mogu that are brought to life via souls. With bodies crafted out solid rock, they can be animated at a moment's notice then sit dormant for centuries until they are needed.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Terracotta Warrior[/url]

Interactivity: The terracotta warrior could be seen brought to life then turned back into stone.

Level 1: Massive Attack, 90% hit chance - Attack the enemy with your massive weapon, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 2: Shadow Blast, 100% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Blasts the enemy with shadow magic, dealing X undead damage and reducing their damage by 25% for 1 round.
Level 4: Crazed, 5 round cooldown - Enters a crazed state, increasing damage and speed by 50%, but reducing accuracy by 25% for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Pinning Arrow, 100% hit chance - Shoots an arrow at the enemy, pinning them to the ground. Deals X humanoid damage and roots the target for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Impervious Shield, 3 round cooldown - An impervious shield surrounds the caster, blocking the next attack made against them.
Level 20: Flesh to Stone, 5 round cooldown - The Terracotta Warriors can enter a stone state that gives them much more defense against attacks. Decreases damage taken by 50% and removes a DoT effect from the caster each round. Lasts 3 rounds.

Murmur - Elemental

Murmur is an incredibly powerful elemental that was born when the universe was created. It is the primordial essence of sound and was summoned by the Shadow Council into the Shadow Labyrinth section of Auchindoun. It seems that they have had a hard time keeping control of it.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Murmur[/url]

Interactivity: Murmur could be seen being summoned into the Shadow Labyrinth where it kills members of the Shadow Council.

Level 1: Sonic Shock, 95% hit chance - Shocks the target with sonic energy, dealing X magic damage.
Level 2: Thundering Storm, 85% hit chance - Calls forth sonic bolts, which deal X elemental damage to the enemy pet. Deals additional damage if the weather is Lightning Storm. Your pet continues performing this attack for 3 rounds.
Level 4: Magnetic Pull, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Magnetically pulls on the opponent's pets, dealing X elemental damage and forcing an opponent's pet to swap in.
Level 10: Resonance, 100% hit chance - Resonates energy toward the enemy pet, dealing X magic damage and increasing their damage taken by 25% for 3 rounds.
Level 15: Murmur's Touch, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Causes a sonic disturbance around the enemy pet. In two rounds, the opponent's pet will take X elemental damage and be rooted for 2 rounds.
Level 20: Sonic Boom, 100% hit chance, 6 round cooldown - Unleashes a massive sonic boom on the enemy team, dealing X magic damage and an additional X magic damage to the enemy's active pet for 3 rounds.

Gnomish Bomber - Mechanical

Gnomish Bombers were created some time ago, but only recently joined the Alliance army due to the fall of Gnomeregan. When the troggs invaded, the gnomes withheld their flying machines from the Alliance army. Today, they are seen in many Alliance bases as they make great scouting devices.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Gnomish Bomber[/url]

Interactivity: The gnomish bomber could be seen dropping bombs on Horde settlements.

Level 1: Machine Gun, 100% hit chance - Shoots a machine gun at the target 1-2 times, dealing X mechanical damage per hit. Hits an additional time if the user is faster than the enemy.
Level 2: Imbued Gunpowder, 3 round cooldown - Improves your gunpowder's power, increasing damage done by 50% for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Flak Cannon, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Instantly deals X mechanical damage to the enemy pet and half that damage to the enemy's backline pets. The user must recharge for two rounds afterwards. While recharging, you cannot perform any actions.
Level 10: Bombing Run, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X mechanical damage and calls in a bombing run. After 3 rounds the bombs will arrive, dealing X mechanical damage to the current enemy pet.
Level 15: Mithril Plating, 4 round cooldown - Improves the metal plating surrounding your vehicle, reducing all damage taken by 50% for 3 rounds.
Level 20: Launch, 80% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Launch up high, becoming unattackable for one round. On the next round, you attack, dealing X mechanical damage.

Dwarven Siege Engine - Mechanical

The Dwarven Siege Engine was created to replace the old Dwarven Steam Tanks that were used in the Alliance army. Like the Gnomish Bomber, the siege engine is a relatively new piece of technology as they first appeared during the Alliance battles with the Scourge.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Dwarven Siege Engine[/url]

Interactivity: The dwarven siege engine could be shown ramming towers and crumbling them to dust.

Level 1: Steam Rush, 100% hit chance - Rushes over the enemy pet, dealing X mechanical damage. This ability always goes first.
Level 2: Fire Cannon, 100% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Fires a cannon at the enemy pet, dealing X mechanical damage and increasing their damage taken by 25% for 1 round.
Level 4: Battering Ram, 90% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Charges towards an enemy like a battering ram, dealing X mechanical damage and forces an opponent's pet to swap into battle.
Level 10: Barrage*, 100% hit chance - Fires powerful dwarven rockets, dealing X mechanical damage to all enemy pets.
Level 15: Shield Generator - Reduces up to X damage from each attack against you. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 20: Napalm, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Fires a ball of napalm, dealing X elemental damage to each enemy pet and Burns the enemy's active pet for an additional X elemental damage each round for 4 rounds.

*I imagine Barrage to function like Rapid Fire in that it attacks each pet twice for the total damage.

Orcish Demolisher - Mechanical

The Orcish Demolisher is a great asset to the Horde's arsenal. They are capable of catapulting fiery projectiles over great distances, much to the dismay of the Alliance. Though it takes a group of orcs to command them, they are by far the Horde's greatest siege weapon.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Orcish Demolisher[/url]

Interactivity: The Orcish Demolisher could be seen demolishing Alliance encampments.

Level 1: Hurl Boulder, 100% hit chance - Hurls a large boulder at the enemy pet, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 2: Arcanite Armor, 4 round cooldown - Improves the metal plating surrounding your vehicle, reducing all damage taken by 50% for 3 rounds.
Level 4: Anti-Air Rocket, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Fires an anti-air rocket at the enemy pet, dealing X mechanical damage and reducing their speed by 25% for 2 rounds. This ability can hit enemies that are in the air.
Level 10: Mortar, 90% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Fires a small explosive blast, dealing X mechanical damage to each of the enemy's pets.
Level 15: Increased Speed - Injects liquid pyrite into the engines, increasing your speed by 25%. Your speed will continue to increase each time you use Increased Speed.
Level 20: Hurl Pyrite, 100% hit chance, 6 round cooldown - Hurls a barrel of pyrite at the enemy pet, dealing X mechanical damage and increasing mechanical damage each round for 3 rounds.

The Leaper - Undead

The Leaper was one of the undead Scourge who was under the mental dominion of the dread Lich King. Eventually, it was freed from the Lich King's control by an adventurer and becomes a member of the Knights of the Ebon Blade.

Description of Appearance: [url=]The Leaper[/url]

Interactivity: The Leaper could be seen leaping around.

Level 1: Creepy Chomp, 95% hit chance - Chomps on the enemy, dealing X undead damage.
Level 2: Geist Frenzy - Increases your speed by 10% and damage by 5%. Your speed and damage will continue to increase each time you use Geist Frenzy.
Level 4: Unholy Strength, 5 round cooldown - Increases your damage and critical strike chance by 25% and each attack will deal an extra X undead damage. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 10: Gnaw, 95% hit chance - Deals X beast damage plus X additional damage if the user is faster than the enemy.
Level 15: Cannibalize, 5 round cooldown, 3 round ability - Consumes a friendly corpse, healing the caster for 20% of their health each round. Cannibalize continues for 3 rounds and corpses can only be used once.
Level 20: The Leaper, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Leaps into the air, becoming unattackable for 1 round. On the next round, you fall on top of the enemy pet, dealing X undead damage.

Skeletal Mage - Undead

Skeletal Mages are incredibly dangerous abominations, as they are skeletons that can cast magic. You will usually find them fighting alongside the necromancers or surrounded by a group of acolytes who do the mage's bidding, that is until the mage ascends into lichdom.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Skeletal Mage[/url]

Interactivity: The skeletal mage could be seen raising lesser undead from their graves.

Level 1: Agony, 100% hit chance - Inflicts agony on the target, causing increasing undead damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 2: Frost Armor - Reduces up to X damage from each attack made against you and reduces the target's speed by 25% for 1 round. Enemies who attack you are considered Chilled. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 4: Mana Explosion, 100% hit chance - Attacks the enemy with the last of the mage's magic, dealing X magic damage instantly to the enemy's active pet and increasing magic damage to each enemy pet every round for 2 rounds. The user can only use this ability on their Undead racial resurrection turn.
Level 10: Frostbolt, 90% hit chance - Sends a bolt of frozen water at the enemy dealing X elemental damage. Enemies hit by the frostbolt have their speed reduced by 25% for 1 round.
Level 15: Drain Power, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Deals X magic damage, reduces the target's damage by 25% for 2 rounds and increases the user's damage by 25% for 2 rounds.
Level 20: Necromancy, 100% hit chance, 8 round cooldown - Reanimates a group of undead before casting an invisibility spell, becoming unattackable for 2 rounds. While invisible, the undead attack the enemy pet for X undead damage each round.

Skeletal Warrior - Undead

Skeletal Warriors are just that - skeletons that are warriors. As with the skeletal mages, skeletal warriors are incredibly dangerous to encounter and are known for being quite vicious when out on the battlefield. They are a common sight around necromancers.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Skeletal Warrior[/url]

Interactivity: Skeletal Warriors could be seen juggling their heads before reattaching them and slicing at critters with their weapons.

Level 1: Unholy Strike, 100% hit chance - Strike the enemy with an unholy blade, dealing X undead damage.
Level 2: Plagued Blood, 100% hit chance - Deals X undead damage and plagues the target for 5 rounds. While plagued, enemies who strike the target are healed.
Level 4: Unholy Ascension, 100% hit chance - Sacrifices your remaining life to haunt the enemy team, increasing all damage they take by 25% for 9 rounds.
Level 10: Shadow Slash, 90% hit chance - Slashes at the target with dark energy, dealing X undead damage.
Level 15: Army of Death, 100% hit chance - An army of death rushes over the enemy pet, dealing X undead damage. Opponents struck by the army take double damage for 2 rounds. The army continues for 3 rounds.
Level 20: Warrior's Death - Crumbles into a pile of bones to reanimate as a new warrior. This new warrior is immune to all damage, debuffs, and status effects for 2 rounds, but crumbles to dust after 2 rounds. Can only be used if the caster has more than 50% of their health remaining. Users of this ability do not get the Undead racial resurrection round.

