What is fastest way to level?

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What is fastest way to level?

Post by Dizzle_ » December 6th, 2012, 8:30 pm

As title says. What is the fastest/most efficient method starting at lvl 1?

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Re: What is fastest way to level?

Post by TippyKitt » December 6th, 2012, 8:55 pm

I start off taking my pets to the Dun Morogh, specifically the gnome starting area, (Obviously, if your horde this may not be the best place. I think Tirisfal Glades is comparable for the number of pets) and get 3 pets to lvl 5. After that I'll keep one of those as the first pet summoned into battle and switch the other 2 for higher level pets and go to an area that has pets too low to give experience to the two higher level pets (or just change out to two 25s) but high enough to give lots of experience to the lvl 5 without one shot-ing it. Have the lvl 5 make the first move then switch it right after for a higher lvl pet.

If its your first team and you dont have any pets at high levels the best way is the trainer battles. They give A LOT of xp.

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Re: What is fastest way to level?

Post by Tatra » December 6th, 2012, 9:22 pm

once you can sub the pet into a rotation against a tamer, sub it in do a little damage and then rotate the pet out. after defeating the tamer you get a ton of xp.

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Re: What is fastest way to level?

Post by Florencia » December 7th, 2012, 4:02 am

Use the above to get your first lvl 25 pet, then go catch 3 of aquatic pets with "pump"move, then go AH buy pandaren dragonling, pet bombling, go darkmoon faire get zeppelin.

Now go to farmer Nishi at valley of four winds and start your power lvling journey. 8-)

Good luck!

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Re: What is fastest way to level?

Post by Fourdegrees » December 9th, 2012, 4:30 pm

MASSIVE EDIT: Some elements of pet battle mechanics have changed and a large portion of this post is no longer valid. The fastest way to get a team of level 25 pets then use them to amass an army of level 25 pets is in my NEW POST DOWN BELOW. Feel free to read this one if you don't have anything better to do, but I hope you do, because that would just be sad.

For this reply, I'm going to assume a high-level character that *just* learned pet battles and has zero acquired pets beyond what companions you accumulated pre-MoP. IMO, this is the fastest way to get max level pets and subsequently the fastest/most efficient way to get all of your pets to level 25. I call this method the "fast but hard" way to 25 but once you have a team of level 25 pets, it becomes stupidly easy. I say "fast" because you spend virtually no time grinding pet levels (with one optional exception), but "hard" because your battles along the way can be challenging and you will lose sometimes.

Be aware you have to grind at least one pet to level 3 in order to start getting the trainer quests, but this is trivial because battling the level 1 pets around the capital city pet trainer gets you level 3 in no time. You also have to get your pets up to a certain level before you can make a full team of 3 pets (level 10?), but this part won't slow you down either. I'm going to assume you've read a guide on the basics of pet battling, that you can use this website to look up what zones have what level pets, and that you can look up what pet trainers have what level pets. I also HIGHLY recommend the addons Pet Journal - Enhanced and Battle Pet Quality Notifier.

Basically, take your pet(s) to a zone that has pets 1 or 2 levels higher than those in your team. Challenge those pets and capture them. Get any 3 different pets of the level in the zone you're battling in. Once this is done, take that new team to the next zone level up and repeat the process. Continue this leap-frogging of pet levels by constantly swapping out your team for the highest level pets you've captured. Soon, you will have a full team of level 23 pets (23 because higher pets lose 2 levels when captured and there are now level 25 wild pets, but you will have to hunt for them in Pandaria). This is the fastest way possible to get a team of level 23 pets, but it is hard at times because you are always one or two levels below the pets you are battling. Protip: if you're in a pet battle with a really hard pet that you really want to capture, such as a level 25 rare, but your team is getting owned, log out before the pet battle is over. When you log back in, the pet you were after will still be there for the taking, rather than despawning after a failed battle.

The second part of this strategy is the pet trainers. They are critical to complete so you are steadily unlocking all of the realm dailies. As you capture higher level pets, take on the trainers (a couple levels below you just to save on frustration). Use a strategy of, say, taking your team of Azeroth pets to Outland and getting an Outland team that you then take back to defeat the Azeroth trainers, and so on. This part of the strategy is very important, because once you have a full team of level 23 pets, you want to get them to level 25 as fast as possible. This is where trainers come in handy because they give a big bonus to xp when you beat them.

