Using Farmer Nishi to level

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Using Farmer Nishi to level

Post by Chetok » December 3rd, 2012, 6:05 pm

How do you do it?

I'm not sure if it's just a bug, but I can't abandon my completed daily to fight her again.

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Re: Using Farmer Nishi to level

Post by Zaelo » December 3rd, 2012, 10:13 pm

what pet or what two pets do you use to beat her?
she seems popular but for some reason she gives me a bit of a hard time..

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Re: Using Farmer Nishi to level

Post by Soulean » December 3rd, 2012, 10:39 pm

scourged whelpling/magical crawdad combo can kill almost all of the pandaren tamers but obviously thats at least one very hard to get pet especially considering whelpling should be rare if you are battling with it.

Some other easier options to get I use when those 2 don't cut it for me
-Nordrassil wisp ( get the highest speed one you can find and light/soul ward will piss off just about anyone )
-Celestial Dragon
any pet with lightning storm can be a rather amazing combo with any other pets that deal damage with more then one hit or DoTs. Wild gold/jade hatchlings are good lightning users and clockwork gnome is ridiculous number of attacks per round once it gets going.

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Re: Using Farmer Nishi to level

Post by Zaelo » December 3rd, 2012, 10:56 pm

Oops, I was thinking of Aki the Chosen, my bad!
Yes Farmer Nishi is much easier :D

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Re: Using Farmer Nishi to level

Post by Chetok » December 3rd, 2012, 11:25 pm

Ah yes, my game was bugged out. When I relogged it let me drop the quest. That's 3 stinking bug reports I've submitted just today. :evil:

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Re: Using Farmer Nishi to level

Post by Ryazan » December 4th, 2012, 12:20 am

If you get the bug that abandoning quest works only after a relog, try deleting your questcache.wdb from your Cache\WDB\<your game language>\-directory. This fixed the problem for me.
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Re: Using Farmer Nishi to level

Post by Rosetta » December 4th, 2012, 1:53 am

Water Skimmer with at least 305 speed can solo all 3 of Nishi's pets. Thats with having your low level take the first hit too.

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Re: Using Farmer Nishi to level

Post by Ryazan » December 4th, 2012, 3:52 am

Rosetta wrote:Water Skimmer with at least 305 speed can solo all 3 of Nishi's pets. Thats with having your low level take the first hit too.
This, and a mechanical pet with Explode is a nice backup.
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Re: Using Farmer Nishi to level

Post by Wynn » December 4th, 2012, 8:27 am

It goes really poorly if Explode misses I just learn that the hard way :(
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Re: Using Farmer Nishi to level

Post by Maliander » December 4th, 2012, 10:38 am

A lot less pet-intensive is to boost 2 low levels at the same time and use a single high level pet that can solo all opponents. I use a breed 4 rare level 25 [url=]Emperor Crab[/url] with Surge, Renewing Mists and Whirlpool, but any aquatic pet with a heal and burst will do.
Let the first low level take a hit, switch in the second, switch in the high level and just finish with him. His remaining health should be enough to continuously battle Nishi thanks to the low damage output and Sunny Day of his sunflower.

You'll loose 33% XP compared to a fight with all boosting pets dead, but no time is lost letting them die or ressing your team and only a single high level pet is needed for the boosting.

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Re: Using Farmer Nishi to level

Post by Bithalver » December 4th, 2012, 3:46 pm

Pacer wrote:The strategy that I use is to start by hitting once with the low level pet then switching to the water pet who will kill the trainers first two pets. Once they are dead I usually use pump on the last pet and then let my water pet die. Last I make sure that the trainers pet is on sub 700 hp and is not about to use burrow or consume (if he is about to cast consume he needs to be on arround 450 hp). When the time is right I use explode so my mechanical pet dies and the low level pet gets full xp.
This is exactly the method I use; sometimes I had to pass not to let the water pet kill the beast. What I can add: instead of a mechanical, you can use a Minfernal (I know, I know, it is harder obtainable); along the 3 mechanical you listed the Minfernal has the Explode skill. So, if you can add one more good aquatic pet, you can have a 4th variation as well :D .

In about 100 of these battles with Farmer Nishi, I have seen only one occasion when Explode missed; thankfully the small pet was lvl22 and could kill the beast with small remaining HP by himself.

