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Everything You Need to Know About Garrison Pets

October 29, 2014
WoD Garrison Pets
The garrison plays a large part of your overall experience in Warlords of Draenor. It's also essential for pet collecting and Pet Battles. Here's an overview of garrison buildings and the pets that come with them.

The Menagerie
The Menagerie is a plot located inside your garrison. It requires a level 3 garrison, which can only be achieved at player level 100. After building the Menagerie, completing the quest Pets Versus Pests will finalize the plot.

Upgrading the Menagerie is a must as it offers different abilities, perks and rewards at each level.

Level 1: "Attracts elite pets you can battle for rewards. Also lets 5 of your battle pets hang out in your garrison."

Menagerie daily challenge post
The NPC located at your Menagerie will offer a daily quest to defeat 1 of 15 different legendary pet teams that visit each day. This quest is not account-wide and can be completed on multiple characters.

Completing Battle Pet Roundup (Alliance) and Scrappin' (Horde) rewards 8 Pet Charms. You can use these to purchase various items from the Menagerie NPC, such as battle-stones (for quality and leveling), pet bandages, Perky Pug hats, treats, and a Mystery Bag which contains a random family-specific leveling stone.

Level 2: "Increases your trap chance and reduces the cooldown of Revive Battle Pets while in Draenor. Up to 10 of your pets can now hang out in your garrison."

Blueprints to upgrade the Menagerie to level 2 can be bought from the Blueprints Vendor for 1000 gold. The blueprints are account-wide so you only need to buy it on one character.

Reduced cooldown on Revive Battle Pets
At level 2 you receive a better trap, Draenic Trap, along with a reduced cooldown (4 minutes, down from 8 minutes) on Revive Battle Pets.

Level 3: "Unlocks a pet battle daily with unique pet rewards."

Upgrading to level 3 will require dedication and a lot of battles. You must complete the achievement Draenic Pet Battler to unlock the last blueprint.

Draenic Pet Battler achievement
Defeating wild pets while in Draenor, Draenor trainers, or the daily opponent inside your garrison count towards the achievement, and matches won on different characters also add to your total.

Ghastly Kid
Once upgraded to level 3, the Menagerie NPC will have a new daily that replaces the previous one. Mastering the Menagerie has the same objectives as Battle Pet Roundup and Scrappin', however the rewards are even more tantalizing.

You'll continue to receive Pet Charms but the new reward, Big Bag of Pet Supplies, will also drop a random family-specific leveling stone and has a chance to drop 1 of 7 new pets, such as the Ghastly Kid (pictured right).

Medium Plot Buildings
You can collect pets directly from three medium-sized garrison buildings. There are only two medium plots in each garrison, though, so you may need to swap out buildings or utilize an atl's garrison to gain access all three.

Glass of Warm Milk inside Alliance garrison
Barn: In a level 3 Barn there's a Warm Glass of Milk that someone has carelessly left behind (pictured right). Hopefully it doesn't spoil!

The Pygmy Cow can be looted from a wooden mug which may spawn on the first floor or the second floor. There is no direct path up to the second floor, however, so you'll need to devise a creative way to get up. Goblin Glider Kits and the XD-57 "Bullseye" Guided Rocket Kit paired with calculated launching positions are just a couple of methods.

Much like other hidden treasures of Draenor, it seems you can only loot the mug once per character. However, unlike other lootable containers, the mug doesn't have a noticeable glow unless you hover over it with your cursor. Be sure to do a thorough search of your Barn!

Trading Post: The Trading Post offers two different pets, one for Alliance and one for Horde. To collect both, you'll need to build this building on two different characters.

Upgrading the Trading Post to level 2 will unlock the Sha'tari Defense (Alliance) and the Laughing Skull (Horde). A quartermaster will appear in your upgraded building, but before you can purchase the Sky Fry or Bone Wasp, you'll need to be Revered with the faction.

Sentinel's Companion
Inn (Alliance) or Tavern (Horde): You won't need to upgrade this building; NPCs will appear immediately and start offering quests. The familiar faces rotate daily, but you can pick up any quest and turn it in the next time they visit.

Keep an eye out for Mylune, who's quest rewards the adorable Everbloom Peachick, and Cowled Ranger, who gives away the Sentinel's Companion (pictured right).

All of the pets mentioned above are cageable, except for the Pygmy Cow. You'll need to build the Barn on at least one character to collect this mini-bovine.

Primary Profession Buildings
Three professions will have new pets to craft — Tailoring, Engineering and Blacksmithing. If you have these professions, the garrison plot dedicated to the craft will be invaluable to you.

Tailoring Emporium: Tailors gain access to a Draenor recipe vendor. Before you can purchase anything, though, you'll need to craft Secrets of Draenor Tailoring. The Elekk Plushie recipe costs five of this new currency.

Engineering Works: There are three new engineering pets, Lifelike Mechanical Frostboar, Mechanical Axebeak and Mechanical Scorpid. The schematic for each costs one Secret of Draenor Engineering.