Here's how the game designers currently have trainers setup that happens to be very helpful for pet leveling: Take their daily quest and beat them BUT once the battle is over and you've gotten the bonus xp for the fight ... abandon the quest. You get to keep the bonus xp and you can grab the quest all over again. Rinse and repeat. (Note: some argue that this is an "exploit", but I argue that it is simple enough for the designers to set up xp gain from pet battles any way they like and they have chosen to set it up the way it currently is. For example, a regular collection quest grants no xp for each item that you pick up, but grants its xp when the quest is turned in. It would be easy enough for the game to designers to set pet trainer battle quests up to grant xp in this same manner, but they have chosen to leave it as is after a major content patch, several client-side updates, and many server restarts. Not only have the designers not changed the way trainer battle xp works, but they have even *buffed* xp from defeating trainers. These facts give the impression that trainer battle xp is currently working as intended and there is no harm in taking advantage of the current mechanic.)

Your best bet for reliable leveling from 22-23 to 25 is a Cataclysm trainer because the ones in Pandaria tend to eat teams of level 23 pets unless you get lucky. I recommend Brok in Mount Hyjal only because he's close to the zone portal and a Stable Master so there is less travelling around. You may decide fighting a trainer to get from 23 to 25 is too challenging, so you can certainly go to a place like Halfhill in Vot4W and battle pets close to the stable master. As soon as your team is level 25, you're headed to Valley of the Four Winds anyway for the most ridiculously efficient use of a trainer for xp gains ever.

I highly recommend capturing and leveling a rare Dancing Water Skimmer in VoEB and a Personal World Destroyer from an engineer (this is the only pet grind from 1-25 I recommend as part of the strategy, but it is optional because you could easily just capture two Dancing Water Skimmers and do fine.) The reason for the recommendation is just below.

So now you have a full team of level 25 pets and all of the Pandaria pet battle dailies unlocked. Let's assume you took my recommendation and have a rare DWS and a PWD. Go introduce yourself to Farmer Nishi in Valley of the Four Winds, you're going to become very well acquainted. Why? Because she has two pets of the elemental type (Siren and Toothbreaker), which aquatic damage is very strong against, and she has one beast type (Brood of Mothran), which mechanical damage is very strong against. One of your pets can waste two of hers by itself and sometimes it can kill all three, but if the third one kills your DWS, you bring in the PWD and lay waste to that one. Here's how: Use your DWS's Water Jet, Cleansing Rain, and Pump. Use your PWD's Metal Fist, Supercharge, and Screeching Gears. Nishi always sends one of her two elementals out first, which you will eat with your DWS, then she sends out the other elemental, which you will also eat. By the time she sends the beast out, your DWS may be low, but no worries, you can finish that off easily with your PWD. The fight is over in very short order and can be repeated as often as you can stand.

Nishi is the final piece of the strategy to getting lots of pets up to level 25. Now that you have a sense of how to defeat her, she is your ticket to ultra fast and easy grinding. Put the pet you want to level in your first slot, followed by the DWS and PWD. Start the fight with Nishi. Use that pet to cast one ability, it may miss and your pet will take a hit, but if it doesn't get one-shotted, rotate it out to the DWS, then PWD as needed. Your lowbie pet gets a huge xp bonus (especially if you have the Safari Hat) and you can repeat this process as often as you can stand it. Note that you may need to level your lowest pets a bit so they can survive the first hit Nishi's pets deliver, but that's no big deal. By level 3 or 4, pretty much all pets can survive the 160-180 damage that is typical of either pets' opening salvo. I'm in the process of leveling all of my pets from the "top down" so I haven't yet come across the highest level pet that still gets one shotted by either Siren's or Toothbreaker's opening attack.

So there you have it, the fastest (albeit occasionally hard) way to get a team of level 25 pets, and then the fastest/most efficient way to get a vast number of level 25 battle pets.

Is the proof in the pudding? I'm currently ranked 8th on my server for highest cumulative pet battle levels, which I know isn't saying a whole metric ton because Trollbane-US isn't ranked that high overall, but you'll see me in the top rankings soon enough:
gu ildox.co m/g o/g.asp?r=Trol lb ane-US &w=& a=25

TL;DR: leap-frog pet levels up to 23 via capturing while also unlocking pet dailies, grind from 23-25 by abusing Brok, abuse Farmer Nishi repeatedly to grind a single pet up to 25, repeat as often as you like to get an army of level 25 pets.

