As is the story of many, I just could not stay away from WoW in the end (the shock!) and so here I am again, collecting and playing <3 A big, heartfelt thanks to everyone that's traded and helped me out in the past, and I hope to keep returning the favor to you all!
So here's the new LF list, peruse as you'd like and as always, ANY and all help is most appreciated. Thank you guys.

Missing pets:
- Baby Crawg
- Bloated Bloodfeaster
- Gearspring Hopper
- Slippy
Alliance/Horde (Via Charms/Quests):
- Corlain Falcon
- Lil' Siege Tower
- Direhorn Hatchling
- Restored Revenant
- Albino Duskwatcher
- Filthy Slime
- Lost Platysaur
- Spawn of Merektha
- Spawn of Krag'wa
If you see a pet listed in the Wanted list on my Profile but it is not here, just poke.

Pets looking for a Forever Home:
(In no particular order, they all need one! - I have a lot of dupes of "lesser" pets not listed here, just look it over on my Profile and if Anything strikes your fancy and it's a dupe, just poke!

I've been forced to put a lot in the bank too so please ask if you are looking for an older pet but you do not see it listed, I very well might have a spare <3 . )
- Azure Windseeker
- Living Amber (x2)
- Mischievous Zephyr
- Skyfin Juvenile
- Wicked Soul
- Sun Sproutling
- Mailemental (I have a tradable Lost Mail quest)
- Young Venomfang
- Stonegrinder
- Abyssius
- Baby Elderhorn
- Ashstone Core
- Bonkers
- Cinder Pup
- Wretched Servant
- Frostwolf Ghostpup
- Fruit Hunter
- Grasping Manifestation
- Iron Starlette
- Left Shark
- Lil' Bling
- Lumpy
- Lurking Owl Kitten
- Mechanical Axebeak
- Mechanical Scorpid
- Pandaren Air, Earth, Fire Spirits
- Pygmy Owl
- Risen Saber Kitten
- Teroclaw Hatchling
- Terrible Turnip
- Direhorn Runt
- Docile Skyfin
- Doom Bloom
- Dreadmaw
- Fel-Afflicted Skyfin
- Fiendish Imp
- Harbringer of Flame
- Mini Mindslayer
- Pocket Reaver
- Sunreaver Micro-Sentry
- Zandalaris (Toenibblers, Footslashers, Anklerenders, Kneebiters!)
As always, you guys Rock, and thank you for stopping by! <3