Where to farm battle stones..
Where are the best spots to farm battle stones? As of right now the only spot I know of for farming these is by killing the Water Waverlings in Zul'Drak, but those only drop Elemental stones (from what I understand).
So, what are your best spots? Or where have you had the best luck farming these damned thing! lol
So, what are your best spots? Or where have you had the best luck farming these damned thing! lol
Re: Where to farm battle stones..
Pretty much any wild pet will drop battle stones with the higher the pet level the greater chance of them dropping a stone. In general pets drop stones based on their type i.e. flying creatures drop flying stones and beast creatures drop beast stones. All have a chance to drop a stone that will raise any pet type.
The best way to get them is to do the pet dailies that give the supply bags. I've gotten multiple stones in a day from these. My wife got 3 a few days back although I haven't gotten one in the last several days from them.
The main problem is farming stones for mechanical, undead, magic and elementals. The best way to farm stones is to farm high level creatures and the highest pets in the game are in Pandaria. Those are mostly, aquatic, critter, beast and flying. Thus if you want to upgrade your mechanical, undead, magic and elemental pets the best way is to do the daily pet quests and hopefully get either stones specific to those classes or get the stone that upgrades any class.
The best way to get them is to do the pet dailies that give the supply bags. I've gotten multiple stones in a day from these. My wife got 3 a few days back although I haven't gotten one in the last several days from them.
The main problem is farming stones for mechanical, undead, magic and elementals. The best way to farm stones is to farm high level creatures and the highest pets in the game are in Pandaria. Those are mostly, aquatic, critter, beast and flying. Thus if you want to upgrade your mechanical, undead, magic and elemental pets the best way is to do the daily pet quests and hopefully get either stones specific to those classes or get the stone that upgrades any class.
Re: Where to farm battle stones..
Damn it.. I kind of had a feeling the general consensus would be to farm pet supply bags for the stones. >.<"
So far I have gotten 4 stones in total from the 2-3 weeks I have been doing the dailies for.. rng hates me and not a single pandaren spirit pet other then the one I got for completing the quest!
Are there some area's in specific that have a higher spawn rate of pets? I know of the Dragonbone vulture things in Dragon blight, Eternal Striders in Vale, and Water Waverlings in Zul'Drak. Those are the only pets and locations I know of that have a really fast respawn timer.
Any thought on other pets that have quick respawn timers?
So far I have gotten 4 stones in total from the 2-3 weeks I have been doing the dailies for.. rng hates me and not a single pandaren spirit pet other then the one I got for completing the quest!
Are there some area's in specific that have a higher spawn rate of pets? I know of the Dragonbone vulture things in Dragon blight, Eternal Striders in Vale, and Water Waverlings in Zul'Drak. Those are the only pets and locations I know of that have a really fast respawn timer.
Any thought on other pets that have quick respawn timers?
- Legolasgirl
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Re: Where to farm battle stones..
If you want beast stones head over to the Isle of Spears in Howling fjord and fight the Fjord worg pups, there are always tons of those up 

Re: Where to farm battle stones..
It will depend on what other people are farming, but in a vacuum these would be my top choices:
dragonkin -- water wavelings in Zul'Drak. Elementals yield dragonkin stones currently, almost certainly a bug but who knows if/when it'll get fixed. Dragonkin yield beast stones. You can't get elemental stones from wild pets at present.
magic -- oily slimelings in borean tundra. Nor'drassil wisps are good too, but tend to be more camped. Arcane Eyes are also nice if not camped.
mechanical -- cogblade raptors in Blade's Edge.
humanoid -- Kun-lai Runts are probably the best, but there's not a huge number of them, they're spread out, and they suffer from phasing issues.
undead -- Restless Shadelings are great if you can be online at midnight PST; they don't have secondaries and there's tons in a small space.
critter, beast, flyer, aquatic: Pandaria is the best bet, there's absolute tons of all of these. Jade Forest and Vale have lots of flyers and aquatics; Valley of Four Winds has infinite critters; Krasarang has very dense pockets of Jungle Grubs for beasts.
dragonkin -- water wavelings in Zul'Drak. Elementals yield dragonkin stones currently, almost certainly a bug but who knows if/when it'll get fixed. Dragonkin yield beast stones. You can't get elemental stones from wild pets at present.
magic -- oily slimelings in borean tundra. Nor'drassil wisps are good too, but tend to be more camped. Arcane Eyes are also nice if not camped.
mechanical -- cogblade raptors in Blade's Edge.
humanoid -- Kun-lai Runts are probably the best, but there's not a huge number of them, they're spread out, and they suffer from phasing issues.
undead -- Restless Shadelings are great if you can be online at midnight PST; they don't have secondaries and there's tons in a small space.
critter, beast, flyer, aquatic: Pandaria is the best bet, there's absolute tons of all of these. Jade Forest and Vale have lots of flyers and aquatics; Valley of Four Winds has infinite critters; Krasarang has very dense pockets of Jungle Grubs for beasts.
Re: Where to farm battle stones..
I typically get a battle stone every other day of battling the Master Tamers. (so i've started skipping the middle day and just battling every other day)
(I jest people, I jest.)
(I jest people, I jest.)
Re: Where to farm battle stones..
In the entire time that I've been battling (since launch, and my Jade Tentacle will attest to how much time I've invested), I have only gotten one battle stone from a battle, ever. It was from a Stunted Yeti. As for some of the pets listed in a previous post, I rarely see Cogblade Raptors, maybe fought a grand total of 5 of those, just trying to upgrade my Common. Oily Slimelings are rarely up when I go there. Kun-Lai Runts, however, I do see a lot of, but now I have a Rare, and won't care any more. 
So, TL;DR version: I farm Trainer bags.

