Rhum....a lot of duplicates, NP!
Mountain Panda, Sandy Petrel, Robo-chick, Spiny Lizard

****NEXT POSTER***** 2 for me please

All done!Rhum wrote:Hermy
You seem to take on a few at a time, so I'll ask you to get to work on [pet]Winterspring Cub[/pet], [pet]Zao, Calfling of Niuzao[/pet], and [pet]Yellow Moth[/pet].
Naija, your [pet]Baby Blizzard Bear[/pet] is tired of being a baby and wants to grow up to level 25!
Three new cuties to Level 25? Done!Merana wrote:Hi Hermy!
You've got so many cute pets that are still so low level too, the poor things! Give the following the opportunty to be badass and not just cute:
Cheetah Cub
Droplet of Y'shaarj
Spectral Tiger Cub
Aveia wrote: Petemax, hrm...
I see you have some favorite whelplings that aren't 25! How about picking 2 of your 3 whelplings (crimson whelpling, azure whelpling, dark whelpling)
Wow, not only leveling but I also have to get all of them to rare...OK challenge accepted!!! (used stones on the 2 non-wild pets and farmed up the rare Dusk Spiderling already...leveling them all soon!)Pyrephoenix wrote:Done. Hmm... How's about your Elwynn Lamb, Dusk Spiderling, and Curious Oracle Hatchling?Petemax7 wrote:Pyrephoenix, How about that poor lil level 1 Lil' Bad Wolf??? Make him bigger!
Lemme have "a bunch", someone. : D