P.S. - If there is enough interest, I would be happy to go into detail about how to use the DWS & PWD to wtfpwn Nishi's pets and how you can level decent pets even faster if you're smart about it.

EDIT: changed the color of some language to avoid inflaming the emotions of some who disagree with a portion of my strategy.
Last edited by Fourdegrees on December 11th, 2012, 1:10 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: What is fastest way to level?

Post by Hellomynameis » December 9th, 2012, 5:07 pm

To wall post: You kinda copy pasted your post twice. So what seemsed to be a K.O. wall-of-death, was actually just (K.O. wall-of-death) / 2.

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Re: What is fastest way to level?

Post by Ðoctr » December 9th, 2012, 6:53 pm

this is assuming your at least a level 70 character.

get your first pet, then go capture a rare, then another, then another.

once you have 3 rares always fight 3 levels above you, ie: you have 3 level 6 rares, go to a zone with level 9 pets

catch 3 level 9 rares, use those 3 to catch level 12 rares in a new zone, then move on.

once you have captured 3 level 25 rares (they will drop to 23), go to Wyrmrest Temple in Dragonblight.

just on the east side of the temple is a npc that will heal & res your pets, just east of there is a rack of bones with level 22-23 pets with fairly fast respawns, battle them till you have a fairly powerful level 25 pet

now you can start to power level any pet, put your powerful 25 in last slot, your lower levels in the first 2 slots

start the battle, do any move then swap to 2nd pet, do any move, swap to 3rd powerful pet and battle the rest, good xp

go to the npc and heal your pets, rinse and repeat.

a couple hours will get a level 1 pet to 25 no problem.

hope that helps

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Re: What is fastest way to level?

Post by Bistromath » December 9th, 2012, 7:12 pm

Fourdegrees wrote:For this reply, I'm going to assume a high-level character that *just* learned pet battles and has zero acquired pets beyond what companions you accumulated pre-MoP. IMO, this is the fastest way to get max level pets and subsequently the fastest/most efficient way to get all of your pets to level 25. I call this method the "fast but hard" way to 25 but once you have a team of level 25 pets, it becomes stupidly easy. I say "fast" because you spend virtually no time grinding pet levels (with one optional exception), but "hard" because your battles along the way can be challenging and you will lose sometimes.

Be aware you have to grind at least one pet to level 3 in order to start getting the trainer quests, but this is trivial because battling the level 1 pets around the capital city pet trainer gets you level 3 in no time. You also have to get your pets up to a certain level before you can make a full team of 3 pets (level 10?), but this part won't slow you down either. I'm going to assume you've read a guide on the basics of pet battling, that you can use this website to look up what zones have what level pets, and that you can look up what pet trainers have what level pets. I also HIGHLY recommend the addons Pet Journal - Enhanced and Battle Pet Quality Notifier.

Basically, take your pet(s) to a zone that has pets 1 or 2 levels higher than those in your team. Challenge those pets and capture them. Get any 3 different pets of the level in the zone you're battling in. Once this is done, take that new team to the next zone level up and repeat the process. Continue this leap-frogging of pet levels by constantly swapping out your team for the highest level pets you've captured. Soon, you will have a full team of level 23 pets (23 because higher pets lose 2 levels when captured and there are now level 25 wild pets, but you will have to hunt for them in Pandaria). This is the fastest way possible to get a team of level 23 pets, but it is hard at times because you are always one or two levels below the pets you are battling. Protip: if you're in a pet battle with a really hard pet that you really want to capture, such as a level 25 rare, but your team is getting owned, log out before the pet battle is over. When you log back in, the pet you were after will still be there for the taking, rather than despawning after a failed battle.

The second part of this strategy is the pet trainers. They are critical to complete so you are steadily unlocking all of the realm dailies. As you capture higher level pets, take on the trainers (a couple levels below you just to save on frustration). Use a strategy of, say, taking your team of Azeroth pets to Outland and getting an Outland team that you then take back to defeat the Azeroth trainers, and so on. This part of the strategy is very important, because once you have a full team of level 23 pets, you want to get them to level 25 as fast as possible. This is where trainers come in handy because they give a big bonus to xp when you beat them.

