'Warcraftpets' type guild for Cenarion Circle
Cenarion Circle has the advantage of being a really low pop server. I have a lvl 92 Alliance DK there because that is where I went to get the minfernal without all the campers. I have been thinking about moving him to Proudmoore though just because I have a whole family of toons there and being a lone toon on a server is suboptimal. But if you go Alliance, I could stick around and help get a pet guild going.
Re: 'Warcraftpets' type guild for Cenarion Circle
Having heard nothing back, I'm moving off to Proudmoore. Best of luck to you.
Re: 'Warcraftpets' type guild for Cenarion Circle
Heh, of course I notice this after you're gone. Ah, well, back to hunting pets on my own...