Topaz Shale Hatchling

Twitches its fangs and looks about.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012

Last night in Desolace, the first Topaz I went for was a rare but it Stone Rush suicided on me. Over the next few hours it was the same story. I battled 3 more rare Topaz but each one used Stone Rush and died. Today I went back and put a Shore Crab with high health at the front of the queue Put all my buffs into place and kept hitting the "Pass" button until it wore itself down. Got 2 rares B/B & H/S. Stunted Shardhorn trick works when the battle is obstructed.
Inside Maurodon on the Orange side you may find a Topaz Shale Hatchling behind a ghost centaur guy. (Spirit of Magra is his name) It will tell you that the area is obstructed for battle. WARLOCKS: Fear that little guy. And just as he's running back to his spot - right click / tag him for battle.Â
I went into the caverns tonight expecting to spend several hours trying to get a rare Topaz Shale Hatchling. I was disappoint to see some one had preceeded me and taken on all the wild pets except one at the very back in a smal alcove behind a centaur. It took a half dozen tries just to get the fight started. But I persevered and was rewarded with a rare. I guess the person who preceeded me stopped on battle too
I agree with the previous poster. Â Tons of these and the amethyst ones in the Fungal Deep inside the cave at Verlok Stand. Â I found a rare of this and the amethyst within 1 min of each other. Â
There are also Crimson Geodes in here, but I have yet to see a rare one here or anywhere for that matter.
I'm really surprised no one mentioned that Topaz Hatchlings can be found in Deepholm in the cave at Verlok Stand (69 29). There are a lot of them there, so if you want a high level pet it's better to get one in that cave instead of running around in Maraudon.
While one every 10 or so Topaz S H's are battleable on the Topaz side of Maura, ALL the Amethyst ones are. This can show up as a secondary to anything in Desolace, so I'd suggest fighting the Amethysts as opposed to the Topazes because of the sheer numbers of them for catching a rare one faster.
I got this one in Desolace! Â I engaged a Horny Toad in the Valley of Bones (around 65, 88), and a Topaz Shale Hatchling came along for the fight, so I tamed it. Â Poor quality, but one more step closer to an achievement.
These show up fairly often in arraying quality as secondaries in the crimson expanse of deepholm
Finally got a rare after 2 hours! I only found them as seconds to the Amethyst and most poor or common. I did get a rare spider as a second also. Seems the Topaz does show often, but as low quality.
Lots of these as secondary in Deepholm - captured a rare secondary to an emerald shale hatchling and then got another rare one a few battles later as secondary...
I was going after the Amethyst Shale Hatchling in "The Wicked Tunnels", which are the tunnels leading to the Maraudon instances, and one of these showed up as a second pet attacking.
hey just got mine at 4:40pm just wanted to say u can find them in the topez side but i have to go far in to find it past that pool with the beer lady in it and i found two not as much as the amthest side but still there
and i also wanted to say the first one i saw wasnt even on the topeze side i got it as 1 of the mob pets wen i went to fight a amethest shale hatchling on my first go but my pets died so i could get it =[ but i still got it in the end hope it helps =]
I can confirm 6/12/2012 I battled 2 topaz shale hatchling in the ORANGE part of Maroudon and won them...they were low level but still got them :)
If for some reason you kill the pet you are after you can try this little trick to get your pet group back to spawn with the same make up of the group. While IN the pet battle after you have killed your pet you wanted (UNLESS IT WAS THE LAST ONE STANDING) simply just LOG off. When you log off and back on, the pet group will be back in front of you.
***(Make sure you log off in the middle of the pet battle)
At that time you can try again, change pets or heal your pets. (Beware I did this in Winterspring with those tigers around) when I logged in, I seen the closes tiger go over and kill my pet group- first time I actually seen that in person) but normally this works 99.8% of the time.
If you think something is to close like a tiger and might kill your pet, take it out first just incase you need to do the 'reset'.
Got a rare as a second to when battling a Emerald Shale hatchling.
I am just curious. Is it random which side of Maraudon is capturable? At the moment, only the Amethyst side is capturable. The Amber side (orange), all of the Topaz Shale Hatchlings (TSH) are only level 1 critters. Not a single one is capturable. Anyone know if that is how it works?
Update: Only 1 TSH is capturable at a given time on the Amber side of Maraudon and it seems to be on a 3min cycle.. After 3 mins there is another that is capturable after you battle it.
something gone wrong with maintinence today... all and i meen all pets in desolace have red tailed chipmunk as seconday pet... they didnt have this yesterday
when looking for rarity indicators ur best bet is to check for the stats of the sword and golden arrow, they dont change much and are often as warcraft pets says but with a tiny amount of wiggle room. My rare topaz is sword 94 and gold arrow 83. Uncommon is sword 82 and arrow 72.
Lucked out and caught one of these at the very start of the Maraudon Orange entrance (poor qual). Â Also had one show up as a second during the fight with one of the Amethyst Shale Hatchlings at the other entrance (uncommon qual). Â The ram attack both colors do is a pain in trying to trap them before they die as it damages both your own pet and itself.
found a rare as a secondary to desert spider, 70,32 (near thunk's abode)