Legion affecting old pet master fights.. BS

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Legion affecting old pet master fights.. BS

Post by Blizarmy » October 5th, 2016, 3:24 pm

Ok so today i'm out in Darkmoon Fair. Keep in mind I record guides to help the community. And I have bought and payed for every expansion. I am fine with new content, new challenges, new pets. Most of us have not finished leveling all our old pets as is. I am furious that the fights in Darkmoon fair have been changed. Jeremy Feasel and that dam monkey already was mostly a RNG BS match now its nearly impossible.

I am trying to work on a WoD Achieve An Awfully Big Adventure... think its pretty low class to change the pet masters of older content I payed for when there are still achieves tied to them.

Please help me voice your opinion on this.

Thank you!

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Re: Legion affecting old pet master fights.. BS

Post by Blizarmy » October 5th, 2016, 3:57 pm

also posted on the forums


Pet battle old archives BS since Legion

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Re: Legion affecting old pet master fights.. BS

Post by Maizing » October 5th, 2016, 4:03 pm

I have been fighting the masters at Darkmoon Faire and have not noticed a difference. How were they changed? Did this just happen today (my last fight with them was yesterday)?

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Re: Legion affecting old pet master fights.. BS

Post by Blizarmy » October 5th, 2016, 4:21 pm

There is another post on it on the forums though mostly just to even win it let alone with a plushie.

http://www.warcraftpets.com/community/f ... =3&t=16068

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Re: Legion affecting old pet master fights.. BS

Post by Blizarmy » October 5th, 2016, 4:23 pm

And please voice your opinion in game and on the forums pro or con.

http://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topi ... e=1#post-6

thank you!

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Re: Legion affecting old pet master fights.. BS

Post by Gráinne » October 5th, 2016, 6:14 pm

I vaguely noticed a thread about it, but i haven't been to Darkmoon in some time.

Your post is not clear. Are you saying that it is currently impossible to bear Jeremy Feasel with a Plushie? I'd be amazed if that were true. Which strategies did you try? Where did each one fail?

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Re: Legion affecting old pet master fights.. BS

Post by Blizarmy » October 5th, 2016, 6:54 pm

Love how people who have not tried it think I am pulling their leg on here and on the forums when I am merely using some constructive criticism of wow. Or that I would try to mislead some folks. Well ok so maybe not everyone has watched my vidz on my site. Or noticed that I am over 4k in this site. But Ill humor them though not totally the point. I tried mine, which had worked flawlessly pre Legion even had a vid i had to take down on it. I also tried and red most of the stuff on wowhead. And then spent a hour trying to find one that would work consistently enough to make a new vid on. Christoph np, Jeremy almost impossible, if the eye don't get you, and the stun on the tonk don't get you.. the monkey currently will. There may be a few that got lucky but i challenge anyone.. since its still going a few days find one that we can post about that works consistently.

But back to my main points, I think its petty to screw with old stuff and I think it lacks some vision since there are unforeseen consequences like inability or extreme difficulty to finish some Achivements. I am all for new content and new challenges.

Also seems like it shoots themselves in the foot, great new expansion, now let's make the older expac stuff nigh impossible, take out gold in garrisons, make all the old loot only work in the xpac they were found in, and let's make the old pet battle masters so hard that any new players will shoot themselves before attempting anything.

Bottom line is it should be fun first, challenging second.

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Re: Legion affecting old pet master fights.. BS

Post by Gilneas » October 5th, 2016, 8:11 pm

Bit of an over-reaction. People are not saying that something couldn't have gone awry. They are asking what it is you are saying is wrong with it. You have said it is nearly impossible. But that doesn't tell anyone anything. What specifically are you saying is different about it? Not "My flawless strategy doesn't work now!". But specifically WHY doesn't it work now? What is different?

Went and did it now with my usual strategy. Worked as I would have expected. Was only close due to a crit from the eye.

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Re: Legion affecting old pet master fights.. BS

Post by Deviantelf » October 6th, 2016, 1:42 am

I've been carrying pets on him since prepatch just like I always have, though there's a bit more of a chance of losing because of the nerf to Thunderbolt... but I'm too lazy to find another strat. I use the top Wowhead comment strat for Jeremy Feasel, with one change that's in bold below:

Slot 1 Mechanical pandaren Dragonling: 1-2-2
Slot 2 lDarkmoon tonk 1-1-2
Slot 3 Leveling pet / Elekk Plushie

Start of with the Mechanical pandaren dragonling (I am assuming the pets you use are level 25 with the exception of the leveling pet ofcourse)

1: Thunderbolt
2: breath until judgement is dead

Honky Tonk
1: Decoy
Thunderbolt on cooldown and Breath until Honky-Tonk is dead

Once your dragonling dies bring in your leveling pet and imediately switch over to your darkmoon tonk (no action from your leveling pet required)

I have always switched to the tonk when the dragon dies, and ALWAYS put the carry pet in for the first round with the monkey because it usually still does the no damage stun. But I was doing this before prepatch because the dragon would sometimes die first and I was often carrying a lvl 1 pet.

