Vampiric Batling

Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Flutters about.
Wing flutter (constant); vocalizations (on-click)

Vampiric Batling
Item Level 70
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Right Click to summon and dismiss your vampiric batling.
Sell Price: 10
This pet had a 100% chance to drop from Tenris Mirkblood, a temporary elite raid boss. The quest Chamber of Secrets leads players to this mob, although players did not need the quest to fight him. This boss was only available during the Scourge Invasion event leading up to the launch of Wrath of the Lich King. The window of opportunity to obtain this pet was about 3 weeks.
Tenris Mirkblood was found in Karazhan in the previously locked Servant's Quarters located up the stairs just past Attumen the Huntsman. It took a raid group of between 5 and 10 players to bring him down. Note that ALL players in the raid were able to loot this pet.

Does anybody know if this will be available in Classic WoW?
ich möchte es auch gerne haben würde mich freuhen wens im shop bringen könnten oder wieder zum dropen freigeben könnten
They won't bring it back but they should at least make it cageable so the folks that don't collect can sell to those of us that do.
Please bring this Pet back!
Please bring this Pet back!
Wish they would bring it back to obtain :( to low lev at the time.
This, the "Tranquil" Mechanical Yeti and the Spirit of Competition were my first pets(also team 1 to level to 25). Unfortunately they nerfed reckless strike ... It was so cool to spam it, then ress and spam more haha.
Sucks that I'll never be able to get this pet. :(
This pet should be at least tradeable. I have a spare saved just in case! Some lucky person will get one if they do :)
The report that the Vampiric Batling has been seen on BMAH was probably somebody mistaking it for the Tirisfal Batling, it is unlike blizzard to make event pets available outside of the event. I am also in the boat that I was unable to collect this pet :(
When this pet was available I wasn't high enough yet to go on the boss fight; I had just been introduced to WoW a few months before. I'm the one who told my guildies about it though and they all got one. I'm hopeful that some day I will be able to add it to my collection.. Please, Blizz.. give us poor shleps who missed out a second chance!
This was one of the first trio of pets I got up to 25 (it was paired with a panther cub and a sinister squashling), and it remains one of the pets I use as a go-to for tough pet battles due to the fact that it's undead (so you're guaranteed at least two rounds even if the other pet goes first and one-shots you, as long as you aren't stunned) and has a high-damage ability in Reckless Strike.
I am one of the lucky few who got this pet. None of us knew it existed and did the raid just for the new event boss. Then low and behold we each got the pet, and I won the Arcanite Ripper XD
Even with pet battles out it's still not tradeable, sad panda moment.
Really wish this was tradable, one of the very few pets im missing :(