So, TL;DR version: I farm Trainer bags.
Re: Where to farm battle stones..
Do we really need to carry a low level to get stones easier?
- Mykro9
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Re: Where to farm battle stones..
Short answer, no.Avarre wrote:Do we really need to carry a low level to get stones easier?
Long answer, no.
Re: Where to farm battle stones..
Are you sure this stone mixup isn't just with Water Wavelings? Do the Crimson Geode and Shale Hatchlings also drop Dragonkin stones?Poofah wrote:...dragonkin -- water wavelings in Zul'Drak. Elementals yield dragonkin stones currently, almost certainly a bug but who knows if/when it'll get fixed. Dragonkin yield beast stones. You can't get elemental stones from wild pets at present.
If you do get that rare Elemental upgrade stone, I highly recommend using it on the Tiny Snowman. His attacks are strong against Mechanical and Mechanical attacks are weak against him. Very useful for 2v3 Major Payne.
Re: Where to farm battle stones..
I spent a few hours yesterday getting my "Pro Pet Mob" achievement in Uldum, getting 8 pets from 22 to 25. During the process I got 6 flawless battle stones: 1 aquatic, 2 critter, 2 beasts and one Flying 

Re: Where to farm battle stones..
If there's a bug that dragonkin are dropping beast stones, the beast stone I got off a Spawn of Onyxia now makes a lot more sense.
Frankly, the only time I've gotten a stone that made sense with what I was battling was yesterday, when I got a mechanical stone off an Anodized Robo Cub while using my Darkmoon Zepplin. All the rest of the time, it seemed like RNG just declared "let there be a stone" and didn't bother to check what kind of pet I was battling. I've given up trying to farm for appropriate stones, and went back to farming for the rares of the pets themselves and relying on tamer bags to get stones.
Frankly, the only time I've gotten a stone that made sense with what I was battling was yesterday, when I got a mechanical stone off an Anodized Robo Cub while using my Darkmoon Zepplin. All the rest of the time, it seemed like RNG just declared "let there be a stone" and didn't bother to check what kind of pet I was battling. I've given up trying to farm for appropriate stones, and went back to farming for the rares of the pets themselves and relying on tamer bags to get stones.
Re: Where to farm battle stones..
I must be pretty lucky with battlestones; I tend to get one every time I try to hunt down a rare of a certian pet (Ie- Got a mechanical stone while hunting a cogblade raptor). Even managed a flawless stone off some low level pets in burning steeps. At the end of the day it just comes down to luck or a tonne of time investment if you actually want to farm a specified one.
That or the AH, theres always the AH...
That or the AH, theres always the AH...
Re: Where to farm battle stones..
I've managed 2 stones from normal battles 1 Aquatic and 1 Flawless. I've gotten a quite a few(24?) from the tamer bags, but I don't think I've seen a critter, flying or beast one from them, not sure if i'm just unlucky or if that is by design.
Re: Where to farm battle stones..
I haven't noticed a correlation between which pets drop which type-specific stones. Then again, I've only gotten about 5 or 6 stones from wild pet battles so far (a generic, beast, critter, humanoid, mechanical and aquatic, I think).
It usually just happens when I'm leveling pets random places - so the pets I'm fighting are usually a level or two higher than me.
It usually just happens when I'm leveling pets random places - so the pets I'm fighting are usually a level or two higher than me.
Re: Where to farm battle stones..
I have had quite a bit of luck with Jade Temple grounds I have got 3 beast and 1aquatic from the snakes and turtles a few critter stones from the valley and some humanoid stones from the runts in Kai Lani Summit every stone I have ever had drop has matched the initial pet that I was batteling except for getting dragon stones from elementals
I have also had 5 BoE stones drop each one has sold for 10K
I always tell myself I am leveling pets and not farming for stones so I don't get disappointed if nothing drops
I have also had 5 BoE stones drop each one has sold for 10K
I always tell myself I am leveling pets and not farming for stones so I don't get disappointed if nothing drops

Re: Where to farm battle stones..
The only time I've had battle stones in the wild is when I've captured a rare pet. Just to confirm, they do come from killing pets too, right?
I've battled dozens of arcane eyes and never seen one drop.
I've battled dozens of arcane eyes and never seen one drop.
- Gwenolyn
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Re: Where to farm battle stones..
I've received lots of stone from battling in the wild. Trying to lvl all my pets to 25 and get the 5000 battles achieve. So, I've done lots of battle. Got a few plain flawless, and several aquatic, critter, flyer. Mostly lvling in Vale.
Hope this helps.
Edit: they do not drop only from capturing pets; that must have been a coincidence.
Hope this helps.
Edit: they do not drop only from capturing pets; that must have been a coincidence.