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This pet only seems to appear as a primary, and only spawns rarely compared to most of the pets in the zone. But if you're into collecting all the colours it gets much worse:


There are 3 possible colours, and the yellow-orange one is by far the most common - it has a frequency of 100 in 111 spawns, or 90.1%. The grey one has a spawn chance of 10 in 111, or 9%. By far the rarest, the pale one has a spawn chance of 1 in 111 or 0.9%. (These figures are taken directly from database tables)

Posted: August 30, 2024 1:17:40 PM   |   Edits: 6   |   Rating: +4

The orange Sapnibbler variant is very rare: it has a 1 in 71 chance of appearing. The common colour is dark brown (70 in 71 chance).



Fortunately, the Sapnibbler can appear as a secondary pet in battles. This means you can find a wild pet that has a Sapnibbler (in the breed you want) as a secondary battler, and continually restart the battle until an orange one appears. This only works because the colour (but not breed) of secondary pets with multiple appearance variants is re-chosen each battle (randomly, from their valid appearance options) while the colour of the primary pet never does. Just remember to heal up your team every few tries or you risk having an almost-dead team when an orange one finally appears.

Posted: November 07, 2023 11:43:46 PM   |   Edits: 3   |   Rating: +7

The green Pewling variant is very rare: it has a 1 in 71 chance of appearing. The other two colours are equally common (35 in 71 chance).



Fortunately, the Pewling can appear as a secondary pet in battles. This means you can find a wild pet that has a Pewling or two (in the breed you want) as a secondary battler, and continually restart the battle until a green one appears. This only works because the colour (but not breed) of secondary pets with multiple appearance variants is re-chosen each battle (randomly, from their valid appearance options) while the colour of the primary pet never does. Just remember to heal up your team every few tries or you risk having an almost-dead team when a green one finally appears.

Posted: November 07, 2023 11:40:40 PM   |   Edits: 2   |   Rating: +8

The best way to get Deepridgers to spawn is simply to kill the Slabwing critters (non-battle pets) that spawn all over the Sulfur Wastes area, just south-west and west of Loamm. Get on your character with the best mobility, and create a macro button:


/tar Slabwing


And kill them all from the southern part of the area, up to just before the bridge at the north end. Even though the spawn rate is low, this will pay off with a bit of persistence.


From experience, when a pet spawns in place of a Slabwing critter, it's almost always a Deepridger, not a Slabwing! I've managed to get about a dozen to spawn so far, in 3-4 hours of doing this.

Posted: May 07, 2023 9:37:37 AM   |   Edits: 6   |   Rating: +5

I finally got mine from the elite Fire Elementals in Vakthros Range, Azure Span (around 77,39). It probably took around 30 tries. There are a lot of these elementals present, but aim for the edge ones and avoid patrolling mobs. Be aware that they occasionally cast an armour buff (which can mess up your capture if it uses it in its last few % health) and also an explosion that can stun and interrupt you. I found my BM hunter to be best, as he could remove the armour buff, stay at range to avoid the interrupt/stun, and use pet DPS to kill the elemental while channeling the Zapthrottle Soul Inhaler through its last few % health. Being a hunter also allows you to feign death if things go badly, and they will now and then as the spells it uses seem randomly timed.

Posted: January 16, 2023 2:04:37 AM   |   Edits: 2   |   Rating: +1

The pale blue (with no gill frills) variant of the Palamather is very rare: just a 2% chance of appearing, according to the game database. The purple with gill frills has a 20% chance of occurring, and the green (with no gill frills) a 78% chance. Fortunately, this pet can appear as a secondary in Swoglet pet battles (and perhaps with other riverside wild pets, but if so I don't recall), and if you find one as a secondary you can keep resetting the battle until it appears in the colour you want. This may take a very long time, so you'll have to monitor your pet team's health heal them up every few battle restarts.

Posted: December 31, 2022 7:20:35 AM   |   Edits: 0   |   Rating: +14

From the game database: the tan with green hair is very rare, occurring on average 1% of the time. The dark one occurs on average 39% of the time, and the pale with blue-grey hair the remaining 60%. Unfortunately, I'm not aware of any places where this pet can appear as a secondary in battle (but happy to be corrected on that!), which means you'll have to get lucky and catch your green-haired baby mammoth as a primary.

Posted: December 15, 2022 3:24:26 AM   |   Edits: 0   |   Rating: +6

The white variant of the Woodbiter Piculet is extremely rare: just a 1 in 99 chance of appearing, according to the game database. The blue variant appears most of the time (on average, 98 in 99 times). Fortunately, this pet can appear as a secondary, and if you find one in this role you can keep resetting the battle until it appears in the rare colour. This may take a very long time, so you'll have to monitor your pet team's health heal them up every few battle restarts.

Posted: December 04, 2022 8:47:56 AM   |   Edits: 0   |   Rating: +3

The black variant of the Treeflitter is extremely rare: just a 1% chance of appearing, according to the game database! The grey variant appears 19% of the time, and the brown variant 80%. Fortunately, this pet can appear as a secondary during wild pet battles, so if you find one in this role you can keep resetting the battle until it appears in the rare colour.  This may take a very long time, and you should be careful to monitor your pet team's health it drops every time you restart the battle.