Swapping the teams is, I have to say, a very smart idea. :idea:

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Re: Using Farmer Nishi to level

Post by Zaelo » December 4th, 2012, 11:00 pm

Ryazan wrote:If you get the bug that abandoning quest works only after a relog, try deleting your questcache.wdb from your Cache\WDB\<your game language>\-directory. This fixed the problem for me.
Just happened to me, and that totally worked, thanks! :D

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Re: Using Farmer Nishi to level

Post by Renmiri » December 4th, 2012, 11:49 pm

Maliander wrote:A lot less pet-intensive is to boost 2 low levels at the same time and use a single high level pet that can solo all opponents. I use a breed 4 rare level 25 [url=]Emperor Crab[/url] with Surge, Renewing Mists and Whirlpool, but any aquatic pet with a heal and burst will do.
I love my strong Emperor Crab :lol:

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Re: Using Farmer Nishi to level

Post by Saa » December 5th, 2012, 2:40 am

Any 2 pets you want to level
Rare Mirror Strider named Hose Beast
1 turn each for the low levels
BOOM the pandarens team to oblivion with the Hose Beast
Enjoy delicious xp

I should add that I make sure the low levels are at least level 5 or Sunlight and a tick of the turnips dot can kill them before the battle ends


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Re: Using Farmer Nishi to level

Post by Bothari » December 5th, 2012, 3:37 pm

I find [pet]Wanderer's Festival Hatchling[/pet] is great for soloing Nishi's team, with both Pump as a nuke and Perk Up to heal.

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Re: Using Farmer Nishi to level

Post by Jrshoe » December 5th, 2012, 6:08 pm

Zaelo wrote:what pet or what two pets do you use to beat her?
she seems popular but for some reason she gives me a bit of a hard time..
I use Darkmoon Turtle and he can easily solo both elementals. If you use a turtle, use the moveset of Grasp/Healing Wave/Headbutt. He usually has plenty of health remaining to get her third pet, her grub, down low for my lower level pet to be able to finish it off solo (if that pet is between 19-24).

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Re: Using Farmer Nishi to level

Post by Sesamee » December 5th, 2012, 8:22 pm

Bithalver wrote:
Pacer wrote:The strategy that I use is to start by hitting once with the low level pet then switching to the water pet who will kill the trainers first two pets. Once they are dead I usually use pump on the last pet and then let my water pet die. Last I make sure that the trainers pet is on sub 700 hp and is not about to use burrow or consume (if he is about to cast consume he needs to be on arround 450 hp). When the time is right I use explode so my mechanical pet dies and the low level pet gets full xp.
This is exactly the method I use; sometimes I had to pass not to let the water pet kill the beast. What I can add: instead of a mechanical, you can use a Minfernal (I know, I know, it is harder obtainable); along the 3 mechanical you listed the Minfernal has the Explode skill. So, if you can add one more good aquatic pet, you can have a 4th variation as well :D .

In about 100 of these battles with Farmer Nishi, I have seen only one occasion when Explode missed; thankfully the small pet was lvl22 and could kill the beast with small remaining HP by himself.

Swapping the teams is, I have to say, a very smart idea. :idea:

Please vorfige me for rgammar miskates; ingiliz not is ym tanive ganluage.
This is what I do as well. The burrow is always the second move the worm makes and it's on a 4 round cd so he always uses it on the fifth round. If he burrows on round 14 he will burrow again on round 19 etc etc. Just pay attention to this so you don't explode at the wrong time.

Occasionally the worm will dodge the Explode. If the lowbie pet is high enough sometimes hey can finish off the worm otherwise it's a loss. It's rare but sucks when it happens. Out of the hundreds of fights on done on Nishi only once have I had my Zepplin dodge it's own Explode. I was like, WTH?? lol

Im in the process of lvl'ing up another strider, my Mechanical Dragon, and my rare Minfernal so I can power level 3 pets at once, no rezing or bandages needed! Although they must've increased the bandage drop rate because before I was always lacking them now I'm swimming in them! I have enough that I can be lazy sometimes and use a bandage instead of taking 30 seconds to fly to Halfhill! :lol:

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