[ENDED] Madja's last(?) raffle [Any region]
- Chapterhouse
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If I had to choose just one (so difficult to decide!) I would have to go with Enchanted Broom because I hate cleaning!
Re: Madja's last(?) raffle [Any region]
I would choose the Argent Squire, as when you have the pony bridle, he can be used for mailbox, bank or vendor access which would be pretty handy in real life!
- Moneypenny
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Re: Madja's last(?) raffle [Any region]
Id adopt the Blossoming ancient because he is seasonal with the weather and changes throughout the year he will make me smile when i feel under the weather no matter what season he be.

- Flownzu
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Re: Madja's last(?) raffle [Any region]
I think I would adopt a Fox Kit or Alpine Fox Kit 

Re: Madja's last(?) raffle [Any region]
Awww... You're so sweet! Thank you :]Petzy wrote:In honor of Children's Week when it does become time maybe you will adopt an orphan,If you are anything in RL like how you have been here they will be lucky to get you!
Also, it seems people think I'm leaving the site, but that's not the case. I'll still be lurking around here

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Re: Madja's last(?) raffle [Any region]
I think I would pick up Mini-Thor so I could sleep peacefully at night knowing an automated weapons platform defended my family from the dangers of real life! - Also, hes awesome looking!
Re: Madja's last(?) raffle [Any region]
First of all, thank you so much for your raffles, Madja.
The threads have been reliable smile-producers.
This is a tough one.
I love the idea of [pet]Singing Sunflower[/pet] and [pet]Blossoming Ancient [/pet] producing Sunshine on demand, and always being cheery.
I really love the idea of [pet]Enchanted Broom[/pet] doing the housework!
[pet]Alterac Brew-Pup[/pet] also came to mind ... for some reason...
But in the end, I'd love to play endlessly with the [pet]Frostwolf Ghostpup[/pet]

This is a tough one.
I love the idea of [pet]Singing Sunflower[/pet] and [pet]Blossoming Ancient [/pet] producing Sunshine on demand, and always being cheery.
I really love the idea of [pet]Enchanted Broom[/pet] doing the housework!
[pet]Alterac Brew-Pup[/pet] also came to mind ... for some reason...
But in the end, I'd love to play endlessly with the [pet]Frostwolf Ghostpup[/pet]
The little wolf told to stay.
Watching, waiting, for vacant prey.
Too proud to leave, she slipped away.
Unburdened now, forever free to play.
Re: Madja's last(?) raffle [Any region]
Thank you for running these contests! And I hope your fortunate circumstances only get better as time goes on!
It took me a while to figure out which pet to pick since there are a few that I love or that various of my alts have as their particular, ic, pet. My little Forsaken rogue-child, Ranunculus would be so sad without her [pet]giant sewer rat[/pet], and my dk Lucasta made her first living friend in a [pet]Siamese cat[/pet] named Smudge. And ooc, the idea of the [pet]Wanderer's Festival hatchling[/pet], raising one and then bundling my nearest and dearest onto its back and just paddling away definitely has some appeal, some days.
But it came to me tonight, I have to pick the [pet]Lashtail Hatchling[/pet]. The raptor hatchlings are so smart, I'm sure she'd be a terror initially, but just thinking of doing agility or flyball with her makes me laugh. If I could take any pet away from the worlds of WoW, she's it.
It took me a while to figure out which pet to pick since there are a few that I love or that various of my alts have as their particular, ic, pet. My little Forsaken rogue-child, Ranunculus would be so sad without her [pet]giant sewer rat[/pet], and my dk Lucasta made her first living friend in a [pet]Siamese cat[/pet] named Smudge. And ooc, the idea of the [pet]Wanderer's Festival hatchling[/pet], raising one and then bundling my nearest and dearest onto its back and just paddling away definitely has some appeal, some days.
But it came to me tonight, I have to pick the [pet]Lashtail Hatchling[/pet]. The raptor hatchlings are so smart, I'm sure she'd be a terror initially, but just thinking of doing agility or flyball with her makes me laugh. If I could take any pet away from the worlds of WoW, she's it.
Re: Madja's last(?) raffle [Any region]
Wow, this is hard! Thanks for another awesome raffle
I have my little Brightpaw named Madja to remind me of his origins!
As for a pet I'd want in real life? I thiiiiiiinnnkk.......the Hippogryph hatchling

As for a pet I'd want in real life? I thiiiiiiinnnkk.......the Hippogryph hatchling

Re: Madja's last(?) raffle [Any region]
Congratulations//Too badMadja wrote:this will unfortunately be my last raffle

I love cats but I've got really no time or room for pets, so... Mr. Bigglesworth?
Being already dead he shouldn't need any food or litter