You can also purchase schematics for Blingtron 5000 for one Secret of Draenor Engineering. The WoD version has a slightly higher chance to drop Sky-Bo than Blingtron 4000.

The Forge: In the same fashion as the other professions, blacksmiths will need to create one Secret of Draenor Blacksmithing in order to purchase the recipe for the pet Soul of the Forge.

It should be noted that players who do not have Tailoring or Blacksmithing will not be able to access the recipes or craft the pets from the associated plots. However, non-engineers that build the Engineering Works can craft the pets, but only in a level 3 building. Blingtron 5000 cannot be crafted by non-engineers.

It's possible to craft the new Draenor profession pets at any skill level. You can also travel to your faction hub in Ashran to visit profession trainers and purchase the recipes there.

Secondary Profession Buildings
All garrisons come with secondary profession buildings that unlock as you level up and upgrade your garrison.

Crazy Carrot
Herb Garden: Both herbalists and non-herbalists can loot the nodes found on this plot. But watch out, picking Draenor plants can occasionally upset a Disturbed Podling. These savage flower creatures have a chance to drop a Nightshade Sproutling.

Don't forget to save any Draenic Seeds that you find. The vendor located at the Herb Garden sells the Crazy Carrot (pictured right). What makes this carrot so crazy? Perhaps it's the steep price, 1000 seeds!

Frostwall Mines or Lunarfall Excavation: Similar to the Herb Garden, anyone can mine the ore on this plot. If you're lucky, you'll find a Goren Protector while mining. This mob has a chance to drop the Ore Eater.

Sea Calf
Fishing Shack: To unlock Nat Pagle who sells the Land Shark and Sea Calf (pictured right), anglers will need to upgrade this building to level 3 and have the Good Friends reputation with Pagle. The currency to buy the pets require a Fishing skill of 700. El's Extreme Anglin' has all you need to know about Warlords of Draenor fishing and earning Nat's Lucky Coins to purchase the pets.

Mobs spawned from ore and herb nodes are not exclusive to your garrison. They can also appear while mining and herbing in any part of Draenor. The Herb Garden and Mines are just convenient for all characters, regardless of profession.

With so many buildings that reward pets, the garrison might prove to be a central hub for pet collecting in WoD. If only the entire garrison could be filled exclusively with pets. The Menagerie attendant might have something to say about that, though — so many critters to clean up after, yuck!
Posted by Quintessence
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Rating: 0   [Report]

This is a great guide, but kind of hard to find. You should put a link to it under "Guides" at the top of the page. That's where I looked for it (unsuccessfully) before I was directed to it by someone else.

May 15, 2015 at 10:26am | Edits: 0 | Zul'jin-us | Pets: 507 Compare collections | Score: 2302
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Level 2: "Increases your trap chance and reduces the cooldown of Revive Battle Pets while in Draenor. Up to 10 of your pets can now hang out in your garrison."


What is the point of this?? The pets hanging out at your garisson?

Dec 17, 2014 at 10:59am | Edits: 1 | Frostwolf-us | Pets: 930 Compare collections | Score: 5479
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I spent a whole day battling to get the 500 Draenor battles and then I read that they lowered it to 150. I WANT MY THANKSGIVING BACK! Le sigh.  :)

Dec 5, 2014 at 4:51pm | Edits: 0 | Garona-us | Pets: 792 Compare collections | Score: 4450
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Does anybody know if the achievement is account wide?  As in, I'm doing the 500 battles to help level up my alt, but I want the blueprint on my main.. does it unlock for all my characters?  Thanks!

Nov 23, 2014 at 8:17am | Edits: 0 | Alterac Mountains-us | Pets: 875 Compare collections | Score: 4571
Top RaterKravex 
Rating: 0   [Report]

enst its done by favs so set which 5-10 to hang out by selecting those only as favs if you want certain ones if not select a few more favs and will cycle thru em

Nov 20, 2014 at 12:47am | Edits: 0 | Draenor-eu | Pets: 1009 Compare collections | Score: 6026
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Any way to choose which 5-10 pets can hang out in the Garrison? Seems random

Nov 16, 2014 at 10:56pm | Edits: 0 | Sargeras-us | Pets: 0 Compare collections | Score: 0
Site MVPAdorabella_x 
Rating: +1   [Report]

Any news on Lil' Leftovers? 

Nov 4, 2014 at 12:43pm | Edits: 0 | Lightbringer-eu | Pets: 1170 Compare collections | Score: 6944
Top RaterTarty 
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1) raise Barn to level 3 required about 18 days, if you do work order daily. But if you have and Alt with the Barn, you can spend half the time, because the achievement is account-wide. More Alts you have, "faster" became.


