Interested in any and all loot :D
The pets I have for trade are as follows:
Baby Winston x3
Bush Chicken
Creeping Tentacle
Darkmoon Rabbit S/S
Droplet of Y'shaarj P/P
Fiendish Imp S/S
Iron Starlette H/H
Jademist Dancer B/B
Knockoff Blingtron
Nightshade Sproutling S/S
Seaborne Spore
Syd the Squid
Tiny Red Carp
I have the following mounts* for trade:
Depleted-Kyparium Rocket
Geosynchronous World Spinner
Reins of the Thundering Ruby Cloud Serpent
I also have around 700K on Aerie Peak alliance.
*In accordance with Warcraft Pet's trading rules all trades involving mounts will also require at least one pet to be involved.
Add me at Rhaebread#1739 if interested or post in this thread.Azaelia wrote:All trades MUST involve pets. Any individual transaction that does not offer the result of at least one player in the exchange receiving a pet or pet-related service will be locked and/or removed.
You can view my past trading thread in regards to my reputation here.