Here's how to abuse a trainer for leveling: Take their daily quest and beat them BUT once the battle is over and you've gotten the bonus xp for the fight ... abandon the quest. You get to keep the bonus xp and you can grab the quest all over again. Rinse and repeat. You'll see the amazing power of this trick in just a bit.

Your best bet for reliable leveling from 22-23 to 25 is a Cataclysm trainer because the ones in Pandaria tend to eat teams of level 23 pets unless you get lucky. I recommend Brok in Mount Hyjal only because he's close to the zone portal and a Stable Master so there is less travelling around. As soon as your team is level 25, you're headed to Valley of the Four Winds for the most ridiculous abuse of a trainer for xp gains in the history of taking advantage of game mechanics.

I highly recommend capturing a rare Dancing Water Skimmer in VoEB and picking up a Personal World Destroyer from an engineer (this is the only pet grind from 1-25 I recommend as part of the strategy, but it is optional because you could easily just capture two Dancing Water Skimmers and do just fine.) The reason for the recommendation is just below.

So now you have a full team of level 25 pets and all of the Pandaria pet battle dailies unlocked. Let's assume you took my recommendation and have a rare DWS and a PWD. Go introduce yourself to Farmer Nishi in Valley of the Four Winds, you're going to become very well acquainted. Why? Because she has two pets of the elemental type (Siren and Toothbreaker), which aquatic damage is very strong against, and she has one beast type (Brood of Mothran), which mechanical damage is very strong against. One of your pets can waste two of hers by itself, and if the third one kills your DWS, you bring in the PWD and lay waste to that one. Here's how: Use your DWS's Water Jet, Cleansing Rain, and Pump. Use your PWD's Metal Fist, Supercharge, and Screeching Gears. Nishi always sends one of her two elementals out first, which you will eat with your DWS, then she sends out the other elemental, which you will also eat. By the time she sends the beast out, your DWS may be low, but no worries, you can finish that off easily with your PWD. The fight is over in very short order and can be repeated as often as you can stand.

Nishi is the final piece of the strategy to getting lots of pets up to level 25. Now that you have a sense of how to defeat her, she is your ticket to ultra fast and easy grinding. Put the pet you want to level in your first slot, followed by the DWS and PWD. Start the fight with Nishi. Use that pet to cast one ability, it may miss and your pet will take a hit, but if it doesn't get one-shotted, rotate it out to the DWS, then PWD as needed. Your lowbie pet gets a huge xp bonus (especially if you have the Safari Hat) and you can repeat this process as often as you can stand it. Note that you may need to level your lowest pets a bit so they can survive the first hit Nishi's pets deliver, but that's no big deal. By level 3 or 4, pretty much all pets can survive it. I'm in the process of leveling all of my pets from the "top down" so I haven't yet come across the highest level pet that still gets one shotted by either Siren's or Toothbreaker's opening attack.

So there you have it, the fastest (albeit occasionally hard) way to get a team of level 25 pets, and then the fastest/most efficient way to get a vast number of level 25 battle pets.

Is the proof in the pudding? I'm currently ranked 8th on my server for highest cumulative pet battle levels, which I know isn't saying a whole metric ton because Trollbane-US isn't ranked that high overall, but you'll see me in the top rankings soon enough:
For this reply, I'm going to assume a high-level character that *just* learned pet battles and has zero acquired pets beyond what companions you accumulated pre-MoP. IMO, this is the fastest way to get max level pets and subsequently the fastest/most efficient way to get all of your pets to level 25. I call this method the "fast but hard" way to 25 but once you have a team of level 25 pets, it becomes stupidly easy. I say "fast" because you spend virtually no time grinding pet levels (with one optional exception), but "hard" because your battles along the way can be challenging and you will lose sometimes.

Be aware you have to grind at least one pet to level 3 in order to start getting the trainer quests, but this is trivial because battling the level 1 pets around the capital city pet trainer gets you level 3 in no time. You also have to get your pets up to a certain level before you can make a full team of 3 pets (level 10?), but this part won't slow you down either. I'm going to assume you've read a guide on the basics of pet battling, that you can use this website to look up what zones have what level pets, and that you can look up what pet trainers have what level pets. I also HIGHLY recommend the addons Pet Journal - Enhanced and Battle Pet Quality Notifier.

