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Stone Armadillo

Stone Armadillo
Stone Armadillo
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2.85 663 votes
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2.75 370 votes

Pet Battle: [7-9] Desolace

Time: Night

Want it Want it | Got it | Exclude — Community: 2.5% have it
Neutral Neutral

Idles about.

Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)

3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012

This wild pet can be found in the south eastern area of Desolace. It only spawns at night.

Level 0: Health 0Power 0Speed 0
Requires Pet Level: 1

100% Hit Chance 


Scratches the enemy, dealing 394 Critter damage.

Vs. Undead

Vs. Humanoid
Requires Pet Level: 10

100% Hit Chance 


Wildly flails at the enemy 1-2 times, dealing 197 Beast damage per hit.


Hits an additional time if the user attacks first.

Vs. Critter

Vs. Flying
Requires Pet Level: 2

Reduces up to 98.5 damage from each attack against you.


Lasts 5 rounds.

Requires Pet Level: 15

100% Hit Chance 


A fierce roar deals 197 Beast damage and enrages the user, increasing the damage they deal by 25% for 3 rounds.

Vs. Critter

Vs. Flying
Requires Pet Level: 4

100% Hit Chance 


Tears at the enemy with plagued claws, dealing 433 Undead damage.

Vs. Humanoid

Vs. Aquatic
Requires Pet Level: 20

100% Hit Chance 


Roll at the enemy, dealing 295 Critter damage and increasing your speed by 20%.


Your speed continues to increase each time you use Powerball.

Vs. Undead

Vs. Humanoid


Critters are immune to stun, root, and sleep effects.


Damage Taken 

50% from Beast abilities

33% from Elemental abilities

Desolace — Kalimdor
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Rating: 0   [Report]

A bunch (of like 12 got 1 rare, 2 uncommon) showed up right at 8:30 PM server time (6:30 PM local). Right at 6:30 PM character glowed, like when the baby apes show up in Jaguero Isle.

Jan 17, 2021 at 9:35pm | Edits: 5 | Destromath-us | Pets: 0 Compare collections | Score: 0
Rating: 0   [Report]

So I see A LOT of differentiating times where you can get this little digger. I just wanted to share what time mine was found with you guys. So I arrived a bit west of Magram Territory and the place was swarming with these little fellas. I arrived there at 10:05EST/Realm Time.



So I guess I can add to the confirmation of them spawning at 10pm EST/Realm Time.

Mar 10, 2016 at 10:40pm | Edits: 0 | Dalaran-us | Pets: 587 Compare collections | Score: 2568
Rating: 0   [Report]

I found one and captured a common one around 6:33 server time. I wasn't expecting to see it there, from all the 10pm server comments.

Apr 4, 2015 at 9:38pm | Edits: 0 | Wyrmrest Accord-us | Pets: 645 Compare collections | Score: 3160
Site MVPIronwolfe 
Rating: 0   [Report]

They didn't start spawning for me on Dalaran until 10:00pm EST, and by midnight I had my first rare, and 3 minutes later, my second. :-)

Mar 15, 2015 at 12:13am | Edits: 0 | Garona-us | Pets: 1232 Compare collections | Score: 9856
Rating: 0   [Report]

IIRC, I got my rare about 7 attempts in. It seemed to be really early, as I'm 3 hours ahead of sever time and I think it was around sunset locally when they started to spawn. Best thing to do is plan to level in the area or try for rares while you wait for them to spawn.

Nov 27, 2014 at 4:30pm | Edits: 0 | Blackwater Raiders-us | Pets: 1057 Compare collections | Score: 8123
Rating: 0   [Report]

Able to find mind @ 645a server time.  

Nov 1, 2014 at 7:46am | Edits: 0 | Kul Tiras-us | Pets: 1010 Compare collections | Score: 7267
Rating: 0   [Report]

9:05PM servertime, rare on first battle. lol :) 

Sep 30, 2014 at 3:05pm | Edits: 0 | Vek'nilash-eu | Pets: 257 Compare collections | Score: 1089
Rating: 0   [Report]

They only spawn at night. Around 10:00pm server time is when I found mine. Keep flying round the empty river beds shown on the location map. Theres plenty around, and they seem to respawn fairly quickly.


