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Cranes: WoW Battle Pets

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Azure Crane Chick [Azure Crane Chick]

Drop: Crane Nest

Zone: Timeless Isle [30-35]

Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 50

Coastal Sandpiper

Pet Battle: [25] Eye of Azshara; [25] Azsuna; [25] Suramar

Devoured Wader [Devoured Wader]

Drop: Xixin the Ravening [61+], Embodied Hunger [61+], Worldfeaster Chronn [61+]

Zone: Bastion

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Gilded Wader [Gilded Wader]

Drop: Calling Treasures

Zone: Shadowlands

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Jade Crane Chick

Vendor: Adrey Burnhep, Varzok (Pandaren only)

Zone: Stormwind, Orgrimmar

Cost: 50silver (supply of 1)

Pearlwing Heron [Pearlwing Heron]

Sanctum Feature: The Ember Court (tier 3)

Zone: Revendreth

Covenant: Venthyr

Drop: Tribute Chest

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown


Sanctum Feature: Queen's Conservatory (tier 2)

Zone: Ardenweald

Covenant: Night Fae

Drop: Queen's Conservatory Cache (Untamed Spirit)

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown


Sanctum Feature: Path of Ascension (tier 1)

Zone: Bastion

Covenant: Kyrian

Vendor: Zeleskos

Cost: 250Polished Pet Charm (unlimited supply)

Requires Achievement: The Hoot of the Issue


Sanctum Feature: Abomination Factory (tier 1)

Zone: Maldraxxus

Covenant: Necrolord

Vendor: Atticus

Faction: Stitchmasters - Honored

Cost: 1000Reservoir Anima (unlimited supply)

Tranquil Wader

Pet Battle: [25] Ardenweald

Wader Chick

Pet Battle: [25] Bastion

Windfeather Chick [Windfeather Quill]

Vendor: Zhang Ku

Zone: Vale of Eternal Blossoms

Faction: Rajani - Exalted

Cost: 300Polished Pet Charm (unlimited supply)

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