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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Megaslacker » February 11th, 2013, 2:20 am

A really good way to level your pets is to battle Farmer Nishi in the Valley of the Four Winds. You will need a pet that deals damage to the backline with an ability such as Tidal Wave from Pandaren Water Spirit, a pet that can change the weather or do more than 300 damage a round such as Fel Flame, and the pet that you want to level need to have at least 800ish hp.

He usually starts with Siren, a pet that casts sunlight and spams heal on himself throughout the fight. Simply get a pet with a heal, such as Pandaren Water Spirit (level 25 pref) and have him use Tidal Wave the entire fight until the backline pets are dead. Switch to Fel Flame and use his Scorched Earth to Conflag combo to kill Siren.

The pet you're power leveling should gain 4000+ experience, which is enough to level it several times. Repeat every day until you have as many level 25 pets as you want.

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Xaniia » February 11th, 2013, 2:30 am

I have found that using the Onyxian Whelpling ability Scorched Earth opponent will be 'burning'
then switch it out for Phoenix Hatchling and use the Conflagrate combo.
While Conflagrate is on cooldown use Immolate to keep target 'burning' while also doing dmg and use Conflagrate again as you see fit.
Provides for very large spurts of damage. This helped me beat quite a few of the Tamers and get the 'Tamer' title.

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Combatboots7 » February 11th, 2013, 2:37 am

Hunting Summit Kid, Tolai Hare, Alpine Foxling, or Alpine Foxling Kits in Kun-Lai Summit may seem easy when on a low level monk visiting The Peak of Serenity. However, no amount of careful drops, or tiny taps can get you close enough to battle. The mists of Pandaria will whisk you away to the safety of the temple before you can reach your goal, though not always before dropping to your death. :oops: It is best to wait until your character is of sufficient level to visit all of Kun-Lai Summit, (or the North Eastern edge of Towlong Steppes, where you can find all but the Summit Kid).

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Colcannon » February 11th, 2013, 2:56 am

Darkmoon Zeppelin

To quickly train up a pet from level 1 to 10, get your Darkmoon Zeppelin to 25 then head to Hellfire Peninsula! The only pets that spawn there are adder and scorpid (both beast types), so its missile will tear through them in 2 hits. Finish the last pet off with explode, which deals around 900 damage to beasts, enough to one shot nearly every pet you come across. In your two other battle slots, have either 2 low level pets or 1 low level and one level 25 pet, and watch the xp roll in.

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Wender » February 11th, 2013, 2:57 am

mojo or any other frog, can be a good choice for combat due to frog kiss and it's hex effect

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Argentsun » February 11th, 2013, 3:41 am

[pet]Lil' Ragnaros[/pet] (or Fel Flame, if you can't / don't want to spend the money on the tiny Firelord) is an incredibly powerful pet against Mechanical opponents. Flamethrower does quite a bit of damage even on its own, but when followed by a Conflagrate, you are looking at easily over 1,500 damage in two turns if your opponent is Mechanical. Sulfuras Smash is, of course, a nice addition, so you don't have to spam Flamethrower while the Burning effect is still on.

Fel Flame works virtually the same way - open with Immolate (not to be confused with Immolation!), follow up with Conflagrate, and fill in the blanks with either Burn or Flame Breath. I recommend Burn, since Flame Breath is not truly spammable, because of its DoT effect.

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Kamira » February 11th, 2013, 3:46 am

Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling

... Having problems with the Darkmoon Faire trainer try using a MPD.

Start off against his Darkmoon Eye where you have double advantage with Breath (mech taking less damage from magic, dragon dealing more damage against magic). With that and Decoy you easily come through the DM Eye with neigh full health.
With decoy you should be able to wear down the Darkmoon Tonk. I keep Explode as my third abilty, for a last resort on the DM Tonk.
Are you able to do this, you can bring two pets against his Darkmoon Monkey.

I bring along a [pet]Lil' Ragnaros[/pet] and Fluxfire Feline (breed 5) for easy Flamethrower+Conflagrate for emergency Tonk removal and a few hits on the DM Monkey and a good 'ol three round FFF (Supercharge+Wind-up+Wind-up) for DM Monkey punishment.

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Quicksilverisma » February 11th, 2013, 3:57 am

Nuts may look weak and unthreatening, but following up his Woodchipper with a Blood in the water from Snarly quickly proves that he has powerful friends. :)

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Maliander » February 11th, 2013, 4:11 am

[pet]Landro's Lil' XT[/pet] is a great asset if you want to level a pet but don't want to push too many buttons: using Heartbroken followed by Tympanic Tantrum allows you to nearly wipe out an entire team of beasts, such as frequently found it Jade Forest.

