Your Luckiest Catch

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Re: Your Luckiest Catch

Post by Tatra » November 20th, 2012, 2:27 am

i was battling a rare in one of the pandarian areas cant remember which one, my 2 level 25';s were both dead and it left me with a level 20 rare moth. captured the rare than the moth proceeded to kick pet butts like it had something to prove and killed the other 2 level 25 pets with out so much loosing any life max 200 i was like wtf. so i healed the pets then headed over to another area and found another rare pet that i needed to upgrade with so first level 25 goes in and dies, second level 25 goes in captures the pet then dies to the next pet up, so here stands the MVP moth, it was almost like the other 2 pets were saying well we dont need to do our job mr mvp is here that's all that she needs to catch theses pets with so lets have cake and tea. the moth was saying step aside baddies mr baddas is here to do your job, and the moth downed both other pets. in both cases, neither of the left over pets were poor they were common, uncommon.

another lucky catch i think was in the ah someone put up an aqua strider for bid not a buy out and it was only 1300 gold so i bid for it then decided a few hours later to check back it was at 30 min and someone out bid me so i out bid them and waited for 30 min to try to do a bidding war. however they missed it or something and i nabbed an aqua strider for less than 1500 gold. which on my server its still going in the high 20k's

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Re: Your Luckiest Catch

Post by Bindibear » November 20th, 2012, 3:35 pm

My whelpling was pure luck. I happened to have just zoned in to one of my "parked a the spawn zone" toons and some random Dentarg DK said into General "Any Horde need a whelpling?" He was holding an uncommon so a Horde could get it.

I've gotten a few other lucky spawns (a minfernal just HAPPENED to be up while I was moving toons to camp the spot) but all regular good-luck. The Whelpling is the only one unusually "JUT THIS MOMENT" for me.

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Re: Your Luckiest Catch

Post by Riven » November 20th, 2012, 8:43 pm

Azaelia wrote:Not exactly a 'catch' but I got my Darkmoon Bunny off the auction house on a blunder for 90g, made my day :)
You just won the thread. ;D

I seem to remember getting my Hyacinth Macaw super cheap but that was during vanilla WoW. Still, I'm pretty sure it was a great deal when I got it.

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Re: Your Luckiest Catch

Post by Drrum » November 22nd, 2012, 1:05 am

Well this isn't exactly a lucky catch, but it certainly is unusual. While hunting rares in The Jade Forest today, I saw a tamable rabbit in the distance. It caught my eye because I didn't recall seeing rabbits in that zone before. When I moused over him, I saw he was a Leopard Tree Frog. Odd, so I decided to try to capture him. Turns out he was poor quality and turned into a frog during the battle. I caught him anyway, and when I checked my journal, he appeared as a bunny! He was a bunny in the wild, a frog in battle, a bunny in my journal, and summons as a frog. A very rare poor!

I also saw a Masked Tanuki a few hundred yards away that had apparently adopted some piglets. These adorable piglets think they're Masked Tanuki Pups, following their fuzzy mother around the forest.

Check out the screenshot:

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Re: Your Luckiest Catch

Post by Saa » November 22nd, 2012, 7:40 am

A rare Minfernal and three yes three rare Scourged Whelplings. The joys of have old 85s on a dead realm I guess.

Rarest mount would have to be Aeonaxx in deepholm. Casually leveling mining on my new monk when 'boom' there he is.

Eases the frustration of camping him for so many wasted hours during cata


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Re: Your Luckiest Catch

Post by Briqitta » November 23rd, 2012, 6:55 am

Drrum wrote: Check out the screenshot:
That would be a bug related to the Mage glyph, Crittermorph.

"When cast on critters, your polymorph spells now last 1 day and can be cast on multiple targets."

Sad to say, it'll probably go away :(

My own "lucky catches" are several Hyacinth Macaws on the AH for under 100g, Mojo, Phoenix Hatchling, and a few of the Argent Tournament pets for under 100g, Magical Crawdad for 23g, the kites for 5g, and a bunch of others.

Actually battling, though, a recent entry:
I was running my Tiller dailies and realized that I was tired of the poor frog I'd been using as backup so was attacking turtles along the shoreline where the Enormous Grouper swims. I end up getting into a battle with 2 rares, accidentally killed the first, then with 2 dead pets and one of those big mogu guys pathing painfully close to me ended up catching the second.

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Re: Your Luckiest Catch

Post by Axarien » November 24th, 2012, 7:42 pm

Riven wrote:
Azaelia wrote:Not exactly a 'catch' but I got my Darkmoon Bunny off the auction house on a blunder for 90g, made my day :)
You just won the thread. ;D

I seem to remember getting my Hyacinth Macaw super cheap but that was during vanilla WoW. Still, I'm pretty sure it was a great deal when I got it.
I got my Hyacinth Macaw for 25s back in the day. That was a good day.

Oh, and I seem to remember getting my Magical Crawdad from my first wish of my first Mr. Pinchy catch.

