Over on the [url=https://discord.gg/FBtGdKU]WarcraftPets.com Discord server[/url], we tossed around the idea of helping people get the new "[url=https://www.wowhead.com/achievement=12454/salute-to-starcraft]Salute to Starcraft[/url]" achievement.
And we're following through! We are inviting anyone with the Starcraft pets to log in to capital cities of both factions—as well as Dalaran—and invite folks to /salute them to get the achievement. We ask our Discord members and the WarcraftPets.com community to make the pets available on as many realms as possible, even creating level 1 alts that they run off to capitals.
The pets that qualify to /salute for the achievement include:
- Baneling
- Grunty
- Mini Thor
- Zeradar
- Zergling
What does the achievement reward you? Nothing! But there is a limited time you can get this Feat of Strength: March 31st through April 6th.
Happy /salute'ing!