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Re: Designing New Pets (Updated: 4/9/14)

Post by Adumbledore » July 9th, 2014, 11:21 pm

Jeeves - Mechanical

Jeeves is a mechanical butler that can be created by an Engineer. He is always well-mannered and polite and is willing to perform some rather mundane tasks for those who ask it of him. He doesn't tend to stay around for very long, though, as he has much to do on his schedule.

Description of Appearance: Instead of the in-game Jeeves, I would like to see a human-sized mechanical robot in a suit to serve as Jeeves.

Interactivity: Jeeves could be seen handing out refreshments and food before disappearing.

Level 1: Poisoned Sandwich, 100% hit chance - Serves the enemy pet a poisoned sandwich, dealing X mechanical damage and an additional X elemental damage each round for 5 rounds.
Level 2: Suit of Armor, 3 round cooldown - Takes out a new suit of armor, granting 50% damage reduction for 3 rounds.
Level 4: Dust, 4 round cooldown - Pulls out a feather duster before cleaning the battlefield. Removes the current weather effect.
Level 10: Doorbell, 100% hit chance - Jeeves answers the doorbell, then slams the door into the enemy pet's face, dealing X mechanical damage.
Level 15: Tea Time, 3 round cooldown - Jeeves serves himself a nice cup of "tea", restoring X health.
Level 20: Driver, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Drives a stagecoach over the enemy pet, dealing X mechanical damage. Any pet hit by the stagecoach takes an additional 50% damage for 3 rounds.

Pixies - Humanoid

During the War of the Ancients, there were a group of pixies that resembled sword-wielding men that had butterfly wings, that darted around the demigods assembled. They were diminutive, especially when compared to the demigods. It is believed that they are related to the sprites and other fey creatures.

Description of Appearance: We're told that they are a group of diminutive creatures resembling sword-wielding men with butterfly wings.

Interactivity: The pixies could be seen darting around, carving up creatures with their swords.

Level 1: Blitz, 100% hit chance - Pummels the enemy 1-2 times, dealing X humanoid damage per hit. Hits an additional time if the user attacks first.
Level 2: Nature's Ward - Restores X health every round for 5 rounds. While healing, your type is transformed into Elemental.
Level 4: Field of Poppies, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - The wings of the pixies holds potent sleeping powder. Flapping them, they deal X elemental damage to the enemy pet and place the enemy team to sleep for 1 round.
Level 10: Flyby, 100% hit chance - Deals X flying damage and increases the target's damage taken by 25% for 3 rounds.
Level 15: Tantrum, 4 round cooldown - Throws a tantrum, increasing damage and speed by 100% for 1 round.
Level 20: Invisible Flurry, 100% hit chance, 6 round cooldown - A group of pixies attack the enemy in a lightning-fast flurry, dealing X humanoid damage to the enemy pet. They are so fast, it grants them a 50% chance to dodge attacks each round. This attack continues for 3 rounds.

Kael'thas Sunstrider - Humanoid

Kael'thas Sunstrider was the last of the Sunstrider dynasty of Blood Elves. Attempting to satiate his people's hunger for magic after the destruction of the Sunwell, Kael'thas enlisted his people in the service of Illidan Stormrage. Eventually he became a pawn of the Burning Legion and was destroyed in Magister's Terrace.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Kael'thas Sunstrider[/url]

Interactivity: Kael'thas could be seen summoning a phoenix pet.

Level 1: Fireball, 95% hit chance - Hurls a fireball at the enemy, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 2: Shock Barrier, 3 round cooldown - Absorbs the next attack made against the caster.
Level 4: Nether Beam, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Shoots a beam of pure arcane energy at the enemy team, dealing X magic damage to the enemy pet and double that to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 10: Arcane Disruption, 90% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Attacks the enemy with a blast of arcane energy, dealing X magic damage. Has a 100% chance to stun the target for 1 round if the weather is Arcane Winds.
Level 15: Phoenix, 5 round cooldown - Summons a phoenix to fly over the enemy team, which has a 35% chance to deal X elemental damage to the enemy team each round. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 20: Legendary Arsenal, 8 round cooldown - Summons Kael's arsenal of legendary weapons before casting an invisibility spell, becoming unattackable for 2 rounds. During this time, the weapons attack the target, dealing X magic damage each round.

Goblin Alchemist - Humanoid

Goblin Alchemists are goblins who have chosen to use their gifts to further the study of Alchemy. Being masters of alchemical substances, they have used their chemical "treatments" to force ogres into becoming their personal mounts and slaves.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Goblin Alchemist[/url]

Interactivity: The Goblin Alchemist could be shown running around, throwing flasks of substances on critters, transforming them into something else, causing them to explode, or poisoning them.

Level 1: Ogre Punch, 100% hit chance - Your ogre slave attacks the enemy with a punch, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 2: Healing Mist, 2 round cooldown, 2 round ability - Sprays your team with healing mists, restoring X health each round. This ability continues for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Chemical Rage, 4 round cooldown - Enters a chemically induced rage, increasing speed by 50% and damage by 25%. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 10: Poison Flask, 100% hit chance - Throws a flask of poison at the target, dealing X elemental damage and Poisoning the enemy for X elemental damage each round for 3 rounds.
Level 15: Acid Bomb, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Throws a flask of acid at the target, dealing X elemental damage and increasing the enemy's damage taken by 25% for 2 rounds.
Level 20: Jekyll and Hyde, 5 round cooldown - Uses alchemy to transform into a dire goblin, abandoning your ogre companion. While a dire goblin, your damage, maximum health, and critical strike chance are increased by 25% and your size is greatly increased. Lasts 3 rounds.

Tinker* - Humanoid

*I imagine that the tinker would go the way of the Moonkin Hatchling and have separate pets for Alliance (Gnome) and Horde (Goblin).

Tinkers are engineers who are constantly working on new projects and inventing new technology for their respective races and factions. Gnomish tinkers tend to create objects that work most of the time, while Goblin tinkers are looking for instant gratification. In either case, the tinker is one to be respected and in some cases, feared.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Gnome Tinker[/url]/[url=]Goblin Tinker[/url]

Interactivity: The Tinker could be shown working on a creation of their respective race: Gnomish Bomber (gnome) or Goblin Shredder (goblin).

Level 1: Wrench, 100% hit chance - Attacks the enemy with your wrench, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 2: Build Turret, 2 round cooldown - Builds a turret that assaults the enemy team's front pet, dealing X mechanical damage each round. Each turret lasts 4 rounds.
Level 4: Pocket Factory, 4 round cooldown - Creates a pocket factory, which creates clockwork gnomes and goblins. Each round, a gnome/goblin is sent to the enemy's active pet and explodes, dealing X mechanical damage. The factory lasts 4 rounds.
Level 10: Cluster Rockets, 100% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Bombards the enemy team with rockets, dealing X mechanical damage to each enemy pet.
Level 15: Engineering Upgrade, 1 round cooldown - Upgrades your inventions, increasing damage by 10% and reducing damage taken by 10%. These bonuses continue to increase each time you use Engineering Upgrade.
Level 20: Recombobulate, 5 round cooldown - Removes all debuffs and DoT effects from the caster and restores X of their health.

Maiev Shadowsong - Humanoid

Maiev Shadowsong was once a priestess and member of the Sisters of Elune. Following the Sundering, Maiev volunteered to become Illidan's jailor until the end of time and thus she became the leader of the Watchers - a sect of Night Elves dedicated to jailing and guarding the imprisoned of Night Elf society.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Maiev Shadowsong[/url]/[url=]Avatar of Vengeance[/url]

Interactivity: Maiev could be seen guarding Illidan in his cage.

Level 1: Umbra Crescent, 90% hit chance - Attacks the enemy with an umbra crescent, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 2: Imprisonment, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Imprisons the target, stunning them for 1 round.
Level 4: Blink, 8 round cooldown - The user Blinks away from the enemy, avoiding their attack. The user then swaps with your highest health pet.
Level 10: Fan of Knives, 100% hit chance - Throws knives at the enemy team, dealing X humanoid damage to each enemy pet.
Level 15: Shadow Strike, 95% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Hurls a poisoned dagger at the target, dealing X humanoid damage instantly and Poisoning the target for X elemental damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 20: Avatar of Vengeance, 6 round cooldown - Becomes an Avatar of Vengeance, increasing damage, speed, and critical strike chance by 10% and reduces damage taken by 50%. Lasts 3 rounds.

Spirit Walker - Humanoid

Spirit Walkers are Tauren who have an incredible connection to the spirits of their ancestors, and are thus revered in both Tauren and Orc societies. They are living conduits between the spirit world and the world of the living. It is said that the eyes of a Spirit Walker shine with the light of a thousand souls.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Spirit Walker[/url]

Interactivity: The Spirit Walker could be seen conversing with different spirits.

Level 1: Totem Smash, 100% hit chance - Smashes the enemy with a totem, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 2: Disenchant, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Disenchants an enemy, dealing X magic damage and removes all buffs from the enemy pet.
Level 4: Spirit Link, 5 round cooldown - Links together your pets, redistributing 50% of all damage your pets take to each other. Spirit Link prevents your backline pets' health from falling below 1. If they fall below 1, it will bring the health up to 1 and dispel the Spirit Link. Spirit Link can be prematurely ended by killing the Spirit Walker. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 10: Spirit Barrage, 100% hit chance - Restless spirits barrage the enemy, dealing X magic damage.
Level 15: Chain Heal, 4 round cooldown - Calls forth a wave of healing energy, healing for X and bouncing to nearby allies, healing them for X.
Level 20: Ethereal Form, 6 round cooldown - Walks among the spirit world, reducing all damage taken by 50%. While in the spirit world, all damage you deal is reduced by 50%. Lasts until cancelled.