Basically, take your pet(s) to a zone that has pets 1 or 2 levels higher than those in your team. Challenge those pets and capture them. Get any 3 different pets of the level in the zone you're battling in. Once this is done, take that new team to the next zone level up and repeat the process. Continue this leap-frogging of pet levels by constantly swapping out your team for the highest level pets you've captured. Soon, you will have a full team of level 23 pets (23 because higher pets lose 2 levels when captured and there are now level 25 wild pets, but you will have to hunt for them in Pandaria). This is the fastest way possible to get a team of level 23 pets, but it is hard at times because you are always one or two levels below the pets you are battling. Protip: if you're in a pet battle with a really hard pet that you really want to capture, such as a level 25 rare, but your team is getting owned, log out before the pet battle is over. When you log back in, the pet you were after will still be there for the taking, rather than despawning after a failed battle.

The second part of this strategy is the pet trainers. They are critical to complete so you are steadily unlocking all of the realm dailies. As you capture higher level pets, take on the trainers (a couple levels below you just to save on frustration). Use a strategy of, say, taking your team of Azeroth pets to Outland and getting an Outland team that you then take back to defeat the Azeroth trainers, and so on. This part of the strategy is very important, because once you have a full team of level 23 pets, you want to get them to level 25 as fast as possible. This is where trainers come in handy because they give a big bonus to xp when you beat them.

Here's how to abuse a trainer for leveling: Take their daily quest and beat them BUT once the battle is over and you've gotten the bonus xp for the fight ... abandon the quest. You get to keep the bonus xp and you can grab the quest all over again. Rinse and repeat. You'll see the amazing power of this trick in just a bit.

Your best bet for reliable leveling from 22-23 to 25 is a Cataclysm trainer because the ones in Pandaria tend to eat teams of level 23 pets unless you get lucky. I recommend Brok in Mount Hyjal only because he's close to the zone portal and a Stable Master so there is less travelling around. As soon as your team is level 25, you're headed to Valley of the Four Winds for the most ridiculous abuse of a trainer for xp gains in the history of taking advantage of game mechanics.

I highly recommend capturing a rare Dancing Water Skimmer in VoEB and picking up a Personal World Destroyer from an engineer (this is the only pet grind from 1-25 I recommend as part of the strategy, but it is optional because you could easily just capture two Dancing Water Skimmers and do just fine.) The reason for the recommendation is just below.

So now you have a full team of level 25 pets and all of the Pandaria pet battle dailies unlocked. Let's assume you took my recommendation and have a rare DWS and a PWD. Go introduce yourself to Farmer Nishi in Valley of the Four Winds, you're going to become very well acquainted. Why? Because she has two pets of the elemental type (Siren and Toothbreaker), which aquatic damage is very strong against, and she has one beast type (Brood of Mothran), which mechanical damage is very strong against. One of your pets can waste two of hers by itself, and if the third one kills your DWS, you bring in the PWD and lay waste to that one. Here's how: Use your DWS's Water Jet, Cleansing Rain, and Pump. Use your PWD's Metal Fist, Supercharge, and Screeching Gears. Nishi always sends one of her two elementals out first, which you will eat with your DWS, then she sends out the other elemental, which you will also eat. By the time she sends the beast out, your DWS may be low, but no worries, you can finish that off easily with your PWD. The fight is over in very short order and can be repeated as often as you can stand.

Nishi is the final piece of the strategy to getting lots of pets up to level 25. Now that you have a sense of how to defeat her, she is your ticket to ultra fast and easy grinding. Put the pet you want to level in your first slot, followed by the DWS and PWD. Start the fight with Nishi. Use that pet to cast one ability, it may miss and your pet will take a hit, but if it doesn't get one-shotted, rotate it out to the DWS, then PWD as needed. Your lowbie pet gets a huge xp bonus (especially if you have the Safari Hat) and you can repeat this process as often as you can stand it. Note that you may need to level your lowest pets a bit so they can survive the first hit Nishi's pets deliver, but that's no big deal. By level 3 or 4, pretty much all pets can survive it. I'm in the process of leveling all of my pets from the "top down" so I haven't yet come across the highest level pet that still gets one shotted by either Siren's or Toothbreaker's opening attack.

