Rematch 4.0

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » November 3rd, 2016, 7:55 pm

Danessa wrote:Is there any option to change the scrolling speed of pets to make it similar to the normal pet journal I absolutely can't find an option for it on the window.
There is no option, sorry.

I do see one of the step values is too high; the displayed list changes height unlike the default; but it can change its step based on height.

However, which did you want to be the same? The speed from mousewheel over the list, from clicking the scroll up/down button, or from clicking above/below the thumb?

The one-by-one speed would probably drive me insane.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Danessa » November 3rd, 2016, 8:34 pm

Gello wrote: I do see one of the step values is too high; the displayed list changes height unlike the default; but it can change its step based on height.

However, which did you want to be the same? The speed from mousewheel over the list, from clicking the scroll up/down button, or from clicking above/below the thumb?

The one-by-one speed would probably drive me insane.
The mouse wheel and the scroll arrows seem to be the same. Right now it goes down 6 pets at once I believe, I am just used to scrolling a lot like in the mount journal lol.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by FuxieDK » November 6th, 2016, 11:53 am

@ Gello

I have a small request, to improve on your excellent addon:
Can we please have a check-box called "Prioritize Favorites" in the Queue section?

This box, should move all favorite pets to the top of the queue, even if it violates the normal queue-sort the players have specified. Unchecking the box, should resume normal queue.

This makes it easier to level a newly obtained pet, before all others, without you have to meddle with your queue.. E.g. the Falcosaurs (for me atleast) fell into this category, as they need to be levelled immediately for their respective quest lines.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Salus » November 6th, 2016, 4:45 pm

There's a move to top option in the leveling queue. Also, if you add the pet to the queue by using Start Leveling, it is pushed to the top of the queue.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » November 6th, 2016, 4:59 pm

It's a fair suggestion. Someone recently requested a sort by rarity for the queue. Between the two I'm more inclined to think a favorites would be more universally useful and less prey to turning into a full blown primary/secondary sort. No promises but I've added it to my notes. The ramifications with active sort will have to be solidly explored first. Thanks for the suggestion!

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by FuxieDK » November 6th, 2016, 11:58 pm

Salus wrote:There's a move to top option in the leveling queue. Also, if you add the pet to the queue by using Start Leveling, it is pushed to the top of the queue.
Move-options are disabled while Active Search is enabled...

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Vampling » January 7th, 2017, 3:34 am

Greetings. Love this addon, it's been very helpful.

I know that the pet list can be sorted by health, but is there a way in a script to scan for all pets that have at least some number of health, say 900? I didn't see any variables that could extract that information. This would allow me to get a quick list when bringing a carry pet against certain trainers, because time is money, friend.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » January 7th, 2017, 7:43 am

For the pet list: Enter "health>900" in the search box (without the quotes) to list all pets with more than 900 maximum health. This works for other stats too: "speed>272" "power>300" or "level<15" or "level=10-15" or "level=25"

For carry pets, if you use the leveling queue, right-click the team that contains a leveling pet and choose Leveling Preferences. Enter a minimum health of 900. When that team is loaded, it will skip over pets in the queue with less than 900 health. If you expect a specific type of damage you can also choose that in the leveling preferences so it will adjust the minimum health based on the leveling pet's vulnerability to that damage type.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Vampling » January 7th, 2017, 7:31 pm

Wow, awesome! Thank you for that explanation. It appears I need to explore more deeply the capabilities of this addon, it certainly has some impressive depth.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Jerebear » February 21st, 2017, 9:49 am

So here is a problem that I mentioned earlier in this thread (or maybe it was the previous rematch thread). Occasionally I run into situations where I cannot get the pet card to show up on mouseover in the rematch journal. It isn't something I can force to happen for testing, but it happens often enough that I notice it. It normally happens after typing in a search (I don't recall if I hit enter or not each time...probably don't hit enter). When it happens, the pet cards fail to show up unless I start fiddling with the GUI (place cursor in search bar and hit enter, manually double clicking a pet (doesn't always work), etc.).

Here is a video example from one of disco's videos:
Carry Pet Experience Reference Guide:

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » February 21st, 2017, 1:03 pm

Whoops, I had hoped that was cured long ago. I've been doing some work on the pet card this past weekend (mostly with the models and wrapped pets) so it's a good time revisit this problem. Thanks for posting the video. It's very helpful to see what's going on.

edit: A fix for this will be in next update. The video was super helpful thanks again for posting it.

If you were curious about why it was happening: As you know the default behavior of the pet card is to wait a quarter second before being shown so you don't get a pet card for every pet the mouse travels over as you go to click a specific pet. What was happening was if you clicked a pet and then moved the mouse away before that quarter second had a chance to show the card, the addon was thinking it had a card on the screen but it didn't really. You could see this by Discodoggy's Silithid Hatchling being highlighted when the mouse wasn't over it, as if a pet card was up for that pet. Another side effect was that moving the mouse into a pet and clicking before that quarter second was up would not show the pet because the addon thought it was already showing the pet and then dutifully hides the pet. So there were two bugs in one.