Kodo - Beast

Kodos are massive reptiles that inhabit the verdant grasslands of Mulgore and the Barrens of Kalimdor. They are used as pack animals and beasts of burden by the tauren tribes and orcs, and are held in high esteem because of this. It is believed that some kodos are bound to the spirits of the sky and storm and have the power to harness lightning.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Kodo[/url]

Interactivity: Kodos could be seen carrying supplies in a caravan.

Level 1: Trihorn Charge, 85% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Rushes to the enemy, dealing X beast damage. This move always goes first.
Level 2: Tough Hide - Reduces up to X damage from each attack against you. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 4: Eat, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Eats the enemy pet, rooting you in place. Each round, the enemy will take X beast damage while being digested. While eaten, the enemy is considered dead. Killing the Kodo will release the pet.
Level 10: Chew, 1 round cooldown - Patiently chew some grass. On the next round, you will deal X critter damage in addition to your next attack. Chew can deal damage from the back row.
Level 15: Stampede, 100% hit chance - Starts a stampede, causing X critter damage. Opponents struck by the stampede take double damage for 2 rounds. Stampede continues for 3 rounds.
Level 20: War Drums, 5 round cooldown - War Drums echo throughout the battlefield, increasing your team's damage, accuracy, and critical strike chance by 25%. The enemy team's speed is likewise increased by 25%. Lasts 4 rounds.

Bone Golem - Undead

Bone Golems are undead constructs made entirely of bone. They have giant arms that resemble scythes. Those arms are capable of slicing through the strongest and heaviest armor as if they were butter. Thankfully, bone golems are rather rare, though it is believed that one resides within the Scholomance.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Rattlegore[/url]

Interactivity: I think Bone Golems can be one of those pets that has no interactivity.

Level 1: Bone Slash, 95% hit chance - Throws a bone spike at the enemy, dealing X undead damage and increasing their damage taken by 25% for 1 round.
Level 2: Bone Spike, 95% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Throws a bone spike at the enemy, dealing X undead damage and has a 25% chance to stun the target for 1 round.
Level 4: Bone Wall, 5 round cooldown - Creates a wall of bone that blocks two attacks. Both enemy and allied attacks will be blocked.
Level 10: Bone Prison, 100% hit chance - Deals X undead damage and prevents the target from fleeing for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Bone Barrage, 80% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Hurls bones at the enemy, dealing X undead damage. Bones continue to fall on the enemy's current pet dealing X undead damage each round for 4 rounds.
Level 20: Bone Explosion, 100% hit chance - Explodes, showering the enemy in razor-sharp bones, dealing 40% of your total health to the enemy pet and causing bones to fall on the enemy's active pet, causing X undead damage each round for 4 rounds. Persists through pet swaps.

Iso'rath - Undead

Iso'rath is a massive servant of the Old Gods who was raised into the Twilight Highlands by the Twilight's Hammer cult. It has giant, fearsome tentacles that can easily dispatch humanoids and its brain has the ability to project visions and nightmares into the minds of those around it.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Iso'rath[/url]*

*I'm using the brain's image for its appearance as its body is mostly underground and what we can see resembles the Sarlacc from Star Wars.

Interactivity: Iso'rath could use its tentacles to grab critters and crush them.

Level 1: Mind Flay, 85% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Tendrils of shadow magic attack the enemy, dealing X undead damage and slowing their speed by 50% for 1 round.
Level 2: Black Tentacles, 100% hit chance - A field of black tentacles appears under the enemy pet, dealing X undead damage each round and has a 50% chance to root the target for 2 rounds. Lasts 3 rounds and persists through pet swaps.
Level 4: Digest, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Digests the enemy pet for 3 rounds, dealing increasing undead damage each round for 3 rounds. After 3 rounds, the user has finished being digested and what's left is spit back up. While being digested, the enemy pet is considered dead.
Level 10: Tentacle Smack, 100% hit chance - Smacks the enemy pet with a tentacle, dealing X beast damage.
Level 15: Torment, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Torments the enemy pet, reducing their speed and accuracy by 10%. The enemy pet's speed and accuracy will continue to decrease each time you use Torment.
Level 20: Darkest Dream, 100% hit chance, 6 round cooldown - Iso'rath inflicts a nightmare on the target, dealing X undead damage and putting them to sleep for 2 rounds.

Tirion Fordring - Humanoid

Tirion Fordring is the current Supreme Commander of the Argent Crusade and a former member of the Knights of the Silver Hand. As such, Tirion was the leader of the forces that assaulted Icecrown Citadel. Tirion personally confronted the Lich King and was present at Arthas' destruction by adventurers.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Tirion Fordring[/url]

Interactivity: Tirion could be seen watching as Bolvar sticks the Helm of Domination on his head and becomes trapped in ice.

Level 1: Mortal Strike, 90% hit chance - Attacks the enemy pet, dealing X humanoid damage to the enemy pet and reducing healing received by 25% for 1 round.
Level 2: Sanctuary - Reduces damage by 25% and grants a 25% chance to dodge an attack each round. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 4: Ashbringer's Fury, 5 round cooldown - Ashbringer's fury increases your damage, accuracy, and critical strike by 25% for 3 rounds, but reduces your speed by 25% for 3 rounds. Against Undead pets, the damage buff is increased to 50%.
Level 10: Crusader Strike, 100% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Slashes the target with the Ashbringer, dealing X humanoid damage and healing the caster for 25% of the damage done.
Level 15: Holy Light, 3 round cooldown - Restores X of the caster's health.
Level 20: Divine Storm, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - First Use: Charges up your weapon with holy energy, increasing damage done by 15% each round. Max 45% increased damage. Second Use: Attacks the enemy team in a Divine Storm, dealing X humanoid damage to each enemy pet and healing the caster for 50% of the total damage done.

Ray - Aquatic

Rays are often called Stingrays are underwater creatures related to sharks. They have garnered the name Stingrays because of the barbed stingers that they have on their tails. Rays also have venom glands that they can use to poison attackers.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Ray[/url]

Interactivity: Some pets are going to have to sacrifice having interactivity and I think this should be one of them.

Level 1: Surge, 100% hit chance - Rushes to the enemy on a stream of water, dealing X aquatic damage. This move always goes first.
Level 2: Healing Stream, 3 round cooldown - Calls upon the healing streams, restoring X health to the user, and half that to other aquatic allies.
Level 4: Barbed Stinger, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Whacks the target with a barbed stinger, dealing X aquatic damage and Poisoning the enemy pet for X elemental damage each round for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Tail Slap, 80% hit chance - Slaps the enemy with its tail, dealing X aquatic damage.
Level 15: Toxic Skin - Excretes toxin from the user's pores for 5 rounds, dealing 5% of the target's max health as damage when they attack you.
Level 20: Camouflage, 4 round cooldown - Blends into the caster's surroundings, dodging all attacks made within 1 round.

Shark - Aquatic

Sharks are large, sometimes very large, aquatic creatures that live in the oceans of Azeroth. Unfortunately, nearly all sharks are aggressive and will not hesitate to attack. They have a remarkable ability to detect blood in water. To them, you are food and food is good.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Shark[/url]*

*It would be cool if the shark would change each time it is summoned (Great White, Hammerhead, Whale, etc.).

Interactivity: Some pets are going to have to sacrifice having interactivity and I think this should be one of them.

Level 1: Shark Bite, 100% hit chance - Bites the enemy, dealing X aquatic damage.
Level 2: Scent of Blood - The shark can smell blood from far away, increasing their speed and accuracy by 10%. Their speed and accuracy will continue to increase each time they use Scent of Blood.
Level 4: Blood In The Water, 50% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X aquatic damage. Always hits if the target is Bleeding.
Level 10: Shark Tooth, 90% hit chance - Bites down hard on the enemy, leaving many shark teeth embedded in the enemy pet, dealing X aquatic damage and causing them to Bleed for X beast damage each round for 5 rounds.
Level 15: Algae, 100% hit chance - A cloud of algae-infested waters hovers over the enemy team, dealing X aquatic damage each round and reducing the enemy pet's accuracy by 10% each round. Lasts 4 rounds.
Level 20: Ram, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Rams the enemy pet, dealing X aquatic damage and forcing an opponent's pet to swap into battle.

Mageslayer - Beast

Mageslayers are a type of Darkhound - a dangerous demonic dog breed. Unlike most canines, Mageslayers (and Darkhounds) revel in the kill, they rarely eat what they kill. Most groups, such as the Forsaken, consider them nothing more than a nuisance, but a pack of them pose a large threat.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Mageslayer[/url]

Interactivity: The Mageslayer could be seen....well....slaying a mage.

Level 1: Thrash, 100% hit chance - Wildly flails at the enemy 1-2 times, dealing X beast damage per hit. Hits an additional time if the user is faster than the enemy.
Level 2: Curse of Blood, 100% hit chance - Adds X damage to every attack against the target and reduces the target's speed by 25%. Lasts 4 rounds.
Level 4: Engorged, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Becomes engorged on magical energy, dealing X magic damage and restoring 25% of the caster's health.
Level 10: Onyx Bite, 85% hit chance - Bites the enemy with Onyx teeth, dealing X magic damage.
Level 15: Phase Shift, 4 round cooldown - Phase out, increasing your chance to dodge by 100%. Lasts 1 round.
Level 20: Draw Magic, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Draws the magic from the target, increasing your damage by 50% for 2 rounds while reducing the damage and healing done by the target by 50% for 2 rounds.

Shoveltusk - Beast

Shoveltusks are large mammals native to the Howling Fjord and Grizzly Hills in Northrend. Shoveltusks have a massive antler that protrudes from their head and two tusks that protrude from their jaw. They are known to be territorial and will not hesitate to attack those it feels threatened by.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Shoveltusk[/url]

Interactivity: Two Shoveltusks could be in combat over territory.

