LF Bananas, Rocket Chicken and Hippogryph

Arrange pet trades on EU servers.
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LF Bananas, Rocket Chicken and Hippogryph

Post by Amethice » August 16th, 2014, 10:43 am

Hello all. =)

Only missing three reasonably obtainable pets now... could YOU be able to help me find any of them?

The ones I'm missing are, as the title suggests:
[pet]Hippogryph Hatchling[/pet]
[pet]Rocket Chicken[/pet]

What am I willing to trade? Well, mostly anything I can... I have over 80 various pet stones (rare, not uncommon) of various families, so if you need a pet upgrade, I can help.
If you have too many pets to level, I'm willing to assist with that.
I also have some pets to offer in trade, at least partial - stuff like Darkmoon Eye and Rabbit, Gahz'rooki, any of the RWL pets, Bling, Moon Moon, Tiny Green Carp, and so forth.

I also have a reasonable chunk of gold stashed away as a final option, but mostly on Horde-Moonglade.

I also don't expect any of the above to be enough for a 1:1 trade. So feel free to hit me up. =)

Add me on battletag or respond here. I'll be waiting. =)

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Joined:November 13th, 2012
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Realm:Argent Dawn-eu

Re: LF Bananas, Rocket Chicken and Hippogryph

Post by Amethice » October 10th, 2014, 1:41 pm

Just a quick poke for this, especially since I now even have a spare Darkmoon bunny for trade, on top of everything mentioned above. =)

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