So there you have it, the fastest (albeit occasionally hard) way to get a team of level 25 pets, and then the fastest/most efficient way to get a vast number of level 25 battle pets.

Is the proof in the pudding? I'm currently ranked 8th on my server for highest cumulative pet battle levels, which I know isn't saying a whole metric ton because Trollbane-US isn't ranked that high overall, but you'll see me in the top rankings soon enough:
gu ildox.co m/g o/g.asp?r=Trol lb ane-US &w=& a=25

TL;DR: leap-frog pet levels up to 23 via capturing while also unlocking pet dailies, grind from 23-25 by abusing Brok, abuse Farmer Nishi repeatedly to grind a single pet up to 25, repeat as often as you like to get an army of level 25 pets.

P.S. - If there is enough interest, I would be happy to go into detail about how to use the DWS & PWD to wtfpwn Nishi's pets and how you can level decent pets even faster if you're smart about it.

Here's how to abuse a trainer for leveling: Take their daily quest and beat them BUT once the battle is over and you've gotten the bonus xp for the fight ... abandon the quest. You get to keep the bonus xp and you can grab the quest all over again. Rinse and repeat. You'll see the amazing power of this trick in just a bit.

I hope everyone who has done this gets all thier pets reduced back to lvl 1, and to tell someone to do this just shows that some people have no honor or integrity. Ive never used this nor will i ever, and i have 39 25s and im rank 1 on my server. That may not seem like much to the exploiters, but at least I got mine leveled up honestly.

Now Dizz, I normally with a team of 3 lvl 1 pets will always have at least 1 pet with attacks strong VS critters, that way you can piggy back pets that are weaker to critter.

Most pets you fight will normally be either Critters or Beasts. Some areas do have more of other types, but once you get there you should be fine with the team you have.

Once you get a Beast to 25, and one with the skill Devour or Ravage you can go to Four Winds and lvl lower pets by Killing Marsh Fiddler groups, they are by far easiest.

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Re: What is fastest way to level?

Post by Fourdegrees » December 9th, 2012, 9:38 pm

Edema wrote:Here's how to abuse a trainer for leveling: Take their daily quest and beat them BUT once the battle is over and you've gotten the bonus xp for the fight ... abandon the quest. You get to keep the bonus xp and you can grab the quest all over again. Rinse and repeat. You'll see the amazing power of this trick in just a bit.

I hope everyone who has done this gets all thier pets reduced back to lvl 1, and to tell someone to do this just shows that some people have no honor or integrity. Ive never used this nor will i ever, and i have 39 25s and im rank 1 on my server. That may not seem like much to the exploiters, but at least I got mine leveled up honestly.
Please read the section of Sirlin's online book "Playing to Win." In particular, the section titled "How Far Should You Go to Win?" It specifically references World of Warcraft and may be enlightening. I don't advocate taking advantage of things that exist in the game that are clearly malfunctions (such as back in the day Warsong battles where somebody grabbed the flag and bugged their way up to an otherwise unreachable area). I advocate using strategies that exist within the game as designed and implemented. If the designers feel this is an "exploit," it will be addressed as such. Seeing as it is still doable two patches and multiple hot-fixes in, it seems to me to be "working as intended." Please do not assume of me that I am a person lacking honor and/or integrity because I have found a winning game strategy.

Since I can't post external links, this is going to be formatted funny.
sirl in(dot)net(slash)ptw-book(slash)ho w-fa r-sho u ld-yo u-go- to-win. h t m l

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Re: What is fastest way to level?

Post by Poofah » December 10th, 2012, 2:02 am

Edema wrote:
Fourdegrees wrote: Here's how to abuse a trainer for leveling: Take their daily quest and beat them BUT once the battle is over and you've gotten the bonus xp for the fight ... abandon the quest. You get to keep the bonus xp and you can grab the quest all over again. Rinse and repeat. You'll see the amazing power of this trick in just a bit.

I hope everyone who has done this gets all thier pets reduced back to lvl 1, and to tell someone to do this just shows that some people have no honor or integrity. Ive never used this nor will i ever, and i have 39 25s and im rank 1 on my server. That may not seem like much to the exploiters, but at least I got mine leveled up honestly.
The ability to abandon tamer quests may or may not be intended, but there's no evidence that it's an exploit. You're only doing yourself and others a disservice by assuming that it is. Pandaria tamers have a 5x multiplier on XP, and are therefore the most efficient source of XP by a large margin. If you don't want to take advantage of that, that's fine, but you are just making up rules for yourself to follow, and nobody should feel beholden to your made-up rule.