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Re: Your Luckiest Catch

Post by Gwenolyn » November 24th, 2012, 10:51 pm

Only Arctic Fox Kit I ever saw was rare. I was hunting a scourged whelp and thought I'd see if SP's was snowing. It was!! Tons of people there, so I figured, I just grab one if I can... Boom rare!! :)

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Re: Your Luckiest Catch

Post by Gwenolyn » November 25th, 2012, 12:32 am

Oh I just remembered Flayer Hatchling was the same. Only one I ever saw.. yay, Rare!!

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Re: Your Luckiest Catch

Post by Feathered » November 25th, 2012, 4:42 pm

Ive had a few "lucky" catches.

First run through MT I get my Phoenix Hatchling. Found 4-5 since trying to get the White Hawkstrider mount.

My Emerald Whelpling dropped for me after 6hrs of farming on the last kill for me when I was about to leave to let someone else farm for awhile (back before Cata). :)

My Sprite Darter Hatchling was sitting in my bags while I was questing in Feralas back when it wasn't a zone drop and I played horde. It wasn't until after I had learned it and showed it to a friend that I realized how rare and special it was. Thats when I really REALLY started collecting pets.

Last night I did my first fly by through Outland and found (first fight) a rare Fel Flame and a rare Sporeling Sprout.

For mounts, I got my Green Proto in 7 eggs back when they had a 7days hatch rate. Got my Black Drake on my first run through OS, my Headless Horseman mount first run ever and not really through luck, but through generosity of the wonderful guild I was in, I was carried through ICC 10man (on alt runs, back in Wrath) for my Sindy mount :)

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Re: Your Luckiest Catch

Post by Bithalver » November 26th, 2012, 3:24 am

Uncommon Scourged Whelpling (breed id 8), 90 minutes ago. I was camping the area since about two weeks, I have seen nothing; I got the idea from a guildmate to get up earlier (catch was at 7:47 local time. but at 7:33 area was empty).

This will be one of the first ones to receive a battle stone after 5.1.

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Re: Your Luckiest Catch

Post by Humbelle » November 26th, 2012, 12:29 pm

I'm not completely sure if this really counts, but I have a guildie who has been trying to get a Giraffe Calf for several weeks and has not found a single one.

I got a rare on the first trip through the Southern Barrens.

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Re: Your Luckiest Catch

Post by Safina » November 26th, 2012, 6:52 pm

I think my luckiest catch was the mini infernal. there was no one in the area at the time and none had spawned. I killed like 4 battle pets in the area and then I saw a mininfernal spawn. I grabbed it and it was a rare. First time seeing one and I thought I'd be there forever!

still after the silithid hatchling, the giraff calf, red scorpling (the skin). I go by zones so I can't go any further till I get these ><. I only capture rares too which is the thing that is keeping me behind.

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Re: Your Luckiest Catch

Post by Legolasgirl » November 27th, 2012, 1:15 am

I've had great luck with the pets I've gone for. Restless Shadeling rare first try. Mountain Cottontail my first rare was of the shiny skin variety. My first 2 Scarab Hatchling were a rare and uncommon of the 2 unique colors for this pet (the red and green skins). Both Nordrassil Wisp (which I haven't seen since my first catch) and Twilight Fiendling rare first or second try. Tiny Bog Beast rare on second try. Baby Ape rare on second try. Shrine Fly rare added on the first battle in the zone.
Still a couple pets a I need and a fair few I need to upgrade, but I feel I've gotten lucky where I really needed it :D

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Re: Your Luckiest Catch

Post by GormanGhaste » November 27th, 2012, 8:58 am

The one time I've been to the Wanderer's Festival, I caught a rare Hatchling!
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Re: Your Luckiest Catch

Post by NathKnave » November 27th, 2012, 10:09 pm

Me again with another non-pet story, sorry.

A couple weeks ago I tried my hand at killing Onyxia solo. I failed miserably as I'm too squishy as a rogue. This last week one of my friends came back to WoW after a couple years away. He used to go after Onyxia once a week at 85 (still trying to get Quel'Serrar), so he suggested we give it a go. My first kill since our guild used to do it regularly in Wrath and the mount drops! My friend didn't even roll on it since he tends to only go for mounts that go well with his paladin, and he said it was the perfect mount for a rogue.

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Re: Your Luckiest Catch

Post by Valinbar » November 28th, 2012, 4:28 am

:shock: Mr. Bigglesworth dropped from Kel'Thuzad when my fiance and I were running it. No idea if we were just crazy lucky or what, but no meta on either of us, yet I have the cat.

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Re: Your Luckiest Catch

Post by Amedeesse » December 1st, 2012, 4:16 pm

When the battle pets first live on AH I got 2 black tabbies for 10g each, an Elwynn lamb for 6g and several others super cheap. As for wild catches, after I hit 400 pets I figured I'd go move my druid from Storm Peaks to Dalaran for whatever reason. When I got there I saw two Arctic Fox Kits had spawned and it wasn't snowing. First one I caught was an uncommon, it totally made my night.

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Re: Your Luckiest Catch

Post by Wynn » December 1st, 2012, 5:30 pm

I got a rare [pet]Wanderer's Festival Hatchling[/pet] on my first night camping and my first fight. My heart was so pumping there was 30 people camping the beach.
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