Level 1: Horn Gore, 90% hit chance - Gores the enemy, dealing X beast damage.
Level 2: Impale, 95% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Deals X beast damage. Deals double damage if the target is below 25% health.
Level 4: Headbutt, 95% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Deals X beast damage and has a 25% chance to stun the target.
Level 10: Horn Attack, 95% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Deals X beast damage. If the user is faster than the target, they have a 50% chance to be trampled and lose their turn.
Level 15: Stampede, 100% hit chance - Starts a stampede, causing X critter damage. Opponents struck by the stampede take double damage for 2 rounds. Stampede continues for 3 rounds.
Level 20: Lumbering Charge, 100% hit chance, 6 round cooldown - Charges the enemy with an incredible amount of force, dealing 50% of the target's max health to the enemy pet.

Skyscreamer - Flying

Skyscreamers are flying dinosaurs that can be found on the Isle of Giants and Isle of Thunder in Pandaria. They were sharing the Isle of Giants with the native Devilsaurs and Direhorns when the Zandalari came and tamed them as mounts. They brought them to the Isle of Thunder to help protect Lei Shen.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Skyscreamer[/url]

Interactivity: The Skyscreamer could be seen picking up creatures in its claws and dropping them from great heights.

Level 1: Alpha Strike, 95% hit chance - Deals X flying damage. Deals X additional damage if the user is faster than the enemy.
Level 2: Cyclone, 5 round cooldown Creates a cyclone which has a 35% chance to deal X flying damage to the enemy team each round. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 4: Predatory Strike, 95% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Deals X flying damage. Deals double damage if the target is below 25% health.
Level 10: Squawk, 100% hit chance - Lets out a loud squawk, dealing X flying damage and reducing the damage the target deals by 25% for 3 rounds.
Level 15: Ancient Blessing, 3 round cooldown - Heals the user for X health and increases the maximum health of your active pet by 5 per level for 9 rounds.
Level 20: To The Skies!, 6 round cooldown - Fly up into the air, becoming unattackable for 2 rounds. After 2 rounds, you attack, dealing X flying damage. The force of impact is strong enough that it stuns and roots the user for 1 round.

Lil' Galleon - Beast

Galleon is a massive Mushan beast that serves as a mount for Chief Salyis and his warband. For years, Salyis and his warband have used Galleon to storm across the Valley of Four Winds. It is said that Galleon is more of a moving fortress than a simple mount.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Lil' Galleon[/url]

Interactivity: The saurok on Galleon's back could shoot cannon blasts at random critters as Galleon charges forward.

Level 1: Flame Arrow, 95% hit chance - The saurok shoot a flaming arrow at the target, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 2: Chew, 1 round cooldown - Patiently chew some grass. On the next round, you will deal X critter damage in addition to your next attack. Chew can deal damage from the back row.
Level 4: Impaling Pull, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Impales one of the enemy's backline pets, pulling them forward. Deals X humanoid damage to the backline pet and forces it to swap in.
Level 10: Trample, 100% hit chance - Tramples the target, dealing X beast damage plus an additional 10% of the target's health.
Level 15: Cannon Barrage, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Fires off six cannon blasts at the enemy team, dealing X mechanical damage to each enemy pet.
Level 20: Gigantic Stomp, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Stomps the ground with gigantic hooves, dealing X beast damage to the enemy pet and stunning the enemy team for 1 round.

Lil' Nalak - Dragonkin

Nalak is a thundering cobalt cloud serpent that has served as Lei Shen's personal mount for thousands of years. After Lei Shen's death, Nalak was given the task of guarding the Throne of Thunder, a task it performed until it was slain by adventurers trying to gain access to the palace.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Lil' Nalak[/url]

Interactivity: Nalak could unleash an arc nova on critters, instantly killing them.

Level 1: Lightning Breath, 90% hit chance - Breathes lightning on the enemy pet, dealing X dragonkin damage.
Level 2: Static Shield - Jolts of power surround Nalak, causing them to deal X elemental damage to the current enemy pet every round. Lasts 9 rounds.
Level 4: Arc Nova, 80% hit chance, 6 round cooldown - A tremendous pulse of energy is unleashed on the enemy team, dealing X elemental damage to each enemy pet and stunning them for 1 round.
Level 10: Tail Sweep, 95% hit chance - Deals X dragonkin damage. Deals X additional damage if the user is slower than the enemy.
Level 15: Stormcloud, 5 round cooldown - Creates a stormcloud above the enemy team which has a 35% chance to deal X elemental damage to the enemy team each round. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 20: Lightning Tether, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Tethers the enemy team to Nalak, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy's active pet and double that damage to the enemy's backline pets each round. Lasts 2 rounds.

Lil' Ordos - Humanoid

Ordos was once a yaungol shaman who sacrificed himself to the flames in order to become a demigod. Ordos' body is always on fire, cursing him with endless agony. The yaungol fire-keepers ritualistically set themselves on fire to emulate Ordos and cast enchantments and prayers to ease his pain.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Lil' Ordos[/url]

Interactivity: Ordos could use Burning Soul on a group of adventurers, watching as they are shot into the air.

Level 1: Charge, 100% hit chance - Rushes to the enemy, dealing X humanoid damage. This move always goes first.
Level 2: Ancient Flame, 100% hit chance - Summons a flame orb over the enemy pet that deals X elemental damage each round and increases their damage taken by 25% for 1 round. Lasts 5 rounds and persists through pet swaps.
Level 4: Magma Crush, 90% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Crushes the enemy team with the power of magma, dealing X elemental damage, split evenly among them.
Level 10: Eternal Agony, 100% hit chance - Channels agony into flame, throwing a ball of flame at the enemy that deals X elemental damage.
Level 15: Pool of Fire, 100% hit chance - Deals X elemental damage to the enemy's active pet every round for 9 rounds. Persists through pet swaps.
Level 20: Burning Soul, 100% hit chance, 6 round cooldown - Inflicts X elemental damage to the enemy's active pet each round for 3 rounds. On the third round, the soul will explode, knocking the pet into the air, stunning them for 1 round.

Nemesis - Elemental

Nemesis, also called the Usurper, is a corrupted version of the Ancient, Tortolla. The Twilight's Hammer cult created it in the hopes of draining some of Tortolla's strength. Eventually Nemesis is defeated by the hands of adventurers with the help of the children of Tortolla.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Nemesis[/url]

Interactivity: Nemesis could flatten itself on top of a group of critters, killing them.

Level 1: Crushing Bite, 100% hit chance - Bites down hard on the enemy, dealing X beast damage and increasing the enemy's damage taken by 25% for 2 rounds.
Level 2: Slow, 90% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Slows the enemy, reducing their speed by 50% for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Hell's Shell, 100% hit chance, 6 round cooldown - Nemesis' shell is very hard to penetrate, reducing all damage taken by 50% and causing pets that attack him to Burn for X elemental damage each round for 3 rounds. Lasts 4 rounds.
Level 10: Molten Breath, 90% hit chance - Breathes molten lava on the enemy, dealing X dragonkin damage and Burning the target for X elemental damage each round for 3 rounds.
Level 15: Scorched Earth, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Scorches the ground, dealing X dragonkin damage and dealing X dragonkin damage to all active pets each round for 9 rounds. During Scorched Earth, all pets count as Burning.
Level 20: Shell Spin, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Spins around, knocking into the enemy team. Deals X elemental damage to each enemy pet and knocks the enemy's active pet away, forcing a pet to swap in.

Gan'arg - Humanoid

Gan'arg are stunted mo'arg that serve the Burning Legion as engineers. They are very intelligent and can easily think on their feet, allowing them to create new inventions that they use to further their own purposes. You will usually find Gan'arg in the presence of a mo'arg master.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Gan'arg[/url]

Interactivity: Some pets are going to have to sacrifice having interactivity and I think this should be one of them.

Level 1: Netherbomb, 95% hit chance - Throws a netherbomb at the enemy, dealing X magic damage.
Level 2: Hyperspeed Accelerator - Increases your speed by 25%. Your speed will continue to increase each time you use Hyperspeed Accelerator.
Level 4: Nether Explosion, 95% hit chance - First Use: Throws netherbombs at the enemy team. Second Use: The bombs detonate, dealing X magic damage to each enemy pet.
Level 10: Maniacal Charge, 100% hit chance - Charges the enemy, dealing X humanoid damage and increases your damage dealt by 25% for 1 round. This ability always goes first.
Level 15: Dragon Gun, 100% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Fires a dragon gun at the enemy team, dealing X elemental damage to each enemy pet.
Level 20: Explosive Sheep, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Places an explosive sheep in front of you, blocking the next attack made against you within 2 rounds. When attacked, the sheep will explode, dealing X elemental damage to the enemy pet. If the sheep has not been detonated by the enemy after 2 rounds, it will detonate on you, dealing X elemental damage.

Doomlord - Undead

Doomlords are essentially Doomguards, except that they are much more powerful and more skilled. Thankfully, they are very rare, to the point where it is believed that only four doomguards have risen to the rank of Doomlord.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Doomlord[/url]

Interactivity: The doomlord could stomp the ground before cleaving through a group of critters.

Level 1: Void Bolt, 90% hit chance - Shoots a bolt of pure dark energy at the target, dealing X undead damage.
Level 2: Shadowbolt Volley, 100% hit chance - A volley of shadow bolts is shot at the enemy team dealing X undead damage to the enemy pet and X damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Level 4: Capture Soul, 80% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Inflicts a tormented soul on the enemy, dealing X undead damage to the enemy pet each round until dead. When dead, the soul will return to the Doomlord, healing it for 100% of the total damage it dealt.
Level 10: Shadow Slash, 90% hit chance - Slashes at the target with dark energy, dealing X undead damage.
Level 15: Twisted Reflection, 100% hit chance - Each time the Doomlord attacks the enemy, it is healed for X and the enemy pet's speed is reduced by 25% for 1 round. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 20: Cripple, 100% hit chance, 6 round cooldown - Cripples the enemy target, reducing their damage and healing done by 75% and rooting them for 2 rounds. Using this ability drains the caster, causing them to recharge for 2 rounds. While recharging, you cannot perform any other actions.

