Drudatz wrote:Am I the only one that thinks fighting 10(!) elite pets per day for a daily is a bit over the top???
On top of the 16 trainers for bags and any other dailies you want/have to do, yes.
And to add to it, the chance that you might have to tag it first or wait for the person to beat it for it to respawn, and even add to it, failing and having to start it all over. For all the work pet fanatics put into the game, we should get valor/justice points from dailies.
On a side note, can we get more of the increase size treats and less of the half-size treats, and/or make then both vendorable? I have NO pets I want to shrink, and a lot I wish I could triple or quadruple the size of.
At least the grooming and happy treats are vendorable, since I never use them.
Since I am on a rant, are we gonna have to start hoarding bandages for the damage hit from forfiets?
For that matter, does anyone have any confirmation on the despawning or not on forfiets, and how the issue works if you kill the main pet, or first 2 then forfiet?
And also how any of this effects XP?
I would like to see the trainers rotate first pets if we are gonna take a hit from forfiets. I sometimes forfiet a dozen times on Major Payne, trying to get the bear or the mechbird first. It seems to know which pet I have first, and if I swap pets, it swaps too, so I have to constantly forfiet, or loose a turn. If I have a mech out the mech bird pops, if I have lil' Rags, the bear pops. It would be so helpful if they just went back and forth on each forfiet, first bear then mechbird, then bear, and so on.