The fix was to move the parent/petID that are "on hold" to separate variables unrelated to what's actually shown. Also to be safe if a card isn't on screen and the addon wants to hide the card for any reason, it will clean up details as if it was on the screen. This should fix both of those issues.

The update will very likely be up in the next couple days or this weekend at the latest. I'm working on better encapsulating the breed stuff so it's easier to work with, though it's not certain if that will make this update. (I wrote a really cool module to gather all the scattered pet API into one metamethod and it works amazing for breeds and everything else; but I may whimp out and just rework the breed stuff separately without implementing the new module.)

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Zaibas » March 6th, 2017, 3:13 pm

Is there a way to set a team as your default team? something that would be swapped to when you dont have a target or are targeting something that does not have an assigned team. i looked, however i was unable to find anything like that

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » March 7th, 2017, 7:16 pm

Zaibas wrote:Is there a way to set a team as your default team? something that would be swapped to when you dont have a target or are targeting something that does not have an assigned team. i looked, however i was unable to find anything like that
Sorry I didn't answer this sooner.

There is no way in the addon with any existing options. If you paste the following into it will create a small addon that will load a team named "Default" (Capital D in Default, and saved with no target--very important) when you target something that does not have a saved team.

Code: Select all

local defaultTeam = "Default"

  if Rematch then
      local _,npcID = Rematch:GetUnitNameandID("target")
      if npcID and not RematchSaved[npcID] and RematchSettings.loadedTeam~=defaultTeam and RematchSaved[defaultTeam]then
I don't think you want a default team to load when you have no target, otherwise it would be practically impossible to create teams or swap pets without being locked on your target. One errant ESCape will wipe everything.

I can't guarantee it will work well across all targeting modes and options. It's unlikely to be something I'd add to the addon without greater demand.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Graven » March 17th, 2017, 12:33 pm

Hi, I've been having a slight problem with the addon in game. Basically whenever I want to manually select pets for a battle, it automatically puts my top levelling pet in one of the slots. Sometimes it happens multiple times so I have to keep manually replacing the pets I actually want on the team. Sometimes I get the team set up, only to start a pet battle and realise one of the pets has been swapped again. This happens even when the "Rematch" box is unticked in the pet journal.

Is this an intended function, and if so where is the option to turn it off? Thanks for any reply. :)

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Minet » March 17th, 2017, 8:44 pm

Graven wrote:...Basically whenever I want to manually select pets for a battle, it automatically puts my top levelling pet in one of the slots...)

You might have designated a slot on your team as a leveling slot without realizing it. If you right click on the pet while it is on the team, the drop down will say "Stop leveling this slot" in the second position if so.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » March 18th, 2017, 6:35 am

A leveling slot will have a thick gold border around it. (Or thick grey/silver border if the leveling queue is empty.) As Minet says you can right-click the slot and 'Stop leveling this slot' to turn it off. If the team is one you never want the queue to slot, I recommend re-saving it with the slot turned off.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Graven » March 20th, 2017, 5:46 pm

Yea that was the problem. Sorted now, thanks. :)

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by FuxieDK » April 21st, 2017, 2:45 am

I still looooove this addon.. It's one of my "Impossible to live without" addons"

But lately, I have found myself in situations, where a feature is missing: Random Pet

This feature is heavily inspired by "Levelling Pet Slot", but differs is many ways too.
I'll describe first, then elaborate.

In a team, you can mark a slot for Random Pet (exactly like Levelling Pet) and you'll be able to specify Random Prefs (exactly like Levelling Prefs)

Random Prefs: Yes/No button
- 100% health only: Yes/No
- Max Level Only: Yes/No
- Pet Type (all pet types displayed, choose one)
- - Powerful Against
- - Defensive Against
- - Not this type
- - Only this type

If you choose "No" in prefs, all the rest is disabled, and a truly random pet (except those in the team already) is chosen from the entire pool, player have available.
- 100% health: Yes = Exclude any pets, not fully healed, No = Don't consider health
- Max Level: Should be self-explanatory
- Pet Type: Similar to how you choose an attack type, levelling pets should expect to survive, we use the same way to select a pet family, but the specific use is selected below. From here on, we assume Elemental is selected. Should also be possible to choose a "No preferred type", disabling the four options below.
- - Powerful Against: Rematch choose a pet that uses Aqua attacks (if possible, otherwise Aqua pets), due to +50% damage.
- - Defensive Against: Rematch chooses a Critter pet, due to -33% damage
- - Not this type: Rematch chooses any pet, that is not Elemental pet
- - Only this type: Rematch only choose Elemental pet

I hope this is something well see some day.. :)

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » April 22nd, 2017, 4:29 am

Some interesting ideas. I have wanted to add a "any <pet type>" to the import/export strings. It may be worth exploring adding it as a full slot type (with a "any pet" for full randomness). I can't guarantee the full degree of customization you're after, but I'll think on this. Thanks for the suggestion!

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by FuxieDK » April 30th, 2017, 3:14 am

Wailing Critters:
Is there a way to tell the two Ectoplasm apart, in Recount?

It seems they have the same NPCID, but they start different fights, thus I cannot make two teams with auto-switch.

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