Solid stables for trades - How to?

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Solid stables for trades - How to?

Post by Gorus » February 16th, 2014, 10:28 pm

Hey folks, how we doing today?
I have a couple questions if you wouldn't mind.
How does one go about building a solid stable for pet trading? What I mean by that is, how can I start building up my bank of pets enough to trade for some of the most wanted pets out there? Is it something that will come in time with battles, farming, how can I do that?
I play in a low pop server, so the whole buying cheap selling expensive is really not working for me at all. Especially when it comes down to pets. Is rare to see some pets on my AH and, when they're up is usually for something ridiculous like 50k for a Kovok. With that being said, I have to come to the forum and the forum to make some trades, but unfortunately, I ran out of the good pets for trade. Even though I'm still looking for a couple other. And really, some of the pets I have I was just lucky. Really letswinthelottotwice kinda lucky.
Any information and suggestion is greatly appreciated.

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Re: Solid stables for trades - How to?

Post by Kpb321 » February 16th, 2014, 11:38 pm

The short answer is don't limit yourself to your home server. The great part of pets is you can learn them on one server and cage them on another so you can move them from server to server. I'm on a low pop rp server so my home AH is pretty bare. We are scheduled to be connected in 2 weeks but the other sever doesn't seem much better so I'm not sure that will change things.

My recommendation would be to pick two or three medium pop servers to start out. It's always good to have at least one horde and one alliance server IMO. Those faction specific pets are almost always more expensive on the other faction. I'd check out potential targets on the undermine journal. To start out with you want something that has an active pet AH but not something that is busy and really overwhelmed like Illidan horde or one of the other big servers you hear about. Once you've got a couple servers picked out then you need to make level 1 chars and get them to city for an AH. You'll need a little bit of money to get started on the auctions and there a couple ways to do it.

1) quest for a couple levels. You'll need a few silver to list your first couple auctions but once you get started the ah listing fee isn't a problem anymore.
2) Look for a blingtron. They always have something sellable in them and you really don't need much so that is all it should take.
3) Sell a cheap pet for really cheap in trade. Take a panda or a cheapo green pet and sell it in trade for a low price. Goal is to make the quick sale not get top dollar for it. I started playing the AH on the soon to be connected server and sold a leaping hatchling for 50g. Sold quickly and gave me plenty to list things on the AH and get another couple bags.

Once you've got your guys in place with some seed money now you need to start getting them some pets. You can start by selling what ever pets you've got on hand. Try to list them on which ever AH gets you the best price for something. If you don't have much you may need to try to farm some pets. Panadas and spirits from the dailies or the Raiding with leashes pets etc. As you start building up a little money on the other servers start learn the market. What sells and what doesn't. What is usually cheaper than your other servers. Get feel for what things go for. Resist that initial urge to try to save up and spend all your money on a pet you still need. Put it to work earning you money first. When you've got two or three AH's to look at it's not hard to find things to buy low and sell high. One server might have several people listing the same pet and driving the price down while another server has little or no listing of that pet. Perfect chance to buy low and sell high. Once you've got a pet don't be afraid to move it to a different server to sell it or even back to the same server if the supply there has dried up. Learn the ups and downs of the market. The DM pets are always cheapest when the fair is going.

Once you've got a handle on your medium pop servers and a good stockpile of pets and cash then you can start to think about trying to buy up some of your missing pets on those servers or adding a high pop server to trying to build up money for some of the really rare pets. Deals that you can make a profit on going to a high pop server will be rarer but you have a much bigger selection of pets there. You can also use the gold on the high pop server to make a lot of gold back on your other servers by buying up pets that are cheaper on the high pop server and selling them on the lower pop server including your home server. The Black market AH can be a great way to get those expensive pets you are still missing or to make a lot of money back on a high pop server and moving pets back to your low pop home server is a good way to afford them. If you really want to move money there fast you may need to settle on things that aren't a straight profit buying on another server to sell on the high pop server but it can still be a net profit. You buy something on the high pop server for 3k and sell it on the medium pop server for 8k. Then use that to buy a pet or pet(s) that sell for 6k on the high pop server. You are loosing money moving it back to the high pop server but you are still making money over the 3k you started with there.
Last edited by Kpb321 on February 17th, 2014, 10:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Solid stables for trades - How to?

