Addon Rematch

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Gello » September 18th, 2014, 5:29 am

The setting causing that behavior is "Always show or load" under Targeting Options. It shouldn't (it hasn't for me so far), but it is for you somehow.

The root cause is that something is setting pets or abilities when a team loads, or the team is failing to load.

I've made a very minor tweak to ignore pets and abilities changing when the rematch window isn't up. It's in 3.0.12 posted at wowinterface and curse. Let me know if that fixes the problem. The downside is that the setting won't help if other addons play around with pets/abilities while rematch isn't up.

If that doesn't fix the problem:

1) When you enter a battle with a tamer, can you bring up the window and make sure the name of the team loaded is in the titlebar? After a team loads the titlebar should say the name of the team. If it says "Current Battle Pets", it will prompt, always.

2) If the titlebar has the correct team name, can you paste this into chat:

Code: Select all

/run RematchDebugAutoAlways = true
Then try to repeat the error (without manually changing any pets or abilities if you can help it). At some point it will trigger the debug code enabled by the above line and it will display a big editbox in the middle of the screen with lua debugstack you can copy and paste here. To stop that behavior you can /reload or /run RematchDebugAutoAlways = nil.

Of course turning off the Always show or load option would stop the behavior also if you get tired of messing with it.


Oh btw, how attached are you guys to the contents of your leveling queue on patch day?

There's some code to convert petIDs to the new format when you log in on patch day (6.0 prepatch), but there's no guarantee that petIDs will be remotely the same when everyone is upgraded to 6.0. Unfortunately this isn't something that can be tested on the beta or PTR client.

The upshot is that while leveling queues may smoothly make a transition to 6.0, it's possible that everyone's queue will empty on patch day (and then continue working normally from then on).

Is this a serious issue for anyone?

(This won't affect teams. Rematch has a very robust system for "recapturing" pets that change petIDs within teams.)

Also btw, I've done a lot more testing and it appears that emptying pet slots is not something that can be done in 6.0/WoD. I'll keep the code to support empty slots for a while in case they enable it again. But if your playstyle depends on having empty slots, you have about a month left of that behavior.

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Jerebear » September 18th, 2014, 8:43 pm

I updated to 3.0.12. The first two tamers didn't pop it up. On the Thundering, two different things occurred. I don't know if either related but:

1. On thundering spirit, only my carry pet was alive at the end of battle.
2. Since the first two didn't cause anything, prior to getting to the tamer, I enabled auto rotate on the queue and a new pet rotated in after the fight finished.

I might do so more testing tonight to see if I can isolate what causes it.

EDIT: Did Aki with auto rotate on, and the popup occurred. After that I did farmer Nishi without auto rotate and I killed off both of my non carry pop up. So far it is looking like the auto rotate triggers it. I'll keep testing it out.
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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Jerebear » September 18th, 2014, 9:16 pm

Here is some debug output:
Interface\AddOns\Rematch\current.lua:160: in function <Interface\AddOns\Rematch\current.lua:139>
[C]: in function `SetPetLoadOutInfo'
Interface\AddOns\Rematch\common.lua:526: in function `LoadPetSlot'
Interface\AddOns\Rematch\leveling.lua:386: in function `SetCurrentLevelingPet'
Interface\AddOns\Rematch\leveling.lua:558: in function `ProcessQueue'
Interface\AddOns\Rematch\leveling.lua:43: in function `?'
Interface\AddOns\Rematch\common.lua:81: in function `OnEvent'
[string "*:OnEvent"]:1: in function <[string "*:OnEvent"]:1>

loadedTeam:Courageous Yon
Interface\AddOns\Rematch\current.lua:160: in function <Interface\AddOns\Rematch\current.lua:139>
[C]: in function `SetPetLoadOutInfo'
Interface\AddOns\Rematch\common.lua:526: in function `LoadPetSlot'
Interface\AddOns\Rematch\leveling.lua:386: in function `SetCurrentLevelingPet'
Interface\AddOns\Rematch\leveling.lua:558: in function `ProcessQueue'
Interface\AddOns\Rematch\leveling.lua:43: in function `?'
Interface\AddOns\Rematch\common.lua:81: in function `OnEvent'
[string "*:OnEvent"]:1: in function <[string "*:OnEvent"]:1>

loadedTeam:Burning Pandaren Spirit
Definitely repeatable using auto rotate.

On the other topics:
1. Levelling queue possible clear: I'm ok with that. the queue is easy to fill up again.
2. Empty slot: This doesn't bother me as long as if it needs to fill a spot on the team it doesn't shift around pets like it used to. If it can keep the team spots and put some random pet in the place where the empty slot was, it won't be a bother at all.
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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Gello » September 19th, 2014, 12:33 am

The shifting around is long gone. If there's an empty slot it will just ignore it and whatever pet was in the slot will remain there).

I'll try testing with auto rotate this weekend too. Do you see this exclusively with low level pets? Or does it happen with higher level pets too?

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Jerebear » September 19th, 2014, 7:10 pm

High and low level. I did all the pandaria tamers last night since I had half an hour to mess around. Every auto rotate attempt regardless of the pet level caused it to pop. In every try a new pet was loaded from the queue.
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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Gello » September 20th, 2014, 10:20 pm

I'm 99.99% sure it's fixed now for all cases in the update posted tonight (3.0.13).

Thanks Jere for your help narrowing it down!

The specific issue is how 'Always show or load' works. When any pet or ability changed, it forced itself to forget what team is currently loaded so that any new interaction with the target would sense that a team needed loaded, and since you had interacted with them last it would offer a prompt instead of doing an outright load. Naturally, auto rotate or pets leveling would cause pets to change. Making it forget the interaction would do the outright load all the time (when a prompt would be preferred). So now before "forgetting" the team currently loaded, it will check to make sure static pets (non-leveling, non-empty/missing pets) aren't actually all in their proper place.