Fungal Giant - Elemental (or Humanoid)

Fungal Giants are quite a sight to behold. They are relatively non-aggressive behemoths composed of Zangarmarsh's, and sometimes Deepholm's, remarkable fauna. Recently, they have come into conflict with Sporeggar, necessitating the need for the Cenarion Expedition to step in and help.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Fungal Giant[/url]

Interactivity: Fungal Giants could sniff their fungal-ridden armpits and then try to fan away the stink.

Level 1: Poison Lash, 100% hit chance - Instantly deals X elemental damage and Poisons the target for X additional elemental damage per round for 5 rounds.
Level 2: Poison Bolt Volley, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Shoots poison bolts at the enemy team, dealing X elemental damage and Poisoning them for X elemental damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Foul Spores, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Releases foul spores on the enemy team, dealing X elemental damage each round for 3 rounds. The Fungal Giant is healed for 50% of the damage done each round.
Level 10: Acid Spray, 100% hit chance - Sprays acid at the enemy team, dealing X elemental damage to each enemy pet.
Level 15: Plant - Activate: Plant your roots into the ground, absorbing nutrients. While planted your pet cannot swap. Deactivate: For every round spent planted, you gain X health.
Level 20: Underbog Mushrooms, 2 round cooldown - Grows an underbog mushroom that releases spores on the enemy team's front pet, dealing X elemental damage each round. Each mushroom lasts 4 rounds.

Nerubian Vizier - Undead

Nerubian Viziers were once the sorcerers, advisors, and seers of the Nerubian empire. After the War of the Spider, the viziers decided to seize power for themselves, using their sorcerous powers and high intelligence. They are now the rulers of the Nerubian kingdom.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Nerubian Vizier[/url]

Interactivity: The vizier could be seen weaving shadow spells in the air.

Level 1: Sticky Web, 100% hit chance - Flings a sticky Web at the target, dealing X beast damage and making it impossible to flee for 2 rounds.
Level 2: Blood Plague, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Plagues the enemy pet's blood, dealing X undead damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 4: Psychic Scream, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Assaults the target's mind with fearful psychic energy, dealing X magic damage and forcing an opponent's pet to swap into battle.
Level 10: Mind Flay, 85% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Tendrils of shadow magic attack the enemy, dealing X undead damage and slowing their speed by 50% for 1 round.
Level 15: Curse of Fatigue, 100% hit chance - Curses the enemy with fatigue, dealing X undead damage and reducing their speed by 25% for 3 rounds.
Level 20: Spiderling Swarm, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Swarms the enemy with spiderlings, dealing X beast damage. Deals double damage if the target is Webbed.

Akma'hat - Humanoid

Akha'mat is a colossus in the shape and style of the Tol'vir culture. The Dirge of Eternal Sands, as Akma'hat is also called, is probably some kind of titanic watcher that was designated to help watch over the region of Uldum and the creatures who live there.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Akma'hat[/url]

Interactivity: Akma'hat could be seen summoning a sandstorm.

Level 1: Nemesis Strike, 100% hit chance - Strikes the target, dealing X humanoid damage and an additional X undead damage each round for 1 round.
Level 2: Omega Stance, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Assumes an Omega Stance, dealing X humanoid damage each round and slowing the enemy pet by 25% for 1 round. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 4: Shockwave, 100% hit chance, 6 round cooldown - Summons a shockwave to attack the enemy team, dealing X humanoid damage to each enemy pet and stunning them for 1 round.
Level 10: Crumbling Ruin, 100% hit chance - Crumbles the enemy pet like a ruin, dealing 8% of their maximum health each round. Lasts 3 rounds.
Level 15: Stone Mantle, 4 round cooldown - Blocks the next attack made against the target. For each round after the first that the mantle is allowed to persist, the caster will gain 25% increased damage for 2 rounds. This damage increase will continue to grow until the mantle has dissipated.
Level 20: Fury of the Sands, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Summons an area of quicksand under the target, reducing their speed by 50% for 2 rounds. After 2 rounds, the quicksand explodes, shooting the target into the air, dealing X elemental damage and stunning them for 1 round.

Tortos - Aquatic

Tortos is a dragon turtle that was exposed to mogu flesh-shaping magic over the years and warped the turtle, melding it to its cave. It grew to a colossal size by consuming the rich mineral deposits that line the walls of its home in the caverns under the Throne of Thunder.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Tortos[/url]

Interactivity: Tortos could be seen causing rockfalls by stomping the ground.

Level 1: Snapping Bite, 100% hit chance - Bites at the enemy with powerful jaws, dealing X aquatic damage.
Level 2: Anger - Grows angry. Increases damage done by 10%. Your damage increases each time you use Anger.
Level 4: Quake Stomp, 100% hit chance, 6 round cooldown - Stomps the ground, causing a minor earthquake. Deals X elemental damage to the enemy pet and stuns the enemy pet for 1 round. Also increases the hit chance of Rockfall by an additional 35% for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Furious Stone Breath, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Breathes sharp stones on the enemy team, dealing X elemental damage to each enemy pet.
Level 15: Rockfall, 5 round cooldown - Causes a stalactite to fall from the sky which has a 35% chance to deal X elemental damage to the enemy team each round. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 20: Shell Barrier, 5 round cooldown - Protects all your pets, reducing up to X damage done to them by each attack. Lasts 3 rounds.

Northrend Pole: Magic

Description of Appearance: A lengthy red and white striped pole with a large, magical, twinkling ball at the top.

Description of Interactivity: The ball at the top of the pole itself is constantly twinkling with magic. Occasionally, Greatfather Winter will appear with some "helpers" after which they will touch the pole and disappear.

The Northrend Pole is said to be where Greatfather Winter resides during most of the year. Colder than ice, and almost impossible to find, this rather magnificent pole has stood longer than anyone can remember.


Level 1: Sugar Plum Dreams, 100% hit chance - Deals X magic damage and has a 25% chance to put the target to sleep for 1 round. Damage is increased by X with each use. Maximum of X magic damage.

Level 2: Jingle Bell Rock, 50% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - A cascade of jingle bells falls on the enemy, dealing up to X elemental damage. Bells continue to fall on the enemy's current pet dealing X elemental damage each round for 3 rounds.

Level 4: All Around Azeroth, 6 round cooldown - Delivering presents is hard work for Greatfather Winter, especially when he has to visit all of Azeroth in one night. The Northrend Pole helps him by reversing time.....when it can. When cast, this spell will reset the cooldowns on all of the Northrend Pole's spells. All Around Azeroth is unaffected.

I went ahead and added the other 3 abilities, one of which would be extremely complicated to pull off, but oh well. lol.

Level 10: Silent Night, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - A group of Winter Veil carolers appear and "sing" a song. Their off-key harmonies are harmful to the ears, as they deal X magic damage to the enemy pet. Interrupts the opponent's round if the user goes first.

Level 15: Sack Attack, 100% hit chance- The Northrend Pole summons Greatfather Winter and his sack of presents. A gift is pulled from the sack and after deemed "broken", it is thrown at the enemy to deal X magic damage.

Level 20: 12 Days of Winter Veil, 15 round cooldown - The Winter Veil spirit fills your team, healing all of your pets for X damage and changing the weather to Winter Veil for 12 rounds. During Winter Veil, a random buff/debuff or effect will occur depending on which round of Winter Veil it is:

Round 1: The Winter Veil tree's lights blind all active pets, reducing their accuracy by 50% for 1 round.
Round 2: Two of Greatfather Winter's helpers heal all active pets for X.
Round 3: Three ghosts of Winter Veil (past, present, and future) reduce the cooldowns on each active pet by 1 round.
Round 4: Four snowy owls come and attack each active pet for X flying damage.
Round 5: Five golden sleigh bells appear and jingle, granting each pet 25% increased damage for 1 round.
Round 6: Six Azerothian children come and put the active pets to bed, putting each active pet to sleep for 1 round.
Round 7: Seven wreaths appear and wrap themselves around each active pet, preventing them from fleeing for 1 round.
Round 8: Eight reindeer appear and grant each active pet 25% increased speed for 1 round.
Round 9: Nine Winter Veil nutcrackers appear and attack each pet for X humanoid damage.
Round 10: Ten Winter Veil spirits appear and grant each active pet 25% reduced damage taken for 1 round.
Round 11: Eleven gifts appear, filling each pet with joy, granting 50% increased healing for 1 round.
Round 12: Twelve snowmen appear and carry off all active pets, swapping in new pets. (Only works if you have other pets alive)
Last edited by Adumbledore on February 29th, 2016, 9:50 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Designing New Pets (Updated: 7/9/14)

Post by Adumbledore » July 9th, 2014, 11:23 pm

Botani - Elemental

Botani are a race of plant-like creatures that live in the wilds of Draenor. They are creatures resembling living trees and they wage an eternal war against creatures of stone, primarily in their native Gorgrond.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Botani[/url]

Interactivity: The Botani could be seen surrounding nearby critters in a whirlwind of leaves.

Level 1: Ironbark, 100% hit chance - Deals X elemental damage and reduces up to X damage from each attack against you for 1 round.
Level 2: Thorns - Deals X elemental damage each time you take direct damage. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 4: Fist of the Forest, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Deals X elemental damage.
Level 10: Poisoned Branch, 100% hit chance - Instantly deals X elemental damage and Poisons the target for X additional elemental damage per round for 4 rounds.
Level 15: Photosynthesis - Restores X healing every round. Lasts 5 rounds. Twice as effective in sunny weather.
Level 20: Verdigris, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Summons a tsunami of greenery on the enemy team, dealing X elemental damage split evenly between all enemies and changes the weather to Wild Growth for 5 rounds. During Wild Growth, each attack heals the pet for X and all elemental damage is increased by 25%.

Saberon - Humanoid (or Beast)

Saberon are cat-like humanoids that roam practically the entirety of Draenor. Despite their rather beast-like appearance, they have a rather advanced civilization, complete with a social structure which includes users of magic.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Saberon[/url]

Interactivity: The Saberon could be shown ripping critters apart with their claws.