Post by Peanutty » February 17th, 2014, 1:38 pm

I don't keep stuff around for the sake of trading, but I do dabble in it. To get stuff for the trades I have done, I did something similar to what Kpb mentioned. I started off by picking up a few not-too-expensive but somewhat desirable pets off my own server (think I started with a whelping and a porcupette that fell out of my tamer bag), then went to a medium/high pop server and sold them. I wasn't looking for a big profit, just anything that kept me in the black was fine - at best you want to make some gold, at worst, you want to make sure you're transferring as much as you invested. After building up some gold on a few medium servers, buy more desirable pets from there and resell on the big servers.

Keep in mind that pets stoned to rare will always sell for more. Leveled pets usually will as well. So that's an easy way to make a profit off something that's cheap. (i.e. White Kitten costs a few silver. The last time I needed gold super fast I sold a rare lvl 25 one for 1k.)

Also keep an eye on your server's BMAH, if you get lucky you should be able to snag some desirable pets for not too much.

Of course if you have some RL money to spend, many folks are happy to do trades for things like game time, so that's an option as well.

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Re: Solid stables for trades - How to?

Post by Digem » February 17th, 2014, 2:04 pm

Those are all great tips and here is another.
If you have some real life disposable income, buy some tcg pets.
Don't even bother with the expensive ones, heck but if can afford really sell at a premium they do, the cheap ones like the gregarious grell, eye of legion, or night saber cub usually go around 10 bucks .
You can easily get 2k to sometimes more than 10 k for those pets, specially if you level them.

Also, stock pile any holiday pets stone and level them.
Then sell a few months after the holiday and make a nice profit.
Same for dark moon faire ones.

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Re: Solid stables for trades - How to?

Post by Digem » February 17th, 2014, 2:05 pm

Those are all great tips and here is another.
If you have some real life disposable income, buy some tcg pets.
Don't even bother with the expensive ones, heck but if can afford really sell at a premium they do, the cheap ones like the gregarious grell, eye of legion, or night saber cub usually go around 10 bucks .
You can easily get 2k to sometimes more than 10 k for those pets, specially if you level them.

Also, stock pile any holiday pets stone and level them.
Then sell a few months after the holiday and make a nice profit.
Same for dark moon faire ones.

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Re: Solid stables for trades - How to?

Post by Kpb321 » February 17th, 2014, 10:20 pm

Peanutty brings up a good point. I don't really have a stable of pets generally. It's just the pets I've bought recently and I'm working on selling now. Occasionally, I will keep my rarer more valuable pets out of the AH if I'm posting here looking for a trade but otherwise the pets are listed on an AH somewhere unless I don't have someplace that I want to list them at that point in time. It often takes a little while for my pets to sell because I'm usually aiming at making more profit than selling quickly. I don't want it to take 3 or 4 months to sell but I'm okay with it taking a week or two most of the time if that means more profit.

I haven't really dabbled much in stoning or leveling pets specifically to sell them because I'm still working on getting my collection upgraded to rare and leveling it. I have had a couple lvl 25 pets I've gotten off the AH because they were a good deal or a pet I bought that was stoned and they seemed hit and miss on how much I could get extra for them.

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Re: Solid stables for trades - How to?

Post by Shikon01 » February 18th, 2014, 10:31 am

Like Digem, I do purchase some of the cheaper tcg pet cards, redeem and cage for resell in wow game. I also stock up on holiday pets for resell as well. My server is stuffed w/ pets so I'm looking for a a new market ( realm ). The gold provides the cash I need to purchase other pets I need and want for my collection. I think there be be a lot of players who chose to explore pets battles w/ the expansion who has taken a pass up to this point and we are all gonna need gold for everything when it hits :)

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Re: Solid stables for trades - How to?

Post by Dakaf » February 18th, 2014, 11:32 am

Another way couple ways to make gold that I haven't seen mentioned:

1) Offer leveling services. If you're not well known, level your own pet to level 25, then offer to trade for a level one pet. Example: Level your [pet]untamed hatchling[/pet] to level 25. Bark in trade, or go on our trade forums and say that you're willing to trade your level 25 for a level 1 and XXX gold. If on the forums here, level a bunch of pets to trade first.

Doing this will get you quite a bit of gold, as once the person hits 75 level 25's, there is no point to level others yourself. The final achievement for level 25 pets is at 75 pets. After that, it's just to build their pvp/celestial tourney stables, or for self-satisfaction. If someone offered me a level 25 pet for my level 1 that I still needed, I'd pay a few hundred gold for the time saved. Or I'd give a small duplicate pet to the leveler. This way, even if you only have one copy of the pet, you're still not losing the pet, just losing the time to level it.

