Amber Glitterwing

Amber Glitterwing
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Ground (hovers)
Flutters about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 9.0.2 | Posted: October 13, 2020
The Desiccated Moth is a friendly NPC located high in a tree in north-western Ardenweald. Players need to first collect Aromatic Flowers to use on the hanging Incense Burner that will attract the moth. Use a mushroom nearby the tree to launch high into the air and land in the tree. After lighting the burner the moth will fly close enough to interact with.

This is the only moth with Nature's Touch - always helpful to have a decent heal. Be sure to use Moonfire first for an extra boost to your heal. Great S/S breed, gorgeous look. Well worth the effort to get and stone to rare.
Save yourself the headache of the bouncing shroom and pick up a pinch of fairie dust from shimmerbough on your way to pick the aromatic flowers! You can fly straight to the brazier.
I was able to get this before level 60, but it required some dodging and hexing from level 60 mobs near the flower required for the treasure and around the tree itself. Be ready to run!