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Re: What is fastest way to level?

Post by Quintessence » December 10th, 2012, 5:18 am

Everyone's free to play/level in their own way and there's no absolute "right" or "wrong" way to do it. But much like everything else in the game that seems too good to be true or sketchy, use discretion when participating in such activities as using the abandon/pick up tamer daily method. Although there hasn't been any official word that using this is an exploit or bug, be aware that it might not be intended. If it is a bug, though, it might get fixed a future patch.

The most important thing is to have fun. :)
Feel free to browse through my pet collecting blog: http://wowpetaddiction.blogspot.com

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Re: What is fastest way to level?

Post by Florencia » December 10th, 2012, 6:32 am

Quintessence wrote:Everyone's free to play/level in their own way and there's no absolute "right" or "wrong" way to do it. But much like everything else in the game that seems too good to be true or sketchy, use discretion when participating in such activities as using the abandon/pick up tamer daily method. Although there hasn't been any official word that using this is an exploit or bug, be aware that it might not be intended. If it is a bug, though, it might get fixed a future patch.

The most important thing is to have fun. :)
We got two or three threads on wow forums talking about how nishi farming is an exploit...they even link mumper's words from twitter..

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Re: What is fastest way to level?

Post by Rimbombante » December 10th, 2012, 7:13 am

Just go to the veiled stair with a lvl 25 flayer youngling or other pet with beast type attacks. There will only spawn critters so it is veeeery easy to kill them quickly. I get around 500 exp from each battle just switching the pet after the first turn, it´s too easy xD

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Re: What is fastest way to level?

Post by Quintessence » December 10th, 2012, 7:21 am

Florencia wrote:We got two or three threads on wow forums talking about how nishi farming is an exploit...they even link mumper's words from twitter..
Unless I'm missing the thread where Twitter was discussed, from what I've read on the forums the quotes from Mumper were taken out of the wrong context. But I did find that he mentioned the Tamer dailies in this conversation:
  • Q: Why can't we abandon daily pet quests? You obviously wanted pet xp gains to incrase, but remove the best way to gain xp.
    Mumper: They are set like this to avoid an exploit of fighting the same tamer over and over by abandoning the quest.

    Q: Seems like you can abandon the pet tamer daily quests now, is that intended? It's a bit of an OP way to grind levels.
    Mumper: We have not seen any reports of this, the tamer quests are designed to not be abandoned.
Since it's very likely that the Tamer dailies will get a fix in the near future so you can't continuously abandon and pick them up again, it's probably not advisable to continue using the dailies in such a manner that wasn't intended.

There are other ways of using the dailies to level your pets, though. Swapping in a low lvl to take a hit or two and then letting a higher lvl pet finish off the fight, for example. I still get a large chunk that would otherwise take me a handful of wild pet battles to earn. You can only do this once per day, per Tamer. But that's ok since I'd much rather be out hunting for rares and battle-stones. :)
Feel free to browse through my pet collecting blog: http://wowpetaddiction.blogspot.com

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Re: What is fastest way to level?

Post by Greenstar » December 10th, 2012, 9:32 am

I usually do pet battles in high level zones and I usually use a very low level pet (3-12) that can take at least one hit, a high level pet (20-24) and a 25 dragon (with healing). The low level pet usually only gets in 1 attack and gets a good chunk of XP and the higher one can often kill 1-3 of the opponents (depending on pet) and gets a decent amount of XP.

I know it's not as much XP as from the pet battle masters, but I'd rather spend my time trying to find upgrades (either to rare or a better/additional breed) and for the chance at a battle-stone. I also find that the variety of opponent combinations helps me learn how/when to use my own pets more effectively. I think the mindless repetition of doing the same battle over and over would drive me bonkers (well, more than I already am...).

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Re: What is fastest way to level?

Post by Humbelle » December 10th, 2012, 2:57 pm

I take my level 1 pets to the Jade Forest and attack the enemy pet once and then switch it to a level 25 and use that pet to kill the 3 enemy pets. This will give you an instant level to 3 or 4. Repeating this same thing will get you to level 6. After that, I take the pet to the lower level daily pet tamers.