Level 1: Claw, 100% hit chance - Claws at the enemy, dealing X to X beast damage.
Level 2: Frenzyheart Brew - A fierce brew enrages the user, causing them to attack, dealing X humanoid damage and increasing the damage they deal by 25% for 3 rounds.
Level 4: Bloodfang, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X beast damage. If the user kills an enemy with Bloodfang, they restore X health.
Level 10: Pounce, 100% hit chance - Pounces the enemy, dealing X beast damage plus X beast damage if the user strikes first.
Level 15: Exposed Wounds, 100% hit chance - Adds X damage to every attack against the target. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 20: Toxoplasmosis, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Attacks the target with a parasitic infection. Deals X beast damage and an additional X undead damage each round for 3 rounds. Deals an additional X undead damage if the target is Poisoned.

Genesaur - Elemental

The Genesaur are a peculiar race, being a magnataur-sized plant creature that is rather humanoid in appearance. These gigantic beings are revered by the Botani and other lesser Primals as demigods. It is said that it would require a small army to defeat just one of them.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Genesaur[/url]

Interactivity: The Genesaur could be seen raising podlings and lashers from the ground.

Level 1: Lash, 100% hit chance - Lashes the enemy 1-2 times, dealing X elemental damage per lash. Hits an additional time if the user attacks first.
Level 2: Nature's Ward - Restores X health every round for 5 rounds. While healing, your type is transformed into Elemental.
Level 4: Colossal Blow, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Slams the ground near the enemy team, dealing X humanoid damage split amongst the enemy team and has a 25% chance to stun the enemy's active pet for 1 round.
Level 10: Poison Lash, 100% hit chance - Instantly deals X elemental damage and Poisons the target for X additional elemental damage per round for 5 rounds.
Level 15: Entangling Roots, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Causes a thick nest of vines to begin growing around the enemy team. Next round, the opponent's pet will take X elemental damage and be rooted for 2 rounds.
Level 20: Genesis, 8 round cooldown - Summons lashers, podlings, and mandragoras before disappearing into the wilds, becoming unattackable for 2 rounds. During this time, the summoned plant life attack the opponent, dealing X elemental damage each round.

Rylak - Flying

This two-headed beast serves as the aerial mounts for the Iron Horde. The hide of a rylak is very thick, which protect the rylak from both the elements and any ammunition from a hunter's weapon.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Rylak[/url]

Interactivity: The rylak could be seen flying around to kill a random critter before landing and devouring it.

Level 1: Bite, 100% hit chance - Bites at the enemy, dealing X beast damage.
Level 2: Exposed Wounds, 100% hit chance - Adds X damage to every attack against the target. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 4: Two-Headed Strike, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Attacks the target with both of the rylak's heads, dealing X flying damage and X beast damage.
Level 10: Savage Talon, 100% hit chance - Slashes savagely, dealing X to X flying damage.
Level 15: Predatory Strike, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Deals X flying damage. Deals double damage if the target is below 25% health.
Level 20: Savage Vigor, 4 round cooldown - Heals the caster for X and increases their speed by 50% for 3 rounds.

Magnaron - Elemental

Magnaron are colossal giants of molten stone who use elemental sigils to bind elemental furies to their will. Ancient beings, they are the ancestors of the gronn, ogron, and ogres.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Magnaron[/url]

Interactivity: The magnaron could be seen binding elemental furies to their will.

Level 1: Stone Breath, 100% hit chance - Breathes sharp stones upon the enemy, dealing X elemental damage.
Level 2: Ground Slam, 100% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Slams the ground with tremendous force, dealing X elemental damage to each enemy pet.
Level 4: Rune of Crushing Earth, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Draws a rune on the ground underneath the enemy team. After 3 rounds, the rune will explode, causing boulders to fall on the enemy pet, dealing X elemental damage and stunning the enemy pet for 1 round.
Level 10: Ironbark, 100% hit chance - Deals X elemental damage and reduces up to X damage from each attack against you for 1 round.
Level 15: Stone Rush, 100% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Slams into the enemy, dealing X elemental damage and dealing X elemental damage to themselves.
Level 20: Crushing Charge, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Builds up power during the first round. The next round, the user charges at the enemy dealing X humanoid damage and forcing an opponent's pet to swap in.

Fey Dragon - Dragonkin

Fey dragons, like their smaller cousins the sprite darters, are magical protectors and defenders of the Emerald Dream. Among their many powers are the ability to nullify magic as well as phase out of reality.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Fey Dragon[/url]

Interactivity: The fey dragon, in addition to changing color, could phase in and out of reality.

Level 1: Arcane Blast, 100% hit chance - Blasts the enemy with a surge of arcane power, dealing X magic damage. Damage increases by X each time it is used. Max X magic damage.
Level 2: Consume Magic, 4 round cooldown - Restores X health and removes all buffs and debuffs from the user.
Level 4: Emerald Shift, 4 round cooldown - Shift out of reality, avoiding all attacks made against you. Lasts 1 round. This ability always goes first.
Level 10: Emerald Bite, 100% hit chance - Bites the enemy with Emerald teeth, dealing X to X magic damage.
Level 15: Moonfire, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X magic damage and turns the weather into Moonlight for 9 rounds. During Moonlight, all pets receive 25% additional healing and magic abilities deal 10% additional damage.
Level 20: Mana Flare, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Deals X magic damage each time the affected pet attacks. Damage increases by X with each attack. Lasts 3 rounds.

Ghost - Undead

Ghosts are the departed spirits of those who have died. While many ghosts are not hostile to the living, some can be quite nasty if encountered. It's best to avoid these beings if at all possible.

Description of Appearance: I think any ghost in WoW would suffice here.

Interactivity: The ghost could disappear then reappear behind a critter before yelling, "BOO!", scaring the critter away.

Level 1: Ghostly Touch, 100% hit chance - Shocks the target, dealing X to X undead damage.
Level 2: Haunting Song, 4 round cooldown - Howls a haunting song, restoring X health to all allies.
Level 4: Ghostly Bite, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X undead damage and stuns the user for 1 round.
Level 10: Absorb, 100% hit chance - Deals X undead damage. The user is healed for 100% of the damage dealt.
Level 15: Ethereal, 3 round cooldown - Enter an ethereal state, avoiding all attacks the round it is used. This ability always goes first.
Level 20: BOO!, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Scares the target pet, dealing X undead damage and forcing an opponent's pet to swap in.

Pale Orc - Undead (or Humanoid)

Pale Orcs are orcs who are disfigured and sickly that despise anything that is good. Pale orcs are visibly pale and have glowing eyes, as if they are possessed. Many are in Cho'gall's service.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Pale Orc[/url]

Interactivity: The pale orc is a pet that I think could do without interactivity.

Level 1: Shadow Slash, 100% hit chance - Slashes at the target with dark energy, dealing X to X undead damage.
Level 2: Rabid Strike, 100% hit chance - Deals X undead damage and turns the target rabid for 3 rounds. While rabid, the target deals 25% additional damage and receives 50% additional damage.
Level 4: Curse of Doom, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Deals X undead damage after 4 rounds.
Level 10: Consume, 100% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Deals X undead damage. The user is healed for 100% of the damage dealt.
Level 15: Call Darkness, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - A shadow falls across the battlefield, dealing X humanoid damage and turning the weather to Darkness for 5 rounds. During Darkness, all pets are considered Blinded and all healing received is reduced by 50%.
Level 20: Void Blast, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Blasts the target with shadow energy, dealing X undead damage and reducing the target's speed by 50% for 2 rounds.

Ogre Mage - Humanoid

Ogre Mages are two-headed ogres that have evolved to become more intelligent than their one-headed brethren. They can also use magic and their spells are generally considered quite powerful.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Ogre Mage[/url]

Interactivity: I think it would be cool to have the ogre mage cast different spells with each of their hands at the same time.

Level 1: Nether Blast, 100% hit chance - Blasts the enemy with a surge of arcane power, dealing X magic damage. Damage increases by X each time it is used. Max X magic damage.
Level 2: Wild Magic, 100% hit chance - Adds X damage to every attack against the target. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 4: Fury of Cho'gall, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Blasts the target, dealing X undead damage and increasing all damage taken by 25% for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Arcane Slash, 100% hit chance - Rushes the enemy, dealing X magic damage, or X magic damage if the user strikes first.
Level 15: Slow, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Slows the target, reducing their speed by 50% for 2 rounds.
Level 20: Dominance Aura, 5 round cooldown - Exerts a powerful aura of dominance, increasing the caster's speed and damage by 25% for 3 rounds.

Kilrogg's Eye - Magic

To obtain the knowledge of his death, Kilrogg Deadeye had to undergo a dangerous ritual which required him to sacrifice one of his eyes. This is that eye.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Kilrogg's Eye[/url]*

Interactivity: I think it would be cool if the eye blinked.

*I think it would be more appropriate if the eye was a different color. Green, perhaps?

Level 1: Eyeblast, 100% hit chance - Deals X magic damage and reduces the target's speed by 25% for 4 rounds.
Level 2: Inner Vision, 1 round cooldown - Increases damage by 100% for 1 round.
Level 4: Interrupting Gaze, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X magic damage. Interrupts the opponent's round if the user goes first.
Level 10: Blinkstrike, 100% hit chance - Blink to the enemy, dealing X magic damage. This move always goes first.
Level 15: Soul Ward, 3 round cooldown - A ward of powerful magic surrounds you, blocking the next attack.
Level 20: Vision of Death, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Shows the target a vision of their death, dealing 50% of their health in damage. Each round afterwards, the target will heal for 10% of its health each round for 2 rounds.

Jellyfish - Aquatic

Jellyfish are an umbrella-shaped marine animal that pulsates to move through the water. Using tentacles to sting and capture prey, they are much more dangerous than you would think at first glance.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Jellyfish[/url]

Interactivity: Jellyfish could be seen floating through the air to sting critters with their tentacles.

