Speedy 500 wins for Draenic Pet Battler today

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Re: Speedy 500 wins for Draenic Pet Battler today

Post by Wezmerelda » November 28th, 2014, 5:18 pm

One thing I did notice on this batle, not sure if anyone else encountered it - was that Archimedes' Quills spell would often bug out on the third quill attack - it would either go comically slow before hitting (you could actually watch the feather go from Archimedes to my Celestial Dragon, lift and spin before hitting), or it would get stuck spinning before hitting and bug out the fight. Well over 200 fights, and I'd say my fights bugged out about 15 times.

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Re: Speedy 500 wins for Draenic Pet Battler today

Post by Keavy » November 28th, 2014, 8:29 pm

Wezmerelda wrote:One thing I did notice on this batle, not sure if anyone else encountered it - was that Archimedes' Quills spell would often bug out on the third quill attack - it would either go comically slow before hitting (you could actually watch the feather go from Archimedes to my Celestial Dragon, lift and spin before hitting), or it would get stuck spinning before hitting and bug out the fight. Well over 200 fights, and I'd say my fights bugged out about 15 times.
I noticed this too, but only after 01,00. All day before that not once. Maybe pixels and graphics get tierd too ;)

Started out today at 13,00 with 136 battles done, 02,21 I finally got the achivement for 500. Im gonna have nighmares about this for a loooong time :roll:

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Re: Speedy 500 wins for Draenic Pet Battler today

Post by Kingdan » November 28th, 2014, 11:14 pm

the quill was only a problem with the dragon for me
chrom was good

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Re: Speedy 500 wins for Draenic Pet Battler today

Post by Iibis » November 29th, 2014, 10:48 am

I used Azure Whelpling and the Quills were lagging/bugging with that too (edit: always on the 3rd quills hit). Once it lagged for so long that I had to restart because nothing seemed to happen for a couple of minutes. Did a bit over 200 battles (curse all those daily heroics and other tasks I need to run!) and I'm now at about 350/500. Still a long way to go :/

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Re: Speedy 500 wins for Draenic Pet Battler today

Post by Tekulve2012 » December 1st, 2014, 1:20 am

If you have a tier 2 menagerie (4 min.bandage) and lots of extra bandages, I suggest the Frostfire ridge for super fast battles. I'm not a patient person so I'm looking for the fastest 500 battles possible. If you use a p/p breed imperial eagle chick and a warbot, you can blast out wins in less than 50 seconds.

I start with the warbot and throw down mines..you'll face a beast pet first (icespine)..then fire out 2 missiles and it's down. Bring on the Eagle with thrash (you'll be facing 2 critters over 80% of the time) to finish. The icespines are very dense and plentiful so no waiting! Good luck all.......I'm only 210 wins into it but I havent properly grinded it yet either

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Re: Speedy 500 wins for Draenic Pet Battler today

Post by Ravnhawk » December 1st, 2014, 4:21 am

OH my GOSH you all are so awesome! Thanks.

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