Best Pet to use Flawless Beast Stone on?

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Best Pet to use Flawless Beast Stone on?

Post by Orthrus » January 14th, 2013, 4:06 pm

Err, hello there! A bit new to this site... I hope this thread is in the right place. Anyway, I had 2 Flawless Beast Battle-Stones... I used the first one on my Feline Familiar, but I've not a clue what to use my second one on! Does anyone have any ideas? I have all of the cats, all of the snakes, three of the raptors, a Worg Pup, and a Smolderweb Hatchling that remain un-upgraded. I'm also willing to go out and capture a Beast Battle-Pet if it's any better than the ones I listed in pet battles.
Thank you in advance! :)

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Re: Best Pet to use Flawless Beast Stone on?

Post by Gendou » January 14th, 2013, 10:03 pm

As far as I'm aware, Feline Familiar is the only 'unique' Beast that is otherwise non-upgradeable.

After that, I'd just recommend looking at your other vendor-beasts and figuring out which one you like best.
Alternately, find someone in the trading forum who needs a Beast stone and trade them for something else you need.

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Re: Best Pet to use Flawless Beast Stone on?

Post by Velero » January 15th, 2013, 12:26 am

I got one and used it on my winterspring cub. I really like this pet very powerful attacks and a simi healing attack if timed right. A little low on HP but a great over all pet.

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Re: Best Pet to use Flawless Beast Stone on?

Post by Ril » January 15th, 2013, 3:19 am

Velero wrote:I got one and used it on my winterspring cub. I really like this pet very powerful attacks and a simi healing attack if timed right. A little low on HP but a great over all pet.
the snow cub (dun morogh) has the same set of abilities, spawns in abundance, and can have a 4 (P/P) breed. i strongly suggest using it on feline familiar first, but apart from this there aren't many non-wild choices that are particularily useful, so i guess pick and choose among non wild and rare wild ones!

ps: may i place a suggestion here: how about a "what pet should i use this battle-stone on?" thread that collects all questions of this kind? this could reduce the number of threads that "drown" the actually informative ones. on top of it, one could browse the thread for similar questions and ideas. the same kind of thread could be done for breed ID related questions.

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Re: Best Pet to use Flawless Beast Stone on?

Post by Darkke » January 15th, 2013, 8:57 am

Just to bring it to your attention, there are 2 cats that have 4/14 (P/P).

One is the aforementioned Snow Cub, which tops out at 1400H 325P 260S.

The other one would be the Cornish Rex Cat, which tops out at 1237H 341P 276S.

A little bit less health, but higher speed and power. They both have the same moveset. I would definitely recommend upgrading this vendor sold kitty. Mines currently sitting at 24, and I haven't regretted the upgrade at all.

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Re: Best Pet to use Flawless Beast Stone on?

Post by Orthrus » January 15th, 2013, 3:15 pm

First, thank you for the replies! I very much appreciate it that you took the time to answer my question.

I think I may take Darkke's suggestion and upgrade the Cornish Rex Cat... but I may look at the trading forum and consider trading someone, as Gendou suggested, instead. :)

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