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Wolgan » February 11th, 2013, 4:28 am

The Fledgling Nether Ray is a fantastic secondary for leveling low level pets, as it has a wide array of spell types. It has spells good against Critter, Magic, Humanoid, Flying, Aquatic, and Mechanical. 6 different types on a single pet!

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Gazy » February 11th, 2013, 4:29 am


A nightmare to get.
Took me 41 days to get it. I had one of my toon camping the place.
Connecting on it and checking all the time...
I just thought it was a legend! Checked all advises on warcraftpets the only good one is to post someone there and check and be patient.
And one day i saw one on my screen, oh god I was shaking and sweating.
Landing, engage combat without checking my team and I almost killed it.

Luckily it I did not and managed to capture a normal quality one. Good enough, I stoned it to upgrade to blue!

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Entangled » February 11th, 2013, 4:32 am

Ah Celestial Dragon, the adventures that you and I have been on together. My sparkly companion of choice; I love your happy disposition and your moonfire which although makes me wince when it misses, still gives me the benefit of 25% extra healing goodness and 10% arcane damage. Ancient Blessing has saved us on many occasions, more than I care to admit - and I always smile when you outheal your attackers or capture that tricky, yet way too nimble opponent.

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Sresnick42 » February 11th, 2013, 6:09 am

Searing Scorchling

Probably one of my favorites, more so because it's fairly rare to have now that it's no longer found on Ahune. Fire fire fire! By throwing out Scorched Earth you set yourself up for being able to follow immediately with a double damage Conflag. Stack a party full of Conflags and you can keep switching them out while they're on cooldown!

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by SDimou » February 11th, 2013, 6:10 am

Singing Sunflower

I'm not going to post any fancy strategy about this pet here, I just love this pet for the beautiful (and some times frustrating) time I spend, trying to get it, playing the WoW version of another of my favorite games "Plants vs Zombies"!!! It was ALL worth it!!!

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Luacheia » February 11th, 2013, 6:44 am

Aqua Strider

(Drops of [npc=]Nalash Verdantis[/npc] in Dread Wastes)

... is my clear favorit of all aquatic pets. It lacks abit in health and damage, but it's insane speed (374 at 25, always rare) makes it go before anything you face, letting you get that last Pump in or your Healing Wave off before a hit.
With Cleansing Rain you see way above 4 figure damage numbers against elementals.

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Grimzombi » February 11th, 2013, 7:36 am

Crawling Claw

A neat little feature about this pet is that if you bring it around another one, they will play rock, paper, scissors until one of them loses. Then the losing one will despawn itself.

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Vorss » February 11th, 2013, 7:40 am

Mirror Strider

I find this pet is great against some of the Tamers. I use it often to help level other pets with the Water Jet, Cleansing Rain and Pump abilities selected. Against Farmer Nishi, he usually clears all opposing pets by himself, allowing me to level 1 or even 2 other pets.

For example, I started to level a new pet tonight from level 1. I used a few Mongoose and Mongoose Pup opponents for 3 or 4 battles to get some levels - they usually start fights with a Dive, allowing the lowbie pet an action without losing health. Then I moved on to Farmer Nishi. After that battle, the lowbie pet was level 15 - not bad for 4 or 5 battles.

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Geka » February 11th, 2013, 7:44 am

Wildhammer Gryphon Hatchling

I never thought I can fall in love from the first sight but I did :D

It's not easy to find this cute guy ( I'm a Horde) because it seems never come first in pet battle. I've got mine in rare quality in random battle in Twilight Highlands and from this moment it always cheer me up with its Flock. This pet is pretty powerful against aquatic rivals.

Also don't forget to tame Snowy Owl, it's so called "winter pet" and will be available till approx 22-23 March, after that meet " summer pet" Qiraji Guardling. Good luck to everybody :)
Last edited by Geka on February 11th, 2013, 7:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Abeirleb » February 11th, 2013, 7:53 am


To obtain the Hopling pet queue in DF or grab some friends and clear Stormstout Brewery Instance. After completion drink Ling-Tings Favorite Tea available from Auntie Stormstout at the start of the dungeon and you will be able to see Golden Hoplings around the instance.

If you collect 30 of these you get an Achievement and the pet. The achieve effects the whole party so you and your friends can farm this great pet together!

I found the Hopling great to use, mostly thanks to his attack which, if successful, also stuns the target, costing them a round. He is also very fast - more often than not first to attack.

A useful macro is /tar Golden Hopling for finding those pesky critters!

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Vani » February 11th, 2013, 8:05 am

In my oppinion the Emerald Proto-Whelp is one of the most underestimated pets.

Get him Emerald Bite, Emerald Presence and Dream of Cenarius and you can basically solo some trainers in Pandaria. Just keep Emerald Presence up all the time and heal yourself with Dream of Cenarius when you have 40-50% hp left.

Works great against the Pandaren Air-Spirit and Mo'ruk!

The fights may take a while, but... give him a chance :)

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