Note: If you have previously completed quests in the area, the spawns around Shok'thokar will phase out as soon as you get close.


Hopefully this helps. Happy Hunting!

Sep 6, 2014 at 7:07pm | Edits: 2 | Argent Dawn-eu | Pets: 781 Compare collections | Score: 4486
Rating: 0   [Report]

This pet does NOT spawn at 630 server as previously listed.


It spawns at the start of night time on your server, which will change throughout the year with the seasons.


It might get dark at 630 server in January, but not August.

Aug 8, 2014 at 6:44pm | Edits: 0 | Stormrage-us | Pets: 481 Compare collections | Score: 2168
Rating: +1   [Report]

An underrated utilty pet due to its strong normal attacks on both undead and humanoid.  A good counter against valkyr, idol, and lil rag.

Jan 23, 2014 at 10:28pm | Edits: 0 | Eitrigg-us | Pets: 383 Compare collections | Score: 1779
Site MVPGoblein 
Rating: -1   [Report]

They spawn at 6:30pm server time, did a complete loop at 6:25 nothing, just after 6:30 almost every spawn point

Jan 19, 2014 at 9:37pm | Edits: 0 | Bronzebeard-us | Pets: 724 Compare collections | Score: 5622
Rating: -1   [Report]

Found a rare to the East of Mannoroc Coven at 9:58 a.m. Thrall (US).

Jul 24, 2013 at 10:01am | Edits: 0 | Kel'Thuzad-us | Pets: 754 Compare collections | Score: 4460
Rating: -1   [Report]

Went out to the dried out riverbeds at 6:30 server, they were everywhere. Found my rare by where the succubuses and whatnot were spawned.

Jul 1, 2013 at 10:42pm | Edits: 0 | Cenarion Circle-us | Pets: 379 Compare collections | Score: 1665
Rating: 0   [Report]

Went out huntin at 630pm server time(anvilmar) and caught my Rare on the first try. Just South west of Magram Territory. Sure Excited. Made my 300th pet!

Jun 22, 2013 at 9:33pm | Edits: 0 | Anvilmar-us | Pets: 401 Compare collections | Score: 1625
Rating: +2   [Report]

I went out around 1 AM realm time. Just keep going from dry river bed to try river bed and you will keep finding them it took me a little while there are a lot of poor quality ones so if you find an uncommon I'd grab that and then keep looking for a rare one after about 30 to 45 minutes I finally found a rare <3

Mar 16, 2013 at 4:33am | Edits: 0 | Kil'jaeden-us | Pets: 188 Compare collections | Score: 809
Rating: -1   [Report]

full of 5 min got rare after 7 try

Feb 12, 2013 at 4:33pm | Edits: 0 | Aerie Peak-eu | Pets: 522 Compare collections | Score: 2909
Top RaterJuneMoone 
Rating: -1   [Report]

2 Spawned at 6:30 server time just left of Magram Territory :)

Jan 17, 2013 at 12:33pm | Edits: 0 | Draenor-eu | Pets: 1462 Compare collections | Score: 9119
Rating: -1   [Report]

Just so everyone knows: events involving time are now ALWAYS PST TIME! So pets that come out only at certain times will be there according to PST times, which is extremely annoying for East Coasters.

Jan 11, 2013 at 1:50pm | Edits: 0 | Area 52-us | Pets: 777 Compare collections | Score: 3822
Rating: -1   [Report]

Easy pet - I logged on around 11 pm US mountain time & found them all over in the dried up creek beds  - which the creek beds are all over the zone. Got a rare on my 4th battle

Dec 24, 2012 at 2:02am | Edits: 1 | Stormrage-us | Pets: 347 Compare collections | Score: 1568
Rating: -1   [Report]

Can't find him. :(

Wish me luck in future hunts!

Dec 22, 2012 at 1:19pm | Edits: 0 | Hyjal-us | Pets: 346 Compare collections | Score: 1503
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When these sleepy critters aren't snoozing, they use their massive claws to dig for tasty insect snacks.
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