What Use for Overstocked Bandages?

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What Use for Overstocked Bandages?

Post by Stella3 » March 1st, 2015, 8:14 am

Hi Collectors,

As many of you know, we can acquire an over abundance of pet bandages. Obviously we can't trade them or sell them for anything so is there any purpose in keeping them? I find myself just throwing stacks of them away but feel that it is such a waste. What do you guys do with them?

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Re: What Use for Overstocked Bandages?

Post by Geline » March 1st, 2015, 9:16 am

Well, the first (and not very helpful) suggestion is: have more alts. As an altoholic, I've got many baby toons out in the field, each camping a daily tamer in a zone that's not too dangerous for her. I sent them each out with a stack of bandages, because many of those battles take considerably less than three minutes (the time you have to wait from login to use the heal spell).

We don't want any bickering in the alt clubhouse over who passed along a team with wounded pets!

I also use them to protect myself from Blizzard's auto-complete mail set-up: when I'm mailing gold or valuable items to alts, I throw in a couple of bandages. That way, if I "hit tab" too many times and didn't notice that the mail was addressed to, say, a guildie or someone on my friends list (yes, I'm looking at you, phantom friends list bug!) ... the mail simply won't go until I correct the address.

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Re: What Use for Overstocked Bandages?

Post by Peanutty » March 1st, 2015, 2:10 pm

Stella3 wrote:Obviously we can't trade them or sell them for anything so is there any purpose in keeping them? I find myself just throwing stacks of them away but feel that it is such a waste.
NOO don't throw them away! They're worth 50 copper each! 50 copper! Back in my day you could buy a Kaldorei Spider Kabob and small fries with...

Ok, so they're pretty worthless. Personally I vendor them past a certain amount (each toon gets 1 stack, and my "pet stuff" toon has with maybe a dozen stacks banked). You can also use them for seed money if you need just a couple silver to mail stuff around on new toons.

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Re: What Use for Overstocked Bandages?

Post by Ranok » March 1st, 2015, 3:12 pm

Geline wrote:I also use them to protect myself from Blizzard's auto-complete mail set-up: when I'm mailing gold or valuable items to alts, I throw in a couple of bandages. That way, if I "hit tab" too many times and didn't notice that the mail was addressed to, say, a guildie or someone on my friends list (yes, I'm looking at you, phantom friends list bug!) ... the mail simply won't go until I correct the address.
Great idea ! Could have save myself some grief in the past if I'd thought of that.

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Re: What Use for Overstocked Bandages?

Post by Ishildur » March 2nd, 2015, 5:02 pm

I'm a bit weird but I keep them... once I get the itch to go grind (with biscuits on of course) I like being able to hit bandages after every fight without feeling 'oh god, I'll run out'. I mean I'll never run out, it's an impossibility at this point, but that RPG player part of my brain that tells me never to use the ItemOfSuperDamage on a boss fight is obsessed with the possibility I might need them all at a later date.

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Re: What Use for Overstocked Bandages?

Post by Jazeel » March 2nd, 2015, 6:23 pm

As i have pretty much finished the camping alts at the various tamers i have vendored excess bandages, most toon's have 1 stack and a bank alt has a few stacks, but thats all i have kept, at one point my bank alt had 30+ stacks.

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Re: What Use for Overstocked Bandages?

Post by Elysianna » March 8th, 2015, 2:38 pm

As others have said, alts.

While I do the Draenor pet trainers on my main (she's the only one with flight points right now, and I'm too lazy to get my alts there right now), wild battles I do on alts.

Each high level wild battle gives about 1% xp, which isn't too bad. I usually swap over after doing the Draenor pet dailies (which I do with level 23 or lower carry pets) and wrap up any that ended up part way through 24. And then work on pets sub-15 for a while. (Also a good way to grind for the garrison monument achievement.)

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