
Arrange pet trades on US and Oceanic servers.
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Post by Guest » July 19th, 2014, 6:01 pm

Edit: Stepping back from trying to make trades here for a while.
Last edited by Guest on July 22nd, 2014, 10:55 pm, edited 8 times in total.


Re: 6 Pets Needed; New Info!

Post by Guest » July 21st, 2014, 7:12 am


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Re: 6 Pets Needed; New Info!

Post by Wardedman » July 21st, 2014, 7:31 am

It was not my intention to come off as a jerk Mr. F I was just noting that he had bumped the thread 3 times in two days. I was just trying to point out why he wasn't getting any bites. I also mentioned that the TCG pets are of value.
Last edited by Wardedman on July 21st, 2014, 12:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 6 Pets Needed; New Info!

Post by Faelar » July 21st, 2014, 12:00 pm

Wardedman wrote:Not to be rude but the problem here and the reason why you have to keep bumping is the pets you are offering aren't that great of a trade, all of them combined would still not even be close to a Crawling hand or Darkmoon Rabbit. On top of that the Pets you want are extremely hard and time consuming to get or cost real life money.

The TCG pets are more enticing but as a tentative trade make no sense because they are still not worth a Darkmoon Rabbit or Crawling hand (Except for EST). You are essentially trying to trade someone 1,000,000 pennies for 100,000 dollars.

Might want to update your trade list or add more things to it if want serious offers.
K first of all it is not your place to come into a trade thread and tell someone what they have is not worth X pet. 2nd of all the TCGS they have ARE worth quite a bit. Sand Scarab is 5-9k, EST is 27-45k, Gusting Grimoire is 5-9k, Nightsaber Cub is 9-12k, Landro's Lil' XT is 7-10k. Those are just average prices on those pets. So just on some of the averages we have a good 50k+ in value which is more than enough for ANY of those pets on their wanted list. Crawling Claw is 15k-25k, Darkmoon Rabbit is anywhere from 27-50k depending on breed, VH is down under 50k on many realms. Moonkin Hatchling is 10 bux on the blizz store, Gryphon Hatchling and Wind Rider Cub are both in stock and around 25-35 in value depending on the shipping costs.

So just to sum it up. They have plenty of trade value. It is not your place to call out value on pets and if you think you need to post in threads to do so, go do it on the WoW forums where it is fine to be a jerk.

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Re: 6 Pets Needed; New Info!

Post by Faelar » July 21st, 2014, 12:01 pm

Anyways add me at Faelar#1331, I have a Darkmoon Rabbit for trade and I'd be interested in the TCGs you have.

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Re: 6 Pets Needed; New Info!

Post by Ravnhawk » July 21st, 2014, 2:00 pm

I'm not sure what you needed but please feel free to hit me up and I'll try and help out as well. my btag is ravnhawk#1272

Go ahead and list your pets again everyone has a different value they place on their pets but don't let it deter you. You'll find someone to make those trades eventually.

Faeler I have come to find is honest in his trades and more then fair even if he does have more pets then I! LOL

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Re: 6 Pets Needed; New Info!

Post by Sibi » July 21st, 2014, 2:35 pm

The moderators of the forum will let you know when you've been bumping your thread too often by asking you to stop doing it as I've seen them do in the past. Until then don't worry about it.
Pet worth is in the eye of the trader. Some people simply don't want to spend time farming and will place higher value on things that others of us wouldn't.
Put your list back up and carry on.

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Re: 6 Pets Needed; New Info!

Post by Wardedman » July 21st, 2014, 3:20 pm

Please repost your trade list, I edited and changed my last post it was never ever my intention to be rude or say your pets weren't worthy. I was trying to give advice and it came off much much harsher and meaner than I ever intended. As Sibi stated everyone values pets differently and maybe I let that get the better of me. Sincerest apologize my friend to take the wind out of your sails.

As a sign of apology I have an Elemental battle stone I can use on your Spirit of Summer. I am on Area 52 Horde if you have a char there.

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Re: 6 Pets Needed; New Info!

Post by Wakamaru » July 21st, 2014, 7:38 pm

Thanks to everyone who spoke up here! Ablehazard is a great person and I have done several fantastic trades with them in the past and we've since become great friends!

Seems like any time a post needs to start with "not to be rude" or "no offense but", well... they come off as being rude or offensive. Best to sometimes take a step back, re-read, and rethink a better way to post the message to where it doesn't need a disclaimer to introduce it.

You should repost your list Able, just because one person doesn't approve doesn't mean that you won't find others who aren't interested. Pet value is all in the eye of trader, we won't all agree on the different variables. Different strokes for different folks right?

Lastly, I've traded w/ Faelar more time than I can count with smaller and higher end trade - for both myself and for pets for Ladorna. Have nothing but good things to say about those trades! :)

Repost and trade-on my pet-crazy friend!

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Re: 6 Pets Needed; New Info!

Post by Faelar » July 21st, 2014, 11:32 pm

And no worries Wardedman, sometimes people are really rude on the forums and sometimes it is an honest mistake, no harm no foul :) And please Able, post your thread again, you have some very good trade items and I'd really like to work a trade with my rabbit for ur stuff!


Re: 6 Pets Needed; New Info!

Post by Guest » July 22nd, 2014, 12:18 am

Plus if I was not rude to you then of course the trade is not that bad lol haha yes folks I w ill be here all night


Re: 6 Pets Needed; New Info!

Post by Guest » July 22nd, 2014, 8:27 am

I appreciate all the responses. I'm not holding any grudges, just needed some time to process what happened. I sent a btag request to you Faelar. I may step back from pet trading for a while even now; I'm not sure. A good friend thinks I'll regret trading my TCGs in the future and while I don't agree currently, he might have a point. I'm trying to decide which pets I want more and if I want to wait another potential 4 years for these last few that keep escaping me.

Thanks all.

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Re: 6 Pets Needed; New Info!

Post by Wardedman » July 22nd, 2014, 11:09 am

Aveia has a good point people will go ape poop for the new pets. I know when new cosmetic glyphs came out in 5.4 I was selling water elemental one for 15k a pop and people were gladly paying (sold 10 in first week) by week 2 it was hard to sell them for 2k.

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Re: 6 Pets Needed; New Info!

Post by Faelar » July 22nd, 2014, 12:08 pm

*nods at Ablehazard* I mean I would advise to try and build the collection only through trading pets you can live without. If you really want to have 1 of each pet for collection purposes it can be really tough to part with even small TCG pets. Even those are eventually going to start going up in price as the game gets older and the card game is done for good. Unless Blizz brings them back in some other fashion Nightsaber cubs and the Landro's and stuff will just be more sought after. Though on the flip side some pets like darkmoon rabbit while still obtainable are still rare as crap because they are cross-realm Faires now and the rabbit only spawns at set points and even THEN only 1 person gets the dang thing.

But we can talk trade later today if we're both on and go from there, if you decide you'd rather hold on to your TCG pets that is okay too, does not hurt to talk shop and see what happens :)

And yes, the best thing for getting a jump on pets is knowing what upcoming new pets will be harder to get and jumping on those to quickly turn around for nice profits and better trades. I mean the timeless isle pets made me a small fortune because of the NEW factor and I was plenty patient on getting my own of each one.

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