To the person running 3 freaking Sunflowers...

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Re: To the person running 3 freaking Sunflowers...

Post by Guest » May 14th, 2014, 10:55 am

Thanks! I'll have to resume attempts to farm some S/S Bonkers and get a couple flying stones for my two crows. Haven't been able to find any rare S/S crows.

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Re: To the person running 3 freaking Sunflowers...

Post by JEC » May 14th, 2014, 11:17 am

Jpchaos27 wrote:Does anyone have suggestions on good teams? I've tried 3 moths, which doesn't go very well. Blossoming Ancient, Magical Crawdad and Singing Sunflower, which got slammed. 3 Dragons, which did sorta ok against the crows. I'm not willing to spend money on a murkalot, so that's out.
I've got 6 wins out of God knows how many losses. Help?
You've got several pets that would work well together in various combinations - Unborn Valk'yr, Death Adder Hatchling, Crow, Curious Wolvar Pup, Lil' Blink, Darkmoon Tonk, Lil' Ragnaros, and Dread Hatchling could all provide several good combinations if leveled.

The best way I found to have success with PVP was to just watch what teams did against me. It also helps to know what the most commonly used pets do and try to anticipate both offensive and defensive moves. Just little stuff can also help, for example, if you use the Death Adder and use blind, follow it up with poison and wait a round for puncture wound. That way, if they pull back the blinded pet, you poison the next pet and then get the double hit from puncture wound.

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Re: To the person running 3 freaking Sunflowers...

Post by JEC » May 14th, 2014, 11:21 am

Jpchaos27 wrote:Thanks! I'll have to resume attempts to farm some S/S Bonkers and get a couple flying stones for my two crows. Haven't been able to find any rare S/S crows.
This will probably go against the grain, but I don't worry that much about breeds. Yeah, sometimes that little extra speed or power or health helps, but in the long run, PVP is so dependent on each individual match up and on the RNG, that you will still win a lot of matches with what would be considered sub-optimal breeds (as long as they have good basic moves used at the right times).

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Re: To the person running 3 freaking Sunflowers...

Post by Mwebly » May 14th, 2014, 2:04 pm

I would be more careful about breed, since for some pets it makes all the difference in the world. Some pet abilities are designed for speed, some for strength and some you just want health. The wrong breed often invalidates the value of the pet entirely.

You can win games with certain pets, depending on matchup strength, regardless of breed. But most of the time you will be battling against well-tuned teams with optimal breeds, and for those you will usually lose.

If breed does not matter to you then battle in the early evening and early in the week when lots of folks are doing the quest or attempting to grind wins for the pet. Late at night or later in the week you will see more veterans who are grinding to 5k wins or just love pet pvp (gasp!). Folks like that are not much fun to battle with sub-optimal teams.

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Re: To the person running 3 freaking Sunflowers...

Post by Digem » May 14th, 2014, 3:20 pm

JEC wrote:
Jpchaos27 wrote:Thanks! I'll have to resume attempts to farm some S/S Bonkers and get a couple flying stones for my two crows. Haven't been able to find any rare S/S crows.
This will probably go against the grain, but I don't worry that much about breeds. Yeah, sometimes that little extra speed or power or health helps, but in the long run, PVP is so dependent on each individual match up and on the RNG, that you will still win a lot of matches with what would be considered sub-optimal breeds (as long as they have good basic moves used at the right times).

I would completely disagree that comment that breed doesn't matter.
I would say for pvp breed is key not so much with pve though.
Certain moves totally depend on speed to get the maximum out of them and one doesn't get the maximum out of them it is the difference between losing and winning.
Anyone saying any different either hasn't noticed that is why they are losing or just aren't hardcore into pvp pet battling.
If one just wants the 250 wins and the direhorn pet yes you can struggle to those wins and not pay attention to breed or can pay attention to breed and seriously pvp pet battle.
In my opinion not paying attention to breed and telling others like wise is going into pet pvp with blinders on and going to make it much harder on oneself.

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Re: To the person running 3 freaking Sunflowers...

