What's in your bags?

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What's in your bags?

Post by JEC » February 19th, 2015, 1:45 pm

Just for fun, I compiled a list of all of the caged pets I have hanging around in the bank bags of my characters. Once in a while I grab a couple, level them, and put them on the AH, although many are over abundant.

What's in your bags?

Teroclaw hatchling x2
Crimson spore
Firewing x2
Sun sproutling
Spectral bell x2
Albino chimerling
Lunar lantern
Ikky x3
Brilliant spore x2
Fruit hunter
Puddle terror x2
Meadowstomper calf x2
Doom Bloom x2
Red Helper Box
Gu'chi swarmling
Sinister squashling
Iron starlette
Macabre Marionette
Smolderweb hatchling
Pint-size pink pachyderm
Creepy crate
Father winter's helper x2
Winter's little helper x2
Jingling bell
Fishy x2
Clockwork rocketbot x2
Tiny snowman x2
Ashtone core
Parrot cage Senegal
Harbinger of flame
Corefire imp
Sunfire kaliri
Lil smoky

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Re: What's in your bags?

Post by Taleranor » February 19th, 2015, 4:15 pm

For my own peace of mind in some cases, logistics in others, I caged everything of which I had a spare. Some I may relearn and level, some I may sell, some I may give away. But right now, I have:

Tiny Snowman x 4
Worg Pup x 2
Ghostly Skull x 3
Fishy x 2
White Tickbird Hatchling x 2
Green Wing Macaw x1
Sinister Squashling x 4
Clockwork Robot x 3
Winter Reindeer x4
Snowshoe Rabbit
Tree Frog
Spring Rabbit x 4
Winter's Little Helper x4
Father Winter's Helper x2
Shimmering Wyrmling x 2
Iron Starlette x 2
Pandaren Air Spirit x 2
Pandaren Earth Spirit x 4
Pandaren Water Spirit
Lovebird Hatchling
Harmonious Porcupette
Proto-Drake Whelp
Dandelion Frlocker
Corefire Imp
Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling
White Kitten
Kaliri Hatchling
Enchanted Lantern

Then on the AH I have:
De-weaponized Mechanical Companion
Spirit of Summer
Fruit Hunter
Pandaren Earth Spirit
another Peddlefeet (stoned to blue)

And on a different realm, on the AH:
Darkmoon Tonk
Darkmoon Zepopelin
all four Pandaren elemental spirits
Sunfur Panda
Mountain Panda
Sunreaver Micro-Sentry

So um... yeah. Just a few extras.

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Re: What's in your bags?

Post by Jesjbrown » February 19th, 2015, 6:02 pm

I actually don't have any extra pets in my bags. My guildies and I try to help each other out with pets we can (about half of my cageable pets were gifts from them). Any time I get a cageable duplicate I post in guild chat or put it in the vault.

And how do you have enough bank space for all those?! I'm totally jealous. My bank is a cluttered wreck. Lol.

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Re: What's in your bags?

Post by Rannegirl » February 19th, 2015, 7:50 pm

The last time I took inventory I had over 700 caged pets stashed across different alts, but mostly in two private guild banks with a total of 11 tabs.

Yes, I'm a hoarder (and I play Horde -- there's an inappropriate joke in there somewhere, but I digress). But I freely share my bounty with friends (old and new). I have been known to do what I call a pet bomb. I identify someone from a guild I have randomly joined with an alt, and then I check them out on the armory. They frequently get a series of in-game mails that are fully stocked with caged pets that they don't currently have. The average is about 24 pets, but have done pet bombs upwards of 50 pets.

Then when my stock dwindles, I start buying up cheap pets again.

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Re: What's in your bags?

Post by Taleranor » February 19th, 2015, 8:14 pm

Jesjbrown wrote:I actually don't have any extra pets in my bags. My guildies and I try to help each other out with pets we can (about half of my cageable pets were gifts from them). Any time I get a cageable duplicate I post in guild chat or put it in the vault.

And how do you have enough bank space for all those?! I'm totally jealous. My bank is a cluttered wreck. Lol.
My bank alt has a guild bank all to himself. A friend asked me to watch his defunct guild for him, and never came back for it, so my wife and I use it for storage.

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Re: What's in your bags?

Post by Abbotta » February 20th, 2015, 1:30 am

I don't have that many caged pets in the bank. Usually extras of any decent value I will donate to Rusti's Pet Adoption Agency on Bladefist. We are talking stuff that ranges in the $1000s to 5000g range. A few I will sell to raise money when I start a new toon on a different realm (panda rain spirit gamers are a nice way to boost a bank account quickly). I think stashed away I have some of the Valentine's Day pets but I'll give those out to new prt collectors.

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Re: What's in your bags?

Post by Shikon01 » February 21st, 2015, 9:28 pm

Man I'm jealous ROF !!!! I basically have all the pets nobody would want such as all the Xmas pets. Pets from tailoring and Lil blings. Most are in bank on alt Tho I have bought some tcg card pets waiting to come in to put on AH. Mama needs some gold for these damn garrisons lol. EBay is my friend / wink.

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Re: What's in your bags?

Post by Mystik_sok » February 22nd, 2015, 2:35 pm

A metric ton of the pets from the MoP dailies. I did those daily for almost a year to level 500+ pets, sold the pets on the AH until it just wasn't worth the effort anymore.

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