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Ad-It-Up Contest Terms

By entering WarcraftPets' Ad-It-Up Contest, you hereby agree to the following terms and conditions:

  1. All submissions become the sole intellectual property of Brian Brolin, owner and operator of, and may freely be used and distributed by said owner for promotional purposes.
  2. All original WarcraftPets graphics and artwork remain copyright ©2009 and may be used by contestants SOLELY for the purposes of creating contest material.
  3. Submissions are judged by the WarcraftPets staff with no discrimination towards sex, race, age, or site standing. All Decisions are final.
  4. Submissions featuring inappropriate material or adult themes will not be accepted. The WarcraftPets staff reserves all right to refuse any submissions that they define as unacceptable.
  5. Entries will be accepted no later than 11:59 PM (EST) on Sunday May 24, 2009. Submissions will be judged throughout the following week.
  6. Winners will be announced in the WarcraftPets news section no later than June 1, 2009. Winners will be informed via email by May 29th, and prizes will be released within 2 weeks of announcement.
  7. In the event that a winner is contacted via email but does not respond within 72 hours, that winner will forfeit his/her prize to the next runner up.
  8. The winning entries, runners up, and some other entries may be displayed in a public online gallery, along with the name of each contestant. These will be selected at the discretion of the WarcraftPets staff.
  9. All WarcraftPets contests are void where prohibited by national and international law. The contestants assume the total responsibility of knowing that they reside in a state or territory that prohibits contests and are subject to any local, state or territorial laws. WarcraftPets accepts no responsibility for making these individual legal determinations.
  10. Submissions must be completed accurately, adhering to the technical and content guidelines outlined by our Ad-It-Up Contest. Any submissions that do not adhere to contest guidelines will be disqualified.
  11. WarcraftPets cannot be held responsibile for extenuating circumstances that may postpone or terminate this contest. In the unlikely event that a contest is postponed or terminated, information will be posted in WarcraftPets news section.
  12. All WarcraftPets admins, volunteers, and site affiliates are not eligible to participate in this or any WarcraftPets contest.

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