Timeless isle and Pets
Well, I just made my first trip on decently geared fire mage ( Naos ). Are you kidding me ???
How in the hell do you people survive that place? Between the elites and allies its an ass stomping ground to me and I HATE it !! I got lucky and stumble across 3 chests while running for my life ( got 3 mage pieces ). I have no issue w/ pets I battle in wild, but as far as battling elites for drops I see purchases on AH more often than not in my future. I made some flasks to increase my survivability, but will need coins to purchase additional items to increase survivability and finish armor upgrades. I hope xpac isn't like this place 

Re: Timeless isle and Pets
For the rare elites, announce them so others join in. Makes it much easier. As for the isle in general, I've never had any trouble surviving per say. I just run around doing the dailies and grabbing chests until. There are some isle only buffs that really help though. some from items on the ground and some are drops or quest rewards. Those really make you more durable and attack stronger.
Carry Pet Experience Reference Guide:
Re: Timeless isle and Pets
I will try that because there were a lot of rare elites around yesterday and didn't see hardly any horde players ( this was during early morning btw ). Gonna try and get a print out where all the chests are at too. For some reason I agro mobs on me quite a bit.
Re: Timeless isle and Pets
a lot of 496 epics will drop, so if you already aren't geared, you will gear up quickly. Once you do that, the non-rare elites will get easier (well except for some of the tauren elites...some of those are much tougher). Some easy elites to kill if you are instant cast ranged are the crabs and the jademist dancers. For the crabs, just make sure to get out of the claw attack it does. The jademist dancers have a short range on their attacks, so while the attacks are deadly, if you kite them as you attack they can't hit you. On my pally I just judgement/exorcism them to death as I run around.
Edit: also the purple crystals in the cave have a chance to drop a reusable elixer (+500 stats...same as the one from the rare in VotFW). Pretty easy to get if you are patient and recheck as you do other stuff.
Edit: Also, burdens of eternity drop which well let you upgrade the epic tokens to even higher ilvl (535). You get one guaranteed in a chest...rest are pretty rare (unless you don't need any...then they drop like rain)
Edit: also the purple crystals in the cave have a chance to drop a reusable elixer (+500 stats...same as the one from the rare in VotFW). Pretty easy to get if you are patient and recheck as you do other stuff.
Edit: Also, burdens of eternity drop which well let you upgrade the epic tokens to even higher ilvl (535). You get one guaranteed in a chest...rest are pretty rare (unless you don't need any...then they drop like rain)
Carry Pet Experience Reference Guide:
Re: Timeless isle and Pets
There is a guaranteed Burden in a chest up where Ordos is but in small courtyard to the left. To get it requires either the Legendary cloak to jump the gap in the destroyed bridge or to purchase a stack of Gliders from the vendor for 1000 Timeless Coins and glide from the bridge off to the left side where there is a couple patches of grass to land on. once there you can either run and die, go get your body, run and die, repeat to get to the chest or you can take a couple Invisibility Potions. Another way is to touch the statue that pops you up into the air (spawns in the edge of the cliff before you turn onto the bridge) with the floating debuff it gives you, you can glide over to the chest. I have heard you can also fly out there and circle the island on a mount and then float down to it when your mount disappears if you have a levitate or feather fall.
Also, once a week you can hit the "o" key, click the raid tab. At the top of that is the "other raid" option and you can que up for a Celestial raid. Drops 535s and que time is usually only minutes.
Also, once a week you can hit the "o" key, click the raid tab. At the top of that is the "other raid" option and you can que up for a Celestial raid. Drops 535s and que time is usually only minutes.
Re: Timeless isle and Pets
Or ride one of the albatrosses for free (just takes a while).Envec wrote:To get it requires either the Legendary cloak to jump the gap in the destroyed bridge or to purchase a stack of Gliders from the vendor for 1000 Timeless Coins and glide from the bridge off to the left side where there is a couple patches of grass to land on.
Carry Pet Experience Reference Guide:
Re: Timeless isle and Pets
Well if the 496 isle gear is an upgrade then you aren't decently geared.
The isle came out at the end of tot beginning of soo.
The gear their was meant as catch up for Alts or late comers but if one was going along with the game tot gear would make someone 522 ilevel( and tot still had valor gear that was 522).
What does that mean the isle was made for 522 ilevel characters or higher to survive it.
Lower level should group up.
My two mains have no problem on the isle but they are both 565+ ilevel.
I can see it being problematic for lower levels.
The isle came out at the end of tot beginning of soo.