If your dragonling dies before Honky-Tonk is dead a misile from your darkmoon tonk will finish him off.

1: Shock and Awe
2: Ion Canon

also worth noting, depending on how the fight goes you might only need to use Ion Cannon to finish off the Monkey

Edit: http://www.wowhead.com/npc=67370/jeremy-feasel#comments link to Wowhead page (since I had the strat saved in my OneNote).

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Re: Legion affecting old pet master fights.. BS

Post by Paladance » October 6th, 2016, 2:50 am

One more thread about Jeremy Feasel and I call the mods. No jokes. Enough of that.

I'll make use of its title and mention the other cases. Most of the time they can be quite positive. Mirecroak and Chaos Pup of Tanaan Jungle. Wolfgar of Frostfire Ridge (if you fight long enough to make mess with its rotation, but still…). Dinner of Suramar (sort of, as it isn't old). Some AoE opponents such as Manos of the Menagerie. Perhaps all undead foes if you think about it.

Most of people don't agree with the current [ability]Howl[/ability] condition or 1-round CD of abilities such as [ability]Frog Kiss[/ability]. This isn't something that you need other people to convince, it was addressed multiple times. Aim at developers (developers, developers, developers) and not the community.

There also are many conditions that have been never looked into. To not make it any longer, just read the official Tuning threads from both US and EU forums.

Where you were *before* the expansion hit?

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Re: Legion affecting old pet master fights.. BS

Post by Gráinne » October 6th, 2016, 2:57 am

Indeed, if you want to direct a criticism at a change, it would help us all to know exactly what change you're criticising. What strats used to work that don't work now? Why?

I just went to my standard compendium of strats, http://wow-petguide.com/index.php?m=Darkmoon&s=29 and recent comments say that some old strategies are now no longer 100%, though they do work with some RNG.

As an aside, if it's true, this warms the cockles of my evil shrivelled heart. I think one of the weaknesses of the PvE pet game is that "challenge" fights can be scripted to guarantee wins. There are a few of the Family Familiar battles so far I haven't two-shot, and I'm delighted to have a puzzle to solve. :) I'm afraid, though, that there probably still is a 100% strat for Jeremy.

Anyway, so things changed. We knew they changed. There were pet ability changes, though not too many. I'll pop down to DMF and try a couple of strats myself, and let you know what I find.

Edit: I'm sorry. I went down there and won first time, with the help of four unreasonably lucky crits, and unthinkingly finished the battle. I've been doing FF tests most recently on a 110 alt not qualified to get quest credit, so I forgot that I couldn't abandon and retake. So that's me done for the day. I will go again tomorrow.

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Re: Legion affecting old pet master fights.. BS

Post by Blizarmy » October 6th, 2016, 9:57 am

I tried most of the ideas on wowhead. The one I had always used, since I wanted to be different was

Soul of the Forge
Lil XT

maybe me and some other folks were having a bad day. I did mention it on the Bliz forums I definatly a bit salty on Howl but went with the Worg on Cristoph and it worked fine. Ill go try some of these today. I still think there is a point where they make these to hard and will have decreased fun/ people willing to do them. And I think they are already at the point where most just look on sites to figure it out since it is to hard do do with random class pets. I am headed there now to try some ideas listed here, if I can get the dang Va to quit interrupting me.. one of those weeks.

Happy hunting!

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Re: Legion affecting old pet master fights.. BS

Post by Maizing » October 6th, 2016, 2:52 pm

Deviantelf wrote:I've been carrying pets on him since prepatch just like I always have, though there's a bit more of a chance of losing because of the nerf to Thunderbolt... but I'm too lazy to find another strat. I use the top Wowhead comment strat for Jeremy Feasel, with one change that's in bold below:

Slot 1 Mechanical pandaren Dragonling: 1-2-2
Slot 2 lDarkmoon tonk 1-1-2
Slot 3 Leveling pet / Elekk Plushie

Start of with the Mechanical pandaren dragonling (I am assuming the pets you use are level 25 with the exception of the leveling pet ofcourse)

1: Thunderbolt
2: breath until judgement is dead

Honky Tonk
1: Decoy
Thunderbolt on cooldown and Breath until Honky-Tonk is dead

Once your dragonling dies bring in your leveling pet and imediately switch over to your darkmoon tonk (no action from your leveling pet required)

I have always switched to the tonk when the dragon dies, and ALWAYS put the carry pet in for the first round with the monkey because it usually still does the no damage stun. But I was doing this before prepatch because the dragon would sometimes die first and I was often carrying a lvl 1 pet.