Post by JEC » May 14th, 2014, 3:31 pm

Digem wrote:
JEC wrote:
Jpchaos27 wrote:Thanks! I'll have to resume attempts to farm some S/S Bonkers and get a couple flying stones for my two crows. Haven't been able to find any rare S/S crows.
This will probably go against the grain, but I don't worry that much about breeds. Yeah, sometimes that little extra speed or power or health helps, but in the long run, PVP is so dependent on each individual match up and on the RNG, that you will still win a lot of matches with what would be considered sub-optimal breeds (as long as they have good basic moves used at the right times).

I would completely disagree that comment that breed doesn't matter.
I would say for pvp breed is key not so much with pve though.
Certain moves totally depend on speed to get the maximum out of them and one doesn't get the maximum out of them it is the difference between losing and winning.
Anyone saying any different either hasn't noticed that is why they are losing or just aren't hardcore into pvp pet battling.
If one just wants the 250 wins and the direhorn pet yes you can struggle to those wins and not pay attention to breed or can pay attention to breed and seriously pvp pet battle.
In my opinion not paying attention to breed and telling others like wise is going into pet pvp with blinders on and going to make it much harder on oneself.

I have close to 2000 wins and I don't even do battle on a regular basis. For me, blending pet abilities and strategy goes a lot further than breed minutia. But for those that enjoy theory-crafting, have fun with breeds and we can agree to disagree on how important they are.

I'd actually like to see a pet battle feature where three pets are randomly selected for you. Maybe let you set the abilities at the start.

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Re: To the person running 3 freaking Sunflowers...

Post by Hootstwo » May 14th, 2014, 5:07 pm

JEC wrote:

I have close to 2000 wins and I don't even do battle on a regular basis. For me, blending pet abilities and strategy goes a lot further than breed minutia. But for those that enjoy theory-crafting, have fun with breeds and we can agree to disagree on how important they are.

I'd actually like to see a pet battle feature where three pets are randomly selected for you. Maybe let you set the abilities at the start.
I think in some cases people fret about breed too much, but for others, breed is paramount. A clear example is the Death Adder Hatchling - SS is simply FAR superior to any other breed to the point that, there's really no point in the other breeds IMO.

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Re: To the person running 3 freaking Sunflowers...

Post by Kpb321 » May 14th, 2014, 5:14 pm

The breed really depends on the pet. For some pets it isn't a huge factor. For others it is critical. Using the Death Adder Hatchling as an example it really wants to be faster than it's opponent because if it isn't faster then you are loosing half the value of Blinding poison. If you are faster your opponent should loose two attacks. If you aren't faster they only loose one. That's a huge difference. In-fact blinding poison is almost pointless if you aren't faster. You spend one turn dealing no damage to force your opponent to not be able to deal damage for one turn. In and of itself that provides you no net benefit. Now if your opponent is poisoned or you use blinding poison to setup Puncture Wound it still provides you some benefit but no where near what spending one round to cost your opponent two does.

Same thing with a Qiraji Guardling or Flayer Youngling paired with the DAH. Your stall moves don't work unless your faster. Speed is probably the most common case where the breed is critical because of moves like this or moves that get bonus dmg or a bonus attack when you are faster/go first but not the only case.

For a murkalot/blackfuse bombling team you are definitely going to prefer a H/H bombling as the extra health is the only thing that is going to help your explode dmg. Any other breed is doing less dmg and getting no benefit from having the other stats.

For a crab or emerald whelping a p/p really is the best. Their shield absorbs more and they heal for more making them that much tougher. Now any crab or emerald whelping is still going to be a tough pets but the power breeds are clearly better.
Last edited by Kpb321 on May 14th, 2014, 5:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: To the person running 3 freaking Sunflowers...

Post by Tekulve2012 » May 14th, 2014, 5:16 pm

Anyone fretting over the s/s death adder should check the Verified pet pvp thread ... Monori has a team that generally nukes all beasts:

Murkalot/ (P/P ) Blackfuse bombling-with Armageddon and an s/s Bonkers breeds make a big difference

No Murkalot? ..just use a howl pet and be on the lookout for avoidance and stuns ..its just that Murkalot's R. Inspiration gives the Bombling speed and the power boost
Whoops KPB ..we posted at about the same time ..great minds

btw ..a p/p Blackfuse Bombling does 361x # of pets -unbuffed my experience it hits DAH for 1100-1600 dmg when brought in by R.Inspiration

the h/h does 296ish p/p is way better ..Armageddon is not like the 40% of hp attack like the DM Zepp.

