
Ground (hovers)
Idles about.
3 allowed
The War Within
Patch 11.1.0 | Posted: February 25, 2025
Level 0:

1-8 of 8
1-8 of 8

Found rare and tammed it on the second attempt... If it helps, these are the coordinates of /way 69.10. 92.33
For hunting the grey variant, I utilized the LFG system to queue up for the world boss that was up in Ringing Deeps in order to realm hop between spawns on my own realm. After a few hours, I finally found it via realm hopping.
I found mine in the South East of The Writhing Fields cave at 72.8, 94.0. You can drift around flying and land on area above to get flying rest. If you find one, make sure to pull any mobs away, as you can kill the pet if you are not careful. I captured a blue quality blue rarity. Happy hunting!
Took approx 6-7 hours of flying around killing the non battle ones and the Frienzed bloodticks to finally get the grey color variant to spawn. Luckily it had no explode type mechanic first try so I could just nab the pet quickly. This had to be the worst one so far out of the new pets for the extremely rare color variants but it does exist! GL!
Great tips!
I found mine at 71.35, 97.72
It looks like they can appear anywhere within the Writhing Fields at the SE corner of the Ringing Depths
According to the game database, grey is the rarest colour for this pet (1 in 111, or 0.9%), followed by red (10 in 111, or 9.0%), with blue being by far the most common (100 in 111, or 90.1%).
As far as I can tell there can never be more than 2 wild pets up in their only area (The Writhing Fields of the Ringing Deeps) at any one time, including the Frenzied Bloodticks. So, to get more to spawn you'll need to kill the pets that are present (ignore critter versions - killing them doesn't help). Hemospores can be one-shot with player abilities, but Bloodticks are immune to damage and will need to be pet battled to eliminate them, which is more painstaking. All in all it's incredibly gruelling to get red or grey ones to spawn, but good luck!
Found one at Ringing Deeps /way 68.6 90.63
Found another about 45 mins later at /way 73.8 94.7
In the first fight, the Hemospore used Burst and killed itself. So before you engage, check if it has Burst. If it does, surrender and restart. I didn't realize what Burst did, so... 45 mins. Ugh.
In the second, I had to restart six times before it finally didn't have Burst, so keep trying.
For what it's worth, I had 100 stacks of Unseeming Shift. I don't think it mattered. I also hadn't killed any big mobs.
Found one at /way 73.09, 90.79 as a frontline pet in The Ringing Deeps.