LF Ore Eater, Soul of the forge And others

Arrange pet trades on US and Oceanic servers.
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LF Ore Eater, Soul of the forge And others

Post by Askastraza » November 29th, 2014, 5:26 am

Yeah, trying to get a couple of the new pets from WoD, Mainly the [pet]Ore Eater[/pet] [pet]Soul of the forge[/pet] [pet]Demidos[/pet] [pet]Elekk Plushie[/pet] And the one from Herbing.

Also looking for any of the MoP Raid pets, as well as the crafted ones, and the ones from the dailies as well as the raccoons, you can pretty much see what I'm missing in terms of pets and drops etc from my profile.

I haven't really been playing so my lack of anything to hand over for such things is a bit low, I don't have any gold anymore on my server because I spent all of it getting a ruby droplet and a droplet of Y'jaar or whatever can't remember the name, so I'm completely broke. I can be found on norgannon alli side, Also my btag is Askastraza#1630

Wish I played more so I could be caught up on holiday pets and the like v.v; Do let me know if you have any extras and perhaps some sort of deal we could work out... I don't have many extras of any pets so..

Edit: Finally! Got my Bush chicken! Thank you lucky daily that involved turning in potatoes, can mark that one off the list.
Last edited by Askastraza on November 29th, 2014, 5:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: LF Ore Eater, Soul of the forge And others

Post by Faelar » November 29th, 2014, 5:34 am

*raises an eyebrow* So you want to do trades but really don't have anything to trade? You may want to go through your collection and figure out pets you have spares of or pets you'd be willing to trade. I mean otherwise it looks like a "Hey I need X pets but I have noting to give" kind of post.

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Re: LF Ore Eater, Soul of the forge And others

Post by Askastraza » November 29th, 2014, 5:45 am

[profile]Faelar[/profile] The only extra pet's I have is a bunch of iron starletts or whatever and some that aren't even wanted for such trades, I already gave away any extra dungeon ones I had from the.. old old world dungeons? Did a give away to cheer some folks up, didn't think about all this until now hahaha.. So if I had dups I would gladly trade them over, the only ones I have besides the starletts and a cat or so, are ones you can't even trade :/ -Shrugs- I haven't been on WoW in a long while so Idk.

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