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Re: To the person running 3 freaking Sunflowers...

Post by Kpb321 » May 14th, 2014, 5:26 pm

Your right. The bombling has both explode and Armageddon. For The Murkalot team you do indeed want the p/p for Armageddon. For an explode team on the other hand you want a h/h breed. Howl isn't nearly as good as RI tho because it will only buff the dmg on one of your opponents pets. Doesn't give you a free swap and doesn't give you a speed boost to go first to help with stuns or other things that can mess up the combo.

I don't have murkalot so I haven't actually run that team and the only place I use my bombling is on an explode team for BoF. =)

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Re: To the person running 3 freaking Sunflowers...

Post by Digem » May 14th, 2014, 6:04 pm


I would completely disagree that comment that breed doesn't matter.
I would say for pvp breed is key not so much with pve though.
Certain moves totally depend on speed to get the maximum out of them and one doesn't get the maximum out of them it is the difference between losing and winning.
Anyone saying any different either hasn't noticed that is why they are losing or just aren't hardcore into pvp pet battling.
If one just wants the 250 wins and the direhorn pet yes you can struggle to those wins and not pay attention to breed or can pay attention to breed and seriously pvp pet battle.
In my opinion not paying attention to breed and telling others like wise is going into pet pvp with blinders on and going to make it much harder on oneself.[/quote]

I have close to 2000 wins and I don't even do battle on a regular basis. For me, blending pet abilities and strategy goes a lot further than breed minutia. But for those that enjoy theory-crafting, have fun with breeds and we can agree to disagree on how important they are.

I'd actually like to see a pet battle feature where three pets are randomly selected for you. Maybe let you set the abilities at the start.[/quote]

so 3 random pets with random abilities yeah no duh breed don't matter.
but say I have a dragon and I use tail swap I want to be slower so here is a case not for speed.
or an undead pet you want to be slower so you get 2 undead turns. mr biggel has problems due to this.
but, if you are any type of battler you set up ones team and yes breed matters.
I can agrue back to you to use a non s/s say death addlers, flayer hatchling, or guardling pet and non s/s make them useless and love to battle people with them like this.

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Re: To the person running 3 freaking Sunflowers...

Post by Monori » May 15th, 2014, 4:14 pm

Wow, I never thought this thread would go this far lol...I was half way joking when I made it, I just had the pet battles forum up at the time and thought...what the heck!

At any rate, both sides are correct really...with some pets it doesnt matter too much with breed, but for my specific team, the breed is as important as the pet itself.

Hopefully, my posts have helped some people out, thats all I really want to do is help people if I can :)

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Re: To the person running 3 freaking Sunflowers...

Post by Kendrah » May 23rd, 2014, 12:27 pm

OK guys. How about this: a team of three unborn val's? This slaughter me. I could escape one of the curses, but then he'd haunt and a new one (without the CD) was brought in.

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Re: To the person running 3 freaking Sunflowers...

Post by Skavenged » May 24th, 2014, 9:11 am

I've seen the triple Valk team too. I usually just avoid him, but if I keep getting him repeatedly, I just use a valk of my own plus two rabbits. AOE teams are also effective

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Re: To the person running 3 freaking Sunflowers...

Post by Digem » May 24th, 2014, 10:56 am

Jpchaos27 wrote:Does anyone have suggestions on good teams? I've tried 3 moths, which doesn't go very well. Blossoming Ancient, Magical Crawdad and Singing Sunflower, which got slammed. 3 Dragons, which did sorta ok against the crows. I'm not willing to spend money on a murkalot, so that's out.
I've got 6 wins out of God knows how many losses. Help?

You are stacking your teams too much.
Three of anything can/will get stomped a lot.
You need the right match up with a stacked team or watch out it goes horribly wrong.

I'll give you one pretty balanced team to try out.
S/s death adler, unborn valk breed not that big of a deal b/b one gives you speed advantage over other valk unless they b/b then coin flip best if facing another valk to save haunt for other pet, Flayer hatchling s/s.

This team should win you a good amount of battles .
But, note a lot of winning in pet battles is besides knowing your own team know what the opponents can do so to not waste moves.
Wasted moves due to not knowing an opponent has dodges,shields, burrows etc.. Will cost one victories

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