Raiding for Leashes IV - What Pets would you like to see?

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Raiding for Leashes IV - What Pets would you like to see?

Post by Abbotta » March 19th, 2015, 9:52 am

I have had alot of fun doing Raiding for Leashes III and really am looking forward to the next one which I'm guessing might be coming out the next xpac?

Anyhow - what pets would you like to see for Raiding for Leashes IV?

Top 2 for my list!

I've done enough ICC runs that I would love a Rotface - he's so adorably cute that I want one for a pet!

Also how about a Baby Hellscream - he can run around and throw tantrums just like his Daddy!

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Re: Raiding for Leashes IV - What Pets would you like to see

Post by Imry » March 19th, 2015, 7:46 pm

I love the Raiding with Leashes series they've been doing and I really hope they continue them for all the raids!

Assuming that Raiding with Leashes IV would probably be OS, EoE, Ulduar and maaybe VoA, I could see a wide variety of pets to add!

From OS, maybe some sort of black whelpling pet - a slight recolor of the Dark Whelpling or maybe a Chromatic Whelp?

EoE could be another whelpling, something similar to the Nexus Whelp or maybe one of those ethereal arcane elementals like you see in the Nexus dungeon.

VoA I hope would be included so it could drop a variety of the Northrend Elemental Revenants - I love those models and would love to see them as pets.

Ulduar, by far my favorite raid ever! Auriya's sentries would make a good pet, Flame Leviathan would make an excellent mini addition to the mech family and another proto whelp from Razorscale would be great - done in her style, of course! XT already has two pets that look like him, he doesn't need another, but maybe he could drop one of the spidery looking mechanicals as a pet. Hodir would have to drop a mini Jomungar worm and Freya could drop a tiny version of one of the forest nymphs. Mimiron would have to drop a tiny Mimiron's head! And Yogg could drop one of the faceless guardians. Algalon could even drop one of the stars that he summons during the encounter.

I think ICC, ToC, and Ruby Sanctum would have to be their own achievement - Ulduar alone could drop tons of pets.

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Re: Raiding for Leashes IV - What Pets would you like to see

Post by FuxieDK » March 19th, 2015, 11:44 pm

Lil' Marrowgar is inevitable, once we enter ICC..

I wouldn't be surpriced if we got a 3rd XT-002, as we all know Blizzard loooooooves reskins..

Lil' Vezax (or just any faceless) would be cool..

Lil' Algalon is out of the question, I think, but could be fun, with the star-skin...

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Re: Raiding for Leashes IV - What Pets would you like to see

Post by Guardian_titan » March 20th, 2015, 12:13 am

OS - Twilight Whelpling
EoE - Lil Malygos
Ulduar -
1.) Lil Leviathan (Flame Leviathan)
2.) Black (or Iron) Proto-Whelpling (Razorscale)
3.) Panther Construct or Lil Auriaya (Auriaya)
4.) Earth Revenant or a mini version of Elder Brightleaf, etc (Freya)
5.) Ice Revenant (Hodir)
6.) Fire Revenant or a Lil Mimi (a mini version of Mimiron's merged machine) (Mimiron)
7.) Lightning (or Air) Revenant (Thorim)
8.) Celestial Star (Algalon) - Maybe collapses into little black holes as an idle animation that randomly pulls critters toward it.
Meta: Lil Vezax or maybe a Chromatic Whelpling although a Chromatic Whelpling makes the most sense off Ultraxion. Maybe the meta could be Lil Malygos instead although not sure what else Malygos can drop. We already have the Nexus and Azure Whelplings.

Lil XT isn't likely to happen since he's a store pet just like we didn't get a Lil KT from Naxx. There's also already a bombling pet. A mechanical spider pet or the other mechanical that pops up during the XT fight is possible, though.

Don't really see any pets off Yogg outside of maybe a mini Faceless One or maybe a tentacle, but we already have a tentacle pet.

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Re: Raiding for Leashes IV - What Pets would you like to see

Post by FuxieDK » March 20th, 2015, 3:18 am

Guardian_titan wrote:Chromatic Whelpling although a Chromatic Whelpling makes the most sense off Ultraxion.
Ultraxion is a Twillight Dragon, which would make it weird for him to drop a Chromatic Whelp..
Maybe Ultraxion could drop a Twillight Whelp or maybe a daring Experiment 12-b (deliberate lower case 'b' to emphasize it's a pet, not mount) identical to the mount, only smaller..

Raiding with Leashes V or VI (when we go into BWD) could have Chromatic Whelps, though.. We do encounter Chromatic Prototypes during Nefarian & Onyxia fight, after all..

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Re: Raiding for Leashes IV - What Pets would you like to see

Post by Lolfixheal » March 20th, 2015, 12:26 pm

Vanilla and TBC has been milked heavily so far. Proper logic way would be to do missing (naxx allready done as 'T3') raid instances of Wotlk expansion. This will allow clear board for doing RWL5 in next expansion or next one again.

Wotlk did feature alot of single encounter raidinstances so most pets will most likely be from Ulduar and ICC, possible TotC (if people even know what/where that is xD).

RS - 1
OS - 1
*OL revamp - 1*
EoE - 1
VoA - 4
TotC - 5
ICC - 12
Ulduar - 14

I dont think Onyxia's Lair will be done as its originally in Vanilla and should have been covered by previous RWL. Hard to do anything in EoE besides a floating disc. OS and RS only calls for a chromatic whelpling which fits better for Cata. VoA is very bland yet a Lil' Watcher could be introduced. Main drive force will be Ulduar and ICC, with TotC having quite the options aswell with 3 encounters in 1. Given how big the AT actually is, a jousting knight on horse/wolf looking pet is warranted, probably tied to TotC ofc.

So far the RWL series has containted 12, 10, 12 pets + the single award pet. Wont surprise me to see something like:

ICC - 4 pets
Ulduar - 4 pets
TotC - 2 pets
Misc - 2 pets

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