2) Stones. If you get stones through wild battles, in bags, or pvp, you can bark in trade that you're selling flawless xxx stone. If they inquire, tell them the process and ask them to make you an offer. I've bought stones for between 200 and 500. I've sold stones for between 500 and 1000. Let the other person make the offer and you can counter if you would like. Then make the trade.

There are two ways to do this. The first involves a little trust. They trade you a green pet in the family. You learn it, then summon it and stone it. Then you cage it and trade it back (this is where they give the gold to you). Or, you trade them your blue version of the pet in question for their green pet. If you do it this way, they put the gold in the trade window right then. After that trade, you summon your new green pet. Stone it and you're back where you started, just with a few hundred extra gold.

Doing either of these will give you good starter capital, and possibly quite a bit of it!

Good luck!
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Re: Solid stables for trades - How to?

Post by Gorus » February 19th, 2014, 10:23 am

Wow, I never expected such good answer and through explanations. Thank you so much, everyone, for the tips and advises! Well, I'm confidant that after these posts I'll have a solid stable in no time!
I actually have a couple pets spreaded across AH's right now!
Really though, thanks a lot folks =)

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Re: Solid stables for trades - How to?

Post by Kpb321 » February 19th, 2014, 12:41 pm

A couple more quick thoughts.

If you go the leveling route to get your initial cash get to at least level 5 because then you can learn engineering and get a port to shrine. As an Engineer you have a mail box, AH, Bank and Guild bank all right next to each other in shrine. It's a banker mule's dream spot. If not you can always get a port to shrine anyway, bind there and then turn in the BoF dailies when you do them for exp on your banker. Sooner or later you'll hit lvl 5 anyway and you can start using the engineering spot.

Don't be afraid to use Bids instead of buy outs. I know a lot of people only buy things with Buy Outs because they want it now and don't want to wait but bids can be an important factor in if you can make a profit on something or how much profit you can make. Now don't try to save 5g on a 5k deal but if something is 1k bid or 2.5k buy out then bidding isn't a bad idea. I just picked up a pierre for 1250 on a bid recently. Cheap enough I can move it to Illidan H and make a profit. The buy out was over 5k and not worth doing at all.

Don't forget to check for unlearned pet. There are two categories in the AH for pets. The obvious one is for pets that have been learned and caged but there is a second in the Misc category that is for the tradable items that teach you the pet in the first place. A lot of these are worthless but there are a handful of pets that can be valuable like the tiny carps, pigmy direhorn or the engineering pets. It seems like a lot people don't know about this section or don't check it because you do find a some good deals here.

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Re: Solid stables for trades - How to?

Post by Shikon01 » February 19th, 2014, 1:48 pm

I got a level one in Illidan and I couldn't send any cash from my main to it from Bonechewer to set up some actions so I was pissed last night. I thought we could on cross-realm so I'm at a lost says my toon doesn't exist rof !! Might as well not at this point. Prices for pets are fairly decent thought I would give it a go.

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Re: Solid stables for trades - How to?

Post by Peanutty » February 19th, 2014, 2:19 pm

Shikon01 wrote:I got a level one in Illidan and I couldn't send any cash from my main to it from Bonechewer to set up some actions so I was pissed last night. I thought we could on cross-realm so I'm at a lost says my toon doesn't exist rof !! Might as well not at this point. Prices for pets are fairly decent thought I would give it a go.
If it was as easy as mailing money around there'd be no need to use pets to transfer funds. No need to get frustrated, just do a few quests on your new toon and you'll easily have enough to start posting auctions. All my AH toons on other servers are around level 4 since that's enough to get funds to start posting.

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Re: Solid stables for trades - How to?

Post by Luciandk » February 19th, 2014, 2:45 pm

Shikon01 wrote:I got a level one in Illidan and I couldn't send any cash from my main to it from Bonechewer to set up some actions so I was pissed last night. I thought we could on cross-realm so I'm at a lost says my toon doesn't exist rof !! Might as well not at this point. Prices for pets are fairly decent thought I would give it a go.
Think you misunderstood something. Crossrealm is only used for sending bind to account items between servers. Mainly heirlooms.

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Re: Solid stables for trades - How to?

Post by Ravnhawk » February 19th, 2014, 3:06 pm

You can also build quite a large stable of pets simply by running the old raids for pets. And those sell really well at level 1 OR level 25.

