Done Deal! Draenei Mircro Defender for Frostwolf Pup

Arrange pet trades on US and Oceanic servers.
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Done Deal! Draenei Mircro Defender for Frostwolf Pup

Post by Morlis » November 28th, 2014, 1:49 pm

I have the faction and Apexis Crystals to purchase a spare [pet]Draenei Micro Defender[/pet] purchased from the alliance only Council of Exarchs faction. I would like to trade it for the [pet]Frostwolf Pup[/pet] from the Horde Side only faction the Frostwolf Orcs.

While I will some day level up my horde character and could eventually get the pup myself, I am concentrating on working my primary Alliance character with the time I have to play. With my lack of patience though I figured I'd see if anyone else is in the same boat only on the horde side.

Post here or contact me in game with my B-tag listed on the left. (if you are not logged in you won't see the B-tag) :D

I play most nights and should be on tonight or tomorrow for sure, and I am willing to make an alt on any US server to make the trade.
Last edited by Morlis on November 28th, 2014, 8:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
  • Morlis Alliance Kael'Thus 60 Shadow Priest (main account)
  • Morlis Horde Madoran 60 Beast Master Hunter (main account)
  • Altuno Horde Madoran 60 Vengeance Demon Hunter (main account)
  • Vandì Horde Madoran 60 Arcane Mage (alt account)

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Re: (US)Draenei Mircro Defender for Frostwolf Pup

Post by The_guy » November 28th, 2014, 6:35 pm

Hey id love to trade a frostwolf pup for a micro defender, you can add me at TheGuyWhoDie#1167 . on most days and nights and have the funds to get the pet asap.
Edit: ty for fast trade for the amazing pet :D!!!
Last edited by The_guy on November 28th, 2014, 8:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Joined:January 2nd, 2013
Pet Score:14744

Re: (US)Draenei Mircro Defender for Frostwolf Pup

Post by Morlis » November 28th, 2014, 8:20 pm

I will check for you.

*Edit, Deal is done thanks a bunch! :D
  • Morlis Alliance Kael'Thus 60 Shadow Priest (main account)
  • Morlis Horde Madoran 60 Beast Master Hunter (main account)
  • Altuno Horde Madoran 60 Vengeance Demon Hunter (main account)
  • Vandì Horde Madoran 60 Arcane Mage (alt account)

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