If you're not in the beta, feel free to make a list here and I'll happily copy it into the thread.

Personally, I wouldn't be for this. I'm not a big fan of involving raids/dungeons in pet collecting, at any level unless there's another source/option to get the pet. Not everyone has a guild or close friends they can fall back on to help them get through PVE content, so it would mean pugging for them. Would it then be a free-for-all and whoever "tags" it first gets to claim it? Or would it be based completely on RNG and out of the 10 chances, it happens to spawn, it goes to someone that doesn't even really want it? (I'm getting holiday loot bag flashbacks here)Evilgnomey wrote:I'd like to see rare spawning wild battle pets inside instances, 1 in 10 to 1 in 50 chance of spawning depending on the instance and if it's a raid/heroic/normal dungeon. some suggestions:
*Lil Hogger pup(?) [Humanoid] - spawns behind hogger boss in stockades. 1 in 10 chance to spawn.
*Son of Supremus [Elemental] - spawns behind supremus in black temple raid. 1 in 20 chance to spawn.
*Offspring of Anzu [Flying] - Spawns in Sethekk Halls in the area where Anzu is summoned and on heroic only. 1 in 15 chance to spawn.
*Little Silithid Tank [Beast] - Spawns behind Buru in AQ20. 1 in 15 chance to spawn.
*Tiny armored Voidwalker [Magic] - Spawns around Pandemonius in Mana-Tombs. 1 in 30 chance to spawn.
*Little Flame Leviathan [Mechanical] - Spawns behind Flame Leviathan in Ulduar 1 in 20 chance to spawn.
One for each type of pet (10) seems like a good number of rare-spawn pets to start with. They should be spread out through all levels.