If your dragonling dies before Honky-Tonk is dead a misile from your darkmoon tonk will finish him off.

1: Shock and Awe
2: Ion Canon

also worth noting, depending on how the fight goes you might only need to use Ion Cannon to finish off the Monkey

Edit: http://www.wowhead.com/npc=67370/jeremy-feasel#comments link to Wowhead page (since I had the strat saved in my OneNote).
This is similar to the strategy I use as well. I don't have any leveling pets at the moment though and have the achievement for using the [pet]Elekk Plushie[/pet], so I put a [pet]Menagerie Custodian[/pet] as the third pet for "just in case" fights.

Where I do it differently is to have my [pet]Darkmoon Tonk[/pet] toss out [ability]Minefield[/ability] when I bring it in (if I am leveling a pet, I put that pet in this spot in my team instead).

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Re: Legion affecting old pet master fights.. BS

Post by Blizarmy » October 6th, 2016, 4:18 pm

part of the problem is Lock on.. its seems to be very random.. on top of killer pets.. so the dragonling often dies on me before tonk is dead.

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Re: Legion affecting old pet master fights.. BS

Post by Blizarmy » October 6th, 2016, 4:20 pm

but it did work finally.. :)

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Re: Legion affecting old pet master fights.. BS

Post by Gilneas » October 6th, 2016, 9:35 pm

Biscuit wrote:There needs to be more trainer fights where there's an actual legitimate chance that you lose the battle.
Not really, no. The challenge is in figuring out the fight, not in crossing your fingers and hoping what you're doing might possibly work.

Coming up with a reliable, repeatable strategy is in fact basically inherent in PvE in any context - not just pet battles.

Sounds like PvE pet battles just aren't something that's for you.

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Re: Legion affecting old pet master fights.. BS

Post by Deviantelf » October 7th, 2016, 2:02 am

Blizarmy wrote:but it did work finally.. :)
Glad you got it!

Some days are definitely better than others, and my dragon almost always dies before the opposing tonk, so I just switch my tonk in like I said in my reply, saving the carry for the stun from the monkey. It's not a 100% win but I'm fine with that, I actually think it's more fun that way though it can be frustrating at times :).
Gráinne wrote:I'm delighted to have a puzzle to solve.
I feel this way too! Everything was done the first time myself cause I like puzzles. I spent about 3 hours and had many dead pets at the Celestial Tournament the first time I finished it, after abandoning it a few times previously. I had hundreds of pets, heard of the "howl bomb" but didn't even know what it was, and it didn't even occur to me to heal any pets on any of the fights. The satisfaction of figuring it out for yourself is great.

After the first time I'm shameless on using whatever strat gets me through the fastest/levels a pet lol.

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Re: Legion affecting old pet master fights.. BS

Post by Paladance » October 7th, 2016, 2:17 am

@Deviantelf That strategy was also pasted to Xu-Fu's guides. In his comment pool, there are more and more people concerned about that. I've made some changes in this thread, aswell as commented in the Xu-Fu's page. But I can see it's enough for the patient ones.
Blizarmy wrote: maybe me and some other folks were having a bad day. I did mention it on the Bliz forums I definatly a bit salty on Howl but went with the Worg on Cristoph and it worked fine. Ill go try some of these today. I still think there is a point where they make these to hard and will have decreased fun/ people willing to do them. And I think they are already at the point where most just look on sites to figure it out since it is to hard do do with random class pets. I am headed there now to try some ideas listed here, if I can get the dang Va to quit interrupting me.. one of those weeks.

Happy hunting!
:) That started look like yet another thread that turns sour and the Sha have more fun than each of the poster, if you know what I mean.
Thank you it doesn't have to be like that. Happy battling.
Biscuit wrote:Paladance, you need to chill out.
I already have, don't worry. :) But still, this is a third (*) thread on that. Why enforce people to repeat themselves, especially pasting the strats?
Apparently "even OP" has chilled out a bit, so accusing him of attitude now is a bit an overlook.
Gilneas wrote:
Biscuit wrote:There needs to be more trainer fights where there's an actual legitimate chance that you lose the battle.
Not really, no. The challenge is in figuring out the fight, not in crossing your fingers and hoping what you're doing might possibly work.
Perhaps, like in each similar situation, there's a middle ground of some sort. As balanced opinions are more difficult to express, often discussions end with galore of polarised statements which a reader can't do anything with.
IMHO as long as classic double counters (e.g. frogs) or "tanky" pets (e.g. Crawdad, Anubisath) aren't enough (in 2 vs 3), there's something to do.
Also, compare Jeremy with Cymre who is even more mean despite the battle being pathetically scripted.

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