Rematch 5.0

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Re: Rematch 5.0

Post by Schlumpf » November 5th, 2023, 6:22 am

Gello wrote:
November 4th, 2023, 2:12 pm
Rematch.dialog:GetSubject() is intended and it will stay, even if I don't use it yet. It's a good way to get the saveMode (or other context-specific details) of the current dialog.
I really don't like guessing that there was a dialog triggering the event and it was the correct one and would very much prefer that information being part of the event, but accepted Giz's change for now.

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Re: Rematch 5.0

Post by Gello » November 5th, 2023, 11:43 am

I can add saveMode as third argument for REMATCH_TEAM_OVERWRITTEN when it's fired from a save dialog. There is no saveMode from an import, so it will be nil when it's fired from an import. Will that work?

Specifically, line 142 in dialogs/saveDialog.lua:

Code: Select all"REMATCH_TEAM_OVERWRITTEN",subject.overwriteID,subject.teamID,subject.saveMode)
No change to line 469 in process/teamStrings.lua.

I can't post an update to this today, I have a bunch of addons to get ready for 10.2, but if you'd like to make the edit on your end it will be there Tuesday.

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Re: Rematch 5.0

Post by Schlumpf » November 5th, 2023, 2:03 pm

Gello wrote:
November 5th, 2023, 11:43 am
I can add saveMode as third argument for REMATCH_TEAM_OVERWRITTEN when it's fired from a save dialog. There is no saveMode from an import, so it will be nil when it's fired from an import. Will that work?

Specifically, line 142 in dialogs/saveDialog.lua:

Code: Select all"REMATCH_TEAM_OVERWRITTEN",subject.overwriteID,subject.teamID,subject.saveMode)
No change to line 469 in process/teamStrings.lua.

I can't post an update to this today, I have a bunch of addons to get ready for 10.2, but if you'd like to make the edit on your end it will be there Tuesday.
We pushed the version with just asking the dialog global a few hours ago. I'm happy to adapt to an extended API at a later point, but no requirement at all. I just don't want you to have weird breaking things because we fiddle around with your non-API ;)

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Re: Rematch 5.0

Post by Gello » November 7th, 2023, 5:11 pm

Rematch 5.0 pushed live finally. It's on wowinterface and curse. I'll get it posted to wago eventually. I need to tweak my upload script for this addon and it seems I lost my login for wago to post it manually.

Many thanks to everyone's help. It's been invaluable.

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Re: Rematch 5.0

Post by Justgiz » November 7th, 2023, 5:15 pm

Gello wrote:
November 7th, 2023, 5:11 pm
Many thanks to everyone's help. It's been invaluable.
It's been a pleasure! Love the addon! 🫡

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Re: Rematch 5.0

Post by Schlumpf » November 7th, 2023, 6:41 pm

Congratulations on the release!

I noticed that the existing localisation is gone, so I restored the old ones that still exist. I realise that a lot of strings changed, but at least this is a base and doesn't require people to retranslate existing ones. I'll try to spend a bit of time on deDE in the coming days.
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Re: Rematch 5.0

Post by Paladance » November 8th, 2023, 12:29 pm

Good job Gello,

I haven't looked much at the juiciest improvements but so far I can see two pet peeves:
  • The level numbers in both lists seem to be resized oddly, I hate to point it out because I can't think of any solution, individually they look better than when put together, the number 11 stands out the most:
    My resolution is 1920x1080 so it's fairly teeny in the first place :?
  • The pet stats by source could use a mouseover on icons/bar to disclose the details, I don't struggle with it that much, but someone else might.

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Re: Rematch 5.0

Post by Gello » November 8th, 2023, 6:06 pm

Can you describe what you mean by resized oddly? I admittedly don't know what's odd in the screenshot you posted.

Those level bubbles are actually from a texture that I could recreate/make higher res but I'm not sure what's wrong so I might just recreate the same issue.


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Re: Rematch 5.0

Post by Schlumpf » November 8th, 2023, 7:08 pm

If you look at the 11 screenshot, the right 1 is thinner than the left one. There seems to be a bias for the right side to suffer more under scaling. In the texture one can see the text being slightly to the right as well which might be the cause.

In the end it is a bitmap text, it will always be weird at some rescale factor.

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Re: Rematch 5.0

Post by Gello » November 8th, 2023, 7:15 pm

I see it now thanks. I'll tinker with it some more. At worst I can revert to using a fontstring over the texture. (It was done this way to halve the number of regions that have to render for level bubbles.)

edit: And I can add tooltips to the collection graphs, especially for source tab. I agree that'd be a good place since the icons were arbitrary and aren't as universally known like the pet type icons.

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Re: Rematch 5.0

Post by Mutanis » November 9th, 2023, 8:33 am

I miss an old feature. "Right click" on an ability --> "Show pets with similar ability" (or something like that, can't remember the correct wording. I used a German client most of the time)

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Re: Rematch 5.0

Post by Gello » November 9th, 2023, 2:33 pm

Mutanis wrote:
November 9th, 2023, 8:33 am
I miss an old feature. "Right click" on an ability --> "Show pets with similar ability" (or something like that, can't remember the correct wording. I used a German client most of the time)
Oops I totally missed that one, sorry. It will be added back, likely this weekend.