2) Draenic Seeds, if you dont have Herbalism cames only from the Garden, you can obtain about 20/25 seeds per day. But Seeds are also used for the work order in the Garden. So better have an Alt with herbalism if you manage to collect 1.000 seeds

Nov 4, 2014 at 10:54am | Edits: 0 | Runetotem-eu | Pets: 1774 Compare collections | Score: 14045
Rating: 0   [Report]

Nice write up, thanks so much!

Nov 1, 2014 at 4:17pm | Edits: 0 | Madoran-us | Pets: 1590 Compare collections | Score: 12631
Site MVPBaldulf 
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@Mezmaron - I just tried to test on the beta, but apparently PvP pet battles are disabled there, which I hadn't noticed before.


I'm still holding out hope.  On live, you get credit for a PvP battle that takes place in a realm that your toon hasn't actually been to for all the "win one pet battle in each zone" achieves, so it would follow that a PvP battle that takes place in a  Draenor zone would count as a Draenor battle.  We'll know in two weeks, I guess!

Oct 31, 2014 at 4:01pm | Edits: 0 | Suramar-us | Pets: 1125 Compare collections | Score: 6727
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Did we make a forum with this? ALso what it the point of leaving pets in your garrison? If you can learn the Elekk Plushie with level 1 tailoring I think I will be rerolling a profession before WOD.

Oct 31, 2014 at 12:56pm | Edits: 0 | Frostwolf-us | Pets: 930 Compare collections | Score: 5479
Top RaterChibimage 
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Yeah, like I said, you don't need the Secrets to craft the Engineering pets at all if you don't have the profession.  They don't sell the recipes, they are just on the building automatically.  There are no "Secrets" acquired if you do not have Engineering - you just need a level 2 Engineering shack.


I've done this on the beta and I made all the pets with a toon that had Alchemy and Herbalism.

Oct 31, 2014 at 9:40am | Edits: 0 | Stormrage-us | Pets: 1658 Compare collections | Score: 12649
Site AdminQuintessence 
Rating: 0   [Report]

@Saasan: Thank you for pointing that out! The pet links should be fixed. :)

Oct 31, 2014 at 2:35am | Edits: 0 | Proudmoore-us | Pets: 1836 Compare collections | Score: 14682
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 @Caega It won't take near 500 pet battles to obtain all the new wild pets. I had counted on doing 500 pvp ones so that at least I'd be getting additional credit on the "Legendary Pet Brawler".  I guess instead now I can just do my 500 pet battles starting day 1 and get leveling experience.  

Oct 31, 2014 at 2:19am | Edits: 0 | Stormrage-us | Pets: 1445 Compare collections | Score: 11550
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@Caega That's extremely disappointing, I figured as long as the pvp pet battles were taking place while you were in Draenor it would (should) count.  Having to grind out 500 wild pet battles for essentially no other reason than to upgrade your garrison will be pretty tedious. 

Oct 31, 2014 at 2:19am | Edits: 0 | Stormrage-us | Pets: 1445 Compare collections | Score: 11550
Top RaterSaasan 
Rating: 0   [Report]

FYI, the links to at least some of the pets are to the Sand Scarab right now.  Ore, Carrot, and Sea Lion all sent me to the little bug.  Just letting you know.  :)

Oct 31, 2014 at 1:02am | Edits: 0 | Thrall-us | Pets: 903 Compare collections | Score: 5353
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The achievement text says "Win 500 pet battles in Draenor" so I'd imagine PvP pet battle wins won't count. It would be unlikely that pet battle duel wins while in Draenor would count.

Oct 31, 2014 at 12:53am | Edits: 0 | Dath'Remar-us | Pets: 738 Compare collections | Score: 5857
Rating: 0   [Report]

I had fully intended to get my Draenic Pet Battler through pvp pet battling in Draenor but I saw no mention that those counted in the post.  Do they not count?

Oct 30, 2014 at 11:45pm | Edits: 0 | Stormrage-us | Pets: 1445 Compare collections | Score: 11550
Site AdminQuintessence 
Rating: 0   [Report]

@Chibimage: As mentioned in the post, only non-engineers can craft the profession pets with just the Engineering Works. The tailoring and blacksmithing pets are exlusively crafted by those with the profession.


Here's an image taken today of the Blacksmithing NPC window for a toon without BS. Another image of the Tailoring NPC's window using a toon without the profession. They don't offer to craft the pets for you.


Image taken today of the Engineering NPC window when using a toon with the profession. He sells the pet recipes for Secrets of Draenor Engineering.


Unless there's another method of obtaining the recipes/crafting the pets, everything in the guide should be correct.


@Caega: The wooden mug doesn't have a nameplate, last I checked.

Oct 30, 2014 at 7:35pm | Edits: 0 | Proudmoore-us | Pets: 1836 Compare collections | Score: 14682
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Does the Warm Glass of Milk have name plates like the Mysterious Camel Figurine? This would make them easier to find.

Oct 30, 2014 at 7:07pm | Edits: 0 | Dath'Remar-us | Pets: 738 Compare collections | Score: 5857
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