Murloc Costume(Blizzcon 2007)
Magical Ogre Idol
Grim Campfire
Ethereal Portal
Instant Statue Pedestal
Dark Portal
Trading some of my lvl 1 pets for 25's
Have roughly around 200 pets mostly from the last couple expansions im looking to trade my little 1's for the 25's of the same pet. Can trade gold or any pet(s) that meets the value we agree upon depending how many we do.
Gold(Millions of gold spread out across various servers)
Any cageable pet that is not on my current Looking for List.. Plz hit me up if interested.Wowkemon#1126
Feel Free to contact me about any c.e,Blizzcon, tcg toy, or anything else i am missing. WIll always try to work something out! Thanks