Posted: November 30, 2022 10:02:33 AM   |   Edits: 5   |   Rating: +4

The white variant of the Pricklefury Hare is extremely rare: just a 1% chance of appearing, according to the game database! The green variant appears 30% of the time, and the dark brown 69%. Fortunately, this pet can appear as a secondary, and if you find one in this role you can keep resetting the battle until it appears in the rare colour. This may take a very long time, so you'll have to monitor your pet team's health heal them up every few battle restarts.

Posted: November 29, 2022 12:33:15 AM   |   Edits: 8   |   Rating: +8

This pet actually has two possible appearances, which are almost identical except that one is holding a morningstar and the other is emptyhanded.


It doesn't change appearances between summonings, so you'll have to collect the looks separately.


At the time of writing, this page doesn't mention a second appearance, but I've reported it.

Posted: September 10, 2021 11:08:44 AM   |   Edits: 1   |   Rating: +3

To spawn the Oily Invertebrate, which has a low chance of dropping this pet, you must add exactly 10 each of red, blue & yellow oozes (looted from slimy NPCs of the same colours) to the Pool of Mixed Monstrosities in Maldraxxus. Because of the precise requirement, it's the most easy for a random player to mess it up.




- Consider creating a group to speed it up.

- Leave red for last: red is the most common and random players are more likely to add too many.

- Yellows are mostly found north of the pool, while reds and blues are south, and most players will go south to look for oozes. So it's usually best to do yellow first. BUT: occasionally yellow slimes will also spawn to the south. If so, be careful about adding a lot of yellows too early as it's more likely a random player will add too many.

- Sometimes blues can only be found much further to the south.

- Consider initially adding only 9/10 of each colour and leave the tenth of each for the end, in case someone over-adds.

Posted: March 08, 2021 1:00:51 AM   |   Edits: 2   |   Rating: +1

It's definitely not a Venthyr-only drop. I got one on an alt that is in the Necrolord covenant.

Posted: March 05, 2021 5:09:12 AM   |   Edits: 0   |   Rating: +3

I got one from the Bleakwood Chest that spawns occasionally in various parts of Dominance Keep in north-west Revendreth. It has a low drop rate, but not too bad (maybe 10%). If it's present, the chest icon will appear on your zone map with a star portrait around it.

Posted: December 23, 2020 10:17:28 PM   |   Edits: 1   |   Rating: +3
Re: Lucy

You can obtain this pet during various daily Shadowlands covenant "Training" quests (where you take a trainee out to help you with 3 zone dailies) but only when specific NPCs (which you don't get to choose) are your trainee. The NPCs are: Drippy for Venthyr, Deos for Kyrian, Twinklewings for Night Fae, and Dregs for Necrolord. Every 5 minutes, right after combat (and only after combat) the trainee will dig up a lootable Dirty Glinting Object and say something in chat (Drippy says, "Dredged up somethin' interesting over here, boss.").


The chance of getting this pet from one of the objects is small - you can see the large range of other loot items in the comments at the Wowhead link above. But if you don't hand in the quest you can keep killing random NPCs in the zone for the rest of the day till you get one.


Word of warning: have room in your bags before you loot the object. I found that it despawns as soon as the loot window closes, whether or not you got the loot.

Posted: December 07, 2020 1:20:39 AM   |   Edits: 3   |   Rating: +10

The red colour variant is unique to this pet. The other colours can be found on other wild pets.


Some older posts here refer to this scorpion changing colours, but this was fixed in 5.1.

Posted: July 03, 2020 10:49:02 AM   |   Edits: 0   |   Rating: +1

I received the Void-Scarred Rat from Kelsey's chest on the second time I ran the Horrific Vision of Stormwind with two masks active, and completed all objectives. It's possible that it's a coincidence, but I completed Kelsey's objective many times before (without masks) and never saw the rat drop for anyone.

Posted: April 02, 2020 4:17:35 AM   |   Edits: 0   |   Rating: 0

The source of this pet is "Rexxar's Corrupted Chest", which requires the Orgrimmar Horrific Vision to be available that week and for you to defeat Rexxar in the bonus "The Valley of Honor" lost area. But it may not be that simple: it's possible (though the evidence is still anecdotal at this stage) that the chest only awards C'Thuffer if you also complete all objectives in the horrific vision with at least 2 Faceless Masks active (i.e. the Masked Duet achievement). Despite killing Rexxar many times before this, I only obtained C'Thuffer when I completed that achievement, and I've seen a few other mentions of players obtaining it at the same level of difficulty.


It's also possible that C'Thuffer is available at a low drop rate without completing the instance with 2+ masks, but if so I haven't yet seen anyone mention it.

Posted: March 27, 2020 5:28:22 AM   |   Edits: 4   |   Rating: +1

It can be found in Whispering Reef Salvage crates, which are only for sale every few weeks and cost 120 Seafarer's Dubloons from a vendor near your Islane Expeditions table..

Posted: February 17, 2020 7:30:48 AM   |   Edits: 0   |   Rating: 0

Note that this imp can randomly appear grey or purple each time it's summoned, so you don't need to collect one of each.

Posted: February 15, 2020 10:24:35 AM   |   Edits: 0   |   Rating: +1
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