Anyway, someone on curse suggested a Reload button on the main window. And while doing all of the above it dawned on me a Reload button may work better than an 'Always show or load' option for reverting back to a saved team.

So I added that but...they're mutually exclusive. If you change any pets or abilities while 'Always show or load' is enabled, it can't reload back to what it was. I've got on my notes to make them work together in the future. Probably for 3.1 after I rip out all of the MoP thunking and do the more substantial changes that have been waiting.

Thanks again!

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Jerebear » September 21st, 2014, 9:06 am

Thanks! I'll check it out later today after I get back from taking my wife to town.

On a side note, I noticed that the Beta version was no longer saving team names as white. They come out as yellow. I would target a daily pet, click save, get the prompt, save it, but on my list the team name was yellow. This was with both 3.0.9 and 3.0.12 on Beta. Probably something minor after all the pet ID updates.
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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Jerebear » September 21st, 2014, 3:56 pm

Updating to rev 13 on Beta seemed to fix the team name white/yellow issue.

On live, it seems like 13 solved the issue. I did all the pandaria tamers today with only one time where it occurred. However, I had just recently updated the team for that tamer prior to battling, so I am guessing Rematch was still comparing to the old team. On the rest of the tamers, the auto-rotate didn't cause a team pop up. I am willing to bet since I have logged out and back in that tomorrow the one tamer I saw it happen at won't occur again.
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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Helbrecht » September 28th, 2014, 1:10 pm

I'm really enjoying using Rematch, but I do have one problem. Rematch won't show icons for custom team groups; it allows me to select an icon on the group edit screen, but once I click ok the icon is just blank. The default General team icon is visible, but none of my custom group icons are. Do you have any idea what's going on with that?

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Jerebear » September 28th, 2014, 1:32 pm

This might sound silly, but did you make sure to click the Check Box instead of the X? I did that a couple of times by mistake in the past. I just tried it on Rev 3.0.13 and was able to make new teams easily.
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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Helbrecht » September 28th, 2014, 8:26 pm

Yup, I'm clicking the green check. I just re-downloaded the newest version (3.0.13) and I'm still having the same problem. Mysterious.

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Voskres » September 29th, 2014, 8:24 am

Mine did not load my teams this morning; they are completely gone.

First time I have had the prob. I do have the latest .14

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Jerebear » September 29th, 2014, 6:16 pm

Helbrecht wrote:Yup, I'm clicking the green check. I just re-downloaded the newest version (3.0.13) and I'm still having the same problem. Mysterious.
Maybe your cache is corrupted. You might have to get specifically with Gello to figure that one out. This isn't an official thread, so he may not check it as often. If you are up for it, hit him up on either Curse or Wowinterface and see if he sees the report there.
Voskres wrote:Mine did not load my teams this morning; they are completely gone.

First time I have had the prob. I do have the latest .14
Version 14 had a fix for when a team fails to load. Try reverting to 13. The teams are stored in cache, so most likely they are still there.

EDIT: I just upgraded to 14 with no issue. Gello will probably have to track it down.Can you check and see if you see your teams in your saved variables file?
It'll be something like
C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\AccountName\SavedVariables

You can open it in notepad or wordpad (I forget which one handles the line breaks better).

Hopefully Gello has some insight on both these issues.
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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Voskres » September 30th, 2014, 12:40 pm

I had tried everything including rolling it back and using the file from my beta folder, which is just a cut/paste. There were no teams listed, it dumped them all.

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Voskres » September 30th, 2014, 12:50 pm

It did it AGAIN today. I completely recreated all my master teams and it dumped them. I am beyond not happy at this point. The whole reason I got this was because PBT was dumping my teams and now this one is too.

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Gello » September 30th, 2014, 4:59 pm

Are you Mikeypup on curse?

It sounds like the savedvariables are not saving. Do you have other addons that save stuff. If so, is their saved stuff also reverting?

I'm afraid whatever is causing both PBT and Rematch's teams to disappear will happen with whatever addon is ever created unless the root problem is found. :(

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Gello » September 30th, 2014, 5:03 pm

Helbrecht wrote:Yup, I'm clicking the green check. I just re-downloaded the newest version (3.0.13) and I'm still having the same problem. Mysterious.
The icon handling did change slightly to accommodate changes coming with the 6.0 patch. I'll give it another look.

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Jerebear » September 30th, 2014, 6:23 pm

Voskres wrote:It did it AGAIN today. I completely recreated all my master teams and it dumped them. I am beyond not happy at this point. The whole reason I got this was because PBT was dumping my teams and now this one is too.
Do you use the Curse client out of curiosity? At one point, it used to do that to me back in the old days. It would clear out files on addons it had trouble updating. That was years ago though. I would expect they fixed that by now.
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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Voskres » September 30th, 2014, 9:46 pm

Gello wrote:Are you Mikeypup on curse?

It sounds like the savedvariables are not saving. Do you have other addons that save stuff. If so, is their saved stuff also reverting?

I'm afraid whatever is causing both PBT and Rematch's teams to disappear will happen with whatever addon is ever created unless the root problem is found. :(

Are you saying you think this is a me thing or a Blizz thing?

Yes, I do use curse but I exit out of it completely once I see if there are any updates.

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Gello » September 30th, 2014, 10:20 pm

Are your other addons able to save stuff? Maybe it's intermittent. Do your other addons occasionally lose their saved stuff?

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