Minimum requirements for a trainer camping toon

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Minimum requirements for a trainer camping toon

Post by Beave » November 11th, 2014, 10:27 am

I'm sure many people here have this info down pat, and my googling isn't returning a solid result.

If I want to create a bunch of alts to camp at various daily trainers, what are the minimum requirements for them to be able to actually interact with the trainer? I've seen many people mention here before that they camp alts at the daily trainers, and it sounds like a great idea. Is there are minimum level requirement for the alt? Do I need to visit the initial trainer in Stormwind or Org where you purchase your first pet and battle pet training skill initially?

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Re: Minimum requirements for a trainer camping toon

Post by Moppet » November 11th, 2014, 11:09 am

There's no requirement, you just need to be able to get your alt carried to the trainer (summons or 2 seater mount)

All of the trainers in Pandaria are in relatively safe areas with no mobs nearby that will aggro.

Aki the Chosen in the Vale has a mailbox nearby, and also the aquatic wild pets by her are good for grinding levels
Mo'ruk in Krasarang is close to Angler's Wharf with a mailbox/innkeeper.
Wastewalker Shu in Dreadwastes is by the Klaxxi hub with a stable master/mailbox

Argent Tourny trainer has a mailbox and a stable master for healing.
The trainer by Kara has mobs around that will aggro... you might want to pick a higher lvl alt for this one

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Re: Minimum requirements for a trainer camping toon

Post by Abashera » November 11th, 2014, 12:02 pm

Im not sure if all places are safe to park a low level alt.

Last year I tried to help a low level friend do the holiday elder questline. I didn't have a two person mount at the time, so I just "protected" him along the way. Enemy NPCs seemed like they were coming out of the woodwork! It was like they could smell him or something, and they would run from 60 yards away just to kill him (although it seemed like they were coming from half a mile away). Because they would one-shot him, and his rez. timer was getting long, we finally gave up.

I can think of several places where hostile NPCs are rather close to the trainer, such as Deadwind Pass, and Farmer Nishi where vermon are hopping around just a few yards away. I wouldn't park a low level toon in such places.

Come to think of it, I ran to Deadwind pass with my Alliance toon so I could to the tamer quest line for Alliance, and I got killed just standing by the tamer. I was eventually able to rez and do the quest, then rez at the GY and hearth home. But if you plan to park a low level toon there regularly, plan on rezing at the tamer every time, and getting killed afterward, then running back to your corpse to repeat it the next day.

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Re: Minimum requirements for a trainer camping toon

Post by Bra » November 11th, 2014, 12:42 pm

I use a DK for the trainer near Karazhan. You'll aggro the mobs on the way to park the toon there. However, you won't have any problems when battling.

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Re: Minimum requirements for a trainer camping toon

Post by Digem » November 11th, 2014, 1:47 pm

As of now if you can get your Alts to the panderan tamers they are all safe at any level to do those dailies.
The daily by karashan requires a level 70ish alt because the mobs will come at you if below that.
The daily in bc shadowmoon valley(I think it is called) needs around a 60ish to do or will aggro the mobs around it.
Finally the daily in winter spring you want to be 50ish to not aggro mobs..

Now some classes with heirlooms like hunters most tank specs can be lower and survive the mobs.
These are just some general tips to make it easier

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Re: Minimum requirements for a trainer camping toon

Post by Iibis » November 11th, 2014, 2:42 pm

I have originally lvl 1 alts for all daily bag tamers & BoF except
-Greyhoof (VotFW)
-Ka'wi (Jade Forest)
-Seeker Zusshi @ Townlong Steppes (just haven't gotten around to it)
-Karazhan & Winterspring I'm too lazy to bother with, so I haven't bothered with alts.
-Shadowmoon Valley - there I have a random level 81 alt (I haven't even tried with a lower level, just saving some character slots)

Greyhoof & Ka'wi can't be done with low level alts as there hostile beasts next to them that will aggro even a level 90, so those I just do with some lvl 90 character that has convenient ways to travel. Skitterer Xia in the Krasarang Wilds is safe at level 3 or 4, below that a patrol can aggro either from the land or the lake, so positioning is critical.

I originally had a lvl 85 alt at Seeker Zusshi but then I leveled it to 90 and have been too lazy to drag another alt there. I brought my friend's alt there and a nearby basilisk would kill him, but now that he's level 2 it apparently doesn't aggro to him anymore. Also he had issues with Dos-Ryga, a bird that was flying over him would aggro and kill him, which was quite funny because I hadn't had that issue with my alt. Anyways, now that he's level 2 it's fine - but there's a hostile pig further away in the field that sometimes (but rarely) wanders too close and aggroes.