If anyone spots anything else like this missing let me know.

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Re: Rematch 5.0

Post by Jerebear » November 9th, 2023, 2:36 pm

Hey Gello!

I like the look and feel of the 5x client so far. No troubles importing old teams. I did note some functionality that I normally use that wasn't there:

Right clicking a pet and "Start Levelling" which put it at the top of the queue instead of the bottom. I often times let my queue get up to 100 pets over the course of an expansion before I am ready to sit down and do some levelling (I might be doing a lot of questing and mythic+ for example at the beginning). So I use the top of the queue for pets I got that are duplicates that I want to level up and sell later and the bottom of the queue for pets I want to level up for myself.

Not a missing feature per say but a request:
The new Ungrouped Teams tab. Is there a way to give an option to rename it? I like having it, but hate the name. I think it used to be called General in the old days if I remember right? Not a huge deal if not, more of a visual preference thing only.

One other suggestion:
All of your team management stuff happens in the new team section rather than at the tabs. For example when you want to move a tab, you don't move the tab directly, you move it in the list in the team section. I would suggest maybe moving the create tab functionality from the side tab area to somewhere at the team list section where your management happens anyways. Also frees up one slot on the side for an additional tab to see.

As always you did a great job!
Last edited by Jerebear on November 9th, 2023, 3:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rematch 5.0

Post by Gello » November 9th, 2023, 2:51 pm

"Start Leveling" will be back this weekend. Someone on curse asked about that too.

I'll see about giving the option to rename Ungrouped Teams. This, like General before, is a system group and needs to exist. But I'm 95% sure there's no technical reason the name can't change.

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Re: Rematch 5.0

Post by Jerebear » November 9th, 2023, 3:17 pm

Gello wrote:
November 9th, 2023, 2:51 pm
"Start Leveling" will be back this weekend. Someone on curse asked about that too.

I'll see about giving the option to rename Ungrouped Teams. This, like General before, is a system group and needs to exist. But I'm 95% sure there's no technical reason the name can't change.
Thanks for looking into it. Even an option to change the name locally would be nice, but if it is too hard/complex, no biggie.

I editted my earlier post with a 3rd suggestion. I don't know if you saw it. I edited it after I posted initially. Sorry about that!
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Re: Rematch 5.0

Post by Gello » November 9th, 2023, 3:48 pm

I didn't see that edit thanks for mentioning it. That's an interesting idea.

I was worried about users not knowing how to create a new team group. At the same time it's to create a new group and not necessarily a new tab. I was worried about discoverability for this (we can already create new groups from both the Teams button and right-click on group headers but it's not as obvious as a button). I'll tinker with this.

Thanks as always!

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Re: Rematch 5.0

Post by Jerebear » November 9th, 2023, 7:36 pm

Gello wrote:
November 9th, 2023, 3:48 pm
I didn't see that edit thanks for mentioning it. That's an interesting idea.

I was worried about users not knowing how to create a new team group. At the same time it's to create a new group and not necessarily a new tab. I was worried about discoverability for this (we can already create new groups from both the Teams button and right-click on group headers but it's not as obvious as a button). I'll tinker with this.

Thanks as always!
No problem. And if you think it hampers discoverability too much, then no worries.
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Re: Rematch 5.0

Post by Mot » November 10th, 2023, 8:47 am

Rematch scripts are not updating at level/quality change

I noticed that, unlike with Rematch 4, scripts are no longer live-updating when the level or quality of a matched pet changes.

For example, I'm using this script, to help me find the pets that need to be "stoned" (i.e. either by applying the last five levels with a yellow stone, or making them rare quality with a blue stone) or have to be put into the leveling queue:

Code: Select all

return owned and level and (
level >= 20 and level < 25 
or canBattle and level < 25 and not IsPetLeveling(petID) 
or level == 25 and select(5, C_PetJournal.GetPetStats(petID)) ~= 4
After applying stones, I now have to re-run the script in order to get an updated output. Not a biggie, but probably not as you intended(?)

Thanks for Rematch 5, it is fantastic!

– Tom

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Re: Rematch 5.0

Post by Gello » November 10th, 2023, 10:00 am

Mot wrote:
November 10th, 2023, 8:47 am
I noticed that, unlike with Rematch 4, scripts are no longer live-updating when the level or quality of a matched pet changes.
This is fixable thanks for bringing it up. I don't know if it will be in the update this weekend but it's on "the list".

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Re: Rematch 5.0

Post by Syyina » November 11th, 2023, 1:38 pm

This is my favorite add on. I use it almost daily. The new version seems to be working fine for me now that The War Within is running.

My only suggestion would be to allow the notes window for a team to stay open after the Rematch interface itself closes. The interface closes itself when a pet battle starts, and the notes window closes too. So, to start a pet battle, I open Rematch to choose a team and open my notes for that team. Then when the pet battle starts, Rematch closes itself and also closes the team notes. So I have to reopen Rematch and the team notes, and leave them both open during the pet battle. The old version of Rematch allowed the notes version to stay open until it was manually closed.

Thanks for your work!
Syyina #1944

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