I sell a lot of those to build gold on a new server when I am looking to buy cheap pets. You can also take a pet like an Ashstone Core and sell it for like 30g in trade chat for some fast gold.

Plus I am collecting for 3 other people so it get harry at times LOL. So for me it's self preservation in locating cheap pets.

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Re: Solid stables for trades - How to?

Post by Telsek » February 20th, 2014, 2:48 pm

Shikon01 wrote:I got a level one in Illidan and I couldn't send any cash from my main to it from Bonechewer to set up some actions so I was pissed last night. I thought we could on cross-realm so I'm at a lost says my toon doesn't exist rof !! Might as well not at this point. Prices for pets are fairly decent thought I would give it a go.
You can create a new character on any realm but you can only ship bind-on-account items to that new character from other servers. If you roll a death knight, you will come out of the starting area with about 30g. That's plenty of cash to list any pets you want to sell on the AH as it only requires 1 silver to post a pet auction.

If you don't want to take the time to level a death knight out of the starting area, you can roll a level one of another race then have your main send that level one a renowned guild tabard: which will cost your main 250g but your level one on the other server can sell it for 62g50s, thus gaining some start-up funds.

Hope this helps.

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Re: Solid stables for trades - How to?

Post by Shikon01 » February 20th, 2014, 3:37 pm

Luciandk wrote:
Shikon01 wrote:I got a level one in Illidan and I couldn't send any cash from my main to it from Bonechewer to set up some actions so I was pissed last night. I thought we could on cross-realm so I'm at a lost says my toon doesn't exist rof !! Might as well not at this point. Prices for pets are fairly decent thought I would give it a go.
Think you misunderstood something. Crossrealm is only used for sending bind to account items between servers. Mainly heirlooms.
Thank you, Guess I'm just tired from work, but you're right which means I would have to transfer toon to bonechewer for transferring funds to main..oh well

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Re: Solid stables for trades - How to?

Post by Ishildur » February 20th, 2014, 4:39 pm

If you make an alt on a high pop server to sell your pets, leveling a couple of levels to have posting fee is really nice (as is the engineering suggestion). But also keep an eye out for any nearby Blingtron, his gift basket can be a nice little boost in that time before you can sell your first pet to let you get more posting money and even money for a netherweave bag or two to hold your sellables. I used to log in to my main first, drop a bling and so on, I stopped during my first 4 days on Illidan and managed to find a blingtron up on my Illidan guy instead, which helped a lot in getting started before I sold my first pet.

My biggest suggestion would be... take it easy. If you're selling pets on high pop servers it will take a while, best thing is to just post every day or two but don't worry too much about it. It's easy to burn out if you obsess too much. Just uncage your pets on your sell server(s) and keep having fun building/leveling your collection. So long as you keep at it money will happen. It's very much a marathon to complete (mostly) your collection through gold and the AH. You might get the occasional shortcut of a BMAH win, but for the most part there aren't shortcuts, you just need to wait and be patient.

Also don't blow all your money on something that looked cool and had a stable price rather than the one that's a great deal and volatile prices. I ended up paying 130k more in the long term because I really wanted a soul trader asap when I knew, I absolutely did know, that I should have gotten the cheaper 65k viscous horror instead. I knew they were going to go up in prices, I just... went with my heart rather than my cold unfeeling merchant instincts.

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Re: Solid stables for trades - How to?

Post by Shikon01 » February 21st, 2014, 2:05 pm

Thanks Ishidur, for giving me hope and keeping it in perpective :)

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Re: Solid stables for trades - How to?

Post by Graven » February 21st, 2014, 2:18 pm

Make a new toon on your server of choice, and you don't even need to do any quests. Just mail him a timeless armor piece (whatever you have spares of, cloth robes seem to be very common for me) and he can just vendor it for 5g and have plenty of cash for AH deposits.

If you don't have spare timeless pieces even a stack of pet bandages will give you 30-something silver, which is enough to list 30 pets on the AH. :)

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Re: Solid stables for trades - How to?

Post by Kpb321 » February 21st, 2014, 2:39 pm

The timeless armor is an option but if you can make an actual armor piece out if it sells for more granted 30g vs 5g really is meaningless when we are talking about trying to buy pets where a couple go for 100k+ and a fair number are 30k+.

A stack or two of bandages how ever is a great idea. I've always got extras of those so that is a good use.

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