The gear their was meant as catch up for Alts or late comers but if one was going along with the game tot gear would make someone 522 ilevel( and tot still had valor gear that was 522).
What does that mean the isle was made for 522 ilevel characters or higher to survive it.
Lower level should group up.
My two mains have no problem on the isle but they are both 565+ ilevel.
I can see it being problematic for lower levels.
Re: Timeless isle and Pets
Rare elites are shared tag with ANY players, regardless of faction. So if you see anyone beating up on a rare elite, join in.Shikon01 wrote:I will try that because there were a lot of rare elites around yesterday and didn't see hardly any horde players ( this was during early morning btw ). Gonna try and get a print out where all the chests are at too. For some reason I agro mobs on me quite a bit.
TI is a cakewalk for geared toons and a pain for non-geared toons, it's simple as that. So my raid toon can solo about 98% of the stuff out there there (and people are now even soloing celestial bosses), but my alts will struggle a lot more even on a single mob. That said, even an undergeared toon (well, ranged have it far easier, I'll admit) can survive there, but you really need to play your class and use all your abilities - you cannot just stand still, stand bad things like smashes and fire, and forget to interrupt spellcasts. You need awareness on the level of... maybe heroic dungeons?
You can also ask in General to join a rep farm group or something, so that you'll have a few people to help you out. They'll only be interested in rep farming then but you can still get some tokens that way and maybe get a better idea of how the whole place works.
Re: Timeless isle and Pets
Yeah I kinda agree with this. It felt like TI was designed more for ToT gear level toons to get armor tokens to then send to their alts. That's what I did. I didn't make my alts earn any of their TI gear themselves. What little time the alts did spend out there, well, since I knew my way around already, I didn't have a problem getting in over my head.Digem wrote:The gear their was meant as catch up for Alts or late comers but if one was going along with the game tot gear would make someone 522 ilevel( and tot still had valor gear that was 522).
What does that mean the isle was made for 522 ilevel characters or higher to survive it.
I did send a level 85 out there, as did my spouse. That was fun. You definitely need a "bodyguard" to pull that off. Use the 85 as bait and the geared 90 to destroy everything it pulls.
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Re: Timeless isle and Pets
From your comments it sounds like you are on a PVP server and the TI is really bad for people who still need the gear from there on PVP servers. Especially if you are the lower pop side.
Re: Timeless isle and Pets
wowhead has the waypoints for all the chests listed in comments (cannot link to it yet). curse has tomtom and paste addons which will make your minimap hate you but will guide you to all the chests.
doing the quests on the island garner you 500-1000 coins per quest. celestial tournament is 1000 coins and a token. little tommy is 500 per day. take to the monkey in the middle cave (run by the tigers to the back of the cave) and buy keys to open chests. chests contain coins, gear, burdens of eternity, and a boxing monkey petling. keys are 500 coins each.
you can gear up with LFR. questing the panda zones should get you to rep reward qualification and/or LFR qualification. as you approach 500 for a gear score the timeless isle gets easier for your squishy self.
barring all this, bring a buddy that can heal.
doing the quests on the island garner you 500-1000 coins per quest. celestial tournament is 1000 coins and a token. little tommy is 500 per day. take to the monkey in the middle cave (run by the tigers to the back of the cave) and buy keys to open chests. chests contain coins, gear, burdens of eternity, and a boxing monkey petling. keys are 500 coins each.
you can gear up with LFR. questing the panda zones should get you to rep reward qualification and/or LFR qualification. as you approach 500 for a gear score the timeless isle gets easier for your squishy self.
barring all this, bring a buddy that can heal.
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Re: Timeless isle and Pets
My main is a mage too and when I first started out on the Isle all of the 496 gear was an upgrade for me and it was hard. The mobs have a huge aggro radius compared to normal mobs and they have high health pools. I would recommend going frost as the control with it makes your life so much easier there.
There are also 5 different buffs you can get, 3 consumables that you carry in your bags, 1 from fruit/items on the ground that you just click on and gives a 10min buff. And one you can get from the shrines around the ilse that can do one of 5 things, 4 are buffs (these 4 buffs are massive and you want to try and hunt one down before doing much on the isle) and one is a massive aoe explosion that will hurt mobs around you but do nothing but stun you for a few seconds.
I want to reiterate one more time that going frost will make your life so much easier there just for the control alone.