Even though i'm pretty sure that, incorporeal or not, he would meow at the doors anyway (just to change his mind a moment later).
Re: Madja's last(?) raffle [Any region]
Sorry to hear you're losing interest in WoW - so many have but.. *rambles off in own world*
I'd definitely have to say the Wolpertinger! I adore rabbits like nobodies business but if I can have a wow pet in real life, why not step it up and go for something fancy! And they also look like they could fight off some of those predators. His horns don't bother me, rabbits can be destructive when bored anyway so..
I'd definitely have to say the Wolpertinger! I adore rabbits like nobodies business but if I can have a wow pet in real life, why not step it up and go for something fancy! And they also look like they could fight off some of those predators. His horns don't bother me, rabbits can be destructive when bored anyway so..

Re: Madja's last(?) raffle [Any region]
If I had to choose, I'd pick the Crawling Claw. It might not be the best looking pet or have the best fighting moves, but it's been my constant companion ever since found him.
It would be great to have something to play Rock, Paper, Scissors with (and to fetch me the occasional beer!).
It would be great to have something to play Rock, Paper, Scissors with (and to fetch me the occasional beer!).
- Etta
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Re: Madja's last(?) raffle [Any region]
I would adopt the Baby Blizzard Bear. Polar bears are my absolute favorite and I'm convinced that I would be able to talk the polar bear into NOT eating me. I named my Baby Blizzard Bear Knut after the little polar bear who was orphaned and rejected by his mother at birth in the Berlin Zoological Gardens. He was raised by the zookeepers. He died unexpectedly at age four, but he was a sweet, cute little polar bear who brought joy to people.
- Milotha
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Re: Madja's last(?) raffle [Any region]
Already entered but had to reply to this. I don't have the Baby Blizzard Bear due to being on vacation the week he was available, but if I had one I would name him Knut too. He was such a cute and playful bear.Etta wrote:I would adopt the Baby Blizzard Bear. Polar bears are my absolute favorite and I'm convinced that I would be able to talk the polar bear into NOT eating me. I named my Baby Blizzard Bear Knut after the little polar bear who was orphaned and rejected by his mother at birth in the Berlin Zoological Gardens. He was raised by the zookeepers. He died unexpectedly at age four, but he was a sweet, cute little polar bear who brought joy to people.

Re: Madja's last(?) raffle [Any region]
It would be Grunty of course! You never know when the Zerg will choose Earth for breakfast...
Re: Madja's last(?) raffle [Any region]
I think I would like the Kung Fu Panda! Who doesn't need a little bodyguard. Another fun one would be the Anubis Idol.
- Deviantelf
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Re: Madja's last(?) raffle [Any region]
I'd pick the Giraffe Calf but I don't have a way to house/feed/care for it. So I'm going with the Curious Oracle Hatchling. I think they're cute and I spent a lot of time with the Oracles to finally get my Green Proto Drake and became rather attached to them.
I might have to hide all the shiny things, or know where it hides them so I can retrieve them as needed
Thank you Madja, for all you've done. These raffles have been great fun even without winning anything. If fact I was chatting with my friend in text and got distracted reading all the replies and she asked if I was busy.
I might have to hide all the shiny things, or know where it hides them so I can retrieve them as needed

Thank you Madja, for all you've done. These raffles have been great fun even without winning anything. If fact I was chatting with my friend in text and got distracted reading all the replies and she asked if I was busy.

Re: Madja's last(?) raffle [Any region]
All my favorite pets are undead, but I think having one of those in real life would be a little more sad/scary, even if the models are adorable (I'm looking at you, infested bear cub <3 and the blighthawk, he's cute too! And oh, my scourged whelpling, veteran of my pvp team and... *cough*). You know what, I pick an undead model after all... My Bone spider named Apple. I play RP servers, and he's been the in-character pet of my favorite character for years now. She doesn't realise he's dead, and continues to try and feed and take care of him like a living... giant spider? X)
The foodcosts would definetly be a plus, though. And you would never have to worry about burglars with a guarddog like that!
The foodcosts would definetly be a plus, though. And you would never have to worry about burglars with a guarddog like that!
Re: Madja's last(?) raffle [Any region]
I know the feeling Madja after farming all week for mounts to drop from Sha etc. with no success. Feeling rather bored with wow. Bring on legion and quick. I will miss your raffles so thank you for all the fun! I would choose a Celestial Dragon because it is soo cute. No other reason. I have all the mounts and pets unless they are going to bring out a new one soon so anyway maybe I will have to miss the thrill of winning this time. I always hoped I would win one of your raffles one day lol. Oh well. Good luck in your new ventures.