Very few pets that I need (that I can't farm myself & am working on), but like many, they are hard to get..

Want to trade/buy:

Have to trade:
Throne of Thunder pet: Son of Animus
TCG Pets: Eye of the Legion, Gusting Grimoire & Purple Puffer
Rare Drops: Aqua Strider, Grinder, Hyacinth Macaw, Gundrak Hatchling, all 4 Whelps & Sunreaver Micro-Sentry
Bag Drops: Porcupette, Sunfur Panda, Pandaren Air, Fire & Water Spirits
Tourney: All the Horde & Alliance Argent Tourney Pets
Professions: All Archaeology pets except Crawling Claw & any Enchanting pet
Will trade multiple pets &/or pay gold for the TCG pets & Wind Rider Cub I need
Thank you for looking & good luck pet hunting!

SamusAran {A} Ravencrest US
Zeldashadow {H} Ravencrest US
Battletag: ShadowPhoenx#1928