Level 1: Water Jet, 100% hit chance - Blasts the enemy with a spray of water, dealing X aquatic damage.
Level 2: Toxic Skin - Excretes toxin from the user's pores for 5 rounds, dealing 5% of the target's max health as damage when they attack you.
Level 4: Bubble, 8 round cooldown - A bubble surrounds you, blocking the next two attacks.
Level 10: Grasp, 100% hit chance - Grabs the target, dealing X aquatic damage. The target cannot swap for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Acid Touch, 100% hit chance - Acid eats away at the target, dealing X aquatic damage and causing X aquatic damage each round for 4 rounds.
Level 20: Sting, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Stings the target pet, dealing X aquatic damage and has a 25% chance to stun the target for 1 round.

Narwhal - Aquatic

The narwhal is a medium-sized whale with a rather unusual description. The males of the species have an elongated tooth which resembles a tusk or horn, making it look like a cross between a whale and a unicorn.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Narwhal[/url]

Interactivity: The narwhal could be seen swimming along, impaling critters with its horn.

Level 1: Deep Bite, 100% hit chance - Bites deeply into the enemy, dealing X aquatic damage. Damage increases by X each time it is used. Max X aquatic damage.
Level 2: Mangle, 100% hit chance - Adds X damage to every attack against the target. Lasts 10 rounds.
Level 4: Blood In The Water, 50% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X aquatic damage. Always hits if the target is Bleeding.
Level 10: Surge, 100% hit chance - Rushes to the enemy on a stream of water, dealing X aquatic damage. This move always goes first.
Level 15: Horn Attack, 100% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Deals X beast damage. If the user is faster than the target, they have a 50% chance to be trampled and lose their turn.
Level 20: Deadly Poke, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Impales the target with the Narwhal's tusk, dealing X beast damage and causing the pet to bleed for X beast damage each round for 2 rounds.

Dolphin - Aquatic

Dolphins are some of the most well-known and beloved aquatic animals in all of Azeroth. When they see someone in danger, they are known to form a protective circle around them until help arrives.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Dolphin[/url]

Interactivity: The dolphins could be shown swimming protective circles around critters.

Level 1: Surge, 100% hit chance - Rushes to the enemy on a stream of water, dealing X aquatic damage. This move always goes first.
Level 2: Cleansing Rain, 3 round cooldown - Restores X health to your team and calls down a cleansing rain for 9 rounds. During a cleansing rain, the duration of hostile damage over time effects is reduced by 1 round and Aquatic abilities deal 25% more damage.
Level 4: Protective Circle, 4 round cooldown - A group of dolphins swim in a protective circle around you, reducing damage taken by 50%. Also deals X damage each time you take direct damage. Lasts 2 rounds.
Level 10: Water Jet, 100% hit chance - Blasts the enemy with a spray of water, dealing X aquatic damage.
Level 15: Acid Rain, 3 round cooldown - Poisons the clouds with acid, dealing X damage to all enemies. The acid quickly disperses and calls down a cleansing rain for 9 rounds. During a cleansing rain, the duration of hostile damage over time effects is reduced by 1 round and Aquatic abilities deal 25% more damage.
Level 20: Pump, 100% hit chance - First use: Increases your damage dealt by 10%. Second use: Blasts the target with a surge of water, dealing X aquatic damage.

Mandarin Dragonet - Aquatic

The bright colors of the Mandarin Dragonet made this a very popular pet among small children long ago. Their rediscovery may cause another surge in popularity for the small fish.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Mandarin Dragonet[/url]

Interactivity: I think that this pet could do without interactivity.

Level 1: Tail Slap, 100% hit chance - Slaps the enemy with its tail, dealing X to X aquatic damage.
Level 2: Renewing Mists - Fills the area with a healing mist, causing your front pet to restore X health every round. Lasts 3 rounds. Persists through pet swaps.
Level 4: Whirlpool, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Causes a whirlpool to form under the enemy pet. In two rounds, the opponent's pet will take X aquatic damage and be rooted for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Water Jet, 100% hit chance - Blasts the enemy with a spray of water, dealing X aquatic damage.
Level 15: Healing Stream, 3 round cooldown - Calls upon the healing streams, restoring X health to the user, and half that to other aquatic allies.
Level 20: Dazzling Display, 5 round cooldown - The colors of the dragonet are hypnotizing, increasing your chance to dodge an attack by 50%. For each attack you successfully dodge, gain X health. Lasts 3 rounds.

Dwarven Ram - Beast

Description of Appearance: [url=]Dwarven Ram[/url]

Interactivity: The ram could be seen charging random critters, stunning them.

Dwarven Rams are known for their astounding ability to climb the snow-covered mountainsides of Dun Morogh. It is said that King Magni rode one into battle before his petrification.

Level 1: Hoof, 100% hit chance - Stomps the enemy, dealing X to X critter damage.
Level 2: Horn Attack, 100% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Deals X beast damage. If the user is faster than the target, they have a 50% chance to be trampled and lose their turn.
Level 4: Headbutt, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Deals X beast damage and has a 25% chance to stun the target.
Level 10: Horn Gore, 100% hit chance - Gores the enemy, dealing X to X beast damage.
Level 15: Bleat, 4 round cooldown - Sings an inspiring song, which restores X health to all allies.
Level 20: Ram!, 100% hit chance, 6 round cooldown - Rams the target with incredible force, dealing X beast damage and forcing the opponent's highest health pet to swap into battle.

Night Elven Frostsaber - Beast

Night Elves have used these frost-colored nightsabers as mounts for millennia. High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind's favored mount, Ash'alah, is one of these beasts.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Night Elven Frostsaber[/url]

Interactivity: The frostsaber could be seen pouncing on random critters.

Level 1: Rip, 100% hit chance - Deals X beast damage and causes the target to Bleed for X beast damage per round for 5 rounds.
Level 2: Mangle, 100% hit chance - Adds X damage to every attack against the target. Lasts 10 rounds.
Level 4: Bloodfang, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X beast damage. If the user kills an enemy with Bloodfang, they restore X health.
Level 10: Pounce, 100% hit chance - Pounces the enemy, dealing X beast damage plus X beast damage if the user strikes first.
Level 15: Rake, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Deals X beast damage and reduces the target's next attack by 50%.
Level 20: Elune's Favored, 5 round cooldown - Restores X health and increases your speed by 25% for 3 rounds.

Draenei Elekk - Beast

The Draenei brought these magnificent beasts with them when they traveled from Outland. It is said that an Elekk never forgets.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Draenei Elekk[/url]

Interactivity: The elekk could be seen traveling in a pack of other elekk.

Level 1: Horn Gore, 100% hit chance - Gores the enemy, dealing X to X beast damage.
Level 2: Trumpet Strike, 100% hit chance - Enrages the user, causing them to attack, dealing X beast damage and increasing the damage they deal by 25% for 3 rounds.
Level 4: Stampede, 100% hit chance - Starts a stampede, causing X critter damage. Opponents struck by the stampede take double damage for 2 rounds. Stampede continues for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Trample, 100% hit chance - Tramples the target, dealing X beast damage plus an additional 10% of the target's health.
Level 15: Survival, 3 round cooldown - You endure, preventing your health from being reduced below 1 health until the end of the next round. Pets affected by Survival will survive an Apocalypse.
Level 20: Stomp!, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Stomps down on the enemy, dealing X beast damage and reducing their damage by 25% for 3 rounds.

Gilnean Hound - Beast

The hounds of Gilneas are renowned hunters, often going on long hunts with their masters. The large mastiffs are capable of holding prey in place with a lock jaw-type ability.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Gilnean Hound[/url]

Interactivity: The hound could be seen digging up bones that eventually take the form of a Forsaken.

Level 1: Bark, 100% hit chance - Deals X beast damage and reduces the target's next attack by 25%. Lasts 1 round.
Level 2: Mangle, 100% hit chance - Adds X damage to every attack against the target. Lasts 10 rounds.
Level 4: Call the Pack, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Calls for canine backup, dealing X beast damage and increasing damage taken by 100% for 1 round.
Level 10: Rend, 100% hit chance - Lashes the enemy 1-2 times, dealing X beast damage per lash. Attacks an additional time if the user attacks first.
Level 15: Buried Treasure, 3 round cooldown - Digs up a bone, healing up to 25% of your health.
Level 20: Lock Jaw, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Locks your jaws around the target, dealing X beast damage and preventing the target from swapping for 2 rounds.

Gnomish Mechanostrider - Mechanical

Invented by the brilliant gnome, Gelbin Mekkatorque, mechanostriders are one of the wonders of the gnomish race. Although they have no intelligence of which to speak, it is believed that under a skilled rider, they are more reliable and responsive than living mounts.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Gnomish Mechanostrider[/url]

Interactivity: The mechanostrider could be seen blowing smoke clouds out of its tailfeathers.

Level 1: Metal Peck, 100% hit chance - Pecks at the enemy, dealing X mechanical damage.
Level 2: Toxic Smoke, 100% hit chance - Covers the enemy team in toxic smoke, dealing X mechanical damage instantly and X mechanical damage every round for 2 rounds. Persists through pet swaps.
Level 4: Demolish, 50% hit chance - Rams the target, dealing X mechanical damage.
Level 10: Overtune, 100% hit chance - Overtunes the user's central power core, dealing X mechanical damage and increasing the user's speed by 100% for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Supercharge, 3 round cooldown - Increases the damage of your next attack made within 1 round by 125%.
Level 20: Shake Your Tailpipes, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Covers the enemy team in toxic smoke, dealing X mechanical damage to each enemy pet each round. Lasts 3 rounds.
Last edited by Adumbledore on February 2nd, 2016, 8:54 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Designing New Pets (Updated: 1/10/15)

Post by Adumbledore » January 10th, 2015, 2:14 pm

Orcish Wolf - Beast

Orcs have been bonded with wolves for generations. The bond between an orc and his wolf is more than just a master/pet relationship. Many orcs consider their wolves to be "brothers" to themselves.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Orcish Wolf[/url]

Interactivity: The wolf could be seen howling, summoning other wolves to their side.

