With Cataclysm approaching, there's been a rise in the number of emails being sent by both Blizzard imitators and WoW fansite spoofers. The gold sellers are just itching to get into your account — don't make it easy for them.
Follow these 3 tips and you'll never have to worry about your account being hacked.
Breanni's Top 3 Security Tips
- Always err on the side of caution. If it looks suspicious, it's probably malicious.
- Never click a link in ANY unsolicited WoW-related email.
- Get an authenticator — it's worth its weight in gold and it unlocks the super-incredible Corehound Pup. A great deal, all the way.
In closing, I'd like to remind everyone that WarcraftPets DOES NOT send unsolicited emails. You will NEVER receive an email from us regarding your account, unless you did something to initiate the email, such as creating a new account or resetting your password.
Be cautious. Be secure. Happy Collecting.