So I think level 3-4 is already really safe if a low level alt is even possible for a tamer. It's also easy to ding characters when flying them over new zones, the discoveries help reach lvl 2 easily, and a couple of extra loops and you're lvl 3 already. After a while they will ding lvl 4 and will never get killed. The actual tamers except for Seeker Zusshi in Townlong Steppes are safe, the only rarely occurring deaths I've had have been near BoF which don't use pet treats so it hasn't bothered.

It's really amazing how large an impact to the aggro radius leveling a toon from level 1 to 3 or 4 has.

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Re: Minimum requirements for a trainer camping toon

Post by Kpb321 » November 11th, 2014, 3:05 pm

Digem wrote:As of now if you can get your Alts to the panderan tamers they are all safe at any level to do those dailies.
The daily by karashan requires a level 70ish alt because the mobs will come at you if below that.
The daily in bc shadowmoon valley(I think it is called) needs around a 60ish to do or will aggro the mobs around it.
Finally the daily in winter spring you want to be 50ish to not aggro mobs..

Now some classes with heirlooms like hunters most tank specs can be lower and survive the mobs.
These are just some general tips to make it easier

Winterspring has been relatively safe for my alt there which started at lvl 16. The only thing that has ever aggroed on him is rare spawn dragon and that isn't that common.

Deadwind pass you can do lower but you have to approach the trainer from behind to start the fight and will aggro after you are done. I used to let him die and rez but with the change to the Hat to be a buff I've started running and leashing them. If you run past the GY up on the wall they will lease and you can survive.

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Re: Minimum requirements for a trainer camping toon

Post by Graven » November 11th, 2014, 3:45 pm

Abashera wrote:... and Farmer Nishi where vermon are hopping around just a few yards away. I wouldn't park a low level toon in such places.
Should be ok there as long as you don't move around too much. I had an alt there from level 20, and even run her back to Halfhill occasionally (to send battle stones and such to my bank toon). There is a group of wolves that sometimes patrol the road just west of Halfhill which you will have to look out for, but other than that it's perfectly safe to run over to Nishi. Just don't forget and get carried away with wild pet battles in the area, as there are indeed some virmen in the adjacent vegetable patches which will agro you from quite a distance!

On the plus side, this led to me finding out recently that pet food buffs persist through death. Not sure if this is a recent change or was always the case, but it's very welcome either way. :)

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Re: Minimum requirements for a trainer camping toon

Post by Beave » November 11th, 2014, 3:50 pm

Thanks all. I'd originally camped a lvl 1 at Trixxy and he couldn't get the battle dialog. Today it works. Time to make some alts and get my friend to fly them around.

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Re: Minimum requirements for a trainer camping toon

Post by Waflob » November 12th, 2014, 3:18 am

Had you already done that trainer on another char? Might explain the behaviour.

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Re: Minimum requirements for a trainer camping toon

Post by Morlis » November 12th, 2014, 5:48 pm

I have gone from level 1 to level 15 (1 quest a day) on just pandaren tamers and elements. I don't do this with the fabled so I don't know how safe they are, but I know several would be suicide.

Out of all 11 tamer/elemental spots only Seeker Zusshi has given me problem. It can be done but there is a Basilisk with in range if you are to close. He wanders around a small mound, if he is on the far side you can interact with Zusshi but if he comes around before the battle starts he will agro. I still die but the release spot is fairly close so not a far run back. The danger comes when the battle finishes it is tough to time when he is in the right spot. Standing at the waters edge is safe, but 3 steps or so forward is deadly, which is about where you end up after the battle finishes.

I have 2 accounts so I was able to fly my alts out to each one with no trouble.

In the spots where there is no handy mailbox I have flown my engineer out and dropped a mail box to mail the stones back to my main if it is a stone I couldn't use right away. I currently have all pets rarified so at this point all stones are being stored for now.

The bonus of doing this is that one exp pet treat can last for a couple weeks if you log in do the battle then log as soon as you are finished. I have my all my pet teams set up and ready to go, I really like Rematch for the pet queue to automatically switch in the new leveling pet when one gets maxed. Can usually get on get the battle done and log out in under 4 minutes. Most teams don't lose, but there are a few battles that you need to be careful how much HP your leveling pets have in order for it to survive. Any of the battles that have back row damage makes it tough to have a level 1 survive. Wastwalker Shu and Farmer Nishi come to mind.

Good luck. :)
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