Beast_mast0r wrote:Is there, at the moment, a team(s) with such incredibly good synergy/affinity/game dynamics as the one I used to play with?
If you mean synergy, then maybe; but if you mean power level, then no. Feign Death was rather silly at 5 round cd, and many control abilities from back then have had their cooldowns increased (Feign, Decoy, Death Grip, Sweep/Nether Gate), and they've also added Resilience to counteract chain-CC. You can't make a team any more that can control the opponent as much or as often as your old one.
If you want to play around with some control pets, there's quite a few good ones despite the relatively lower power level. SS Fiendish Imp, Chi-Chi, SS Bronze Whelpling, maybe a Blizzard team with some combo of Kun-Lai Runt/Rotten Little Helper/Tiny Snowman, maybe Mr. Bigglesworth, and Minefield goes well in this sort of team (e.g. Warbot). If you like unpredictable control abilities then Direhorns and Lil Ragnaros can be pretty strong (and annoying), along with Frog Kiss and Sleeping Gas pets. But you absolutely will not be able to make your opponent helpless for multiple turns at a time any more, which makes it harder to get by with a pure control team--most teams give up on all-out control for some damage.
*edit* If you want the du jour 'synergy' team, it's a Cyclone pet (Blighthawk usually) plus Jademist Dancer (for Raindance), plus a sweeper. In general, 2 AoE pets plus a sweeper is very strong right now (Fossilized Hatchling, PP Blackfuse Bombling, Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling, etc for AoE pets; SS Bronze Whelpling or a moth or whatever for the sweeper).