My jade oozeling went from level 11 to level 19 by defeating 4 of the mid-level tamers (Outlands, Northrend and Cataclysm). I typically will fight against all of the tamers (even the ones that do not give the sack of pet supplies) just to get the bonus xp.

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Re: What is fastest way to level?

Post by Darklynx » December 10th, 2012, 3:28 pm

Here is my method:

I follow the battle-trainer quest-line from eastern kingdoms and Kalimdor like that:
Snake Girl (First Trainer) -> Old Mcdonald (Westfall) -> Wolf Guy (Darkshore) -> Battle Master (Deadwind Pass).
HINT: If you use a Winterspring Cub level 25 like I do, you can solo the elemental, finish it with devour and then just auto-attack the battle-master two undeads and leave them with 100- HP, your pet should be able to kill them from here. Or, since they are undead, you can actually kill them one turn before they kill you, they'll come back to life, kill you and die right after, giving your lowbie a full xp.
This takes my level 1 pet to level 9-13. I take a trip to Winterspring (Mage with teleport for Darnassus or druid with Moonglade teleport) and beat up the grand master on Winterspring.

After that my pet is on a good level to utilize the Critter Heaven on 'The Veiled Star' map, I put my pet on the first place and use a random skill, swap to my Winterspring Cub and Bite -> Bite -> Devour all pets, keeping my killer always full and enjoying 400+ xp per 1 minute fight until level 20. When I'm around level 19 and I have extra bandages or skill not on CD, I try to kill the critters with dots or allow them to live with 200- HP, then I throw my lowbie pet and kill for a whole bunch of 800+ xp. Use bandage or pet skill and profit.

HOWEVER, recently changes to spawn rate of critters there kinda ruined my fun, you can get around 6 battles before you run out of critters and fly around waiting for respawns, so I'm training my Flying Pet with Call of Darkness and Nocturnal Strike to do the same strategy on Valley of 4 Winds (Lots of water pets there).

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Re: What is fastest way to level?

Post by Bistromath » December 10th, 2012, 3:35 pm

Quintessence wrote:
Florencia wrote:We got two or three threads on wow forums talking about how nishi farming is an exploit...they even link mumper's words from twitter..
Unless I'm missing the thread where Twitter was discussed, from what I've read on the forums the quotes from Mumper were taken out of the wrong context. But I did find that he mentioned the Tamer dailies in this conversation:
  • Q: Why can't we abandon daily pet quests? You obviously wanted pet xp gains to incrase, but remove the best way to gain xp.
    Mumper: They are set like this to avoid an exploit of fighting the same tamer over and over by abandoning the quest.

    Q: Seems like you can abandon the pet tamer daily quests now, is that intended? It's a bit of an OP way to grind levels.
    Mumper: We have not seen any reports of this, the tamer quests are designed to not be abandoned.
Since it's very likely that the Tamer dailies will get a fix in the near future so you can't continuously abandon and pick them up again, it's probably not advisable to continue using the dailies in such a manner that wasn't intended.

There are other ways of using the dailies to level your pets, though. Swapping in a low lvl to take a hit or two and then letting a higher lvl pet finish off the fight, for example. I still get a large chunk that would otherwise take me a handful of wild pet battles to earn. You can only do this once per day, per Tamer. But that's ok since I'd much rather be out hunting for rares and battle-stones. :)
I agree with you 100% Quintess, using lower lvl pets with higher lvl pets to level is cool.

However going to a trainer and using this "Nishi Exploit" is nothing more then cheating, and people would be smart to stop using it like that.

And telling people to use this exploit to level just shows integrity issuses.

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Re: What is fastest way to level?

Post by Poofah » December 10th, 2012, 3:55 pm

Edema wrote:However going to a trainer and using this "Nishi Exploit" is nothing more then cheating
You simply don't have any proof that this is the case.

There was a mini-patch today, and there are reports on the wow forums that abandoning tamer quests has in fact been fixed (although I didn't see it in the patch notes). So I think we can infer that it wasn't intended.

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Re: What is fastest way to level?

Post by Breanni » December 10th, 2012, 4:00 pm

This exploit was hot-fixed today. Nothing to see here.

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