Community Meet-Up at BlizzCon
Unfortunately, none of our Admins are able to attend BlizzCon this year.
However, Marzena, one of our awesome MVPs, has once again kindly taken on the task of organizing and hosting the WarcraftPets Meet-Up during the convention.
— Friday, November 4th
— From 1:30 - 3 PM (Pacific Time)
— Community Amphitheater (third floor)
Be sure to follow our Twitter and Facebook pages for updates and announcements as the event draws nearer!
— A WarcraftPets sign
Everyone is welcome to stop by and say hello, chat about pets and battling, and all things WoW!
BlizzCon 2016 Pets Now Live
This year's in-game redeemable BlizzCon pets are added directly to eligible players' Pet Journals. Convention attendees and Virtual Ticket holders will find two new journal entries.
Selecting and clicking on the gift icons for each entry will reveal Knight-Captain Murky (pictured right) and Legionnaire Murky (pictured below)!
Although collectors will receive both pets, these pets can only be summoned and used in a Pet Battle by their appropriate faction.
We'll be adding the two new Murky pets to our database in the near future, thank you for your understanding and patience!