by Lolfixheal » December 30th, 2013, 1:24 pm
While I'm still pretty new to PvP pet battles I gotta say theres no need for sudden death mechanics. And who here has autorithy to define what a stall team is? Every pet is different, personally I hate using all these flower pets because its just not my playstyle, but some people find good syngery and thats the idea. Synery and strategy wins many games. Its not the 3 pets on your screen thats able to stall, if anything it can only be the player behind the keyboard. Again, hate the game not the player.
Blizzard knows the problem, that some player deliberately push in their move at last 1-2 seconds at each round, thats a player who is stalling - regardless of his composition. Blizzard has allready cut down the time and put in some active speed-up decision making mechanic, I can't remember what exactly now hehe. In any aspect of the game, gaming experience can be severly reduced by 'fucking idiots, yolo kids, trolls, scammers and hackers', and its no exception in pet battles. Some people on this planet gets a kick off others misery and we can only implement so much failsafe against them because in the right of equality - they also pay for the game and have the right to play it within said EULA, TOS and what not.
If you, as a player, think some of the pets have too strong abilties, theres too much synergy in some strategies then you're always welcome to plea or write something up in the suggestion forum on the official site. We have all seen, though it comes rare, that Blizzard listens to uproar community and series of QQ threads. They do go in and fix where they believe its necessary. Murkalot+Kovok being last examples, Direhorns in the past.
You can also look witin. Do you have 5min to spare only and you're in a rush and you get frustrated because you meet a team like the discussed one?? Well, dont queue up then. Its the same with 5man, LFR and anything where YOU can't set the pace. "Are we there yet!" mentality lies with the source, not the opponent or your teamplayers. And as someone else was saying in the thread, you are always welcome to forfeit a battle before you really begin. Its a simple matter of detecting your opponents strategy and team synergy. I forfeit against others, had one guy forfeit against me yesterday when I was going 50/50 win ratio only. Perhaps he deemed his tactic less optimal than mine, fair and square - theres other players out there.
The most satisfying thing you probably could, would be finding the ultimate counter team. Then upon victory you will find that fuzzy feeling inside your stomach and you also force your opponent to think in new directions.