Level 1: Bite, 100% hit chance - Bites at the enemy, dealing X beast damage.
Level 2: Exposed Wounds, 100% hit chance - Adds X damage to every attack against the target. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 4: Bloodfang, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Deals X beast damage. If the user kills an enemy with Bloodfang, they restore X health.
Level 10: Huge Fang, 100% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Deals X beast damage. Damage increases by X each time it hits. Max X beast damage.
Level 15: Howl, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - A distant howl frightens the target, increasing the damage they take by 100% for 2 rounds.
Level 20: Pack Leader, 4 round cooldown - Increases your speed by 25% and all of your attacks cause the target to bleed for X each round for 2 rounds. Lasts 3 rounds.

Forsaken Banshee - Undead

When Arthas led the Scourge through the wondrous land of Quel'thalas, he raised many female, High Elf corpses into his service, creating the Banshees. Their leader, Sylvanas Windrunner, now leads a faction of the Horde - the Forsaken.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Forsaken Banshee[/url]

Interactivity: The banshee could be seen possessing a critter.

Level 1: Shadow Shock, 100% hit chance - Shocks the target with dark energy, dealing X to X undead damage.
Level 2: Absorb, 100% hit chance - Deals X undead damage. The user is healed for 100% of the damage dealt.
Level 4: Forsaken Curse, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Curses the enemy pet, reducing their hit chance by 50% for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Agony, 100% hit chance - Inflicts agony on the target, causing increasing Undead damage each round for 2 rounds.
Level 15: Haunting Song, 4 round cooldown - Howls a haunting song, restoring X health to all allies.
Level 20: Absolute Possession, 100% hit chance - Possesses the target pet, causing them to fight for you for the remainder of the battle. Possessing a target destroys the Banshee. Can only be used if the opponent has at least 2 pets alive.

Silvermoon Dragonhawk - Dragonkin

The Dragonhawks of Silvermoon are known for being some of the most dangerous predators among the wilds of Azeroth. Prized by the Blood Elf race, the dragonhawk squads are often deployed at the beginning of a war to take down enemy towers.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Silvermoon Dragonhawk[/url]

Interactivity: The dragonhawks could be seen magically binding enemy critters. (think WC3)

Level 1: Claw, 100% hit chance - Claws at the enemy, dealing X to X beast damage.
Level 2: Rake, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Deals X beast damage and reduces the target's next attack by 50%.
Level 4: Scorched Earth, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Scorches the ground, dealing X dragonkin damage and dealing X dragonkin damage to all active pets each round for 9 rounds. During Scorched Earth, all pets count as Burning.
Level 10: Quills, 100% hit chance - Flings 1-2 quills at the enemy, dealing X flying damage per hit. Hits an additional time if the user attacks first.
Level 15: Flame Breath, 100% hit chance - Deals X dragonkin damage instantly. The enemy continues to Burn for X additional dragonkin damage per round for 4 rounds.
Level 20: Deadly Predator, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Viciously attacks the enemy, dealing X dragonkin damage with a 25% chance to deal half that damage in addition to your next attack.

Sen'jin Raptor - Beast

The raptors of Sen'jin are more than simple mounts. Not unlike the orcs and their wolf companions, the raptors are mount, guardian, and friend all rolled into one.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Sen'jin Raptor[/url]

Interactivity: The raptors can be seen leaping at critters, before attacking them.

Level 1: Rip, 100% hit chance - Deals X beast damage and causes the target to Bleed for X beast damage per round for 5 rounds.
Level 2: Primal Cry, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Frightens the enemy team, dealing X beast damage to all enemy pets and reducing their speed by 25% for 4 rounds.
Level 4: Hunting Party, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Hunt in a party of raptors, causing X beast damage. Opponents struck by the hunting party take double damage for 1 round. Hunting Party continues for 2 rounds.
Level 10: Thrash, 100% hit chance - Wildly flails at the enemy 1-2 times, dealing X beast damage per hit. Hits an additional time if the user attacks first.
Level 15: Leap, 100% hit chance - Instantly deals X beast damage and increases your speed by 100% for 1 round.
Level 20: Feast!, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Summons a pack of raptors to feast on the enemy pet, each dealing X beast damage. Heals your pet for 100% of the damage dealt.

Tauren Kodo - Beast

The peaceful Tauren have used kodos as a method of transportation for untold years. Normally considered by many to be beasts of burden, if angered, they have been known to swallow enemies whole.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Tauren Kodo[/url]

Interactivity: The kodo could chew on some grass before trampling random critters.

Level 1: Smash, 100% hit chance - Smash the enemy, dealing X to X beast damage.
Level 2: Trample, 100% hit chance - Tramples the target, dealing X beast damage plus an additional 10% of the target's health.
Level 4: Stampede, 100% hit chance - Starts a stampede, causing X critter damage. Opponents struck by the stampede take double damage for 2 rounds. Stampede continues for 3 rounds.
Level 10: Hoof, 100% hit chance - Stomps the enemy, dealing X to X critter damage.
Level 15: Chew, 1 round cooldown - Patiently chew some grass. On the next round, you will deal X critter damage in addition to your next attack. Chew can deal damage from the back row.
Level 20: War Drums, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Increases the damage of the pets on your team by 25%. Lasts 4 rounds.

Bilgewater Tonk - Mechanical

The goblins are well known for their mechanical inventions, dangerous though they may be. This diminutive tonk was created for goblin children with the purpose of bringing in gold...of course.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Bilgewater Tonk[/url]*

Interactivity: The tonk could be seen using its cannon to blast critters away.

*The tonk could look like this but perhaps be a different color. I think orange and yellow would be nice.

Level 1: Missile, 100% hit chance - Launches a rocket at the target, dealing X mechanical damage.
Level 2: Repair, 5 round cooldown - Enters repair mode, performing no actions for two rounds, then repairs X health.
Level 4: Ion Cannon, 100% hit chance, 5 round cooldown - Instantly deals X mechanical damage. The user must recharge for two rounds afterwards. While recharging, you cannot perform any other actions.
Level 10: Zap, 100% hit chance - Launches an electrical bolt at the target, dealing X mechanical damage.
Level 15: Extra Plating, 4 round cooldown - The user equips additional plating, reducing all damage taken by 50% for 3 rounds.
Level 20: Cannonball!, 100% hit chance, 4 round cooldown - Blasts the enemy pet with an explosive cannonball, dealing X mechanical damage and Burning the enemy pet for X elemental damage each round for 3 rounds.

Pandaren Dragon Turtle - Aquatic

The Pandaren people cherish these giant turtles as mounts and as beasts of burden. It is said that the pandaren cherish these mounts so much because they embody 2 of the pandarens' most precious values: strength and patience.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Pandaren Dragon Turtle[/url]

Interactivity: The dragon turtle could be seen wandering around with a Pandaren on its back.

Level 1: Bite, 100% hit chance - Bites at the enemy, dealing X beast damage.
Level 2: Spiked Skin - Reduces up to X damage from each attack against you and deals X dragonkin damage each time you take direct damage. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 4: Pump, 100% hit chance - First use: Increases your damage dealt by 10%. Second use: Blasts the target with a surge of water, dealing X aquatic damage.
Level 10: Water Jet, 100% hit chance - Blasts the enemy with a spray of water, dealing X aquatic damage.
Level 15: Renewing Mists - Fills the area with a healing mist, causing your front pet to restore X health every round. Lasts 3 rounds. Persists through pet swaps.
Level 20: Kin of Shen-Zin Su, 4 round cooldown - Increases your size, health, and damage by 25%. Lasts 3 rounds.

Librarian - Humanoid

You thought that this was only an April Fool's joke, right? You were wrong.

Description of Appearance: [url=]Librarian[/url]

Interactivity: The Librarian could be seen reading to a bunch of critters from a book.

Level 1: Written Off, 100% hit chance - The enemy pet gets written off of the story, dealing X magic damage.
Level 2: Rows of Books - Hide behind a bookcase, reducing up to X damage from each attack made against you. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 4: I Before E, Except After C, 100% hit chance, 3 round cooldown - Recites a bunch of boring linguisitic rules to the enemy pet, dealing X humanoid damage with a 25% chance of putting the enemy to sleep for 1 round.
Level 10: Throw the Book, 100% hit chance - Throws a book at the enemy pet, dealing X humanoid damage.
Level 15: An Alliteration Attack, 100% hit chance, 1 round cooldown - Attack the pet with alliteration! Deals X humanoid damage and increases your speed by 25% for 1 round.
Level 20: Dewey Decimal, 8 round cooldown - Hide under a pile of books, becoming unattackable for 2 rounds. During this time, Dewey Decimal, gnomish librarian extraordinaire, appears and attacks your opponents for X humanoid damage each round.

Dream Dragonling - Dragonkin

A dragonling of the Green Dragonflight that was born within the Emerald Dream. Unfortunately, it was born at a time when the Nightmare was making its comeback, corrupting the poor creature. Thankfully, you were able to cleanse the corruption from this little guy.

Description of Appearance: I think that this dragonling could be an ethereal dragonling, with a slight greenish tint to it.

Interactivity: The dream dragonling could fade in and out of existence as it goes to the Dream and comes back.

Level 1: Jade Breath, 100% hit chance - Breathes jade fire on to the enemy, dealing X dragonkin damage.
Level 2: Ethereal, 3 round cooldown - Enter an ethereal state, avoiding all attacks the round it is used. This ability always goes first.
Level 4: Emerald Dream, 5 round cooldown - Fall asleep, restoring X health on the first round, X health on the second, then X health on the third.
Level 10: Emerald Breath, 100% hit chance, 2 round cooldown - Breathes on the enemy pet, dealing X dragonkin damage and has a 25% chance of putting the enemy pet to sleep for 1 round.
Level 15: Emerald Presence - Reduces up to X damage from each attack against you. Lasts 5 rounds.
Level 20: Blessing of the Dream, 6 round cooldown - Heals your pet for X health and increases your team's speed and hit chance by 25%. Lasts 4 rounds.
Last edited by Adumbledore on February 29th, 2016, 9:44 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Designing New Pets (Updated: 2/2/16)

Post by Adumbledore » February 2nd, 2016, 8:56 pm

I'm going to go ahead and reserve this post. ;)

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