by Abashera » April 9th, 2015, 4:49 pm
My go-to team that got me through most battles is...
1) Emerald Proto-Whelp (P/P)
2) Sunreaver Micro-Sentry
3) Terrible Turnip
4) Standby Pet: Turkey
There isn't a wild pet team in all of Azeroth, even through Draenor, that the Emerald Proto-Welp can't solo. The Sunreaver is just insurance in the odd event your Emerald dies. It happened to me twice... but only twice.
Emerald Proto-Whelp can be a bit slow killing some pets, but he (almost) always comes out with full health, or close to full—Due to his strong self-healing, the Proto-Whelp is the best pet if you don't want to use bandages. He has absolutely no problem taking down an entire team by himself. For this reason, you can also leave out the Sunreaver and put a carry pet in for leveling. I use Emerald Presence and Emerald Dream. For the first ability it depends on what you're fighting. Use Bite if you're fighting a lot of Flying pets; use Breath against Magic—I tend to default to Bite if I'm not sure what the enemy team will be.
Sunreaver Micro-Sentry is good for two reasons. The primary reason I use him is - he makes for very quick kills. Just do Supercharge followed by Haywire, and it will one-shot pretty much anything.The Iron Starlett would also be good for this, as it also has Supercharge. Note: Although the Sunreaver kills things quickly, he won't come out of a fight with high health. But there aren't any pets that both kill quick, and have incredible self-healing. You'll always have to make some compromise. Aside from making fast kills, being a mechanical he wipes up Beasts very well—and his Laser makes quick work of birds.
Terrible Turnip is a must have for capturing wild pets. His Weakening Blows will not kill an enemy. And he has some decent group-healing with Inspiring Song. When I use him for capturing, I go with Sunlight for the 3rd ability, because if the enemy pet is not close to death, Sunlight will increase your health-pool. If you're just having fun though, Sons of the Root is a fun ability.
Turkey - simply because some pets will kill themselves before you can cage them. Food Coma will give you two or three extra turns at caging before a suicidal pet can self-destruct. If you're leveling low level pets, start out with the turkey and hit Food Coma. This will also give you plenty of time to swap in your carry pet, and it won't even get hit (unless you're fighting a Critter, because critters are immune to stuns). Then after you've gotten your carry pet in for one round, switch to your Emerald, and clean up.
Last edited by
Abashera on April 10th, 2015, 4:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.