So now that some of us have finally done the awful adventure to obtain him, would you like to share the set ups you came up with to beat the most challenging ones? Or at least those that you remember for a particular reason

Note: If you followed a guide just refer to it if you still want to participate. I'd rather have the teams born in your own mind by chance, desperation or just enlightenment!
I'll list my team for:
Celestial Tournament:
Cho: Emerald Proto-Whelp + Flayer Youngling
Goldbloom:Nordrassil Wisp Nether Faerie Dragon + Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling *
McLeary: Alpine Foxling Kit + Chi-Chi
Kiryn: Crawling Claw + Tiny Snowman
Blingtron: Doom Bloom + Swamp Croaker
Mary: Junglebeak +Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling (MPD)
Wrathion: Huge Toad + Flayer Youngling
Brightblade (Gorgrond): Flayer Youngling + MPD
Tarr (Nagrand) : Macabre Marionette
Taralune (Talador): Sunreaver Micro-Sentry + Nexus Whelpling
Darkmoon Faire:
von Feasel: Nordrassil Wisp +Darkmoon Zeppelin
Feasel: Pocket Reaver + MPD *
Flowing Pandaren Spirit: Jade Owl + Swamp Croaker*
Whispering Pandaren Spirit: Bronze Whelpling + Darkmoon Zeppelin
Mo'ruk(so annoying): Personal World Destroyer + Bronze Whelpling
Wastewalker Shu: Chi-Chi +Pocket Reaver
Obalis: Crawling Claw + Flayer Youngling
Brok : Emerald Proto-Whelp + Darkmoon Zeppelin
Payne: Pocket Reaver + Chi-Chi
Yeah yeah, I like my flayer!
How about yours?
Edit(*): corrected and added.