There are also 5 different buffs you can get, 3 consumables that you carry in your bags, 1 from fruit/items on the ground that you just click on and gives a 10min buff. And one you can get from the shrines around the ilse that can do one of 5 things, 4 are buffs (these 4 buffs are massive and you want to try and hunt one down before doing much on the isle) and one is a massive aoe explosion that will hurt mobs around you but do nothing but stun you for a few seconds.
I want to reiterate one more time that going frost will make your life so much easier there just for the control alone.
"Even when you are winning soundly, you must always give your opponent a way to retreat with honor. If you don't, then he has no reason to surrender. He will fight until the bitter end, and you will pay a larger price for victory."
Re: Timeless isle and Pets
use the Shrines, they boost you immediately, eat eggs and apples. if someone is killing something rare, get a spell in before it dies..
I spent my first fortnight dead !
I spent my first fortnight dead !

Re: Timeless isle and Pets
Thank you for all the input it really helped 

Re: Timeless isle and Pets
There are a ton of buff items on the island also, even on my main they make a huge difference. For instance, I think it is the crabs that drop a shell-item that greatly reduces your aggro range. There are 3 others for combat.. two are big damage increases and one does a huge heal randomly.
Re: Timeless isle and Pets
Something else to think about: all the epics that drop are BoA, so if you have alts you plan on bringing out later at 90, then ship those BoA tokens you don't need to them, then they will all eventually be geared to 496 before even hitting the isle. I've got 10 90's now all timeless isle geared or better, with the 489 weapons you can buy as well.
Carry Pet Experience Reference Guide:
Re: Timeless isle and Pets
That's good of you to do. However; my experience has been if someone announces a rare and I can't see it, then it will be dead by the time I get there. TI is a rough place.Jerebear wrote:For the rare elites, announce them so others join in. Makes it much easier.
Re: Timeless isle and Pets
If you have trouble with alliance (not just coin farmers) you can always find a buddy on a high population horde server to invite you to a group. Most of the loot off rares is individual so there really isn't any competition between party mems for it.
Re: Timeless isle and Pets
Yes, I am on a high pop pvp server so that is definitely a disadvantage. I love my fire spec ( been fire since I started wow in the stone age ), but looks like I may have to learn frost...what every mage in wow appears to be. I always enjoyed the challenge of fire spec even geared ones struggle compared to frost spec. Met a nice friendly at Guo- lia Halls last night and never would have survived as well w/o my new druid friend who was kind enough to show me around there and I had a great time. Since I'm the only one left in guild ( the originally group left for other games 2 yrs ago and I made my priest guild leader ) I have pretty much resigned myself to the fact I will have to go frost. I have a shadow priest that just hit 90 so I'm dreading what that experience may turn out to be lol !! I love shadow so will not compromise spec w/ her ( at least she can heal herself ). Right now I'm working on farming rep for the different factions so its definitely kept me on my toes. I don't usually do raids, ETC too much drama, and I am a causal player, but that being said to enjoy the game you gotta be able to survive the environment better than what I have. So I will march on, work on that gear and get in touch w/ my inner frost self and hopefully be able to send some gear to my other alts so they won't be as frustrating as this experience has been 

- Mykro9
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Re: Timeless isle and Pets
At lower gear levels, a group is almost a must on the Timeless Isle, especially on a PvP server. One advantage with frost, that is HUGE, is you have a pet that you can heal. I cheat on those damn snakes that do such massive almost unavoidable damage and that is to le the pet take it, and heal it, not you. Well at least as many as it can take before the pet dies. They are a PAIN to try and kite, at least for me on most classes, and to heal through is rough also. But, with even 1 other person to take some of the pain away, most mobs end up being a cake walk. and each kill gives a personal amount of coins, so grouping does not cut down on the number of coins you collect, just rolling on the BoA's. A lot of people like to farm the frogs, and with good enough buffs from all the mentioned TI only items, you can grind those pretty consistently. But some classes like some mobs better than others. Some can be kited, some cannot, some have avoidable damage, some do not, like the birds have a directed frontal cone attack that can be walked through, same as the tigers, but the tigers can gang up on you if you are not careful with your positioning. Then there are the worms and a lot of the other non-aggro creatures that are easier to farm , but the rewards are fewer. I would hop around and find a type of mob you are good at killing and do those, until you get the gear you want/need.
By the way, what are you after there? Just the 496 BoA's, or battle pets? The Celestial Tournament? Having a goal of what you want/need from there helps with how others can/might help you.
By the way, what are you after there? Just the 496 BoA's, or battle pets? The Celestial Tournament? Having a goal of what you want/need from there helps with how others can/might help you.